Blake's Choice (4 page)

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Authors: Louisa Masters

BOOK: Blake's Choice
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Blake slid his hand down her body and between her legs and stroked through the wet heat, circling around her clit as he tugged at her nipple with his teeth. Her pussy clenched, cream sliding over his fingers, and a moan was torn from deep inside her.

He laved his tongue over her tender skin, and planted soft kisses down her stomach, nuzzling as he went.

“Blake,” she mumbled his name, her legs parting, one knee bending. He lifted his head and briefly met her gaze, then smiled. “So, that’s what you want, eh?”

Her hands were still tangled in his hair, and she tugged, pouting. “Please, Blake?”

He looked down, licked his lips and bent and hovered over her pussy. He blew gently on her sensitive flesh and she shivered, her legs widening.

He lowered his head that last little bit, and the first long lick elicited moans from both of them.

He traced his hand up the inside of her thigh, slid through thick cream, tickled at her entrance. He abandoned her sweet spot, instead licking down, up, lingering, inhaling her scent and unique flavour. Blake slid two fingers into her, and her inner muscles tightened around them.

He lifted his head and waited for her protest. “Touch yourself,” he ordered. She lifted shaky hands to her breasts, smoothing over the soft skin and tweaking her nipples. “Good girl.” He bent back to his task, stroking inside her as he nibbled on her clit. Her body was racked with tremors now, and her moans were like music. He turned his fingers, searching, and then found that spongy spot. He gently scraped his teeth over her clit at the same time that he pressed on her G-spot.

She keened and her cunt clamped down on his fingers as she came, her cream spilling over his hand.

Mandy was still floating when Blake’s dick slid into her. “Mmm.” The familiar stretch was wonderful, and her pussy twitched.

His groan thrilled her, and she deliberately tightened her muscles. This time the sound was strangled, and he surged up into her, balancing his weight on his forearms.

His gaze met hers, his teal eyes almost seeming to glow.

“I need you.” He breathed hard. Her insides contracted again, and he thrust.

She gasped, tilting her pelvis to give him better access. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. He rocked forward, the powerful movement of his hips driving his cock hard, abrading swollen tissue. Her inner muscles forgot their fatigue as her clit began to tingle again. The hair on his chest rasped against her over-responsive breasts. Her cunt pulsed, clenched, throbbed, and she screamed as he pumped into her, over and over, until she went over the edge again.

Chapter Five

Blake put away the last of the breakfast dishes and sat at the table with the newspaper. He used to read it during breakfast, but whenever Mandy stayed over he preferred to talk to her. She’d been a bit subdued today, but her goodbye kiss had been just as warm as always.

His cell buzzed, and he leant back in his chair to snag it from the counter. “Hey, Daniel.” He turned the page and began skimming an article on vandalism.

“It’s not Daniel,” Karen said.

Blake frowned. “Karen. Hi. What’s up? Daniel okay?”

“Yeah, he’s fine. I actually want to talk to you about Mandy.”

Blake shoved his chair back and stood. “She only left a few minutes ago. She’s okay, isn’t she? Has something happened?”

“Relax, Blake. She’s fine, as far as I know. I want to talk to you about her fundraiser.”

Blake sighed and sat again. “Mandy and I talked about this last night, Karen. She understands why I can’t go.”

“She might understand, but she’s still hurt. I, on the other hand, am not hurt, but I don’t understand why you can’t do this for her. It’s a really small thing in the scheme of it all. We’ll find a quiet spot near the back. You can wear sunglasses and a hat, don’t talk to strangers, and people won’t even look in your direction, much less wonder who you are. Daniel and I would be there to provide a distraction if someone does get curious. And Mandy would be so happy to have your support.”

Blake put his head down on the table, forehead resting on newsprint, phone still held to his ear. His gut churned.


“No, don’t say anything. Just think about it. And don’t tell Mandy I called you, because she’d freak out.” She disconnected the call before he could even form a goodbye. He straightened and put the phone on the table.


* * * *

Mandy kicked her apartment door closed behind her and dumped her stuff on the floor. Tomorrow was the big day. In twenty-four hours, it would all be over. Regularly scheduled programming would resume, and she could focus on her relationship with Blake.

She’d been trying really hard not to care that he wasn’t coming to the picnic. She understood why. She didn’t want to put him through any emotional trauma. But deep down, she was still hoping that he’d change his mind, because she couldn’t help feeling that she wasn’t important enough.

They were both pretending there was no problem, but the easiness between them had disappeared, and they’d gone from having marathon sex every night to only every couple of nights. Plus, no more spontaneous lunch breaks. And she’d spent two nights at her place without him.

Mandy heaved a sigh and fished her cell phone out of her purse. She left everything else where it was and headed to the kitchen. Until the picnic was over, she was officially on call for all disasters that might occur.

She opened the fridge and noted the lack of appealing food. Maybe she’d just open a can of soup.

The doorbell rang, and she looked at the clock on the wall. Eight o’clock. Not late, but she hadn’t been expecting guests.
Maybe if I ignore it, they’ll go away
. The bell rang again and she made a face.
Damn it.

Huffing, she hurried back up the hallway. The sooner she got rid of whoever it was, the sooner she could heat up her soup. She yanked open the door.

“Blake.” He stood there, all gorgeous with his hooded teal eyes, his almost-curly hair and his muscled forearms, and she wanted to take a big bite out of him. “Why didn’t you use your key?” she asked inanely. He smiled, and her knees went weak.

“I wasn’t sure if you wanted me here. This way, you can shut the door if you’d rather be alone.” He winked, and she grinned and stepped back.

“Come in, you big idiot.”

He locked up behind him and stepped over the pile on the floor without a word, even though she knew it was killing his organised soul. He followed her back to the kitchen.

“Have you eaten?” she asked. He caught her wrist and swung her around into his arms, then planted a kiss square on her mouth.

“Hey.” His smile warmed her, and she kissed him.

“Hi. So, are you hungry?”

“I could eat. What have you got?” He glanced around the kitchen, frowning.

Mandy shrugged. “I was going to heat up some soup.”

Blake didn’t look impressed, but he turned her towards the table. “I’ll do it. You sit.” Gratefully, Mandy complied.

“So”—Blake watched the can opener as it did its thing—“I know you have to be there early tomorrow, so I was thinking I’d get Daniel and Karen to pick me up on their way.”

She blinked. He wasn’t looking at her, but there was a pinkish stain high on his cheekbones. “You’re going to come tomorrow?” She stamped down on the hope blooming in her chest. Maybe she’d misunderstood.

“Yeah.” He sighed, and turned around to meet her gaze dead-on. “I know this is important to you, and I want you to be happy. I care about you a lot. So I’m going to wear sunglasses and a hat and stay out of the way, but I’m coming.”

Tears welled up in Mandy’s eyes. She felt like an idiot as she dashed them away, then leapt across the room into his arms, and scattered kisses over his face.

“Thank you! Oh, thank you, I’m so glad.”

He chuckled and hoisted her into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and leaned her forehead against his. “Thank you,” she whispered, and kissed him, a soft kiss at the corner of his mouth. Then another one, at the other corner, and finally a proper kiss, full on the mouth.

“Mmmm…” Blake’s moan got her wet. Just knowing that she turned him on was a turn on, and she could feel some definite interest stirring in his pants. She wriggled and unclasped her legs, rubbing against him as she slid to her feet and broke their kiss.

“Come on.” She grabbed his hand and tugged him after her, out of the kitchen and down the hall.

“Mandy, the soup.” His protest was weak, and she flipped him an arch look over her shoulder.

“It’s still in the can, Blake. Relax, and follow me.” Turning back, she changed her mind and stopped. Blake ran into the back of her.


She turned in his arms, tipped her head back and kissed his throat. “You know, we’ve had sex in nearly every room in my apartment. And your condo.” She licked his collarbone and he shuddered, running his hands down her back and over her ass.

“True. Wait…I think we’ve done every room here. Some of them more than once.” He bent and kissed her, distracting her from her mission. Reluctantly, she pulled back.

“We’ve never christened the hall.” She smiled, practically daring him. He laughed, and she pressed her lips to his chest, absorbing the vibration.

“Our first time was in the front entrance,” he pointed out, but he didn’t resist when she started unbuttoning his shirt.

“That doesn’t count.” She licked his right nipple, then the left. His chest heaved as he sucked in a deep breath.

“Okay, so hallway it is.” He stripped off his shirt and got started on his pants. “What are you standing there for? Strip.”

Mandy unzipped her skirt. “You’re such a romantic.”

“Hey, you started it.” Naked and clearly aroused, he pulled the clip out of her hair and ran his fingers through it. “You’re so pretty.”

Heat crept up her neck. “Thanks. Kiss?”

He backed her up against the wall and kissed her, long, hot and with lots of tongue. His body pressed her against the wall, and she undulated against his dick. He released her hair and stroked down her body, brushing his fingers feather-light against her skin, and soon she wasn’t sure what was him and what was the wafting air from the air-conditioner. She shivered, her nipples tightening almost painfully, then Blake’s hands were on her hips, firm and steady.

She moaned and rubbed against him again, loving the drag of his hard cock on her abdomen, the dampness that signified pre-cum. She tore her mouth away from his.

“Blake, do it, put it in. I don’t want to wait.” He didn’t argue, just lifted her. She opened her legs and wrapped herself, arms and legs, around him as he positioned himself and pushed into her. She wasn’t as ready as she could have been, but she was wet enough to enjoy the friction as he slid in. “Ungh…” She bit his neck as he began to thrust, a steady rhythm…too steady. “Blake!” She deliberately contracted her pussy muscles around him, and he gasped, his breathing becoming uneven. She did it again, and this time he moaned, losing his rhythm. “Harder,” she whispered, digging her hands and feet into his back, and he started pumping again. This time his strokes were shorter, harder, less about rhythm and more about instinct. Mandy’s breathing hitched, and her whole body began to tingle as he continued to drive into her, his skin damp with sweat. Pressure built deep in her pelvis.

“Blake, I’m going to come, just a bit more, more… Ohhh…”

Every muscle tensed, clenching hard, and the pleasure-pain was almost too much, then it was over and she was limp. Only Blake’s grip on her and the wall at her back kept her from being a puddle on the floor, as Blake continued to pound into her. Amazingly, terrifyingly, the tingling returned, and as Blake groaned and pumped into her one last time, her cunt spasmed again.

Chapter Six

Mandy’s phone beeped. She tore her attention away from the activity at the food booths. It was a text from Blake saying they’d arrived, and where they were setting up.

A warm glow spread through her chest. Every time she remembered that Blake was attending, happiness flooded her. After a quick check to make sure everything was under control, she left matters in the hands of the experts and wove her way through the crowd towards her honey and her friends.

Daniel caught sight of her first and waved. They’d chosen a spot on the fringe of the crowd, next to a big tree with some low-hanging branches. The day was bright and sunny, so the three of them looked quite normal in hats and sunglasses. A blanket was spread on the grass, and Mandy caught sight of a wine bottle and a hamper from the gourmet deli near Daniel’s place.

“Hey.” She plopped down on the blanket and leaned over to kiss Blake.

“Hey yourself.” He smiled and held out a wineglass. She took it and sipped the deliciously fruity wine, then passed the glass back.

“That’s it for me. I’m working.”

Karen checked her watch. “Only for seven more hours, max. Then you can relax.”

Mandy’s cell rang. “You cursed it,” she told her best friend.

“Amanda speaking.”

“Mandy, it’s Colin. Do you know what time the band is getting here?” Mandy frowned and waved away the grapes Karen offered her.

“They’re not here? They were due”—she glanced at her watch—“about half an hour ago.”

“Well, they’re not here.” The sound technician didn’t sound happy. Mandy knew that until the band arrived he couldn’t perform most of the sound checks.

“Okay, give me a second and I’ll find out what’s going on.” He grunted an acknowledgement and she disconnected the call.

“Problem?” Blake asked as she scrolled through the contacts on her phone.

“Don’t know yet. I hope not.” She found the number she was looking for and waited for The Shit Kickers’ publicist to pick up.

“Mandy, hey,” the man sounded harried, and Mandy felt the first dull throb of a headache.

“Paul. What’s happening? Why aren’t the guys here? They go on in less than an hour.”

“Yeah.” There was an awkward pause. “Here’s the thing, Mandy. The guys have decided they don’t want to perform today.”

The throb became a vice, squeezing her head until she thought it would explode. “What?” The word came out as a hoarse whisper, and she cleared her throat. “What?”

“I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to talk sense into them, but to be honest, I don’t think you’d want them there anyway. They’re stoned, and the picnic is a family event…” he droned on, but Mandy heard only the buzzing in her ears. Her phone slipped from her hand.

“Mandy?” Blake’s voice, sharp and direct, and his hand on her cheek, snapped her back. “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head and picked up her phone. “Paul?” She cut into his rambling excuses. “If you’re ever in this situation again, I suggest you call the event organiser earlier so she can try to find a replacement!” She disconnected the call, wishing it was an old fashioned landline she could have slammed down.

“Mandy, what happened?” She looked up. Karen, Blake and Daniel watched her, concern on their faces. She swallowed hard.

“The band cancelled.”

“Goddamnmotherfuckingcuntwhores!” Karen rarely swore, but when she did, it was always in epic proportions.

“Can they do that?” Daniel scowled, and if the band had been there to see it, they’d probably have pissed their pants.

Mandy shrugged, trying to keep calm. “I can’t force them to play. They made a commitment, but it was for a charity performance, so it’s not like I can refuse to pay them or anything.” She forced a smile. “I’ll call some of the booking agents. We might be able to get someone else.” She scrambled to her feet. “Back to the salt mines!” As she walked away, she blinked hard to stop the tears. It was eleven-forty-five a.m. on a Saturday, and she needed performers who could be ready to go within the hour. Someone who could placate a crowd waiting for the current hot band.

She was screwed.

Blake couldn’t get that last glimpse of Mandy’s face out of his head. She’d been devastated, and it ripped at his heart.

Karen had been calling curses down on the band for the last fifteen minutes, between making calls to her fellow talent agents in the desperate hope that someone could help out. Finally, she groaned.

“I feel so helpless.” She leant back against Daniel, who cuddled her.

“Call Mandy,” he suggested. “Maybe she got lucky and found someone.” Karen straightened and gave her lover a ‘get real’ look, but obediently dialled.

“Mandy? How’d it go? Oh. Yeah, okay. Well, you can hold off for a while, people are used to waiting for performers. Maybe someone will call you back. Okay. Bye.” She was shaking her head before she’d even pulled the phone away from her ear. “Two of the bookers are still calling their clients, but they’re not hopeful.” She looked around. “This is not going to end well. They got so many teenagers here today because The Shit Kickers were coming, but these kids’ll probably start a riot. The press is here. People paid money to be here, they were promised entertainment…” Karen rubbed a hand over her face. “Mandy’s probably going to lose her job.”

Daniel wrapped his arms around her. “Blake.”

Blake met his friend’s gaze. He couldn’t pretend to not understand. He’d been trying not to think about it himself. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he shook his head compulsively.

“I saw Rick just the other day. I’ll bet he could round up a band and be here pretty quick. If you asked.”

Karen lifted her head, hope blooming on her face. “I didn’t even think of that. Blake, you could save her ass. God, it would make her career!”

He shook his head again. “I can’t. I-I can’t.”

Daniel shrugged. “It’s your call.”

Blake closed his eyes, trying to banish the image of Mandy’s face after that phone call. He’d do anything to make that look go away. But… Unbidden, the vision of Dale Grange, staggering after he’d shot himself, flashed through his mind. He jerked his eyes open.

Karen’s gaze was glued to his face. “We’re not suggesting that you take up touring again. You do one surprise charity appearance. There won’t be any press exposure until after the fact—those cameras might be rolling, but there’s no live feed. In a couple of hours, it’ll be over.”

Blake looked down at his hands, and absently noted that they were shaking.

* * * *

The crowd was restless. Mandy stood to the side of the stage area, empty inside. The Shit Kickers had been due to go on at twelve-thirty p.m., and it was now one-fifteen p.m. She couldn’t drag it out any longer.

She sucked in a deep breath and climbed the steps to the stage. As she crossed to the microphone, she heard the crowd stirring, the calls of “They’re starting!” She tapped the microphone and swallowed against the lump in her throat.

“Hi, everyone.” The noise generated by several thousand people began to settle. “Thanks for coming today, and I hope you’re having a good time.” There were shouts of agreement and good cheer from the clumps of teenagers scattered in amongst the families. Mandy shot a quick look at the head of security. He’d already been warned that there might be some trouble.

“I know you’re all eager to see The Shit Kickers. But—”

“But we’ve managed to get a special surprise for you!”

Mandy whirled and saw Karen, a microphone in hand, striding across the stage towards her.
What the hell is she doing?

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m afraid you’ll have to forgo The Shit Kickers today. Because instead,” she raised her voice above the first grumbles, “it’s our pleasure to welcome Blake Hawley!”

Dead silence. Nobody in the crowd seemed to know what to say. Mandy’s gut clenched and she stared at Karen. “What…?” she whispered.

Movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention, and she turned her head to see four big men striding onto the stage. A drum kit was quickly assembled, amps set up and guitars plugged in. The crowd started to murmur, a wave of hushed excitement washing over them. Karen caught hold of Mandy’s wrist and tugged her away from the central microphone.

“Karen, what—?”

A drumbeat exploded across the stage, and the first chords of Choices rang out. Then, striding up the steps and across the stage like he owned it, guitar in his arms, sunglasses and hat long gone, was her super-sexy rock god boyfriend.

The crowd went insane.

“What the hell—how—I mean…” Mandy mumbled, following Karen down the steps and around behind the stage, where they found Daniel and another man waiting.

“You must be Mandy,” the stranger shouted over the music, offering a hand. “I’m Rick Clarke.”

“Rick was Blake’s manager,” Daniel explained. “He found a band for us.”

Mandy shook the man’s hand, dazed. “What…?” She turned and walked back around the stage. Sure enough, Blake was up there, singing and playing, and he looked more alive than she’d ever seen him around other people. He looked in her direction and winked.

Tears flooded her eyes.

“Hey.” Karen’s arms came around her. “It’s okay.” They stood there and watched Blake, listened to the roar of the crowd.

Choices came to an end, and Blake stood at the front of the stage, master of all he surveyed. “Hey there, boys and girls!”

The crowd roared in response.

“It’s great to see you all here supporting this great cause!” He paused to accommodate the shouts and whistles. “Before we get started, I just want to give a shout out to the team that made today possible, including superstar sound tech Colin.” Another pause. Cameras flashed from all directions.

“But the lion’s share of credit goes to Amanda Coyle, the event organiser. Mandy”—he turned to look at her, his teal gaze laser sharp—“I love you, baby.”

* * * *

Mandy unlocked the door to Blake’s condo and practically fell inside. She was exhausted. “Blake?” She hadn’t had a chance to speak to him since his performance. When he’d come off the stage he’d grabbed her in a hot, sweaty embrace, kissed her and had been whisked off by security to a secluded location for a very brief press conference. The crowds of people at the picnic, revved beyond belief by the unexpected treat, had taken all her attention for the remainder of the afternoon.

“I’m in here.”

She hurried down the hallway to the living room, where she found him sacked out on the couch in front of a ball game. He looked up when she came in and muted the sound.


She didn’t bother to answer, just bounded across the room to leap on him. “Are you okay?”

He stroked a finger down her cheek and smiled. “I’m fine, baby. I was scared shitless at first, but…” He leant forward and kissed her. “In the end, it felt great. I hadn’t realised how much I missed it.”

“I’m glad.” She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. Leaning her head against his chest, she swallowed and said, “What you said while you were up there—”

“I love you.”

Hearing it again warmed her from the toes up. “I love you,” she murmured against his neck.

He tugged her upright. “I love you more. And I saved your ass.” His eyes twinkled with friendly competition, and he curved his hand around her butt.

She grinned, the last knot of tension in her belly loosening. “You did save my ass. Now, what do you wanna do with it?”

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