Blayne Edwards (22 page)

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Authors: Caine

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Blayne Edwards
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Chloe lay panting after listening to the front door close with a click.


She shifted on the bed to look around the corner and into the living room. It was empty.

“That son of a bitch.”

It would seem to her that the Caine brothers were hell bent on driving her insane that day. Although Luke wasn’t the man she was supposed to be with, he had most certainly done a hell of a job of warming her up when he’d taken her mouth with his and reminded her what it would feel like to make love to Caine. Now that Chloe lay alone and hornier than she thought humanly possible due to the fact that Tweedle Dee hadn’t finished her either, Chloe was wondering if perhaps she should have fucked Tweedle Dum again anyway.

But that was out of the question. No matter how damned horny she was. Despite the fantasies that she loved to have, Chloe wanted one man in her bed. One man in her body.

All the others were forever confined to the bedrooms of her dreams and past romps in the sack. But she
beginning to wonder if she’d have any better luck with a good old-fashioned orgasm by way of actual intercourse if she made the trip to Wonderland herself. Mad Hatter seemed twisted enough to deal with the likes of her, she supposed.

But Caine also seemed very twisted in the bedroom now. Even more so than she would have thought since he’d done this to her.

The bastard.

Chloe grinned and wondered what the beast was planning to do to her next. And she grinned because the promise of having him inside her body made Chloe ache with need and desire. She felt empty now, as she lay on her bed alone, without his fingers or sex to fill her body or his company to fill her mind.

He was torturing her. Teasing her. She had felt it in his fingertips as he’d dragged them down her body. The hard, emphatic evidence of what he wanted from her had pressed into her as he’d laid her back on the bed and Chloe knew that he had to be suffering just as much as she was.

Chloe had to consider the possibility that Caine was making sure that not only did she want him instead of his brother, but making sure that he wanted someone Luke had already been with. She didn’t want to think that Caine would be so closed minded, but there was that chance.

She also considered that he was concerned about her not being the logical, got it together kind of woman that a man of Caine’s intelligence would need in his life. It bothered Chloe that he might be so unaccepting of her if she did prove a bit eccentric with her fantasies. She had always thought that there were other things that made up for at least some faults when a person found a mate. Like love. And devotion. Mutual understanding.

And really great sex.

Love and devotion and mutual understanding aside, Chloe most definitely needed the sex part from this man. Badly. Her body was standing inside itself tapping its foot seeing how she had allowed it to get all worked up—twice in the past day, for cripes sake—and then hadn’t managed to find it some real, hard male Caine cock inside her satisfaction.

She lay back on the bed again and stared up at the ceiling. She could see Caine in her mind. Braced above her. Hovering. And then pressing down on her when his own pleasure became too much for him to bear alone.

Chloe glanced into the living room again to make sure he wasn’t hiding behind the corner or going through drawers looking for a condom.

Nope. Still alone.

She laid back again and closed her eyes. Pictured him again. Above her. Staring down at her. Her fingers followed his path down her body, stopping to tease and pinch at every spot in which she needed attention. Her skin felt smooth and cooler than his, and she had to stop and consider if it was the very things such as this that made him hard when he touched her. What it was about a woman’s body that made a man hard had always fascinated her. She felt and looked and smelled nothing like him. Chloe could stand and look at her own body in the mirror for days and wonder what it was that a man saw when his eyes looked at her flesh.

As for what made her wet, Chloe knew the answer to that. And she used it as she continued with yet another solo fantasy. His own flesh was warm and sinewy. And foreign in a way that forced her to remember that it was not her own flesh she was touching, but that of another creature. Of the opposite sex.

She made her fingers his. Chloe imagined Caine gripping her sex. Caine’s hands kneading and caressing her thighs and butt. Caine’s fingers inside her.

He stroked at her clit. Teased it. Chloe brought her fingertips to her mouth and tasted where his skin had been inside her own. Just as he had done before he’d left her. If only for a moment.

He would not be this restrained when he finally came to her. Hopefully. Nor hopefully would she. Chloe’s eyes remained closed and she moaned as she thought about the way he had trembled when he’d touched her. Caine had been exploding inside with need and he had again denied himself. Chloe could only hope that by the time he completely gave in to his urges, the results would match any story she had ever read or even had the balls to imagine.

Perhaps this was what he wanted for her. Maybe it was possible that he had used her own trembling and the sounds of her breath and the feel of her pulse as a lesson in what she really wanted. Being left alone after such a trying day wasn’t what she’d been seeking, but if it led to his being the beast she wanted him to be, Chloe would wait for it.

Her body, however, wouldn’t be that agreeable with her mental satisfaction. Chloe felt her sex begin to throb and pulse deep inside. She slowed her fingers and dove into herself before pressing against her swollen clit again and rubbing. Her nipples ached and Chloe wet the fingers of her other hand with the excitement from her own body before teasing them one at a time.

This was Caine’s mouth on her nipples. His hungry tongue. His lips smelled and were flavored of her sex after he had tasted and loved her with his mouth.

She tightened as she came. And then forced herself to relax as she rode the climax. As she would have to relax when she took all of him inside her. Chloe imagined her sex full and satisfied with so much of him inside it. As much of him as she could take.

Possibly more if he needed this from her.

It wasn’t right or the modern woman’s way of thinking for her to be willing to give so much to a man that it hurt. Physically, emotionally or sexually.

But Chloe’s dreams and fantasies hadn’t been shaped by society. Her sexual imagination had run through the forest with the shadows and stories of men she knew would need more than women of normal, proper society were sometimes able to give. Even when they were willing.

Caine would give her everything she needed. Someday. She knew this. As Chloe lay back and allowed her body to pulse out a beat of at least physical satisfaction, she thought about her great-grandmother’s love. The one who hadn’t existed.

But the one whose presence Chloe somehow felt as her orgasm slowed and she turned to see an old friend sitting outside the glass door.

Watching her.

Grinning at her having come so soon after Caine left her aroused and alone. If she hadn’t known better than to think such a thing.

* * * * *


“Where have you been?”

The wolf walked in through the door Chloe had opened the minute she’d seen him wander slowly up onto the porch. He looked tired, his eyes red and his head hanging lower than it ever should.

Chloe knelt down and reached for the dog’s face. His eyes didn’t come up to meet hers.

“What’s wrong, boy?”

The wolf sat down and sighed while looking around the cabin. Chloe followed his eyes around the room. They searched. She didn’t know for what.

She supposed he could smell that Barklee had just been there.

“Are you feeling all right, gorgeous?”

Chloe sat down on the floor and motioned to the dog. He eyed her nervously before raising his rump and then reconsidering her offer and resting it on the floor again. Chloe moved her own body and reached for the dog’s head.

“Come here, boy.”

She smoothed the hair down his neck. Patted and rubbed his neck. And gingerly kissed the wolf’s warm, wet nose. His eyes came to hers and she watched his tail thump twice against the floor.

Chloe smiled at him and took his beautiful face between her fingers.

“You just need some love, don’t you, sweetheart?”

She moved her finger just slightly to the left and looked at him again. It amazed her how much he looked like the alpha when she covered up that scar.

The animal didn’t even try to get out of her embrace.


Chapter Seventeen

“He’s more of a beast than you could ever be. He just left me here. All worked up and no way to come.” Chloe sighed and smiled at the same time.

“Damn, I want that man.”

Caine lay on the rug in front of the fireplace and listened to Chloe talk about him as she poked at the log about to roll out and singe his beautiful, fluffy, fucking tail. Caine hated winter. The static always seemed to make him puffy and cute. And that pissed him off more than stray dogs who peed on the Hummer’s tires.

Chloe poked a final time without adjusting the log and lay down on the rug beside him. Caine rolled his eyes as he stared into the fire and the impending log roll disaster. He supposed he could piss on the flames when the cabin caught fire, but he was going to need a beer first.

Damn, that did sound good.

Caine got up and walked all the way to the refrigerator before he realized that at the moment he didn’t have his goddamned thumbs.

And he could very distinctly smell Michelob in there. Chloe had followed him to the kitchen.

“You want something to eat?”

No, I want a beer.

“How about some jerky?” She dangled it. Caine rolled his eyes again.

Honey, could you possibly know how much anything with the word “jerk” in it fails to excite me right now?

“Let’s see…”

Caine sat down and watched Chloe start rummaging through the fridge. He spotted the beer. And some Chinese leftovers that would have been tasty as well. But nothing got his attention quicker than what the bitch did next.

She bent over.

And Caine’s ancestors would have raised their own Milkbones to toast his form.

Although his dismount left a lot to be desired.

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Chloe reached for the alpha’s body before she even picked herself up off of the floor. She hadn’t meant to knock them both down like she had, but the force of his trying to mount her had been just a little more than she was prepared to handle.

“Oh, dammit,” she cursed again as she examined the wolf. She’d very distinctly heard his head crack against the wooden floor when she had fallen on top of him in her attempt to get him off of her backside. Chloe tried to get her housecoat to stay closed but when it kept falling open and getting in her way, she jerked it off and threw it down on the floor before reaching back for the wolf again.

“Shit,” she said for the umpteenth time as she started to push herself up from the floor to find something to lay down for the wolf to rest his head on until he could stand up again. At the exact moment she once again used the potty mouth that she knew she would have to clean up once she and Caine had children, a log from the fireplace rolled out onto the rug in front of it and quickly lit the woven material into a crackling, cozy blaze.

“Oh, goddammit!”

Good thing she wasn’t expecting or anything.

And that was an understatement, to say the least. She wasn’t expecting Caine’s children yet and she hadn’t been expecting the alpha to try to make his own children with her, and now she wasn’t expecting her uncle’s cabin to burn down.

Chloe scrambled for something to do. Anything to do. And there was just so much all at once. She had to, um, fire…yes. Put out the fire first. Then put ice on the dog’s head. Find him a mate. Maybe that should be first. Close the refrigerator door…


She earned that one because Chloe hadn’t expected to get tangled up in the housecoat she had thrown down. And she hadn’t expected the floor to be quite so hard when she hit it face down.


She managed to roll over and survey her masterpiece in the catastrophic. Her housecoat was mysteriously gone from around her ankles. The jerky she’d forgotten she was holding while she stood at the refrigerator looking for something for the alpha to munch on was strewn across the floor. Her ankle was swelling with every beat of her heart. The front door was wide ass open and the alpha was nowhere in sight.

Oh yeah, and her uncle’s cabin was soon to be the site of the world’s largest weenie roast.

Chloe gritted her teeth together and tried to stand on the ankle she’d just twisted. It hurt like hell. So she started to crawl across the floor, hoping to God the alpha wasn’t behind her this time.

He wasn’t.

But what she saw walk in the front door when she looked up from her hands and knees was more shocking than even attempted canine induced sodomy.

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