Blaze's Second Chance (The Sinclair Men) (7 page)

BOOK: Blaze's Second Chance (The Sinclair Men)
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The stress completely evaporated around her. The stress of running her agency, the stress of Blaze and Chris and everything else, faded.

She wanted this, she decided.

She wanted to live a life without stress or fear or worry.

She would begin making plans to move out of the city and away from all the horrible stresses. She had built up a firm business. Cassie could afford to be away.

She groaned when the cool ocean lapped around her feet.

“Cassie Walker, is that you?” Cassie looked around for the feminine voice. “You probably don’t remember me.  I’m Erica, Erica Black.”

Cassie saw the small, petite woman approach. Long blonde waves of hair cascaded around her. Her face delicate and fine, the woman was beautiful.  She remembered her now. “You work for Sinclair Industry. A secretary, right?”

Erica nodded smiling. “That’s right. What’re you doing here? I haven’t seen you for years. What have you been up to?”

Cassie smiled. She
always liked Erica, a nice woman.

“Running my own business. I’m staying with the Sinclairs.” Cassie pointed behind her “What about you?”

“I left Sinclair not long after you. I’ve been doing a few things now and then. I’m staying with a bunch of friends across the beach.”

They walked along the beach, talking and catching up. They arranged a shopping trip at the local mall for the following day, so they could catch up some more.

They were both just moving up along the beach when Cassie noticed Chris stood waiting for her.

“Hi, Chris. Look who I bumped into.”

“Erica Black,” Chris said.

“Hi,” Erica said.

“Hi, Erica.”

Cassie looked from one to the other, wondering what had caused the sudden tension. Is this what her vacation was going to be like, full of tense, uncomfortable moments?

“I’ll pick you up tomorrow, Cassie,” Erica said as she walked away.

Cassie watched her go.

“Wow, she was all right until you showed up,” Cassie said. She watched as he stared after Erica.

“She always is,” he mumbled.

Not bothering to get too far into his mental state, Cassie followed him up to the house. The sun was setting, and she was desperate to see it from her room.

“Why did you call me anyway?” she asked, moving branches out of the way as she followed the path back home.

“Molly sent me. She was worried and thought you had gotten lost.” Chris seemed completely lost in thought. “What is Erica doing here?” he asked.

“She’s staying with a few friends across the beach. I guess she needed some time away from the city.”

“Did she say anything else?”

“No, not really. We talked about this place and how we both hate living in the city. We’re meeting up tomorrow, going shopping and having some lunch.”

Cassie left him at the stairs and made her way to her room. Whiskers was awake and growling.

“It’s not my fault you slept all afternoon and missed food,” she told him stroking his furry head.

Another growl.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Give me a few minutes to wash my face, and I’ll take you downstairs and miss my beautiful sunset.”

She really needed to stop talking to her cat.

Over the past three years she must have had more conversations with that living bundle of fur than she had ever had with another person.

Cassie washed her face and combed her hair, huffing as she picked up the fat cat. Every day he seemed heavier. She made her way down to the kitchen.

Molly stood at the stove humming.

“Hello, Molly.”

Molly turned, and her face melted at the sight of Whiskers.

“Oh my lord, he or she?”

“A very lazy he,” Cassie said. She stroked his head.

“Can I hold him?”

Cassie had no problem passing on his weight. 

“He is so adorable.” Molly cooed to the cat.

Cassie sat in a stool and watched the older woman lovingly stroke her cat. Whiskers basked in attention.

“He needs feeding.”

Cassie watched as Molly prepared her cat some food. The woman was so loving and caring.

“What is it about women and cats?” Blaze came in and took a seat next to Cassie.

“They’re much better companions than men,” Cassie said immediately.

“I agree,” Molly said.

“Well, if I knew you lovely women would be ganging up on me I’d have stayed in my room.” Blaze laughed.

“Where’s Blaze Jr.?” Molly asked.

“He’s in bed. Dad’s reading him a bed-time story.”

“I’ll go and say good night.” Molly left the kitchen.

Cassie moved to give Blaze her whole, undivided attention. He was as sexy as she remembered. Stubble marred his face where he obviously needed to shave. Ruggedly handsome came to mind, or sexy as sin. His body was still hard. She could see that under his casual clothes. Everything about him screamed sex appeal. It wasn’t fair. The man was positively dripping with sex. Her body responded to his magnetic pull. Her pussy was wet as she remembered the power this man had and the rough sex they’d had on the edge of his desk. It had been the most surreal moment of her whole life, one she dreamed about all the time. If she hadn’t wasted time by being afraid, Blaze Sinclair could have been her husband and Blaze Jr. could have been her child.

“Stop looking at me like that unless you want me to do something about it,” Blaze said. His eyes filled with hunger.

“What look am I giving you?” she asked. She couldn’t disguise the heated lust in her voice. Cassie sounded desperate even to herself. 

“The look that says, ‘I want to fuck you.’ You’re eating me with your gaze, Cassie, and if you keep doing it, I’ll not be held responsible for my actions.” He got up off his stool and moved around to the opposite end of the island.

“I’m not eating you with my eyes,” she said. 

“You’re eating me up. You want me, Cassie. You always have and always will want me.”

The ego of the man.
“No, I don’t. I admit that you’re att—”

“How many men have you fucked in the last three years?”

The question caught her off guard. How many men had she been with? The answer was embarrassing. Her life had been so busy trying to forget him that she had neglected to even enter into a relationship. The pathetic answer was zero. However, if she counted her vibrators then it had to be three. Even she had needs. Especially when she woke up in the middle of the night sweating and aching for release. Aching because this man had fucked her and then left her. Her needs and curiosities begged to be answered.

“I’m not telling you,” she said, answering his question anyway.

“You want me, Cassie. That one night, I made you mine.”

“Yeah. In that moment you used me. You never had any intention of taking me further.” She shouted back at him, oblivious to the other people in the house. “Well, I’m over it, Blaze.” She stormed out of the house leaving him shocked.


“Wow, it appears the Sinclair men know squat about love and women.”
entered the kitchen.

“Keep your opinions to yourself.” Blaze followed after her.

He couldn’t cope with the thought of her hurting. He found her on the patio staring out into the night sky.


“Don’t bother, Blaze. I’ve nothing I want to say to you.” She stopped him. Blaze watched her back.

“I missed you,” he whispered as he placed a hand on her shoulder. He felt her flinch from his touch. When she’d come to him that night, she’d been so beautifully passionate. A hot sensual woman. She hadn’t flinched but touched back.

“Don’t do this to me, Blaze,” she said.

“I never thought I’d see you again.” Chris had never told him about their relationship. He wondered what else his younger brother was keeping from him. “My life with Francesca was a mistake. We were miserable together. Even when I was with her I thought about you.”

Blaze had to tell her everything. He’d wasted so many years fighting his attraction and the desire for Cassie. She was so close to him, and he could have her. Blaze knew a day wouldn’t go by when he didn’t fight for her.

“How can you say these things to me?” He heard the sob in her voice, and he hated himself all over again. “This was supposed to be a relaxing weekend, and so far I’ve done nothing but want to cry. Tell me what’s wrong with that?” She turned, and he saw the tears coming out of her eyes.

He reached out and touched them with his thumb. “I’m a bastard,” he said.

“No. You’re not.” She rubbed the tears away and faced forward. “We didn’t have any claim over each other. That night was nothing more than two consenting adults giving in to temptation.”

“Don’t say that.” He stood directly behind her with both of his hands on her. “That night is the only memory keeping me alive.”

“That’s a little dramatic, Blaze. Even for you.”

“Mock and laugh at me all you want, Cassie. It doesn’t change the way I feel about you.” Blaze moved round to face her. He grabbed her chin roughly and forced her to look at him.

“I was just an employee to you,” she said.

“You were so much more. You never realised how much I fought for you.” He slammed his lips down on hers. This wasn’t a make-up kiss. This was about possession. Blaze wanted to claim her for his own. To seal every little shred of himself inside her and never let her go. His fingers sank into the smooth, dark hair, and he grasped her head. He held her in place while he thoroughly loved her lips and mouth. Kissing her was becoming a drug in his veins.  Cassie fought him. Her struggles were feeble, and he calmed her down, never breaking contact. She melted beneath him, and he loved her submission to him.

Her full, tight breasts pressed against his chest. He wanted to suck on them, to taste their full plump red nipples between his teeth.

His dick was as hard as rock. Her little moans escaped from her lips, and he took every little advantage. He plunged his tongue into her depths.

Their sighs of pleasure mingled. Blaze couldn’t hold back any longer. He needed to touch her. His hand slid down from her hair, over her neck and passed her collarbone. He cried out at the same time as Cassie when he cupped one of her tits in his palm. That night so long ago he’d not taken the time to love these soft mounds. Providing he played his cards right they’d have the rest of their future together. Her erect bud pushed against his palm, and he ran a nail over the tip through her summer dress. Blaze wanted more. He took her strap and pushed it past her arm exposing the full breast to the naked air and his consuming vision.

Her chest rose and fell with her breathing. He broke away and stared into her dilated eyes. Cassie was as turned on as he.

“Do you know what you do to me?” he asked.

She shook her head.

Blaze took her hand and rested her palm on top of his trousers where his bulge was clearly outlined.

His finger circled the tip of her breast. “I want you so damn bad.”

“This doesn’t change what you did,” she said.

Blaze cursed and looked up at the sky. He wished he could turn back the clock and tell her a million times how much he loved and cared about her. The past three years had taught him everything about the true meaning of lust and love. Back then he should have told his father no. Living with Francesca and witnessing the true maliciousness of the woman had shown him how stupid his actions had been.

For the year Cassie worked for the Sinclair Industry he’d felt more alive and welcome than in the two months of married life he’d spent with Francesca.

Blaze recalled the wedding and the honeymoon period. They’d gone away to
, where he spent the whole time wishing he was with another woman. And Francesca had spent it shopping in all the designer boutiques. His marriage had been a nightmare and one he hoped to never relive again.

BOOK: Blaze's Second Chance (The Sinclair Men)
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