Blind Dating: (4 page)

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Authors: Kerry Taylor

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Finally through Europe, she thought about going to Russia, but it did not appeal, so she went through Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain France and the UK.  She said that out of all of them she enjoyed her time more in Italy with the hot men, and good food.  She had the same feeling when she went to Spain.


She never went to Africa, or South America, due to time constraints, and always regrets spending so much time in New Zealand, with that loser.  Funny looking back now, because he was not a loser.  She told us she was not coming back, because she was in love.

6 months later, she says that loser.

She never says why he changed from a god to a dog in the space of 6 months.

So confession time please – I say

Christine, why did he change from a God to a dog???

She looks me deep in the eye, and says, you do not want to know………

Yes, I do, this is why I am asking


Ok, OK, it was such a long time ago; I suppose I need to get over it.  So, we worked in an office, he was Sales Analyst just like me.  Well, we were really Sales and marketing for the beer company.  Sometimes, we would spend nights, discussing how we can improve things in the company etc.

Then, one night, I have this plan, idea of how to fix things, and make it better.  I tell him I have a plan, he says – cool.  He wanted to know what it was; I said I had to do research.

I did all this research. Planning proposal. Everything.

He takes this information, presents it to the CEO.

Gets a pay increase and by the same token, gets a promotion.

He says nothing.  I did not even realise this was the reason for his promotion.  I just congratulate him and say well done.  I was so proud of him.

I question – but did you not realise your research was missing?

She replies – Course I did! He said he had the boys over and they got drunk and split beer all over it.  I believed him because it was not the first time it had happened, and they did come round on a regular basis.   Can you believe the only reason I was not there that night, was trying to put the model/proposal together, but I could not piece al lathe pieces together again like I did before. 

So, we are in the office, and the CEO says, he must take him and his missus out to celebrate.  Not, this was his downfall.  Then, I hear about how he sent this proposal, the data model, the demographic research etc.   And put 2 and 2 together.

This is when, I go crazy!

So does the CEO

So, not only did he lose his woman, but he lost his job!
I did not even enjoy living there so much.  I just stayed because of him.  After that happened, I thought I could easily leave and that is exactly what I did.


Christine says she wish she could do it all over again, but she could, we all know that.  She can afford to do it, no children and no responsibility.   She paid off her home loan within 6 months of buying her house.  Everyone was surprised she bought the house; there was no need for her to buy one.  She could have bought an apartment in the city.  But she is very close to her nieces and nephews, and they have their own rooms in the house.  They call it home B.  When we are fed up of home A, we always have B to go to.

That makes her feel that
her  decisions on her role in life was the right one to make.  If she had children she would not have the relationship which she has with her nieces and nephews, because not only do they need it but she needs it too.  She was the youngest in a family of girls, taken for granted and often left behind.  Her role of Aunt means that she never will be, she will always be a vital part of the equation.  And she was.


Afterwards, Christine went to college and she is one of the top Executives in her firm. But you would never think that if you met her out of work, she is normal!  She relays to everyone in the company from the cleaner to the CEO.  Tehre is no one that does not love Christine and Christine loves everyone especially when she is drunk.


Also, she has a body to die for! OK she has no children.  But, I know a lot of women with no children, and they do not have her body! Everything is in the right place.  She is single for one reason and one reason only – because she wants to be!  She is never short of offers – sometimes it feels everyday!


One day, she ran into the house and said, I have had 10 proposals today!


Christine you have proposals nearly every day

She replied, I know, but today I counted them!

The valet man

The chef at my favourite restaurant

The guy at the coffee shop

The TV repair man

The mechanic

The hairdresser – The hairdresser, I reply – that is a woman – She says I know!

My personal trainer

My personal shopper

The street cleaner

The pet shop owner


What, But, you do not even have a pet! I said


I know but I was looking, and then he proposed!


We all laugh!




Chapter 4:
The Barbeque


My sister’s husband, Ryan, is an ideal catch.  Tall, dark and handsome.  So handsome with a body that he takes to the gym on a regular basis.  Eats well and generally lives well.  His theory on life was your body was a temple and it would only stay whole if you treat it as one.  There would be less diseases and early deaths if people thought that way about life.  The problem is people do not and this is what causes the problem.  Then, the lecture would start about the amount of health problems which are caused by neglect, compared to genetics, and unavoidable diseases such as cancer.


Ryan is having his once a year barbeque in his backyard.  We all enjoy going there, further more we all enjoy being a part of Ryan’s life.  I first met him at work, invited my sister, Jennifer and then he met her and it was love at first sight.  He used to have his annual bob’s he said from the time he first bought his house, because his Dad used to have them each year, and after he passed away he vowed he would keep it up.


One thing is true about Ryan; is true to his word.  And for that reason, I could not resist and make him the children’s God parents.  He was a good man and everyone knew it.  Not perfect.  You would never invite him to a party or any type of event when the baseball was playing.  And especially when NFL were on, definitely a no. 


Call him in the middle of the night and tell him that something has happened and he would be by your side.  He was the only man in our family that we all relied on.


I remember when my sis, Christine and I had her car accident.

Mom said to call Ryan.  We did say – Why not Pa?

Her reply – Why what is he going to do?

Pick us up, Mom

No, whenever I ask him to do pick you girls up, to help with anything, he says, he used to do it 25 years ago, his time is done!

We all looked at each other and said in uniform – Typical Pa


For once, I make an effort, I am not sure what it is and everyone notices the difference in my swing.  I have been writing the last few weeks on and think I have met a friend.  At first it was weird, because I had a few friends.  Actually too many I could not keep up. 


There was NiceGuy4U, he was living a dream, and he kept talking about world peace and how he was at peace with the world, quit his high powered job, and he was travelling round the world, living a dream.  No children, no responsibility, he could afford to do so.  He did have some interesting stories to tell especially in Asia.  I did not know if he was making them up or just fantasying, it was hard to figure out.  Also, some of it sounded like he was using the movie The Last King of Scotland, I watched it twice and his life sounded exactly the same as the movie!


Then, there was Desire, with a name like that how could I resist. I had to figure out, why he was such a catch.  Also, it slowly dawned on me, if he was such a catch, why was he in this chat room.  And I soon figured out, the arrogant name matched the arrogant personality.  I had visions of an averaged 90 year old, writing and calling himself, that because they believed they were a catch!


Also, Badboy-40, I am not sure why I started talking to him.  He used to talk to others in this general room and I liked what he had to say.  He seemed like he was living for the moment.  Which did not make sense that he was after a partner on the chat room or so he claims?  We did discuss the size of his balls, the size of my chest and the size of his balls.  We talked dirty, I di d not even know I had it in me, but he showed me, I sure did! And man did it feel so good. Too good!


And, Handsome man, who could resist with a name like that. Apart from the fact that he said I need a girl, and in time I found out it was a girl he wanted.  I was too old for him.  Worst part, we were the same age, or so he said, who knows what was true and what was not true.  When, I told him my age, he kindly replied, he is not interested in geriatrics!


Finally, there was LonelySingle, who I think simply wanted to be a friend.  It was not the most inventive name but it was the name that intrigued you.  Also, he intrigued me, he seemed gentle and shy, not extravagant and a person that loved life. Maybe someone I needed in my life.


It was a strange feeling.  I mean apart from at work, outside of work, I never really spent any time on the Internet.  Now, I found myself engrossed in a world of technology.  I was not naïve I knew that on the other side, there could be a man, who was fat, ugly and probably on his last legs.  But, I realised, one thing, I had attention and I loved it.


I remember one time not going online for all of 5 hours.  As soon as I got online, I had messages asking we were waiting for you, where were you.  And you stay on long tonight.  I cannot remember the last time a man even said that to me, or even displayed any interest in my whereabouts.


I cannot remember the last time; any man has had a discussion with me about what I was doing or what I had done that day.  I never had that with Tom and the whole chat dating, was really changing my life, made me realise all the things I had taken for granted, and I was ignoring, were important to me, and I had to start realising what I wanted in life, and then I could start to appreciate what I wanted in a man.


Those days were long gone, so it was a nice feeling. Thinking about what I was going to wear.  Being complemented on the way I looked today.  My coffee shop friend did the other day and it made me feel good all day long.  Even Jessica did at work, and that put a smile on my face too.


Tom knew he was
second best.  He definitely was not first choice, and even though I never voiced it, it was obvious to him and all.  Even my kids knew that if anything they should be John’s children.

So, I ask myself, over and over again – Why did I not marry John?

I came to the conclusion that until I started to deal with my issues then I could not move on in a relationship, and this was the reason I have/had such a low self esteem.  If I was so confident, I
enver would have married Tom.  So, I am enjoying their company but by no means taking anything to the next level until I deal with just being Kimberly.


OK I admit it; I named myself on the site, SeattlesAnswerToBradshaw, which was a slight exaggeration.  I am not a writer, like I claim to be, but I always wanted to be a writer.  So, technically it was true.  Also, I am not blonde, but could be, that just means going to the pharmacy and getting a new die.  I am not naturally 1.8metres, but I am when I wear my stillote heels.  Normally I am 1.3metres, without them.  Or there abouts.  I was not the same shape as Carrie, but with my gym workouts I know I soon will be, maybe not soon, but one day.


I was coming home from work, even at times leaving work earlier.  I never felt comfortable talking at work, so I always waited till I got home, cooked dinner, cleaned and was in my room on my iPad.  The kids never check what I do, but they reported that I was acting different and they started to get suspicious so they started asking t ocome and spend time with me at night.  Even one night, Megan, said she wanted to keep me company and as a result of that came to sleep with me in my bed.

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