Blink of an Eye (43 page)

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Authors: Ted Dekker

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He dropped the weapon on the table.

Seth retrieved the knife, walked to the window, and slipped the glass shard through a crack. He waved the knife through the air and held his hand out to the table, inviting Omar to sit.

“Please. Have a seat.”

Miriam backed to the corner, giving Omar a wide berth.

“You have nothing to gain by playing these games. You will give me my wife, or I will take her by force. It's that simple.”

“Your wife. Yes. Actually, that's what I want to talk to you about. Indulge me. Like you say, you have twenty men outside.”

Something about the American engaged Omar. This man with the loose blond hair, clothed in this black dress, possessed one of the highest intellects of any living man, they said. It hardly seemed possible. What could the man be thinking?

“You're in no position to order me around, you fool. This is—”

“Sit!” Seth spun to Miriam and pressed the knife against her neck. “Sit, man! Sit, sit, sit!”

The American was crazed. For a moment their eyes challenged each other. Seth wasn't as confident as he sounded. Omar had learned to recognize fear, and he saw it now in the American's eyes. Still, Seth had the knife. If he were in the American's position, he would not hesitate to use it.

Omar walked to the end of the table and sat.

“Excellent.” Seth pulled Miriam over to the opposite end. Now the table acted as a barrier between them. This man might not be a warrior, but Omar saw that he'd positioned himself well.

“You say that Miriam is your wife?” Seth asked.

He refused to dignify the question with an answer.

“But I don't think she is,” Seth said. “Not really. And she doesn't think she is either.”

“I have a dozen witnesses who say otherwise.”

“Shut up. Hear me out.”

“Then speak quickly. The city is burning, or hadn't you noticed?”

“We don't think she's married because she hasn't married you, Omar. She was forced to go through a ceremony, but that's like saying I'm rich because I walk into a bank. You have to take possession of the money before you become rich. Miriam hasn't taken possession of you.” He forced a grin. “But don't worry, we're not going to split hairs. We know that in both your eyes and her father's eyes, she is married and, unfortunately, married to you.”

“Then get on with it.”

“We want you to divorce her.”

Omar laughed aloud. The man was not only mad; he was a brazen fool.

“In your tradition, you can divorce her by simply telling her in front of a witness that you divorce her. Easy come, easy go. If you divorce Miriam, everyone's problems are solved. The coup will fail, because her father will withdraw his support; you won't have to chase your runaway bride around the world any longer; she will be free to pursue the love she has for me. It's a perfect plan. A happy ending.”

Omar could not believe he had heard this man. Had he misplaced some of his English vocabulary?

“If you knew our ways, you would know that neither of you is a legal witness,” Omar said. Heat spread down his neck. “Even if I wanted to, I couldn't divorce my wife here, you imbecile! You called me into this place with the expectation that I would divorce my wife? Simply because you ask me?”

“No. I'm asking you to divorce your wife because it's what's best for Saudi Arabia and because she loves me. And because we think that God wants you to.”

“I won't listen to this!”

Seth slammed the flat of his palm on the table. “You will listen!” He tapped his temple with his forefinger. “Think, man! Think!”

Omar squinted, unnerved by this presumptuous show.

“Okay, here's how it works,” Seth said. “I evaded you and a couple hundred cops in the States. How? Because I could see into the future, right?”

He didn't respond.


“So you say.”

“No, so it was. I could see everything anyone might do, and I knew what to do to facilitate any possibility.” Seth and Miriam exchanged a look. “The future can be changed. We can change it; God can change it.”

“Believe me when I say there's no possibility that I will divorce my wife.”

“Ahhh. But we've both come to the conclusion that divorce
a possibility,” Seth said. “It's possible that I have this gift to keep the Middle East from spinning out of control. So there must be a way, whether any of us can see how or not.”

“Then we will see God's will,” Omar said. “And I can assure you that God's will is to sustain the marriage constituted in his name.”

“Are you willing to test that?”

“What is there to test? God has given me a wife,
wife!” Omar stood, exasperated.

“Sit!” Seth slashed at the air with the blade. “You're refusing to pray to God?”

“I already have!”


The American had the appearance of a man who would kill. Omar sat.

Seth took a deep breath. “We've prayed for God's will to be done. Now we'll just have to see, won't we?”

“See what?”

“See what futures materialize.”

“I already know God's will, and this country is waiting for me to fulfill it in a city fifty miles north of here. I am returning Saudi Arabia to God!”

“We will pray now. Again. If no future materializes in which you divorce Miriam, she will go with you without objection.” Seth exchanged another glance with her. She looked nervous but didn't argue.

Never in his life could Omar have imagined a scenario as infuriating as this. Fires were burning the city, and he was in a hut arguing about prayer with his wife and an American infidel. He closed his eyes, contemplating how to regain control.

Seth still held the knife.

chapter 41

live had read and reread the printouts three times when the idea dropped into his mind without warning. It wasn't the most unique thought; frankly, he wondered how he'd missed it earlier. He sighed and reconsidered. If Miriam was killed, the coup would fail, wouldn't it? Yes, everything was based on the bloodline Miriam would give the sheik. And if Seth was in the country . . .

Clive grabbed the cell phone and hit the last-call button.


“I think I have something, Peter.” Clive took a breath. “On the surface this may not seem like an obvious course of action, but just listen for a second.” He paused. Smaley would never buy this.


“Only the mixing of blood would guarantee the sheik a royal. What would happen if we were to cut off the bloodline?”

“I'm not sure I follow.”

“If anything were to happen that would
Miriam from bearing Omar a child, the sheik might reconsider his allegiance. He would have no guarantee of royalty without a son. Marriage alone doesn't cut it. The sheik needs a son out of this.”

“I still don't see how—”

“If something were to happen to Miriam, she couldn't bear a son, could she?”

Smaley was quiet for a moment. “You're suggesting what? That we kill Miriam? We've been over this.”

“No. I'm suggesting we
the sheik that we will kill his daughter if the coup succeeds. We buy time.”

“Buy time for what?”

“For Seth.”

Smaley paused. “I thought we settled this. Even if we knew Seth was in play, he's not an assassin. We can't rely on him.”

“No, no. He wouldn't kill Miriam anyway; he's in love with her, for heaven's sake. I just want to bluff. Worst case, we buy time for plan B. This may be our last chance.”

“You're saying that I tell the sheik we have an assassin in their country, ready to pull the trigger and end Miriam's life. If Seth
in play, we can't put him in that position. And if he isn't, I can't put us in a position of crying wolf. We'll erode our own credibility.”

“We have to!” Clive wiped his forehead of sweat. Smaley was right, but Clive's gut was telling him that Seth was still out there and needed time. Time for what, he wasn't sure. Just time.

“I've been after Seth, remember?” Clive said. “They have to catch him to kill him. This buys us more time. This gives him a chance.”

“This is crazy. We don't even know that he's in the country. What if the Saudis decide to take Seth out? Worse, what if they have already? Besides, all the sheik has to do is make one call to verify that his daughter's fine, and the whole ploy falls flat.”

“Maybe. But it forces the sheik to make that call. And taking Seth isn't easy. Look, don't ask me why this makes sense. Just do it. Please. The idea that we have a man in place ready to kill his daughter will get the sheik's attention. Guaranteed. Even if she's fine now, he'll realize we could take her out before she bears a child. This will slow him down. He won't be able to rule out an assassin in a matter of minutes. It could take him hours.”

“We're down to two hours,” Smaley said. “Delaying them one more won't change a thing.”

“Unless Seth has actually made some progress. Don't count him out. This guy may still be able to see their moves before they can.”

Another long silence. Smaley muffled the receiver to speak to someone else and then returned.

“Okay, Clive. I'll see what I can do. That's all I can promise.”

The sheik stormed into the tent. “How can they have an assassin in place already?”

“His name is Seth,” Al-Hakim said. “The one who evaded Hilal and Omar in California.”

Ah! The one who could presumably see into the future. The one who seemed to be able to walk through walls. He had come to kill Miriam?

“He was her protector. Now he will kill her? Do they think we have the minds of children?”

“They said his first objective is to take her out of the country, but if he is unable, he will kill her. They say he is in love with her.”

So, if he could not have her, then he wouldn't allow another man the same privilege. This Omar might do, but not an American.

“I urge you to consider this threat, Sheik Al-Asamm,” Al-Hakim said.

“Why didn't they tell us this earlier?”

“Perhaps they weren't ready to show their hand. If they'd told us earlier, we would've had enough time to deal with the situation. Now, with just over an hour to go, we are forced to reconsider our plans. It's good strategy on their part, bluff or not.”

The sheik stepped out of the tent, alarmed, and breathed deeply. The sun was setting, a large orange ball in the horizon. He'd always taken Miriam's safety for granted for the simple reason that she was too valuable to kill. But he'd never considered that the Americans might kill her to preserve the status quo. A shaft of fear impaled him. Would they really do it?

If Miriam was killed before she bore Omar a child, the sheik's agreement with Khalid would be worthless. His daughter and his dreams of royalty would be smashed in one blow! The Americans could be as ruthless as anyone when they chose to be.

The sheik whirled around and strode into the tent.

“I must talk to Omar!” he said. “Tell Khalid that I will not move until I am assured of my daughter's safety.”

Omar stood yet again, keeping an eye on Seth's knife. “Your time is finished. You may come willingly, or I will take you by force. The choice is yours.”

“If you try to take me by force, Seth will kill me,” Miriam snapped.

“Seth is incapable of killing you,” Omar said. “This charade is finished.”

“Why am I incapable of killing her?” Seth asked.

“You don't have the backbone.”

“You mean that I love her, don't you? You've been watching us and now you see that I have what you'll never have. Love.”

To Miriam's surprise, Omar didn't object.

“But you're right,” Seth said. He rotated the knife in his hand and flipped it through the air. The blade embedded itself in the tabletop and quivered like a spring. “I couldn't bear to hurt any woman, much less the woman I love.”

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