Bliss (The Custos) (13 page)

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Authors: Melanie Walker

BOOK: Bliss (The Custos)
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              I laughed because he was right, I was all those things. "Nobody has ever said they like my bad qualities, thank you."


              "Well I’m evil remember, a broker for the devil, bad qualities turn me on." I knew he was joking and he was smiling as he said it and purposely flashing me his fangs but I felt awful.


              I leaned closer cupping his neck, his skin was cool and soft and still so very male. "I’m sorry for what I said, I take it back. In fact I think you’re kind of perfect."


              He leaned into my hand and held my wrist before licking along my vein there and gently kissing it. My reaction was just as he said, my heart beat faster, I gasped and blushed at a vision of him biting me. "I’m sorry too." He said against my lips before kissing me again.


              Trying desperately to hang on to my last shred of celibacy I asked. "For what?"


              He leaned back and I wanted to cry at his absence. "When I told you to scream all you wanted and that nobody would hear. I don’t want you to fear me. I would rather you hate me then fear me, I would never hurt you."


              The thread broke, I had nothing left to hang on too and I had to let go. "Kiss me." I breathed.


              His lips crushed mine, harder than before and he pulled me onto his lap without breaking the kiss. Vampires ruled that way, a human would have told me to sit on his lap. Cash wanted me against him, above him so he lifted me there and didn’t miss a beat. His thumbs tucked into the band of my jeans and I arched into him wanting more. I broke free from the kiss looking for my purse and a slice of gum.


              "What are you doing?" He asked his voice a little shaky. I loved that he was as affected as I was.


              "Gum, I taste like beer I need gum." I said and tried to maneuver my purse closer without leaving his lap, but he brought me back to his mouth and kissed me mindless. When his tongue met mine I moaned against his mouth because he was perfect. He was so smooth and just the right amount of tongue; it would be the standard I would compare every kiss against.


              He lay back and took me with him before rolling so that I was now beneath him. His body stayed to the side of mine as he ran a hand beneath my shirt. "You taste amazing Princess, so warm and soft and wet inside I only want more of you for it."


              I actually arched to his words, the things he said made me ache, ache! I placed my hand on his as he found my breast and arched into him again holding his hand against me. "Can I give you what you dreamed of earlier Princess?" An image of the bath earlier played in my mind aaaaaaaaand I arched.... again and brought his lips back to mine needing to taste more of him, all of him.


              "I want to give you what you wanted, I want to suck on you and make you come against my mouth, I need it."


              I reached for my belt when I had no words, actions spoke louder anyways but he stopped me by grabbing my wrists. "Tell me you'll let me taste you Princess." The hand on my breast found my nipple and he pinched and tugged it back making me cry out.


              "Yes." I said and he moved my hand away so he could undo me button by button word by word, touch by aching touch. The way he wanted me made me want to cry and scream at once from joy. In all my life it was always me against the world fighting to hide who I was in hopes of finding something true and here is this man, this Vampire who sees me, he sees me and it reached the very core of me with a force I was not prepared for. This moment was all that mattered and if tomorrow when he walked away he chose to not come back I would hold no grudges because tonight he wanted me, simply for being me.


              "I do want you Princess....I tried not to...but....Only you...."


              He must have heard my thoughts because I was too lost to block them. His kisses fluttered down my stomach, following his hands as he freed me from my jeans. I was always so nervous in the past, the men I had been with had not taken the care that Cash was taking now; he kissed every piece of skin that was exposed to him, with such gentle lips and careful hands. He treated my body like a gift, a fragile piece of glass that was timeless and beautiful.
was timeless and beautiful.


              He touched me at first, opening me and lightly stroking against my clit, I moaned and bit my lip as he dipped one finger barely inside of me. "Your wet...." he said the same words as he did that night."But I want this...." He said and slid his finger, now wet, up against my clit and circled it, round and round until I was gasping. "I love that sound, that you’re breathless for me."


              I reached for his face and cupped his cheek. He was so magnificent between my legs, so intent on making sure I was pleased and going slow so I felt safe but also to draw it out and make it last. He turned his face to my palm and pressed a kiss against my hand before dipping down and licking me slowly till he found my clit and sucked it into his mouth. It was almost too much but he knew, without reading my mind, when to back off and he pressed on making me writhe beneath him. I could feel his fangs as they scratched against me, never hurting but oh I was aware and I actually considered him biting me if I would like it.


              The thought was too much and it felt so good I cried out jerking beneath him needing more. "Is this ok?" He asked me but didn’t stop. "More." I said and wrapped a leg over his shoulder as he slipped a finger inside of me. "Fuck!" He said and pulled back as if he were afraid to move. His eyes closed and he stayed still. Fear licked inside me beneath the passion he created and I rose to my elbows fearing the
or a cop but all fear died as he began stroking me again.


              "Sorry, you’re tight...." He went back to licking me, leaving me reeling from what he just said.


              "Isn’t that a good thing?" I asked but stayed half sitting because seeing him, his tongue as he licked me; it was too good to look away, like a good porn but better.


              He stopped and looked up at me smiling. "For me...yes.... but for you....I would hurt you if we...."


              I thought about what he said and knew he was right but I was not going to turn back, besides I was no virgin. "Well I was wild in my teens and early twenties and to risk sounding like really bad porn I promise I won’t scream 'you’re so big' OK?"


              "No you should scream that, always scream that." He said laughing while he drove me towards an orgasm.


              "And you say I’m conceited." He laughed again and said, "Shush human, I need to focus."


              He focused all right and picked up his speed before adding another finger deep inside of me. Now completely lost in my passion I had no control, he did and he would bring me to the edge and then back off making me work to get there again. I was close so close and I started pumping my hips rocking against him. "Please, Cash right there."


              This time he stayed like I asked and worked my clit, flicking to and fro in a sinuous nature until I was choking on my own moans. "Say my name Princess, say it out loud."


              "Cacius… Cash...." I exploded from the inside out, every muscle in my body contracted as I let go and came. So much pressure had built between us and though his mouth was amazing I needed more, it wasn’t enough. As the last of my orgasm shuttered through my body, I wound my fingers through his short hair trying to pull him to me.


              He looked at me and wiped me from his mouth, then licked his palm and swallowed. It wasn’t sweet or special but it was deep. He was making sure I knew he was pleased and that we didn’t need to go further, but I wanted him all of him anything he would give me.


              He said no words as he lifted the bottom of his shirt up his chest, flicking his wrist it flung over his head and to the right. Before me, I saw the glorious tattoo I had glimpsed at the bar. From navel to neck a large gothic cross in black and gray smoking as if it had just been put through a fire. Each point on the cross had a scrolling design and I wondered if it meant anything.


              Reading my thoughts he answered. "I have a tally sheet on my bicep for every Custos I have indicted into the Mercenary League, but the cross was for Preacher." He paused for a moment and I felt the pain inside of him as if it were my own. "Preacher told me once that I wear my sins as if I was on the cross, but that the cross would burn from my touch."


              "Why?" I asked as my fingers danced lightly over the art on his chest.... it was beautiful and really sexy; the complete opposite of me.


              "Because until this moment I wondered if I had a soul." His words broke me, snapped me in half because I couldn’t see him through his eyes, only through mine and he was breathtaking.


              I said nothing as I got to my knees before him and reached for his belt buckle; he spread his arms and braced them each on the side of the van, letting me know I had the control here. I slipped my hands down the band of his jeans and saw he was commando and had to ask. "Whose boxers was I wearing when I woke up?"


              He laughed and cupped the back of my neck kissing me hard. I could taste the saltiness of myself on his lips but I loved it, somehow it made it all the more erotic. "Mine, but I liked how my jeans rubbed my cock so I went without tonight."


              He may not admit it but he was like me, he said what came to mind, never bending the truth or minding his manners. He knew I would want the truth and he respected me enough to tell me. And c'mon it was hot when he said that stuff. "You know how to make a girl blush."


              He laughed but when I reached for his cock he hissed as I gripped him, fearing I was too rough I backed off but he grabbed my hand and brought it back. "No it was good, I hiss not gasp and I need you to do that some more… Oh God, yeah like that." He reached back and shut the doors I hadn’t even realized were open while he went down on me.


              Reading my mind again he answered. "I'd have known if anyone or anything were around, don’t stop." So I didn’t I stroked him, touched him as careful with him as he was of me, knowing that gentle wasn’t his cup of tea, I kept it up because I savored the control.


              "Harder Princess....." Yeah I gave in stroking his cock from root to tip, taking special care of the spot just beneath the head and stroking it with my thumb. "Cash...." I said but didn’t stop.


              He looked at me with sex in his eyes, that same look he had while he was going down on me and I felt chills slide over my body knowing he wanted me so much was almost too much to handle. "Yeah Princess..." He said his voice thick with need.


              "How do I make you hiss again?" I loved when he did it and his nature was appealing to me, I know longer seen him as a Vampire, he simply was Cash but I wanted him to feel as good as I did.


              "Oh God..." He groaned, leaning his head back he grabbed my wrist making me stop. "You can’t say stuff like that or I'll come." He grasped my face in his hands and brought me back to his mouth. Before I even knew he had, he lifted me and laid me back down.


              "You don’t want to come?" I asked not sure what the problem was.


              "Not that fast, fuck. I have no control when you touch me." He palmed his head and pulled at his hair before scrubbing his face, this I had learned was just something he did when he didn’t have the words and needed to think.


              "That’s a good thing." I said and reached for him. "Now relax and let me taste you."


              But he stopped me again. "Touching is fine but I can’t let you suck me."


              Confused and completely bewildered I asked. "Why?"


              "I'm more powerful than you think and I could break your neck or worse. If I lose control fucking you won’t die you'll just be sore. If I let you blow me then your life is at risk. My touch, the way I move. It's too dangerous. A blow job isn’t important though. I haven’t had it in ages and do fine."


              "I trust you and I want your control to be as affected as mine." I reached for him again.

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