Blonde Fury II (10 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Blonde Fury II
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They left her where she was and went back to the truck for more beer but returned to heft and play with her breasts, slapping them and pinching them, making them swing beneath her chest and quite soon they were ready for ‘Heads’.

Sophie was keen to get started. She didn’t come from sucking cock but she did enjoy being cl
ose up to them and tasting them
. The men released her and helped her to stand before they turned her away from the gate and had her kneel with her back to it then they tied her arms stretched out again. They had her shuffle her knees forward slightly so that she could lean back and offer her mouth up better. It also meant that her sperm streaked thighs were apart and her breasts were available. They whipped her with their belts while they drank some more beer and got ready for their final fling with her. She flinched and yelped under the harsh smacks of the doubled over leather as they targeted her groin, swinging the belts
ards and landing heavy swipes on her soft labial flesh. Her breasts suffered as well
and in between shutting her eyes as the lashes landed, she could see the bulges in their trousers and was longing for them to get started. And at last the sight of her lacerated and well-fucked body was too much for one of them and he called a halt, stepping forwards as he undid his flies. His cock was stubby but reasonably thick and it tasted richly of her own body and his spunk. And to add to her degradation, he simply held her head and fucked her face with no finesse or care for her. He just wanted to feel the intimate confines of her mouth and throat around him as he came. And he wanted to be as deep inside her as he could get. Sophie had become practised at relaxing her throat during fellation and rode him out quite easily. He was deep enough inside her that she didn’t even taste his spend but she enjoyed feeling the swelling pulses run through his shaft as he pumped into her. She hardly had time to draw breath before the second one was at her. He was longer and thinner
and enjoyed her tongue exploring him
so when he came she got the full taste of his spunk before she swallowed it. The third cock was bigger and curved and she had trouble fitting him in and enjoyed it all the more for that. She got a real sense of achievement when she heard him roar his release into her sorely tested throat and then wrench himself out so that he could come over her face. She was able to look up at the shining purple dome as it splashed its liquor out onto her cheeks and forehead before it was plunged back into her mouth for her to lick it clean. She was gasping for breath after him and protested feebly when the last man slipped his length between her gaping lips, but he enjoyed her distress and fucked her face as cruelly as the first man had. She desperately tried to breathe through her nose and keep calm but he rammed so deeply into her that she panicked and choked on his come as it splashed thickly out. She hadn’t been able to get him fully into her throat and it went up
her nose as she choked and
while the thick shaft itself filled her mouth and still thrust in vain for her throat. Then he withdrew and wiped himself on her face while his mates laughed and cheered.

Sophie hung where she was while they drank some more. She could feel sperm drying and tightening all over her body. She could taste it even as her belly ached for more. From under her eyelashes she watched the men, feeling nothing but admiration for the way they took their pleasure from her without worrying themselves about her at all. It made it all so much simpler to be a ponygirl.

And now there was only the run home to worry about. She watched a man take a phone call and then tell his colleague to get her tacked up again. It was time White Lightning was back in her stall.


As the courtesy car sped back along the ranch’s long drive towards the gates, Brian relaxed and put his hand on Martha’s thigh. They had played with the ponies and both Martha and Raika had used strap-ons to fuck them. But he hadn’t felt able to really use the whip on them.
He wasn’t clear as to their exact status, the driver had seemed to suggest that they weren’t slaves in the usual sense of the word and they weren’t chipped either
. He was really going to
need to
lay into Raika
for relaxation
as soon as they got back to their room and that would turn Martha on.

Raika had loved the afternoon, her pony had been the fastest of the three and had been passionate when fucked and now she was
looking out at the ranch as the car accelerated
up the long drive
Suddenly s
he caught a fleeting glimpse of another pony pulling a sulky, just beyond the trees that lined the drive. She was strikingly tall and blonde…but just then she felt Mr Brian’s hand, heavy on her shoulder
and she turned away

he won’t mind
will you, Raika?” he was saying as she turned towards him and let his arm curve round her shoulders in the way she adored and she forgot
about everything except what he was saying

“I was just telling Martha that I need to really whip you hard when we get back to the hotel,” he told her, smiling down at her.

“Of course Mr Brian. I belong to you after all,” she said as his hand cupped her breast.


Chapter Eight


The next day Sophie was pleasantly sore from all her recent usage and underwent the usual thirty lashes gladly
. It meant that she wasn’t bei
ng quarantined
while she recovered and there would probably be more usage.

It came as an unwelcome surprise when, instead of being taken out for some gentle exercise in the afternoon, a group of men crowded into her stall. One of them was the tall Arabic looking one, one of them was Beckington-Floyd and the rest were grooms. But there was one
man she didn’t recognise
who was carrying what looked like a doctor’s bag. Two of the grooms brought a bench in with them and two more grabbed her arms
, which as always were b
ehind her back with
the wrists clipped together,
and forced her to bend forwards over it.
She immediately shuffled her feet apart to open her legs and make the position more comfortable. It also made her open if a gang bang was what was needed. But she felt the first stirrings of alarm as the bag was place on the bench beside her and everything went quiet as the stranger took something out of it. Sophie twisted her head and saw the thick syringe.

Floyd saw the movement in time. “Hold her down, boys!” he called just as Sophie realised what was happening. A male hand had swept her hair up and clear of her neck. There was only one thing that would be injected into a girl’s neck.

Floyd had betrayed her. He was having her chipped!

All her disgust at the arenas
and the depths of feminine submission they represented
which she had buried over the previous months, re-surfaced in a fraction of a second and she reared up. But strong as she was, the two men
holding her were stronger. F
or a moment
it was touch and go. Sophie strained ev
ery sinew in her
thighs and back –
trying to straighten up
. The two men strained to force her down by her upper arms. The breath hissed through their teeth as Sophie screamed with mingled effort, disgust and despair, then the tall Arabic man stepped forwards and grabbed her hair, easily forcing her back down. With her face pushed back down against the padded top of the bench, Sophie could only sob brokenly.

“She is a strong animal,” she heard the man holding her head down say and managed one final struggle in one last protest before she felt the needle press coldly against the nape of her neck.

As it pushed in and stung bitterly, she groaned in disgust and managed just the word, “Bastards!!” as she felt the pressure increase and the chip was slid inexorably into her.

“Keep her down for a moment or two. For a
specimen like this it might take a while to work,” the stranger said and all three men continued to hold her down. She swore and sobbed and tears blinded her as she waited for…what? She wasn’t sure. She
knew the effect of the chips but had not the faintest idea what one would feel like.

Slowly it dawned on her that
her neck, now it had been swabbed, didn’t hurt. In fact the only hurt she felt was from the tightness with which she was being held down. Gradually she could feel the roughness of the male hands on her skin and it wasn’t a hurt at all
now she came to think of it. It was rather pleasant to be bent over, open legged in front of a group of men. Surely it wouldn’t be long before they took advantage of what was on offer.
Bu that was how she normally felt so t
he chip wasn’t having any effect at all! What had she been worrying about? It was perfectly natural that a naked woman should feel like this, and being held down while she was fucked
appealed. But then it had all along, so it was all her own doing and noth
ing to do with the chip at all…

“Ok,” the stranger said. “She’s calming now. Let’s smack her and see what reaction we get.”

Immediately Sophie felt
hard spank on her bottom, the noise
deafening in the crowded stall. Previously, even flogging before sex had been painful to some extent, but this time the hard, stinging pain seemed to go deep inside her
sang to her whole body, setting it vibrating like the flesh of a beaten female arse. The image leapt into her mind and before she knew it she was swivelling her pelvis blatantly begging for another. She got it. Another surge of heat and delight flooded through her and she moaned in appreciation of the
exquisite feelings. She needed to come! Just a few more of those lovely hard spanks and she was sure she would come. She had to come! From somewhere in her mind came the thought that the orgasm, when it came
would be unlike anything she had ever felt before. She had to have it!

“It’s taken ok,” the stranger said behind her. “I’d suggest making her climax straightaway and she’ll bond just fine.”

Beside her face she saw the bag taken away and felt the pressure on her hair and arms relax. But then another two spanks landed on her bottom, one on each cheek and she set about
swivelling and bucking her hips in earnest,
inviting them to do whatever they wanted just so long as
they made her co
me. From somewhere the thought appeared in her mind that as long as it was men doing it to her, she would probably orgasm whatever it was they actually did. But then someone used a doubled
belt on her and the previous feelings were swamped by the intensity of her body’s reaction. Again and again she was whipped hard across her back and buttocks. Vaguely she heard the laughter as the men admired her antics as she tried to dry hump her way to orgasm. She didn’t care. The feelings were wonderful and if
she could just tempt one of them
to fuck her…

Finally one did. An anonymous cock speared into her easily and she rocketed into orgasm almost immediately. And she had been right. It was like nothing else she had ever experienced. Her whole body seemed to resonate to it. Her mind ceased to function altogether and instead her whole being was focussed down on the few inc
hes of her vagina. She felt her
stomach cramp and her
and convulse
in ways it never had before and even as she screamed almost in fear of the climax she felt a hot tide inside herself flow and spurt.

When she came round, she was empty. There was male chatter and laughter around her, but all she could concentrate on was the fact that her cunt was empty and she needed another orgasm. If being chipped meant orgasms like that one, Sophie found she was all in favour of
. She looked around, hoping to see which man was going to take her next and became aware what they were talking about.

“That’s the best spurting I’ve ever seen!”

“Christ, she makes gallons of the stuff! Nearly forced me out of her when she came!”

“Jeez, I can’t wait to ride her!”

Dimly she recalled the hot, moist feeling and convulsions of
the orgasm. A wave of pride and heart-swelling pleasure rolled across her and all she wanted was to repeat the experience.

She loved her chip


By the following morning she was
more stiff and sore
than she had ever been. She had been plundered in all three holes times beyond count. The men couldn’t seem to get enough of watching her spurt her juices and even measured how far she squirted. All that was enjoyable enough but the real discovery of the night as far as she was concerned was that she could even come while fellating.

The following day
she was told
the tall
looking man was her new owner and that it was he who had had her chipped. They had taken the precaution of tying her to the wall of her stall before breaking the news but if they hadn’t, Sophie would have kissed his shoes in gratitude.

As I am a
ou will call me ‘Your Highness’

he said when they did release her and she fell to her knees in front of him and kissed his hand.

“Now you will put this on please and behave like the well-brought up young lady you think you
, instead of the rampant whore you now are,” he added and handed her a dress.

It was
simple tunic in pale blue and once her collar was removed and her wrist cuffs, she pulled it
It was halter necked and the t
which came
over her shoulde
rs and covered her breasts
left a fair amount of cleavage on view, she was pleased to note. After her experiences of the night before, the only purpose she could see in clothes was to tempt men into fucking her. The skirt was
well tailored
at the waist so that it flared out over her hips like a tennis dress and the hem was some five inches above the knee. Sophie looked down and admired the length of smooth, tanned flesh she displayed
. Surely there would be some sex involved soon. She was handed some kitten heeled sandals and slipped her feet into them.

“Now tell me,
“ her new owner said as she stood in front of him, making final adjustments to her dress, which felt constricting and odd after
she had spent
so long entirely naked. “Would you like me to remove your chip?”

“No!” the word leapt from her lips before she had time to think. “No, please, your Highness! I mean!”

He smiled grimly and beckoned her out into the stableyard. She followed and attracted several wolf whistles from grooms who were working in o
ther stalls. She was flattered, i
t wasn’t as though she could display any more than sh
e had the previous night but the sight of her in a revealing little tunic dress was getting them keen again. As she followed her new owner out of the yard and towards the car park, she felt her vagina begin to heat and moisten. She lengthened her stride and began to put a flirtatious sway of her hips into her walk; something she had never contemplated doing before.

Floyd was standing by her new owner’s limousine.

“Might be worth giving her one more test before you take her to the airport,”
he said to the

y all means.”

Floyd turned to Sophie and came to stand right in front of her. “I sold you to him.
I betrayed you. H
e s
aid he’d
honour th
e contract you had with me
but he’s already trashed it and had you chipped.
I’d say he’ll keep you as a full time slave – not just a ponygirl – for as long as it pleases him. What do you think about that Lightning?”

Sophie had just
realised that the
hadn’t taken her the pr
vious night and she was studying the front of his trousers, hoping to see
some trace of a reaction to her appearance in the dress. She drew her attention back to Floyd, who was now supremely irrelevant. She shrugged her should
ers and was pleased to see the
’s eyes follow the heft and ripple of her breasts. A cruel smile played around his lips as he looked up into her eyes and Sophie shivered. In those dark eyes she saw an intelligence, an implacable will and an arrogance that melted her insides. Whatever the orgasms had been like the previous night, this man could take her to places as far beyond them as they themselves had been beyond anything she had ever felt before.

“Good,” she said and climbed into the car, making sure she trailed a long, smooth skinned length of
as she did so. But then she remembered the
’s instruction about her demeanour and she demurely tucked her skirt under her bottom. She hoped the next orgasm wasn’t too far away and then she tried to wrench her thoughts away from that consideration. She was very aware of her dampness and her lack of knickers. She was terrified of having a damp patch
on the back of her skirt. The
climbed in after her and sat opposite.

“Good girl,” he said and
the calmly uttered phrase
put an end to any attempt on her part to prevent her cunt seeping
. But she needn’t have worried, he produced a lacy confection from his pocket and handed it across to her.

“I was just testing you as well,” he said and settled back in his seat as the car moved off. Sophie looked
t his trousers and was disappointed to see there was still no familiar straining bulge. “Do you want to come?” he asked.

“Yes, your Highness, very much!” Sophie replied instantly.

“That will not be possible until we are airborne so get those knickers on, girl,” he told her.

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