Blood and Thunder: An Epic of the American West (94 page)

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Authors: Hampton Sides

Tags: #West (U.S.) - History; Military - 19th Century, #Indians of North America - Wars, #Indians of North America - History - 19th Century, #Frontier and Pioneer Life, #Frontier and Pioneer Life - West (U.S.), #Adventurers & Explorers, #Wars, #West (U.S.), #United States, #Indians of North America, #West (U.S.) - History - 19th Century, #Native American, #Navajo Indians - History - 19th Century, #United States - Territorial Expansion, #Biography & Autobiography, #Military, #Carson; Kit, #General, #19th Century, #History

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Chapter 46 Crossing Purgatory


a bottle of opium distilled in a syrup…
Marc Simmons,
Kit Carson and His Three Wives,
p. 140.

“He begged me not to let him suffer such tortures…”
Henry R. Tilton,
The Last Days of Kit Carson,
p. 7.

“With the hero for my auditor…”
Ibid., p. 6.

“as wild and untamed as a brood of Mexican mustangs…”
Kit Carson and His Three Wives,
p. 130.

“I fear I’ve not done right by them.”
Kit Carson and the Indians,
p. 388.

he sent William and Charles…to be outfitted with new hats.
Kit Carson and His Three Wives,
p. 144.

“Oh, call me Kit and be done with it.”
Ibid., p. 128.

“My damn luck—thar’s the difficulty.”
Ibid., p. 133.

“I am now quite old and worn out…and hardly my own master.”
Ibid., p. 137.

“Gentlemen, that thar may be true…”
Kit Carson and the Indians,
p. 406.

“General, I’m not so sure the Great Spirit means for us…”
Ibid., p. 415.

an aneurysm can also be a symptom of syphilis…
Ibid., p. 407.

“You called your Lord Jesus…”
Jessie Fremont,
The Will and the Way Stories,
pp. 46–47.

“I’m alive yet!”…“I must get home, and I think I can do it.”

“the tumor, pressing on the pneumogastric nerves…”
The Last Days of Kit Carson,
p. 5.

“He just seemed to pine away after mother died…”
Kit Carson and His Three Wives,
p. 142.

compadre, adios!

The Last Days of Kit Carson,
p. 7.

“This is the last of the general.”

“He had in him a personal courage…like lightning from a cloud.”
Edward Sabin,
Kit Carson Days,
p. 805.


Epilogue: In Beauty We Walk


It was running headlong toward the west.
A prominent story in the oral history of the Navajos, another account of Barboncito’s ceremony can be found in Gerald Thompson,
The Army and the Navajo,
p. 152.

“Kit Carson was a good type of a class of men most useful in their day…”
Kit Carson and the Indians,
p. 418.

“I found the Bosque a mere spot of grass…”
The Army and the Navajo,
p. 140.

“The Commissioners are here now for the purpose…”
My account of the discussion between Sherman and Barboncito is taken from United States,
Proceedings of the Great Peace Commission of 1867–1868,
pp. 121–24.

“It appears to me…that the General commands…as a god.”

“We do not want to go to the right or left…”

“We wondered if it was
The Army and the Navajo,
p. 140.






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