Read Blood Apocalypse - 04 Online

Authors: Heath Stallcup

Blood Apocalypse - 04 (3 page)

BOOK: Blood Apocalypse - 04
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Apollo and Spanky both looked at each other and shrugged. “We haven’t gotten ours yet. We just arrived on those planes a little while ago. Nobody’s processed us.” The four men looked at each other blankly and then back at the two oversized men in black BDUs.

Finally, one of them pointed to a building with a flagpole in front of it. “That’s the HQ. If you’re looking for the ‘head ho
ncho’s office’ it’s in there. But good luck getting in without one of these.”

“Thanks, bro. Appreciate it.” Apollo tipped his hat and the two turned toward the building. “What’s the deal with the base badge, I wonder?”

“Beats me,” Spalding said as they approached the building. They took the steps two at a time and encountered one of the base security personnel at the front door.

“Badge,” was all he said as he moved to block the door.

Spalding and Apollo stopped just short of running into him and turned at each other. “Uh, we don’t have one yet. We just got here on the planes and—”

The guard moved swiftly in drawing his sidearm and brin
ging it to bear on Spalding as he tried to explain, but Apollo was quicker, moving with blinding speed he grasped the man’s wrist, twisting it as he lifted it up and away from Spalding’s head. The movement cracked the guard’s wrist, causing him to discharge the weapon just prior to dropping it. Apollo kept moving the guard’s arm, swinging it up and over, causing the man to flip in midair and land hard on the concrete steps. The man lay prone at his feet, knocked unconscious when his head struck the concrete, his weapon several feet away.

“What the fuck is wrong with these guys?” Spalding asked.

“I dunno, man, but he was about to ventilate your head.” He looked questioningly at Spalding. “Over a fucking plastic ID badge, man.”

As the two stood there over the guard, people began pouring through the doors of the HQ building. A beautiful young woman wearing a Major’s oak cluster ran to the fallen man’s side and checked him. “What did you just do?”

“He drew on us and we disarmed him,” Apollo offered in defense.

“Then he...uh…fell and hit his head,” Spalding added a little too quickly. He glanced at Apollo who only shook his head, his eyes cast away.

“What the hell happened out here?” Mitchell barked.

Spalding and Apollo snapped to attention. “Altercation, sir.” Spalding stated. Mitchell looked at the security officer on the ground and groaned. “Is he hurt bad, Major?”

She looked up from the officer and shook her head. “He’s unconscious, but I think he’s just knocked out, Colonel.”

“Get him to the infirmary. Report back to me on his cond
ition after he’s checked out.” Matt shot his two operators a stony look. “You two. In my office. NOW!” he barked.

Apollo and Spalding double timed it up the steps then stood in the lobby, no idea where to go. Mitchell stormed past them and into his office, the two operators hot on his heels. Matt went behind his desk and reached for his scotch. “Shut the damned door.”

Apollo used his heel to catch the door and swing it shut, both men feeling like they were sitting in the principal’s office. Matt threw the burning amber liquid to the back of his throat and swallowed quickly. “Fuck me with a red hot poker,” he swore. He sat forward and stared at the two men who were standing at attention in front of his desk. “Oh, for the love of Pete, at ease!” He poured another shot of scotch and sat back in his chair. “Sit down and tell me what just happened.”

The two men sat, Apollo having to wedge himself into the undersized chair. Matt almost chuckled and made a mental note to get a couch or loveseat in here as soon as he could. He pointed to Spalding, “You. Talk.”

Spalding inhaled deeply and began. “Colonel, we were looking for Jack to see if he could explain the whole thing about Max, and then thought…I dunno, that maybe
might know something. So we asked these four guys working the grounds and they said that we needed these badges.”

Apollo interjected at this point, “And we was like, ‘we don’t need no stinkin’
’ but…” he shot Mitchell a cheesy grin that flopped.

Spalding groaned and held up a hand to stop him. “So we get directions to here, and when we get close, this rent-a-cop steps in front of us and asks us for a badge. We tried to tell him that we
just got here
and didn’t have one and the son-of-a-bitch pulled his gun!”

“That’s when I…stepped in.” Apollo averted his eyes. “May have broke his wrist doing it.”

Matt glared at the two of them. “And given him a concussion as well.” He had tossed back his second drink during the last two minutes. Probably his tenth since getting here and he noted that the bottle was getting dangerously low. He reached for the bottle again and paused. “This is not good. Not good at all.”

“What’s the deal, boss?” Spalding asked. “I mean, this guy was way out of line pulling his gun over a stupid ID badge.”

“I know, and I agree. But these contracted rent-a-cops take their shit very seriously.
” He sat back in his chair and tried not to reach for his glass. “And we’ve already had one altercation with them…before we even got here. Jack and his team showed up a few hours before we did and the Wackenhut people…”

“Who?” Apollo snickered. “What the hell did you call them?”

“Wackenhut,” Mitchell restated. “They’re actually a top notch security contractor. Don’t underestimate them.”

Apollo stifled his laugh and simply nodded. “If you say so, sir.”

“I do.” His eyes indicated his seriousness and Apollo straightened up, though he still thought the name sounded like something little boys did behind closed doors with dirty magazines. “And as I was saying, Jack and his team had an altercation with them already. I spent nearly an hour trying to put out that fire and their people are NOT happy about it.” Matt stood up and stole a glance out of his window. “And now this?”

“Jesus, Colonel, what were we supposed to do? The guy pulled a gun and pointed it at my head!” Spalding was tempted to stand to make his argument but remained in his chair.

Matt turned around and looked him straight in the eye. “I probably would have killed him with his own fucking weapon.” His voice was low and gritty. “As far as I’m concerned, he’s lucky to still be alive.” He sat back down and ran his hand across his face. “Just spread the word amongst the team members. Give these dumb fucks a wide berth. They have big egos and they don’t take kindly to bigger fish swimming in their little pond. The idea that
operators are on their turf? I’m sure it’s driving them nuts.”

Apollo shook his head. “This is fucked up, Colonel. We shouldn’t have to worry about hurting the feelings of a bunch of pansy-assed security guards.”

“You’re right, you shouldn’t. But the fact of the matter is, we may very well NEED those pansies, and I want to know that when the time comes, we can count on them.”

“That’s what orders are for, sir,” Spalding interjected. “If they can’t take an order, you replace them.”

Matt shot him a hard stare. “Spanky, I have a little over a week before the end of the world. I don’t have time to replace them, much less train whoever their replacement might be. I have to work with what I have.”

Spanky slumped in his chair. “I gotcha, sir. Play nice with the dumbasses.”

“But once this op is done, they’re fair game, right Colonel?” Apollo asked.

Matt gave him a hard stare. “Negative. This was their turf first, and we just hiked on their furniture. I may be the new boss, but that is no way to make a good first impression, and that is not what being a real operator is about.”





Viktor stood in the small room where Natashia unpacked their belongings. He was still recovering from the effects of ‘the calling’ and kept shaking his head in an attempt to clear it. “I had no idea he held such a power.”

“He is the Alpha of all Alphas, my love.” Natashia had her back to him and continued to unpack as though what occurred was an everyday occurrence.

Viktor sat at the edge of the bed and watched her. “True, but you say this as if you expected as much. Surely you could never have suspected such things either?”

Natashia paused, holding the sweater she was about to put away. “No. I never suspected. But of all the things I have learned recently, I am not completely surprised.”

“Why is that, darling?”

She placed the sweater in the drawer and closed it. “Think about it, my love. We find out that the Sicarii is not only real, but alive and well and about to call all vampires into the Blood Apocalypse. We find out that the human hunters aren’t hunters at all, but wolves, very much like ourselves—”

“No,” Viktor interrupted, “they are nothing like us.”

Natashia sidled up next to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Why do you say this, my love? Is it because of Jack?”

Viktor let a low growl escape his throat as he thought of his daughter’s mate; the human hunter who thinks he is a wolf sim
ply because the humans genetically modified him. “He is nothing special.”

Natashia laughed and it startled him. “He is Nadia’s mate, Viktor. You must accept him eventually.”

“No, I do not.” 

“Remember, I told you that I had a secret to share with you?” she purred, rubbing her hand across his broad chest.

“Yes,” he answered cautiously. “What is it?” He eyed her even more cautiously, unsure of what she might hit him with.

“You must promise that what I tell you stays between us.”

“Tell me,” he growled. “You know I do not like games, Tasha.”

She stood and placed her hands on her curvaceous hips. “No. Not unless you give me your word. On your honor.” She flipped her chin high.

“What?!” he barked. “You will tell me now, or I’ll…”

She hiked a brow at him and allowed a slow smile to curve her lips. “Or you’ll what?”

Viktor growled again, grabbing her roughly and pulled her to his lap. “Maybe I’ll love you so roughly that you’ll beg me to stop?” he teased.

Natashia laughed and ground herself against his loin. “Do your worst, wolf.”

He pulled her to him and kissed her roughly, his hands roughly squeezing her ass. She moaned and bit his lower lip, pulling it into her mouth and causing him to hiss.

“Harder,” she purred in his ear. She leaned closer and bit him hard on his earlobe.

He grew more aroused and felt her nails rake his flesh, the pleasure and pain spiking his arousal again. “Take me, my man.”

He rolled her off of him and left her on the bed. “Not until you tell me your secret.” He stood stoically. Tasha glared at him, fury rising in her eyes that he would deny her. In an instant she hid her emotions.

“Not until you promise me that you will keep the secret.”

“Tell me,” he ordered.

Tasha stared at him a long moment then smiled seductively. She feigned a yawn, stretching and pushing her ample breasts into his face. She then slowly unbuttoned her top and allowed those same ample breasts to fall free, noting his eyes lowering to them as she rocked her upper body side to side to give them their magical sway. “Promise me…” she repeated in a sing-song voice.

Slowly another growl grew in Viktor’s throat as he gazed at her teasing flesh. He watched her hands come up and press her breasts together, pushing them up toward him, teasing him, tempting him.

“Fine!” he barked. “I promise.”

With a girlish giggle, Tasha sat up and embraced him, pul
ling his face to her chest. “I knew you could never resist me.” 

He nuzzled her and inhaled deeply of her scent while ru
bbing his face into her bosom.  “Tell me your secret, wench.”

“Our daughter is with child,” she said quietly. “And she has yet to tell her mate.”

Viktor froze, his face buried in Tasha’s chest. Slowly he withdrew from his face and stared intently at her. “You jest.”

, I do not.” She was unsure of his emotions.

Viktor sat heavily on the edge of the bed, his face unread
able. “With child?”

“Yes, my love. I am sure.” She sat up and put her arms around his chest. She could feel his heart racing under her hands.

He shook his head again as if to clear it. “We will be grandparents.”

“Yes, we will.” She smiled at him. “The sound of little feet running through the castle again.”

Viktor suddenly stared at Tasha, his face showing fear. “We are too young to be grandparents, my darling.”

She pulled back in shock. “Poo! Viktor, you are centuries older than I!” She slapped at his shoulder. “While it is true that
am too young to be a grandmother,
are certainly old enough to be a grandfather!”

He jerked back and stared at her, his mouth agape. Tasha laughed at him and pushed him away. He pulled her closer and tossed her down onto the bed. “I’ll show you who’s old enough to be a grandfather!” he growled as he bit her upon her exposed breasts causing her to giggle and yip.

!” she cried. “Show me! Show me
!” she growled.

The two wrestled about on the bed for a bit when Viktor suddenly paused. “Why did you stop?” Her face puckered with disappointment.

“Why is this a secret?”

Tasha sighed and averted her eyes. “Nadia has yet to tell her Jack.”

Viktor leaned back and glared at Tasha. “Why?”

“I do not know her reasoning. Only that she wants to in her own time,” she said, giving him a warning look. “And we will respect that.”

Viktor thought about it a moment then simply nodded. “Very well then.” He turned back to Tasha. “Now then…where were we?”

She lifted her breasts to him again. “I believe you were here…and here.” She raised her brows at him.

“Ah, yes…I believe you are correct.” He lowered his face and dove back in.




Jack found the barracks and went upstairs to the Team Leader’s rooms. He glanced around and half expected to find Nadia waiting for him in the common room where the TV sat silent, magazines scattered about the tables in front of the array of couches. He went down the hall and stuck his head in the first room but it was empty, unclaimed by any of the other squad leaders. The second room was empty as well. He assumed the final room was empty as well and found it stripped clean. With a shrug of his shoulders, he entered and dropped onto the bed. After staying with the elves, he rather enjoyed the feeling of a mattress under him again. He stared at the ceiling a moment then rolled off the bed and tossed his bag onto it, an unofficial claim to the room should any of the other squad leaders try to lay claim to it.

He stepped out of the room and back down the hall. The lowest level had open bay barracks, enough for possibly two hundred personnel; but not nearly enough for the Elven Warriors who still waited in the warehouse. He shook his head as he po
ndered where they would put them all. They couldn’t expect the elves to sleep out on the desert ground.

He took the stairs two at a time and stepped back out into the heat of the Nevada sun. He stared across the tarmac and saw the last of the planes taxiing away from the unloading area, ma
king room for those that were surely on their way from across the world to this little slice of hell on earth. He turned and headed back to the warehouse, its large roll away doors still standing open. The only signs of inhabitants inside the warehouse were the slight wavering that one might catch from the corner of their eye, much like heat rising from the floor of the desert. Jack entered the building and called for Horith. A moment later, the tall Elven warrior appeared next to him as if stepping out of the heat ripple.

“Chief Jack.” He nodded.

“Horith.” Jack nodded back. “Look, we may have a slight problem,” he began. “I’ve been to the barracks, and there are only bunks for about two hundred people.”

Horith only stared at him, his face expressionless. “My pe
ople only just got here themselves, and we didn’t know what to expect either. I apologize to you, my friend, but I think your people will have to take turns with the beds.”

Horith finally smiled at him and stated simply, “We have no need for such luxuries, Chief Jack. We have brought our own accommodations. We can make do with this fine shelter if it is acceptable to your people.”

Jack only stared at the man. “I don’t understand, Horith. There’s nothing here you can use. There’s no beds, no running water, no…”

“You don’t understand, Chief Jack,” Horith stated. “We have brought what we need.”

Jack shook his head. “But, Horith, it’s so damned hot in here! At least let us get you some place that has air conditioning or—”

“Chief Jack,” Horith interrupted, “my people and I are fine. We have everything we need.”

The smile he gave him told Jack that Horith wasn’t kidding. Apparently, the elves had packed away everything they needed in their pouches. Either that or they were taking turns going back through their Doorway to Anywhere to get whatever they needed.

Jack shrugged and nodded. “Okay, buddy. You win. But look, we have a cafeteria right over there. If you or any of your people get hungry—”

“We have our own food as well.”

Jack gave him a quizzical look. “Horith, nobody brought anything with them. How can they be so well taken care of if all they have are their bows and spears and clubs and…I just don’t get it.”

Horith simply smiled. “Things are not always as they appear, Chief Jack.”

Jack studied him for a moment longer, then simply nodded. “Okay, Horith. But listen, if you decide you need anything, extra blankets, fresh water, food…anything…my barracks is right over there. Okay?”

Horith simply nodded. Jack turned to go but turned back quickly. “Do you want these doors open or closed?”

“Either way,” Horith answered. “It does not matter to us.” And with that he faded back into the heat shimmer.

Jack thought.
What I wouldn’t give…




Dom finally worked his way to a public pay phone and tried again to place a collect call to Tinker. He listened intently to the phone ring and ring until the international operator came back on the line and informed him that the receiving party must not be at home as nobody was answering. Dom tried not to panic and had the operator check to make sure that she had called the correct number. They
to be there. There was
someone there to…then he remembered what Lieutenant Gregory had told him the last time he called the base. They were bugging out and he was supposed to hitch a ride with Team 2!

Dom cursed and slammed the phone down. He paced and fought the urge to punch the phone kiosk; if he could only r
they were going. 

He groaned in frustration and leaned against the wall. He wanted to curse, to punch something, to throw something. His frustration level went through the roof. He finally had the answer to the question that had been nagging at him, and now he was stuck on the other side of the world with no way to reach his command.

Dom forced himself to stop and think. What would be the
thing to do? He paused and emptied his mind. Aviano! He would find a way to the Air Force Base at Aviano and then hop a military flight back to the states. Or maybe he could get lucky and find out where Team 2 went from there.

He knew he was grasping at straws, but right now, it was the only thing he had.

He stepped away from the shadows of the phone kiosk and glanced around. He had no idea where he was or which direction Aviano was, but he had to find a way there…and fast. The shop that the kiosk was attached to was closed and the street looked deserted. He took one more quick look to ensure the coast was clear then took off down the street.

“I have no idea where I’m going, but there’s no sense in b
eing late,” he muttered to himself as he took off at a trot.




“Holy shit, Cap. Check this out.” McDonald leaned across the monitors, pointing.

“What do you got?” Captain Roberts sipped at his coffee, his eyes scanning the incident report involving one of his men outside the HQ. He was doing his best not let his temper rise out of control as he read how one of his men had been accosted and put in the base infirmary.

“You have to see this to believe it.” James was still pointing at the screen. “I’m seeing it myself and I don’t believe it.” Roberts could hear him rewinding and playing the same scene over and over. With a heavy sigh, he stood from his seat and went to the monitors.

BOOK: Blood Apocalypse - 04
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