Blood Bound (23 page)

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Authors: V. J. Devereaux

BOOK: Blood Bound
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Just as suddenly, the crowd came to a stunned halt as the massive space suddenly became a blur of dark clad forms, several of whom found armed targets. Said targets were abruptly disarmed and restrained.

Vampires, lots of them.

All motion ceased as the complex was ringed with vampires answering their leader’s call.

His dark eyes locked on Holbrooke, Julian said, quietly, “Remember? What was it you called me? King of the Vampires?”

Rage filled him, turned his vision red. His hand tightened.

The man’s feet dangled a good foot from the ground and his face had turned an alarming purple.

In the distance Julian could hear the sound of sirens drawing close. He fought instinct, centuries of habit and the fact that this man had threatened his mate.

It was a close struggle, reason against nature.

“Do me a favor, Julian,” Rafi said, drily, her voice thin, “don’t kill him. I’d really hate the paperwork.”

It was the tone in his true mate’s voice, the faint humor and a touch of something else, that drained his anger away as if it hadn’t been.

Sasha had never seen a vampire in full fury. Then, just as suddenly, it was gone. He holstered his weapon as Julian slowly lowered Holbrooke to the ground, glancing at his partner in surprise when she didn’t step forward to help him cuff the man.

His breath caught.

“Oh God…Rafi…?” Sasha whispered.

With a sigh, Rafi looked down at the blood spreading beneath her hand.

The adrenaline was wearing off. Pain followed in its wake.

Almost in surprise, she said, “Oh, hell.”


Chapter Thirteen


At the sound of that soft oath, Julian turned to look at her, cold fear running through him as Sasha caught Rafi and eased her down to the stage. All he could see was the spreading stain below her breastbone. So bright, so red. All he was certain of was that she couldn’t survive it. His heart went still.

“I’ve got him,” a grim, laconic voice at his elbow said, not unkindly. “Go take care of her.”

Julian looked at the tall, lean werewolf. This must be the Sid Barnes Rafi had spoken of then. Rafi had trusted him with her life and theirs. As would he.

“Let him go, Julian,” Barnes repeated, evenly, “I’ll take care of him.”

It was as if the man whose throat Julian held didn’t exist, although Holbrooke gasped and choked, kicked and struggled.

Nodding, Julian released him.

Barnes caught Holbrooke’s arm before the man fell.

Looking at his people, Julian said, “Don’t harm any of them but get them away from us, I don’t want them to see this. The rest, attend me.”

The vampires swept their charges away, surrounded them, dark eyes or light fixed upon those they held prisoner.

A look was all it took for Rafi’s partner to release her into Julian’s arms as he went to a crouch beside them. He knew Sasha understood, it would have been the same if it had been his mate.

Nico pressed his wadded up shirt against Rafi’s wound. His eyes were grief-stricken.

Julian looked up at Sasha. “I know you’re her friend but in this you must trust me. We need some privacy and you might not want to watch.”

Looking at him, at what was in his eyes, Sasha nodded.

They’d met a few times with Rafi, gone out for drinks together. The ancient vampire had even opened up his land for Sasha to hunt, to let his true nature free, something he couldn’t do in the city or, for that matter, in very many places these days. He trusted Julian.

And Rafi loved him.

Sasha dropped a hand on Julian’s shoulder in comfort, then went to help Sid handcuff the prisoner, passing through the circle of vampires that now closed around Julian, Rafi and Nico.

Julian cradled Rafi in his arms.

Her eyes were closed, her face as pale as milk. His heart ached. He’d hoped to do this at another time, under better circumstances, but it would be now whether he wanted it or not.

He looked to his cousin. Nico nodded, his fear for Rafi clear in his eyes.

“Rafi,” Julian said, softly, commandingly, looking down at her, willing her to open her eyes. He needed her consent.

With a clear effort, Rafi’s deep blue eyes opened, brightened as her hand tightened a little on Nico’s fingers, her other hand going to Julian’s face. Her fingers were cold. Rafi was never cold. That sent a chill through him. She didn’t have enough of her own blood running through her to keep her warm.

Rafi smiled a little to see them.

Safe, they were safe. Relief ran through her. They were alive and safe.

She was so weak, though. Her heart thundered in her ears. Pain washed over her in waves, each one stronger than the last. She knew she was dying. Grief tightened her throat at she looked at the two men she loved most.

“Julian,” she whispered. “Nico.”

“Hush,” Julian said, cupping her cheek. “Rafi, love, will you marry us?”

“What?” she answered, frowning, bewildered.

“Rafita, my love,” Julian said, “Will you marry us?”

Her mouth twitched a little, her eyes sparkling but regretful. “In a heartbeat. Sorry, bad pun. Can’t, though, not legal.”

“Whether you know it or not, you are our true mate. It’s a thing of our people. Vampire marriage.”

Her gaze went to him, frowning at first, and then, eyes widening, she looked at Nico.

“Oh,” she breathed.

She looked back at him again, seeing the truth of it in his eyes.

“Yes,” she said. “Love you…both of you.”

Taking a breath, Julian nodded. “You have to drink from us, Rafi. Both of us.”

Just the thought of it sent a rush of pleasure through him. He wished they could’ve done this properly but there was always later. If this worked. There was a chance it might not.

Knowing what was needed, one of his people handed him a pocketknife.

Rafi blinked in confusion, her lovely blue eyes widening, her lips parting on a gasp of surprise.

It was enough.

Quickly, Nico nicked Julian’s jugular and Julian raised her to press her mouth against his throat, against the wound there, his hand cradling her head. With her mouth against it, she had no choice except to swallow. Julian felt her lips move on his throat and a shot of heat speared deep into his groin. If this had been done properly, they would have pleasured her for hours and then taken her afterwards. Somehow, oddly, given who she was, this was more appropriate. She was their Rafi, their cop.

Julian’s blood gushed into Rafi’s mouth, hot and warm, whether she wanted to take it or not.

As the taste of him filled her, she suddenly found she did want it, wanted him, craved the taste of him as it filled her. That first mouthful sent an incredible rush of desire and astonishing pleasure through her, nearly blinding in its intensity. He didn’t taste coppery but potent, rich, so strong, like a well-aged scotch. Magnificent. Heady. It was no wonder she loved him so much.

She slid a hand around his neck to savor him, the feel of his powerful body against hers. Beneath her hand, she could feel the strong muscles of his chest, his smooth satiny skin.

Julian. Her strong, proud Julian.

Her mouth closed on him as she fed, sucking weakly at first and then with greater strength.

Julian’s mind went blank as incredible pleasure burst through him. He’d never felt anything like it. He lost himself in it. Delirious, he thought he’d lost his mind, as well. Pleasure washed through him in waves as Rafi’s mouth drew on him. It was like a seemingly endless orgasm. His cock went rigid, his body went tight, quivering. Curling his arms around Rafi more tightly, he pressed her mouth against his throat to lose himself more deeply in the feel of it on him. In all his long life he’d never done this with any other. Now he was glad he hadn’t.

Nico steadied them, his arms around them. Julian wished it could go on forever but Nico hadn’t had enough time to fully recover either and Rafi needed to be joined to Nico as well. She belonged to both of them.

With an effort, Julian fought, strained for control and said, “Enough, Rafi, lick it so it will close, as you’ve seen us do.”

Obediently, she did.

He shivered at the touch of her tongue sliding over his skin.

“Julian,” she whispered, licking her lips to taste him on them. “So lovely.”

Her words swept through him and his cock stiffened even more. It made him shudder with ecstasy to see her lick the last taste of him from her lips. He wanted to make love to her nearly desperately.

Instead he passed her to Nico, who curled her into his arms with her mouth close to his throat, smiling in anticipation.

Julian started to say something, to warn him, but there was no way to prepare Nico for what he was about to experience, if it was anything like to what he had.

Cupping Rafi’s head in his hand, Nico nodded to Julian and turned his own head to expose his throat.

Julian nicked it and Nico swiftly put Rafi’s mouth to the wound.

A moment and then Nico shivered. His cousin’s eyes drifted closed and Julian knew Nico understood completely.

No encouragement was necessary. Having learned her lesson from him, Rafi’s mouth closed on Nico’s throat and she drew on him, one long, slow mouthful, her eyes closed in bliss.

The sensation of it took Nico like a brilliant burst of light, like lightning, glorious and vivid, just like his Rafi, their Rafaela. Nothing in his life had ever felt so good. Enraptured, he trembled with pleasure as she suckled at him, pressing her mouth against him so she would take more. A part of him wanted her to drink from him forever, ecstasy quivering in his gut, tugging deep, making his dick as hard as steel. He wanted to take her, to join with Julian to make love to her.

He knew he couldn’t. Not this time. Not here. There would be other opportunities now that they were hers.

“Lick it closed, Rafi,” Nico said, nearly begging her to do it.

Her lips curved in a smile against his throat and he fell in love with her all over again. Her tongue slipped lightly over his throat and he nearly came from that alone.

Nico shivered. This was Nico, her beloved Nico.

Rafi loved him as completely as she did Julian. The hot warm taste of him filled her, slightly sweet, as creamy as an excellent sherry or Irish cream. Warm, wonderful and delicious. She feasted on the taste of him.

Obediently, she did as she was told.

Carefully, Julian lifted the wadded compress from the wound. All that remained of it was a puckered mark to show where the bullet had struck her. Bending his head, he kissed it, then looked at her.

Cradled now in their arms, Rafi looked up at them. Color bloomed in her cheeks, her eyes looked less hollow, less drawn. Already the change was taking place.

It was good to be King, sometimes.

The sirens closed, came to a stop. Car doors opened and closed. Spotlights lit the building.

Sid Barnes strode to the doorway, holding his badge up so those outside could see it.

“Barnes, Metro PD, coming out,” he shouted.

Rafi took a breath, all her nerves alive and sparking it seemed.

Julian and Nico rose to their feet, each offering her a hand to bring her to her feet as well.

Rafi sighed. “My Captain is going to love this.”


Chapter Fourteen


The Captain hadn’t liked it, in fact he’d been furious. Rafi had gone way off the reservation, taking Sasha and Sid Barnes with her. It had been sheer luck, he’d said, that it had come out the way it had. He had no idea how true that was.

Rafi had faced demotion at best, being removed from the force at worst…until the various law enforcement agencies started to put the pieces together.

With Holbrooke’s modus operandi established from his attack on Julian and Nico, they’d been able to tie him to the six known dead and more. From papers in Holbrooke’s room, they learned Holbrooke had been working himself and his people up to similar attacks across the country. Given the precarious state of paranormal affairs, with many still uneasy at their presence, it would have been disastrous. It had taken Rafi’s involvement with Julian and Nico to catch him. The paranormal community was extremely grateful, especially the various leaders of the vampire community. Including Julian.

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