Blood Harvest (33 page)

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Authors: Michael Weinberger

BOOK: Blood Harvest
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Alpha and Steve rushed to the stairwell then cautiously proceeded through the door. No sounds coming from inside; Steve let out an anxious sigh, “C’mon, let’s move.”

The third through fifth floors turned out to be exactly as they expected: working labs which, despite the heightened security measures, were relatively easy to access after Chris had permanently damaged their systems. The machinery was moving at what appeared to be full operation, an unmanned operation at the moment, with no evidence of base materials or indication of final product.

Steve was on the fourth floor when Chris’ voice echoed into his earpiece.

“Okay my fellow “B and E”ers, I am up and running. Security cameras coming online now; give me a second to check each level.”

Steve waited through the silence as Chris studied each floor.

“Weird…” Chris’s whisper could be heard over the com-link.

“Want to let us in on what’s so weird?” Steve responded.

“Sorry, yeah, the first seven floors are completely deserted. I have a good visual of each space; these levels show nothing but assembly line type machinery. No security or scientists or any of our people.”

“That’s what we’ve found as well,” Alpha confirmed.

“And it seems that’s all you guys are going to find on the next few levels. My recommendation would be to start moving directly to the tenth floor. It may yield some new discoveries.”

“Prudence would dictate clearing each level as we went,” Steve warned.

“Yes, but we don’t know how much time we have before someone is alerted to our being here,” Alpha replied. “My people are also saying we are clear on these levels. I say we hit the stairs and move to the tenth floor,” Alpha spoke up from his position.

“You’re still in contact with the hunters?” Steve asked incredulously.

“Always,” Alpha said with a slight tone of indignation at the thought he would be out of contact with his few remaining people for even the slightest moment.


Alpha turned his head to the side, pulled his white hair over his ear and pointed to a small earpiece practically invisible inside his ear canal.

“When the hell did you start using those?”

“A lot has changed since you left youngster.” Alpha smiled.

“I’m not that young anymore.” Steve grumbled.

“Compared to whom?” Alpha chided.

Steve changed the subject and spoke into his hand held radio. “Chris, how sure are you that we aren’t going to have any unexpected company on the remaining four floors.”

“Right now I am one hundred percent sure. If anything changes though, I’ll let you know.”

Steve really didn’t like the idea of moving forward without clearing each level, but the reality of their time constraints weighed more heavily.

“All right Alpha. Let’s move straight to the tenth floor. Chris you be our eyes and let us know if any bad guys pop up.”

“You got it.”

With that the two men began the long ascent to the tenth floor totally unaware and blind to anyone who might be waiting for them there.

Chapter 45

The manner in which the highly trained and disciplined mercenaries reacted when the power initially surged off could not accurately be described as panic. Controlled chaos perhaps, but not panic. Kunnert fired two rounds into the ceiling thereby restoring order among his currently agitated security force.

“Now listen to me and listen good. There is a fair chance the building has been breached by the remaining force of what we all faced down in the silver mine. Their numbers are unknown but there couldn’t be more than a handful of these people left alive; this should not be a difficult undertaking. However, it has been brought to my attention that a new player may have entered the fray. This individual is
to be engaged in any way. Do I make myself clear? If you want to live to see tomorrow do not engage this individual.”

One of the security staff spoke up from the crowd, “Sir! How will we know who to engage and who to avoid?” The man was large and gruff and looked totally out of place in the suit jacket and slacks of the security uniform.

“If you see someone who looks as though death itself has come for you, that’ll be the guy to avoid. Believe me, you’ll know.” Kunnert left it at that and changed the subject.

“Your priority is the lockdown and removal of any aggressors within the building. Lethal force is authorized, so collect your weapons and resume your positions.”

Kunnert looked around the room and realized Alex Daniels was absent from the rest of the group.

“Oh Goddammit! Where the hell is Daniels?”

Dr. Whelan, who had arrived with the rest of the security personnel, spoke up. “He went into his private office where his video feeds are connected to see if whatever shorted the power also crippled the rest of the computer systems.”

Kunnert knew it had. There were no coincidences in this world. He doubted that whatever had sacked the power would spare the systems.

“I’m sure he will find the system’s well-fried. I want those of you with the appropriate skills to go to Daniels’ office and see if you can get the system up and working again. You will be our eyes as we move through the building.”

Two men and a woman stood and walked from the conference area, heading toward Daniels’ private office. Kunnert watched them go, wondering if he should go with them to see what state Daniels was in. No, that could wait.

“Okay, move people,” Kunnert finished and called Dr. Whelan over.

“Do you have enough equipment in a mobile state to make a hasty getaway if it comes to that?”

“Well, no, not really; however, I could get all I really need in a couple of minutes if it becomes necessary.”


“All I need are the research files. Everything else, equipment and the like, can be purchased anywhere in the United States.” The doctor studied Kunnert and could see the man was worried. “Are you thinking I should start packing?”

Kunnert thought about it for a second and replied. “I think that would be prudent, especially if it would only take a few minutes. If we can contain this then you will have only lost a small amount of time. If not…”

“No problem then, I’ll get started.”

With a questioning look Kunnert said, “Check your cell phone. Are communications out?”

The doctor reached into a pocket and pulled out his cell phone. Normally his phone had full connectivity; however, as Kunnert had predicted, the line was unable to connect with a signal for use.

“Dead as a doornail…whatever that means.” The doctor replied.

“I thought so. All right, get going, but meet me in Daniels’ office when you are done.”

Once the doctor left the room Kunnert walked through the double doors to Daniels’ private office. The enormous suite was shrouded in darkness save for the flashlights being used by the techs overlooking Daniels’ server. The entire system was down and a faint smell of burning was in the air.

For his part, Daniels was nervously pacing around his office, looking on the verge of losing control.

Ignoring Daniels for the moment, Kunnert turned to the three techs, “One of you go with the group heading to the lobby and see if you can get something working from the first floor. Your priority is the reactivation of the security cameras.”

“What about the security locks in place on the tenth floor?”

“No, those are supported by redundant systems separate from the main. Even if everything else shorted out I guarantee they are still functioning at full capacity. Get the cameras up and running. We need to be able to see our enemy.”

One of the men grabbed his tool kit and sprinted from the room to catch some of the security personnel before they reached the elevators.

“We’re under attack! We are actually under attack,” Daniels moaned miserably. “This is not how business is done! We move through the courts and legal systems. We can fix those things. What the hell is going on?” Daniels was rambling.

Kunnert walked over to him, “Relax Mr. Daniels. Everything is under control. We will have the computers and security systems functioning again soon and anyone found in the building who isn’t part of the team will be dealt with most severely.”

“Kunnert! Don’t you get it? We are under attack!!! My God! They aren’t here to arrest us; they are here to kill us! We have to call the police!”

Kunnert slapped him so hard he thought he could hear the man’s neck pop. Alex Daniels went sprawling to the floor. He made no attempt to get up, only looked up at Kunnert with disbelieving eyes.

“You want to call the police?!? Are you insane? We have over three thousand donors and volunteers being held in this building, some of whom
the police.”

Alex Daniels looked away from Kunnert and at the floor.

Kunnert turned his back to him to walk away then stopped, turned back around and said, “What did you think the ones we didn’t take were going to do? Just sit around and try to explain to the authorities who they were and why all of those people were kidnapped and killed?”

Alex whined out, “But, but they couldn’t go to the authorities without exposing themselves so...”

“So what? You thought they’d just lie down and die?” Kunnert asked rhetorically, watching Daniels’ face and realizing that’s exactly what the man had thought would happen.

“Oh you are kidding me?” Kunnert sighed.

“What could they do? They had no one to turn to and no where to go. They should never have been a threat to us.”

“Damn you are naive.” Then Kunnert softened, “All right Daniels, just stay up here in your office where it’s safe. I’ll call you when it’s over. You do understand that when communications come back online you CANNOT call the police?”

Alex Daniels rose to his feet, dropped his head and mumbled “Yes.”

Kunnert added, “Good, keep your eyes on the prize Mr. Daniels. This night is the only obstacle left.”

“Sir?” one of the techs spoke up.

“What is it?”

“We have restored partial function to the security database.”


“Yes sir.”

“Which part exactly?”

“Enough to run a diagnostic on the system.”

“And you found?”

“The security systems are all down with the exception of the tenth floor, as you predicted. The video feeds are also active but I am unable to get a picture on any of the floors appearing to be operational.”

“And why would that be do you think?”

“The only thing I can think of is that someone is piggybacking the signal and has accessed the currently active video cameras.”

Kunnert felt the rage inside him begin to boil. “They are using our own equipment against us?”

“It would seem so sir.”

“Can you stop this?”

“If I send a double loop feed…hmm.” The tech seemed to consider an option then said, “No, I can’t completely shut them out, but I can work with their signal and share the same information they are seeing. I could also shut down the feed for everyone.”

“How interesting…” Kunnert’s mind raced as he considered how he could use this to his advantage. “Will they be able to tell we have gained access to the cameras?”

“Electronically no, but our responses will ultimately make it obvious.”

“And by that time it will be too late for them. Make it happen.”

Chapter 46

Upon reaching the tenth floor Steve and Alpha were greeted by an ominous looking security wall. It was similar in appearance to the outside wall of a bank vault and had the same impenetrable feel.

Steve spoke into his radio, “Chris we found some pretty heavy security here, any luck in over riding its system?”

“Hold on.”

Steve could hear the rapid clicks of the keys on the keyboard as Chris worked furiously on the other end of the radio.

“Chris? I don’t mean to rush you, but time is a factor here.”

“Have you tried saying ‘Open Sesame’ yet?”

Steve sighed, “No not yet.”

“Well try it a couple of times, if that doesn’t work wait five minutes and try again. If you still get no response then wait five more and try saying it with a different accent, I recommend Irish.”


“Okay, I’ll try a different tactic with you. It will be open as fast as possible so…SHUT UP AND LET ME WORK!”

With that Chris cut off the conversation and his radio.

Steve chuckled under his breath while Alpha’s countenance looked stern as always.

“He’s...uh…working on it,” Steve said to Alpha who had obviously heard the entire conversation.

They walked to what appeared to be the door and waited nervously for something to happen. In less than a minute Steve’s radio squawked with Chris’ voice.

Steve picked up the small box, “That was fast, from the way you sounded I thought…”

“Nope, still haven’t got it, but I’m close. Thought you’d like to know you have a serious number of angry looking individuals spreading out from the eighth floor working their way up to your level. Looks like they came out of the elevators below you to cut off any chance of escape.”

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