Read Blood Instinct Online

Authors: Lindsay J. Pryor

Blood Instinct (4 page)

BOOK: Blood Instinct
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‘Then I guess that would make me a very bad mate if I didn’t allow such a good leader at least ten minutes’ reprieve.’

The stiffness in his jeans intensified at the prospect. Because being that close to her reminded him how much he needed it, even if only for a short while.

‘Ten minutes is nowhere near long enough, Phia.’

But her hands insisted to the contrary as her soft, warm fingertips touched his bare abs like a magnet direct to his heart. ‘Jask Tao, I know
what you can achieve in ten minutes.’

She hooked her fingers into his belt loops as she lifted herself onto her tiptoes. Her butterfly kisses, once and then twice on his lips, were tender enough to have him close his eyes, to relish in the warmth of her closeness.

A jolt of anticipation stirred in his jeans as her fingers slid along the inside of his waistband before she backed up against the wall, leading her with him. ‘Would you like to see what
can achieve in ten minutes?’

Not that he didn’t already know.

His erection turned painful at his recollection of their last time: his fingers tangled in her hair as she sat astride him in the chair. They hadn’t said a word to each other. It had been as natural and as effortless as it had become with her. They’d both come quickly but with intense satisfaction as always. And as he’d held her and kissed her afterwards, it had confirmed yet again that sex had become something special between them. The type of sex forged only with a mate: raw and passionate and untamed, that burned the chest and sated the heart.

She was his safe haven. She was his sanctuary as well as his release. Because her touch was a reminder of what freedom felt like.

As she slid her smooth, soft hands over the breadth of his bare chest, as her fingers played over every contour of trained muscle, Jask tingled at the delicacy of her touch. A touch exacerbated by her gaze, which lingered alluringly on his as she slid her hands down his stomach to unfasten his jeans, a further reminder that, especially under the blue moon, he too needed to calm and satisfy the lycan inside.

Jask let out a steady exhale as her warm hand found his erection. He throbbed as she tenderly teased his length with the very tips of her fingers in a feather-light touch that complemented her delicate kisses up his neck to behind his ear.

As she playfully nipped his lobe before gliding her lips down to his pecs, firing up every nerve ending as she licked across his nipples, he closed his eyes to contain himself.

‘You’ll be the death of me, Phia McKay,’ he declared, pressing his palms to the wall either side of her head as she finally coiled her warm hand around his hardness, her lips again taunting his with kisses.

Her goading smile had him straining in her hand, and no more so than as she grazed his bottom lip with her teeth, tugging it towards her whilst tightening her grip on his erection.

And her eyes sparked with mischief as she freed him only to lower herself to her knees.

Jask drew an unsteady breath as he clasped the back of her head, closed his eyes again and rested his forehead against the wall. He pressed his thumb between his eyebrows as she licked along the underside of his erection before wrapping her mouth fully around him.

He gritted his teeth as she took him deep; exhaled as steadily as he could as one of her hands clasped his behind, her other working him to perfection exactly as he had taught her.

He burrowed his fingers in her hair, relishing in the heat of her mouth, the escapism, the tenderness of her touch, the circling of her tongue as it toyed with his sensitive ridge, inciting him to take control, to push deeper.

He knew he could have come right there, right then.

Instead, wanting to prolong the moment, he grabbed her arms and lifted her to her feet, pressing her back against the wall.

Her hair fell over one eye, adding to the sultry look she gave him, her lips seductively wet as his pre-cum mingled with her saliva.

And she licked those swollen lips in a way that was far too provocative, especially as she simultaneously unfastened the top button of her jeans and lowered the zip, letting them slide down over her hips before stepping out of them.

He glanced down at her knickers, now low on her hip bones, before raking his gaze back up over her subtly convex stomach as she grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and lifted it up and over her head, her breasts pushed together with the motion, emphasising their pert roundness, their malleability.

And as she leaned back against the wall, her gaze still locked on his, waiting for him to make the next move, he knew there was no turning back.

He cupped both hands around her neck, pressed his thumbs under her jaw to tilt her mouth up to his, allowing him to control their kiss, to allow him the depth he wanted as he swept his tongue over hers, as he toyed with her teeth, the roof of her mouth, her lips.

Drawing both hands down her smooth shoulders, he pushed her bra straps down with the motion before sliding his hands down her breasts, grasping their warmth, their softness through the thin cotton.

Sophia let out a sigh of anticipation, enough to capture his gaze for a fleeting moment, her lips parted, her breathing shallow as she wrapped her hand around him again, her thumb toying with his tip.

Hooking his thumbs over the cups of her bra, he eased them down to gently and tenderly brush his thumbs across her hardened nipples as she simultaneously found the sensitive place between his legs – something he’d taught her that drove him wild. And the delicacy of her fingers that unabatedly drowned him in his own arousal was almost too much to bear as Sophia took her time, pleasuring him and teasing him in the way he loved about her.

Because he knew undoubtedly that’s what it was: love. Love that brought him to the edge quicker than any other female had in decades.

He wrapped his hand over the top of hers, encouraging her to tighten her grip further, pinning her other hand against the wall beside her head as he slid himself up and down in the limited space her grip created.

In those moments he stopped caring about anything other than Sophia, than the sensations she was creating in him.

‘I love you, Jask,’ she whispered, her lips inches from his.

The honesty of her words penetrated deep, creating a warm sensation that cocooned him.

‘I get that impression,’ he declared with a playful smile.

A smile that reinforced their infallible connection as she reciprocated.

Freeing her to her own pace and pressure again, he returned his attention to her breasts, his hands lingering on their softness before lowering his mouth to lick in slow and tenuous caresses that had her heaving enticing sighs of pleasure.

And as his tongue instantly found hers again, her taunting bites on his lips between kisses caused his hardness to ache.

In playful retaliation, he caught the inside of her thigh, nudged his knee between hers and slid his hand up between her legs to clutch her sex, loving the way she snatched back a breath as he did so, as he massaged her through the thin fabric of her knickers.

And to his satisfaction, her breathing quickly turned terse, her eyes closing, her damp heat already radiating through to his fingers, her foot sliding up the wall as he applied just enough pressure.

‘I’m starting to think maybe it’s you who’ll be the death of me, Jask Tao,’ she said, her breath mingling with his as she slid his jeans and shorts down over his hips until he could kick them away.

‘Maybe sooner rather than later,’ he declared, freeing both his hands to ease her knickers down over her behind, to unfasten the back of her bra, tugging it from her arms before pinning both wrists above her head, ‘if you keep tempting me like this.’

‘It’s not my fault you don’t have any self-control,’ she teased, her eyes glinting.

He flashed her a smile. ‘You have
idea,’ he said as he lifted her thighs around his waist before dropping with her onto the mattress.

She snatched back a breath from the rush of it as he pinned her wrists either side of her head.

He kissed both her breasts, her collarbone, up her throat, her neck, nipping lightly with his canines, enough to make her breath snag again, it feeling too long since they’d been intimate, the prospect of being lost in it for however long it lasted creating the sense of liberation he craved.

A sense of liberation that would sate the lycan in him for a while longer.

‘You know I love you too,’ he said, meeting and holding her gaze, looking deep into the brown eyes whose depths he wasn’t convinced he’d yet fathomed. ‘Don’t you?’

A smile reappeared on her lips as if those words were enough to suppress any worries beyond the door. ‘I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.’

But then she tilted her head to the side slightly, bit momentarily into her bottom lip as her eyes ignited with mischief again.

‘Seriously though, Jask: missionary foreplay? Is this
the best you’ve got after so long?’

He stiffened to the point of discomfort at her taunt. ‘Oh, honey, you know better than that.’

Her grin broadened wickedly. ‘I’m just saying if you need some suggestions… Maybe some help…’

?’ He drew air through his teeth reminiscent of a mechanic about to impart bad and expensive news. He lifted himself onto his forearm enough to roll her onto her front, loving her chuckle as he did so. ‘You know even insinuating that is worthy of punishment,’ he exclaimed against her ear before nipping her earlobe.

He caught a glimpse of her smile beneath her mop of dyed dark hair. But that smile quickly subsided into intense concentration as he eased his hand down between her legs to find the heat of her sex again, her wetness instantly coating his fingers.

Holding himself up, he interlaced his fingers over the top of her left hand as he pressed it into the mattress, loving watching her lost in her own pleasure – in the pleasure he was creating as he tenderly thumbed her clit in a way that always silenced her.

She swallowed hard, her breathing shallow, small tremors breaking out in her shoulders and the backs of her thighs as he worked her mercilessly. Because he knew only too well how to get her to peak but also how to hold her there, how to leave her teetering on the edge of her own ecstasy until it became too much.

Sensing her drawing close, he gently slid his middle finger inside her, relishing in her shudder, her mouth parting further as she wriggled slightly beneath him despite the natural restraint of his position on top of her.

As he imitated what would shortly follow, she gripped the back of her head with her right hand, her fingers knotting in her hair, her knuckles pale as she buried her face in the mattress, lifting her behind as she encouraged him deeper.

Jask immediately parted her thighs further with his own before meeting her demand, heightening her sensation by quickening the light flicking motions of his thumb.

Sophia whimpered into the mattress, her breathlessness telling him she was almost there.

But he tauntingly withdrew just before she climaxed.

‘Lesson learned?’ he asked against her ear. ‘Or do you
think you need to make a suggestion?’

‘Bastard,’ she hissed with another smile.

He swept back her hair and kissed her lightly and tenderly on the ear. ‘As you wish.’

He slid his erection into her just an inch.

She clawed the mattress, a contented, sated groan escaping her lips as he penetrated her slowly enough to make her feel every inch.

And he lowered his head, closing his eyes as he absorbed her heat, savouring the constriction that allowed him to feel even the slightest clench as he pushed deeper.

Fully inside her, he lifted himself again, used his free hand to brush back her hair, to free her neck to his kisses before he ran his hand down her bare shoulder and across the top of her back, his thumb brushing the nape of her neck as he slowly withdrew only to enter her again.

His natural rhythm with her was simple to find, their bodies working in perfect union to allow them both to relax into the pleasure and intimacy of their lovemaking, their mutual escape from the darkness of the world beyond.

Sliding his hand down her spine, then over the inner curve of her waist and down over her hip, he grasped and squeezed her behind before gliding his hand back up to caress her breast, working her nipple as he had her clit, causing her groans to intensify as his thumb picked up pace with his penetration.

He closed his eyes, blocking out everything but the softness of her curves, the heat of her skin, her subtle coating of perspiration.

But he wanted more.

Keeping himself inside her, he moved up onto his knees, grasping her hips to guide her to her knees in front of him.

Sliding his hand back up the length of her spine, he tangled his fingers in her hair to ease her upper body down as low to the mattress as he could until her forearms pressed into it.

And as he nudged her thighs further apart with his own, he could already feel the position was evoking a different slant to their intimacy. A different slant that had him sweeping his tongue swiftly down the length of his extending canine.

He knew he should have changed tack. But he didn’t want to.

Instead he withdrew only to bury himself in her heat more fervently, a myriad of images racing through his mind – of their first time against the cell bars; of her coaxing him as she lay on her back on the mat; of her insults outside the outbuilding before he swept her up in his arms in frustration, throwing her in the pool.

Of the time he found her in the alley, attempting to kill the vampire. Of her attempting to go down on him whilst in her serryn state.

The serryn that she still was. The serryn that he had been warned would intensify. The serryn that had vampires quaking.

But not him. He had nothing to fear from a serryn.

But a serryn had everything to fear from him.

Her breathing increased as he thrust deeper, harder. He homed in on her fast-beating heart, her ragged breaths, her small groans of pleasure.

BOOK: Blood Instinct
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