Blood of Centaurs: Book 12 of The Witch Fairy Series (3 page)

BOOK: Blood of Centaurs: Book 12 of The Witch Fairy Series
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It’s Garren’s turn to bite his tongue as his face reddens from the chastisement.  Boy, this engagement is going to be interesting to watch.  I hope to watch it from afar.  Out of magical firing range.

The rest of dinner is consumed with Dad asking questions about the Dragons.  Garren, who spent decades studying them, is happy to answer all his questions.  I personally have seen enough Dragons to last me a lifetime.  I’ll leave the study of them to Dad and Garren.

Ugh.  That makes me remember the reading I promised to do tonight.  I’m not sure why I’m so resistant to learn
ing more about the Sasquatch.  There is just something about them that rubs me the wrong way. 

The Centaurs are much more interesting to me.  Back home, I was fascinated with mythology.  Especially Greek mythology.  To discover that so much of what I read is true still blows my mind.

But, as with much of the mythology from my realm, the reality in it is almost completely lost.  The Centaurs were described as wild, savage creatures.  All except Chiron, the immortal Centaur who taught Achilles and other great heroes.  From what I’ve seen in real life, those from the Centaur realm are fierce, but not feral.  But, perhaps I am wrong again in judging a culture by the few I met recently.  The rest of the Centaurs could be as savage as the myths implied.

I take the information Isla gave me and retreat to the library.  I know if I try to study in our room, I will end up focusing more on Kallen than Centaurs and Sasquatch.  The material is dry.  Sort of like reading a description of a country on the CIA’s World Fact Book on the internet.  Nothing but facts.  Boring, boring facts.

That is, until I get to the actual number of beings.  The Sasquatch outnumber the Centaurs five to one.  How is it
then they have not won the war?  Are the Centaurs such skilled warriors that this ratio doesn’t matter?  Or are the Sasquatch such poor warriors their numbers don’t help? 

It makes
sense why the Centaurs are resistant to helping the Sasquatch despite their desperate need of resources to continue their survival.  From what I understand, the Centaur realm is not that big.  Can it sustain so many creatures? 

I search back through the papers until I find information regarding land mass of each realm.  I may have skipped over this section the first time around.  Finding the information, I am shocked at what I discover.  The Sasquatch not only outnumber the Centaur
s five times over, but their realm is about ten times the size of the Centaur’s.  How quickly would they destroy the resources available in the more plentiful Centaur realm if they could destroy a realm ten times as big?  Their argument is that they are plant eaters, not meat eaters, so the Centaurs would not suffer any loss.  But the animals the Centaur hunt are also plant eaters.  No more plants, no more animals, no more food for the Centaurs. 

I find the information on growth rates and find that most Centaur couples have only two children over their long lives.  In essence, they use population control so as not to overtax their realm.  The Sasquatch are a bit more prolific.  In their life span, pretty much equal to that of the Centaurs, they are
likely to have fifteen or more children.  Granted, both races live for hundreds of years, but still.  That would be quite the population explosion in the Centaur realm.  Could the Sasquatch be convinced to keep these numbers down as a compromise to sharing a realm?  A shiver runs down my spine at the thought of talking to either race about their sex life and childbearing.  I think I’ll let Dagda introduce that topic.

All in all, other than the idea that those
‘with’ should help those ‘without’, there is no reason the Centaurs should share their realm.  It could easily turn out to be suicide for them.  On the other hand, so could a prolonged war.  In essence, it seems the Centaur are screwed either way. 

It’s well past midnight by the time I find my way back to Kallen’s and my bedroom.  I find him already asleep.  Slipping into the nightgown he left for me on my side of the bed, I crawl under the covers and curl my body into
him.  I debate for a moment whether I should wake him.  He looks so peaceful in the moonlight.

My desire wins out.  My hands roam over his sun-kissed skin
, reveling in the taught muscles underneath.  I moan softly when I discover he is completely naked.  I kiss a line along his jaw until I reach his lips.  By this time, my gorgeous husband is very much awake.  Moving so that I am straddling him, I rain kisses over his body from his brow to far below his waist and then make my way back up again.  With my mouth firmly on his, I join our bodies.  I use his lips on mine to stifle the cries of pleasure I feel as we reach a crescendo.  I will never, ever get enough of Kallen.

We make love long into the morning hours, falling asleep just before dawn. 



A loud knock on our bedroom door wakes us.  “If you want breakfast before you go, I suggest you get those butts of yours out of bed,” Tabitha grumps through the door.

Yawning, I ask Kallen, “Do you think she blames me for Garren and Isla?”

A resigned expression settles on his face.  “No, not really.  Grandmother would have admitted her feelings eventually.  If she had made Garren move out, it probably would not have been long before he moved back in.”

, I’m still a convenient scapegoat, right?” I push.  Tabitha never sounds so gruff in the morning and she hardly ever knocks.  She usually just barges in and says good morning.  It’s weird her being more polite signals how upset she is.

A twinkle replacing the resignation in Kallen’s eyes, he says, “You may want someone else
to taste your food before you eat it.”

I grab one of the extra pillows on the bed and hit him with it.  Laughing, he takes it from me and gives me a good morning kiss that makes me forget all about Tabitha’s bad mood.  “Mmm,” I moan against his lips.  “Can’t we stay here instead of going to the peace talks?”

“As long as you explain to my uncle, I am fine with it,” Kallen teases.  Well, half teases.  He would be happy to remain in bed.  But, Dagda would probably come and drag us out.  Considering our current naked state, I’d rather that didn’t happen.

“Fine,” I groan and roll away from Kallen so I can stretch. 
The sheet falls away from me and I love how his eyes are riveted on my exposed flesh.  “I’m going to take a shower,” I say, getting out of bed.  Kallen joins me which makes us late for breakfast. 

When we walk into the kitchen, the first thing Dagda says to me is, “Please tell me you are not wearing that.”

I look down at the simple blue maxi dress I asked Kallen to make for me.  “What’s wrong with this?”

“Dear,” Tana says, “You need to dress like the Princess you are.”

Why are they even here so early?  It’s only seven thirty.  Way too early for a fashion critique.  “What do you expect me wear?  A tiara, ball gown and glass slippers?”  From the blank stares I get, the Cinderella reference is obviously lost on everyone.  Rolling my eyes, I ask, “What do you want me to wear?” 

Instead of answering me, Tana says to Kallen, “Perhaps something a little less casual.  More along the lines of my
ensemble.”  She is wearing a long, satin, brightly embroidered skirt in a rich yellow.  The stitching is flowers in multiple colors.  Her orange satin top is cropped with matching embroidery.  Her hair is pulled up into intricate braids and her makeup is perfect.  Smoky eyes, red as blood lipstick and a delicate blush to her pale cheeks.  And yes, there is a tiara sitting on her head.  It’s a small one woven into her braids, but it’s still there.

I can’t help but ask, “Is that traditional Fairy dress or just a look you created?”  If it’s traditional, then I’m all for it.  I should be a proud representative of the Fairy realm.  But if she simply wants me to look more like her, then what I’m wearing is fine.
  Yellow and orange are a bit loud for me.

Clearing his throat before his wife wraps her hands around mine, Dagda says, “Perhaps if your hair and makeup were a bit more…dramatic.”

Sighing, I turn to Tabitha.  She’s generally my hair and makeup guru.  “Will you please whip something up?”  She debates telling me no.  I can see it in her eyes.  She really is annoyed with me.

Not enough that she
won’t help me, though.  With a thought, she sends her magic toward me and I feel my hair braiding in what feels like a style similar to Tana’s.  My eyelids are suddenly heavier as a thick layer of makeup weighs on them.  I really hope she didn’t make me look like a clown because she’s annoyed with me.  Kallen’s smile reassures me she did not.

“Perhaps we are a bit underdressed
,” Kallen acknowledges.  His black dress pants and button down white shirt becomes a dark gray, tailored suit with a white shirt and green tie that matches his eyes.  This is very close to the suit Dagda has on.  “What would you like to wear?” he asks me.

I have no idea.  Grudgingly, I assess Tana’s outfit again.  She does look great in it and we do have similar body shapes.  But I definitely need different colors.  “How about something like your aunt’s but in shades of red.”  In an instant, my maxi dress is replaced by a skirt and top very similar in design
to Tana’s, but the embroidery is butterflies and dragon flies in muted colors.  It also wasn’t created by Kallen.  I raise my brows in Tabitha’s direction.

The older Fairy turns back to her stove where she is adding more bacon to a pan. 
Probably for the Tasmanian devils, not us.  “He has no idea how to dress a Princess,” she grumbles.

Ignoring Kallen’s indignation, I give Tabitha a kiss on the cheek.  “Thank you.” 

She waves me off.  “You do not want to get bacon grease on your clothes.”

She has a point.  I step back from the stove and take a seat at the island counter.  Waffles are on the menu today and I’m very careful not to spill
syrup on myself as I eat.

“What is on the itinerary for today, Uncle?” Kallen asks in between bites of
his own chocolate waffles with strawberry sauce. 

Setting down his coffee cup, Dagda says, “We will do a meet and greet when we arrive.  Later this evening, we will attend a reception honoring the current ceasefire.  Members of both realms will be present.  Tomorrow, we begin negotiations.”

“So, for me, that means bugs, no bugs for a while, bugs, sleeping, and then a whole lot of bugs,” I grumble.

my biological father asks, “Xandra, are you feeling alright?”

“Xandra has gained her Fairy ability,” Kallen explains.
  He is trying hard not to laugh.  My glare probably has something to do with that.

Still nonplussed
, Dagda says, “It has something to do with bugs?”

“Sort of.  If someone lies I feel like I have bugs crawling on me,” I
grudgingly explain.  I can already see the gears spinning in his mind about how he can use this to his advantage.

There is a bright gleam in Dagda’s eyes now.
  “You can detect lies?”

“Don’t look so happy about it.  I’m not.”

Dagda chuckles.  “I imagine the side effect is rather discomfiting, but what an ability to have.  This will make your rule much easier when the time comes.”

“Unless I’m driven insane because I always feel like bugs are crawling on me.  People tell a lot of lies,” I complain.

“Dear, if this is a new ability, perhaps Xandra should get used to it before attending such an important event,” Tana says. 

Is she trying to be helpful or trying to get rid of me?  Either way, I like the way she thinks.  “I’m all for that,” I say.

After scowling at his wife, Dagda turns his attention back to me.  “I have every confidence you will be able to control your reactions to this power as you have to every other ability you possess.”

My turn to scowl.  “Have you been paying attention?  My track record for controlling my reactions is extremely poor.”

My lovely husband snickers around his waffles.  After swallowing, he says, “She does have a point, Uncle.”

Dagda considers this for a long moment.  Finally, he shakes his head.  “This is too important for you to sit out,” he tells me.
  “Both realms would consider it an insult if you did not attend.”

I sigh.  “Okay, but when I start doing the hokey pokey in the middle of negotiations, don’t blame me.” 
Once again, blank stares abound.  This reference is also lost on them.  Rolling my eyes, I clarify.  “It’s a kids’ dance.  If I start shaking my body around because I’m convinced tarantulas are crawling on me, don’t be surprised.”

Kegan, who has been quiet until now, asks, “Before you go, will you please demonstrate this hokey pokey for us?”

I give him a sour look.  “No.”

“I will!” Zac says.  He must
have caught Kegan’s question as he entered the room.  Using his body parts appropriately, he begins singing.  “You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out.  You put your right hand in and you shake it all about.  You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.  That’s what it’s all about!”

A round of applause echoes in the room.  Zac, being
the ham he is, takes a bow.  Straightening, he says, “I could do another verse.”

“That won’t be necessary,” I say dryly. 

“What interesting songs you have in your realm,” Alita says, trying hard not to laugh.

I’m relieved to discover sarcasm doesn’t trigger my lie detecting.  Must be because she wasn’t actually trying to convince me it’s true.  “It’s a kids’ song,” I clarify

“As fascinating as this is, we should be going,” Dagda says.

“I’m ready!” Zac says.  “I ate breakfast earlier.”

I look at him quizzically.  “You’re ready for what?”

He gives me his best ‘sisters can be so dumb’ looks.  “I’m ready to go with you.”

Dumbfounded, I say, “With me?  You’re not going with me.”

A smug grin forms on my younger brother’s face.  “Yes, I am.  Uncle Dagda said I could and so did Mom and Dad.”

I narrow my eyes at ‘Uncle Dagda’.  “You invited my little brother to come?  What were you thinking?  This could be dangerous.”  A fight could break out between the Centaurs and Sasquatch and Zac could get hurt.

Kallen shrugs.  “I was younger than he is when I began accompanying my uncle on diplomatic trips.”

“But we don’t know if this is going to be diplomatic.  It may be all out war!” I protest.

“Xandra, your brother will be fine,” Dad says as he floats into the room.  “Your mother and I took all of that into consideration before giving our permission.  We know that no matter what happens, you will protect Zac.”  He gives me a cold kiss on the cheek that may have caused frostbite.  I try to warm the skin back up with my palm.

“We will all assume responsibility for his safety,” Tana says with an affectionate gaze in Zac’s direction. 

“I don’t like it,” I grumble. 

This set me up for receiving Zac’s best ‘if you love me you would
let me do it’ expression.  “Please,” he begs.

How can I say no to those big blue eyes and pouty lips?  And my brother knows the instant I make up my mind.  With a fist pump in the air, he says, “Yes!”

“You know you have to wear a suit, right?” I ask him.

This dims his excitement somewhat, but he’s determined to come.  “Okay.”

It’s Tana who does the magic.  Zac is now wearing a suit nearly identical to Dagda’s.  Navy blue pinstripe with a pale blue shirt and a tie that matches the color of the suit.  Zac looks himself over and states, “This isn’t so bad.”

Tana smiles.  “Perhaps on this trip we can work to improve your speech.”  Supernaturals and their insistence on perfect grammar.  It’s so annoying.

“You speak just fine,” I say to Zac.  I ignore the dark look coming from my step-mother’s direction. 

Step-mother.  It’s always odd to think of Tana that way.  Maybe because of the
open hostility she shows me when she can’t keep her emotions in check.  Granted, it’s getting better between us, but I will always be the reminder that her husband once cheated on her.  Not to mention the fact that I am heir to the throne because she has never borne children with Dagda.  I wonder if under Fairy law a baby born to them would trump my claim to the throne.  That’s probably too much to hope for.

Since my opinion is irrelevant, I guess Zac is coming with us.  “Fine.  But you stay by me,” I instruct. 

All smiles again, Zac says, “Okay.”

into the kitchen, a suit-clad Garren says, “Do not leave without me.”

My mouth drops open.  “You’re coming, too?”  I turn my astonished gaze to Dagda.

Clearing his throat and pulling on his tie a little, my biological father says, “Garren has valuable insight.  He often journeyed to the Sasquatch realm over the years.”

Frowning, Kallen asks, “Why?”  He is less thrilled than I am about this new development.

With a half-smile, Garren says, “There is a strong parallel regarding the way the Dragons and the Sasquatch think.  It was interesting studying the ways they each developed their society.”

“So, the Sasquatch are
also pig-headed, elitist and have a grandiose feeling of entitlement when it comes to their own special needs just like the Dragons,” I say dryly.  See, I have been paying attention. 

Kallen smirks.  “As you see, my wife has discovered the same parallels.  She has saved you a trip.”

Dagda is looking over Garren’s shoulder at Isla who followed Garren into the room.  Something passes between them silently.  Returning to our conversation, Dagda says, “I still believe Garren will be an asset to us.  He will be accompanying us to the peace talks.”

Suspicion is blooming inside me. 
The result of the tingly feeling I’m getting on my skin from Dagda saying he believes Garren will be an asset.  I think Isla convinced Dagda to take Garren with us.  But why?  To get him out of the house and give Tabitha time to come to grips with him being a permanent fixture?  Or is she hoping that spending time alone with him will make Kallen more comfortable with their relationship?  Either way, I think this is a bad idea.

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