Read Blood of the Demon (The Silver Legacy Book 3) Online

Authors: Alex Westmore

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Blood of the Demon (The Silver Legacy Book 3) (32 page)

BOOK: Blood of the Demon (The Silver Legacy Book 3)
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Her Hanta woke, but this time there was no anger, no heat or ire. No, this time, the Hanta knew what Denny wanted from it Not an attack. Not anger or hatred.


Hanta energy.

Healing energy.

Denny’s Hanta energy emanated through her arms and out through her fingertips. It was a healing energy, the kind the Hanta used to heal her.

When she’d lain in bed the day before, after waking up from Iris’s second batch of sleepy time potions, Denny had thought about the healing properties of her Hanta, of Annalee’s Hanta, and something in her told her that hers could heal another legacy demon if she concentrated hard enough.

They were, after all, a team, she and her Hanta. It was, perhaps, the first time Denny recognized this fact and accepted it for the truth it was.

When the outgoing energy slowed, Denny stepped away, feeling slightly weaker. “Get better, Peyton. Like Iris said to me: this world is a better place with you in it.”

When Denny walked out of the CCU, Valeria and Iris were waiting for her.

“You do not have energy to give, Hunter. As sweet as that was, it was ill-conceived.”

“On the contrary, Valeria. It’s
I have to give her. Keep me posted. I want to see her as soon as she wakes up.”

“That, I can do. There is one other loose end you’re going to wish to handle before you leave.”

Denny waited.

“Wynn Devereaux was also brought to the hospital. He is alive and in room 412, though the staff isn’t quite sure of what it is they are treating.”

“Who brought that piece of shit here?”

“The chopper pilot V called to the park wouldn’t leave him. He is alive. I figured you’d want to know that.”

Denny started for the elevator, Iris by her side. “DH, what are you gonna do?”

“Finish the job.”

“Oh no, you’re not. There are cameras everywhere. Don’t be foolish. Let this one go. Please.”

Denny angrily punched the button. “I can’t, Iris. I promised myself I’d avenge Louis’s death, and that is precisely what I am going to do.”

When they got on the elevator, Valeria slid in with them. “Listen to your witch, Hunter. Nothing good can come of this.”

“He knows too much, Valeria. He is a loose end I need to tie up.”

“Then let me.”

The elevator doors slid closed.

“What do you mean?”

“You say what you need to say, but allow magic to end his life. Magic can be done from afar. Does it matter who removes his vile nature from the earth or must it be you?”

Denny looked down at Iris. “I suppose it doesn’t matter
he goes, but he
to go today. Is he conscious?”

“He is not. I have made sure of that.”

Denny studied Valeria. “You...”

“Did what I had to to keep him silent. We do not know what he would say nor to whom.”

“Can you bring him out of it long enough for me to say my piece?”

“I can.”

The bell dinged and the doors opened.


Valeria spoke to Iris. “I need you to cast your invisibility spell once we leave the elevator. Hold it for as long as you can.”

Iris nodded.

When they left the elevator and headed to room 412, Denny felt the Hanta stir. “Not this time. This time, we’re going to be smart.”

When she got to his bed, Denny waited for Valeria to bring him back from whatever place she’d sent him to. As Wynn’s eyes fluttered open, Denny clamped her hand over his mouth.

“Before you die, asshole, I wanted you to know who took out your trash. All your education, all your knowledge, and you, dickhead, got taken out by a rookie hunter, a rookie witch, and the best damn priestess in the world. But I also wanted you to’re not dying because of the bullshit you’ve caused or the demons you called. You are dying because you killed a really decent man you thought no one would notice missing. Well,
noticed, you motherfucking piece of shit, and so you are dying today for Louis...a man who deserved a way better death than the one you gave him. So long, asshole.” Denny rose up and released Wynn’s mouth.

When Wynn opened his mouth to scream, nothing came out. Instead, Valeria blew a palm full of powder into his mouth. His eyes grew wide and he closed his mouth and lay back down on the pillow.

“Come, Hunter. It is done.”

“He’s not dead yet.”

“He will be. Come.”

As they left his room, Valeria nodded to Iris. “You may release the spell now, Iris. Well done.”

Suddenly, the monitors in Wynn’s room started beeping and a nurse called for a crash cart. Nurses and a doctor flooded into his room.

Eight minutes later, the doctors and nurses exited his room, heads bowed in defeat. Denny heard one of them say the cause of death was a myocardial infarction.

Heart attack.

“It is done, Hunter. You and our confidences have gone to hell with him. You needn’t worry about our secrets getting out.”

Denny punched the elevator button once again. “Thank you. I would have preferred that bastard suffered a helluva lot more, but at least he’s dead.”

Valeria crossed her arms. “What makes you think he didn’t?”

“Well, a heart attack is pretty quick, right?”

Iris chuckled. “It wasn’t the heart attack she’s talking about. You need to trust that Valeria knows what she’s doing. He suffered. Greatly.”

The elevator was silent for the rest of the trip.

When the doors dinged open, Valeria pulled Denny into a hug. “I know you need answers, and you’ll get them when we’re all running at one hundred percent, all right?”

Denny pulled away and looked at her. “I’d really like that, but if you leave town or ditch me before we have time to talk, no stone will go unturned, Valeria. I mean it. I need to know about my family.”

“I understand, Golden, and you have my word, I will remain until we have had time to talk.”

Denny sighed and nodded. “Good. I’m going to hold you to it.” Denny grabbed Iris’s hand and started out of the elevator.

“Where are you going now?”

“To the swamp. I need to thank Enobaria for what she did.”

“You do not need to go all the way out there for that.”

“Yes, I do. I was losing that battle, V. Had she not closed the rift, both Peyton and I would have been toast. I’m going.” Denny stopped and pointed to her face. “Besides, there’s a little thing called
a mark
I need removed.”

“Come back quickly.”

When Denny and Iris got in the new rental car, Denny started the engine before facing Iris. “Why doesn’t she want me to go, really?”

Iris shrugged. “The news of Hélène’s death has spread quickly. You’re probably not the Vodouisants’ most favorite person right now.”

“I don’t really care. Until I am up to the hunt, I have some thank-yous I need to address and a face that needs fixing.” Putting the car in gear, Denny paused. “I suppose you agree with her?”

“I do, but only because I’d rather you rested. What you did in there for Peyton, it was really sweet, but you need your strength, too.”

Denny did not reply.

“I’m super proud of you, DH. Really. You risked everything to save Peyton.”

“I just did what I thought was right. She’s alone, Iris. Completely alone.”

Iris laid her hand on Denny’s thigh. “Well, not anymore. Neither are you. As long as I live and breathe, I swear I won’t let you become like Peyton.”

Denny gripped the wheel tighter. “How did you know?”

“That it scares you? I saw it in your eyes. You were really lost when we first met and you’re still afraid you’ll revisit that darkness again. I’m telling you, you won’t. You have nothing to fear as long as I’m your witch.”

“And how long will that be?”

Iris smiled. “Until hell freezes over?”

Denny nodded. “Perfect. But not a day longer.”

Iris laughed. “Not even an hour.”


ou were expecting us,” Denny said as she approached the patio where Enobaria had brought out a third chair. They’d made their way through the swamp unmolested, and for that, Denny was glad. She didn’t have any fight left in her.

“You forget who I am, Hunter. I am de Swamp Queen and I knew you’d be comin’.” She motioned for them to sit across from her. “I gave ya safe passage all de way trew.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that.”

Enobaria pulled out a dark-colored cigar and lit it. “Why you come see me? You need rest.”

“I came to thank you for coming to the park. You saved us.”

Enobaria drew on the cigar. “It is good you and Farquar lived, but dat was not why you saw me out of de swamp.”

Denny and Iris exchanged glances.

“Enobaria went out de swamp to, one and for all, end Hélène’s life.”

Denny was leaned forward. “Seriously?”

“Hunter, dat woman marked you so’s you could come trew de swamp to
you to kill me fer de death of dat pitiful homeless man, or she wanted me to kill you fer comin’ to my home uninvited. Either way, de woman tried to play me fer de fool, and dat never works out. She was a gash on de earth and I ended her as I shoulda done long ago.”

“But I
come here with the intention of killing you.”

“I know. Enobaria kin see de truth of a person and you, Golden Silver, are no killer. You hunt demons, yes, but you are no killer. I seen dat de first time. I also seen de mark and I know what Hélène hoped would happen.” She spat on the ground. “She who called herse’f Mambo. Pfft.”

“She got what she deserved.”

“Dat she did.” Enobaria pulled on the cigar. “So why you really come today?”

“I came here to thank you.”


Denny looked down at her hands. “And ask if you can help me locate Hélène’s son. He is young and stupid, but doesn’t deserve to live possessed or die possessed. He was used every bit as much as the rest of us.”

Enobaria drew a long draw on the cigar, blew it up in the air, and then chuckled. “It is seldom anyone surprises Enobaria. You wan’ me to find Hélène’s son for you. Den what?”

“Then I’m pulling the demon from him.”

Now, she laughed harder. “You wish to save de life of de boy whose mammy tried to kill you?”

Denny nodded. “I don’t believe in the sins of the father bullshit. Besides, I gave her my word and that still means something to me.”

Enobaria waved the smoke away. “Agin, you surprise me.”

“Well, will you do it for me?”

Enobaria rocked, pulled on the cigar and blew it overhead. Then she used her index finger to write words in the smoke. “You would not keep yer word if’n you knew he and de other demons are fittin’ to go to the hospital to finish off Farquar.”

Denny leapt to her feet. “When?”

“Tonight, mebbe. Dey are now de lost boys. Like dey seen a movie stuck on de loop. All dey know is what dey mama order dem to do.”

“Kill Peyton.”

“And dey will not stop until dey do dat. I wish you well, demon hunter. I would not want your life for nuddin’.”

“Thank you. Again. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”

Enobaria waved this away. “No need. Hélène needed to go. You helped make dat happen. We are square.”

“Square it is.”

As they started to make their way down the stairs, Enobaria blew out more smoke. “Hunter?”

Denny turned.

“I saw
tings. The question about de boy and someting else. I thought you came to ask me to remove de mark. How come you not?”

Denny reached up and lightly touched her face. “I was going to, but I’ve decided I’m keeping it.”

Enobaria shook her head and laughed. “Dis is why Enobaria don’ see it. You are keepin’ de mark?”

“Yes ma’am. It will forever remind me to be more careful about who I put my faith into.”

“You are wiser dan you know, Hunter, ’cause one day soon, you will need it.”

“Need it?”

“Yes. De more dan a mark. Is all I kin say. Just know dat keepin’ it means livin’ wid a little swamp magic.”

As Denny and Iris got back in the boat, she turned to Denny. “Seriously? You’re keeping it?”

“I sure am.”

“As a reminder?”

Denny shook her head. “No. Because I think it’s sexy.”

“Sexy? You are so weird.”

They laughed about it most of the way back.


enny and Annalee waited in the darkness near the hospital doors. Annalee still had one arm in a sling, but she threatened to kick Denny’s ass if she “started the party without her.”

“Tally ho, Silver,” Annalee whispered to Denny when the demons started toward the hospital.

“Jesus, there must be a hundred of them.”

“How long was the source left open the second time?”

“Too long by the looks of it. Okay. You know the drill, right?”

“All over it, but we’re going to have to end this quickly. Neither of us brought our A game, so we best put them on the pain train and get a move on.”

“Our back-up is pretty solid.”

“Keeping my fingers crossed. Right about now, hope’s the best thing we’ve got.”

“That...and these,” Denny whipped out Saugen and Epée. “Ready?”

“After you, my soul-sucking friend.”

Denny rose on legs that were less than sturdy. She was working at sixty percent, but her Hanta was all there. She would have to rely on it.

How strange to rely on the very thing Peyton had tried to cut away from herself.

She couldn’t explain it to herself or anyone else, really, but she trusted it. Now, more than ever. Something had shifted between them...changed. It was as if they were finally comfortable with each other.

Taking off, Denny bowled over every demon coming at her until she made her way to Hélène’s son.

“Silver?” Annalee said. “I’m right behind you.”

Denny smashed into his chest with her forearm, knocking him several yards away. He landed on his back with Denny right on top of him, not knowing what had hit him.

Denny raised Saugen over her head.


Denny touched the tip of Saugen to his chest. The demon within him fought and struggled to remain inside the young man, but Denny gave no quarter.

BOOK: Blood of the Demon (The Silver Legacy Book 3)
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