Blood of the Demon (The Silver Legacy Book 3) (6 page)

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Authors: Alex Westmore

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BOOK: Blood of the Demon (The Silver Legacy Book 3)
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“I swear to God, I am unplugging that television.” Flipping through the book, Denny set it on the roll top desk before plopping into the old desk chair, her eyes lingering on a far wall that led to yet another secret room. Her mother had been nothing if not cautious. The lair was like those nesting dolls: a house with a lair, a lair with a secret room, a secret room with two chests she couldn’t get into.

Rush followed her gaze. “I wish I could help you with those chests in there. I’ve talked to all the ghosts in town about those weird symbols, but no one has a clue and let me tell you, some of those hags are older than dirt.”

“I don’t have time for mysterious chests right now. I have to focus on Mom and Valeria. I know my mom’s secrets had secrets. Were they more than just demon and witch? Is Valeria the reason my parents started fighting so much?”

Rush frowned like a little girl doing math. “I have no idea. Anytime I heard her on the phone, it was always very business-like...very professional.”

Opening the book, Denny nodded. “I’m just trying to connect the dots of my family’s past to help shed some light on the present.”

“Understandable, but I’m not sure you’re going about it the right way.

“That’s what Ames said.”

“Then listen to the man. He is not only yummy, but very, very wise. There isn’t a ghost in Savannah who wouldn’t do him.”

Before Denny could reply, the red light went on and the doorbell buzzer sounded, alerting Denny that someone was at the front door. Rush disappeared and was back before Denny reached the stairs.

“Uh-oh. Your witch is here and boy is she pissed. Don’t answer the door. Run, Forest! Run!”

Denny took the stairs two at a time and landed on the first floor with both feet like she did when she was a kid.

A fist pounded the front door. “Open the door right now Denny Silver or I swear to God I will open it myself!”

“See? Shouldn’t have broken both wrists,” Rush whispered. “I mean, if they get back together, that’s seriously going to limit––”


Denny obliged and swung the door open to face an irate Brianna who pushed her way into the house, shouldering by Denny.

“What. The. Fuck?” Brianna got to the middle of the room and whirled around. “What in the hell is wrong with you?”

Closing the door, Denny faced Brianna. Her cheeks were red and the frown line between her eyes deep and angry. “She had it coming, fucking thundercunt.”

Brianna paced to the other side of the family room, her ire filling the room. “I don’t
your help Denny. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a witch. I can handle one messed-up cop. What I
handle is some novice demon hunter throwing her weight around trying to save me. I don’t
saving, Golden Silver, and I don’t need

“Rookie dem—”

“I’m not done.” Brianna wagged her finger in Denny’s face. “Did it ever occur to you that
might have been the one who started that fight? That perhaps
was defending herself. Did it ever, even once, pop up in your demonic little brain that I was the one who initiated physical contact with her?” Brianna hesitated a split second before continuing. “Right. You never considered that, did you? You have no idea the power I am capable of so you figured I was the victim in this. You gave me zero credit for being able to handle myself and
is what pisses me off the most.”

Tension hung between them as Denny’s mouth twitched but no words followed. She just stood there, taking it all in.

Lowering her pointy finger, Brianna crossed her arms over her very ample chest. “Well? Demon got your tongue for once?”

“Oh. My turn?” Denny looked beyond Brianna’s shoulder to see Rush shaking her head slowly. The fiery words Denny was about to hurl suddenly cooled off some. “I...I apologize if I read the situation incorrectly. I couldn’t stand the thought of anyone hurting you. The Hanta—”

“Oh no, no, no. You do
get to blame this on your demon. Uh-uh. Take responsibility for your actions, Denny. The Hanta may have broken her wrists, but you aren’t a bystander in any of this.
made the decision to go to Ray’s house.”

Denny stood taller, and as she did, Rush shook her head once more and disappeared. “Yes I did, and I still think she deserved it.”

Brianna groaned. “Jesus, Denny, you are not judge, jury and executioner. Maybe in the darkest corners of the cemeteries you hang out in, but in the real world, those roles are reserved to other people.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Bri. If it’s evil, I am, in fact, all of the above, and what your little Deputy Dog did was wrong. Bad. Evil. So I took care of it.”

“Maybe so, but that still wasn’t your call to make. I’m not your witch. You do not get to run to my aid every time you think someone has done me wrong.”

Denny glanced over at the empty spot vacated by Rush “You don’t have to be
witch to...” she faltered. “To...”

“To what?”

Denny shook her head, her train of thought having derailed. “Never mind.”

Brianna was within inches of Denny face. “Finish. To what?”

“To be...protected by me. I care about you, Brianna. Did it ever occur
to you
that this is my way of showing it?”

The two women glared at each other, the ticking of the grandfather clock the only sound in the room. Rush silently reappeared like a mist blown by a fan. She bumped her fists together and then was gone.

Tick. Tock.

Tick. Tock.

Tick. Tock.

Without a word, their lips pushed through the tension, meeting halfway in the explosion of passion that had been held inside like steam in a teapot. Mouth on mouth, tongue against tongue, their hands tore at each other’s clothes that fell away like the peel of a banana. As if by magic.

Denny wrapped her arms around Brianna, who eased them to the couch, her hands pulling Denny into her, her long leg threading Denny’s leg and pinning her closer.

Climbing on top of Brianna, Denny’s mouth never left hers. As the kiss deepened, their tongues danced in synchronicity, their bodies melting together. Denny felt their heat filling the space between them...what little space there was, and she reveled in it.

Denny’s hands read Brianna’s body like a blind women reading Braille—her fingers skipping lightly over Brianna’s soft skin, her memory of her body returning to her.

Their hearts beat rapidly, two drums beating out the same time; they kissed like two lovers who had known each other a thousand lifetimes, who had made love in a thousand places. In this moment, there was no time, no space, just the two of them devouring each other in a heated passion that knew no rules, no boundaries, nothing but the intensity of their longing.

Denny finally released Brianna’s tongue and kissed down her neck, biting it gently as she slowly entered her with two fingers. Brianna’s wetness made Denny’s body react in kind.

Her fingers deep inside Brianna, Denny swirled her tongue around Brianna’s erect nipple before taking it in her mouth, her tongue flicking across the hardened nib.

Brianna grabbed a handful of Denny’s hair and puller her closer, her hips rising to meet Denny’s expertly stroking fingers that touched her as if she’d caressed her forever and a day.

It had felt like forever and a day since Denny had felt so...human.

Sucking Brianna’s nipple, Denny wanted to bite into Brianna’s tender flesh, eating her like an apple.

The Hanta.

Her Hanta Raya loved sex. No, it enjoyed fucking. That was not what this was.

Denny had fucked Cassandra plenty of times, each time, the Hanta’s urgency adding to Denny’s own wants and desires. She could feel its arousal as her own grew stronger, her desire more powerful––hotter.

“Jesus Christ, Denny.” Brianna purred, clutching Denny to her.

Curling her fingers over and over, Denny nibbled her way back up to Brianna’s ear and whispered in a voice more Hanta than Denny, “Touch yourself.”

Brianna did as Denny bade, her fingers sliding down her abdomen and to her soft wetness. Her back arched as she parted her lips.

Denny returned to Brianna’s heavy breasts and sucked greedily on both her nipples, her fingers still inside Brianna, stroking and teasing, pulling Brianna’s orgasm closer to the surface.

The Hanta wanted more.

Denny gave Brianna all of her tongue, burying both her tongue and her fingers deeper into Brianna’s soft, wet warmth, both gently and aggressively; Denny’s passion barely kept in check as the demon inside her wanted to possess, to own, to take Brianna hard.

Denny barely managed to maintain a grip on her lust as she drove her fingers over and over into Brianna’s wetness.

“Don’t...stop...” Brianna gasped, arching her back higher and pushing her hips down onto Denny hand. “Yessss. Goddess, yessss.”

Sensing Brianna’s moment of climax, Denny drove into her, her own engorged clit rubbing against Brianna’s leg as she took her to heights Denny was certain she’d never experienced.

Flying high on the wings of demon lust, pulling Brianna’s orgasm from her, Denny exploded in her own climax that shook her body, lifting her off Brianna’s body for a brief moment as wave upon wave rolled through her like a hard surf pounding at the shore.

As Denny reconnected with Brianna, their hearts kept time, their chests heaving in and out reaching for air.

As they lay entwined in each other and experiencing the last throbs of extended orgasms, Brianna ran her fingers through Denny’s hair and whispered, “Was that you or your demon?”

Without moving, Denny whispered back “A little of both, but far more of me. Why?”

A protracted minute went by before Brianna sighed, her fingers stroking Denny’s hair, “Impressive.”

“What, me or the demon?”

Brianna chuckled. “A little of both.”

Denny closed her eyes and rested her weary head on Brianna’s shoulder where she fell fast asleep.


old you she liked you,” Rush said as Denny was slipping her clothes back on. “That witch has had a thing for you since Day One.” Rush hovered near the fireplace as Denny pulled her boots back on. “You could cut it with a knife in here.”

“You didn’ weren’t—”

“Watching? Hell no. Yuck. Eww. Gross. No, but she rattled the walls with that witch energy during her happy ending.”

Denny chuckled. “Happy ending? Where do you get this stuff?”

“May Ling’s ghost hangs out at the massage parlor. Trust me. This was a happy ending.”

Denny grabbed her vest, phone and key and waited by the front door for Brianna to exit the hall bathroom.

When she came out, her clothes were back on but her hair had that I-have-just-been-laid look about it.


“Hush. Just hush. Look, that shouldn’t have happened. As great as it was—”

“And it was great.”

Brianna shook her head. “As great as it was, this did
happen.” Brianna stared hard into Denny’s face. “Cassandra must never find out.”

“Cassandra? This wasn’t

“Maybe not, but it
will be
if she finds out. She’s rather possessive of her bedmates, you know...she doesn’t like to share.”

“Share? What a minute here. I think you misunderstand––”

“Oh, I understand way more than you realize, Denny. Pissing Cassandra off is a bad idea. A very bad idea. Just like what happened in there was a bad idea. Do us both a favor and forget it. I mean it, Denny. Neither of us want to land on her bad side. It was fun, it was spontaneous, but it means nothing. Ever. Accept that.”

As Brianna headed outside and down the stairs, Denny called out to her. “
might forget, Brianna, but I won’t, I never will. I don’t give a shit if it makes Cassandra angry. I’m not afraid of her.”

Brianna stopped at the bottom step. “And
is a huge mistake. Do whatever you need to do around this Den, but please bear in mind, I have to live with her and she could make my life very difficult. Very.”

Denny watched Brianna get in her yellow VW Bug and drive away.

“Hers isn’t the only life that witch would make difficult, baby. Listen to Brianna. Keep this quiet for now or you could blow this whole thing.”

Denny turned back into the house. “Whole thing? What whole thing? There’s no whole thing Rush. You’re wrong about Brianna wanting me.”

“Coulda fooled me. She pretty much just tore your clothes off, jammed her tongue down your throat, and had an orgasm that registered seven-point-five on the Richter Scale.”

Denny glared at her. “Thought you weren’t looking?”

Rush faded slightly. “I told you. I didn’t have to see with my eyes. Her energy was palpable. You believe whatever you want to believe, but you need to play this close to your chest. Cassandra is not a witch you want angry with you. I gotta go.”

“Go? Where?”

Rush smiled. “You’re not the only one with a social life. Be smart Denny. Protect her. Do as she asked, and protect her.” With that, Rush was gone.

Standing in the dining room, Denny lightly touched her lips. Sex with Cassandra was always good, always hot, always satisfying, but this...this was something way different. Way better. Way more personal.

This was the kind of sex you dream about.

Heading back up to the lair, Denny had two things on her mind: finding Valeria, and how tasty Brianna’s skin was.

She would have to have her again, Cassandra be damned.

And no, that wasn’t the Hanta’s wish. That was all Golden Silver.


enny stood over the Black Book and read Peyton’s entry out loud.

It’s not looking so good. I’ve managed to contain these demons, but even with help, I took a hit and I don’t think

“Don’t think what?” Denny said as she waited for the rest to appear.

One minute.

Five minutes.

Twenty-five minutes, and her eyes never left the page.

The end never came.

“Come on, Peyton. What happened? What is it you think? Why can’t you finish the entry?”

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