Blood Red (40 page)

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Authors: Sharon Page

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Blood Red
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“I’m sorry for the child and for its mother, who was a saucy dairymaid. If I could have turned her…I don’t know…I might have done. But there was nothing I could do for the babe.”

Althea’s heart lurched at his story, and skipped a beat as Yannick rubbed his brother’s shoulder, consolingly. She felt her tears roll from the corners of her eyes into her hair. “I’m so sorry.”

Bastien kissed her tears away, his damp cheek brushing hers.

She saw Yannick watch them, lashes lowered. He looked troubled. “And what about your fiancée?” she asked him.

“I think we should have gagged her,” Yannick said. And he put his fingers to her lips.

“Shh. Tonight is not the time for pain.”

“I stole his fiancée,” Bastien admitted. He rolled off her and lay at her side—her left side, the way he had done in dreams. “I took anything that was his. But, of course, her family refused to allow her to marry a second son. Her father then lost his fortune at hazard and the family shoved her into a duty match with a wealthy viscount.”

Yannick sat up and shrugged. “I’ve never been fortunate enough to capture a woman’s heart.”

“Nonsense!” Althea cried. “You are gorgeous, charming, titled—”

“And women wanted to marry me, but not one loved me.”

“You were cold and cautious,” Bastien said. “Women never believed you loved them. Even your pretty little fiancée. You never gave her passion.”

“I gave them respect—which was what I believed a woman wanted. Blast, I don’t want to waste the night talking about my failings.” Yannick skimmed his fingertips along her arms, from her underarms to her wrists. She never would have guessed that a touch there would make her cunny throb. But it did. “The truth is that I never did love them. I was waiting for you, Althea.

And, Hades, none of those women would have hunted a demon for me or offered her soul for me. I love you so much, angel.” He ripped through Bastien’s knots, freeing her.

“Get on top of me, sweeting.” Bastien massaged her numbed wrists.

“On top?”

on top is what I crave right now, love.”

But on top? “I have no idea what to do,” she admitted. “How to…to—”

“To ride me? Like a stallion, love.”

“I don’t ride. Not well, at least.”

“This is instinctive. Trust me.”

She straddled Bastien’s hips, poised over his cock, which curved over his flat, muscular Blood Red by Sharon Page ©2006 Advance Reader Copy 193

stomach. Suddenly she felt powerful. In charge. In control. Exciting but nerve-wracking. But she wanted to do this properly, wanted to please him.

Instinctive, he’d promised.

She remembered the courtesan at Madame Roi’s climbing aboard that enormous cock.

Bastien didn’t hold himself upright, so she did, sliding her hand around the thick, hot flesh. His smell flooded her senses. Moist, rich, and ripe.

Holding herself up on her knees, she brushed his cock against her sticky nether lips, prying them apart. She sank down on him slowly and his cock filled her, making her gasp. She was down to the hilt, and ground her hips down against him to take him in as much as she could. Her clit hit his groin. Stinging pleasure rocketed through her.

“Oh lord!”

“Move up and down on me,” he urged. “Ride me.”

Awkwardly she did. Should she ride fast, gallop on him, or ride slowly, the way genteel ladies trotted their mounts? She rose up slowly, then sank down and slapped his ballocks with her bottom. He groaned and so did she. The slapping was rather fun. She gave another bounce, faster. His girth teased the ridges inside her, the impact rasped her clit, and once again she squashed his balls with her ass.

Althea liked riding hard like this, so she did, hammering on him. With bang after bang, her clit hit against his flesh until she was dazed, dizzy, and pounding on him like a crazed wanton, her hair lashing her breasts. Bastien pulled her forward, arched up, and took her right nipple into his mouth. Framed by his fangs, her pink nipple disappeared between his lips. His hips bucked up to hers and he rubbed himself hard against her throbbing, abraded clit.

Yes, yes, yes.

More of this…just a little more…the climax was mounting with delicious insistence…

He moved.

Her clit lost contact and she groaned in frustration. Blindly, she tried to reseat herself in the same place. But as he lowered she had to shift position, lifting her derrière. Suddenly she knew why he’d done that. Her bottom was now up and ready for Yannick.

Dear heaven. There was no turning back now.

But her anus seemed to tingle in anticipation and she thrust her rear back as she moved up and down on Bastien’s long, rigid pole. Something wet and warm teased her. Yannick’s tongue.

Something pressed against her entrance. Not big enough to be his cock. His wetted finger.

Slowly, he worked it inside with short, gentle thrusts, filling her to the brim.


Her cry froze both men. But she rocked tentatively back against Yannick. A stronger, more compelling pleasure than she’d ever known spiraled through her. Truly addictive pleasure. She thrust back harder.

Her ass was so sensitive—it felt as good to be filled there as in her quim.

Yannick kissed her spine, thrusting his finger in deep. Heavenly pleasure washed over her.

But she wanted…something bigger. Something that would fill her more.

Yannick pressed the head of his cock—thicker and bigger than he’d ever seen it—between Althea’s plump, flushed cheeks. Her taut little hole still resisted his entrance, and he pushed Blood Red by Sharon Page ©2006 Advance Reader Copy 194

gently. God, he didn’t want to hurt her, but he yearned to be buried in her.

Her soft, sweet moans filled his bedchamber as he rubbed and pushed his cock against the puckered rim. Suddenly she opened for him and his head popped inside. Her muscles instantly clamped tight around him, gripping him in their fiery bite.

With Bastien inside her, she was extra tight and he was sheathed in burning velvet.

Damn, it was good. So good.

Slowly, he thrust in, a little deeper each time.

She cried out and he retreated.

“Oh, I can’t—” she gasped and he withdrew completely. Gave her time to breathe. She could, he knew she could. He just had to fight for control and give her time.

Bastien nuzzled her right ear, and he licked the rim of her left one, soothing her.

“Try again,” she begged. “Please.”

She would be looser now, open for him. Yannick took it slowly, and this time, inch by inch, he filled her. Suddenly she took him all the way in, and his groin slid forward to press tight against her voluptuous cheeks.

Engulfed in her vice-like grip, he was on the brink. He felt Bastien move, felt the fullness of Bastien’s cock in her quim. And then he couldn’t think.

He pumped into her, loving her, trying to hang on to his climax. All he could see was the back of her head, her wild tumble of dark red hair flying about as he and Bastien fucked her. He could see his brother’s face was contorted in agony, and knew he looked as much of a slave to the incredible pleasure.

He’d expected Althea to stay still and let them fuck her. But she didn’t. She moved with them, wild and unfettered.

“Oh God,” she wailed, and he realized that Bastien was stroking her hard clit between their bodies. He tried to match Bastien’s pace until she cried, “Harder. And deeper. I do like it deep.”

The blend of wanton and innocent drove him wild. And he was lost. Thrusting wildly.

Sweat poured into his eyes, off his face.

“I’m going to…going to…Oh!”

Yannick surrendered control at her desperate announcement. His orgasm surged through him like pounding waves. A bolt of magic fire shot from his balls, down the length of his cock, and exploded deep into her tight ass. His brain dissolved, his spine melted, and he collapsed against her. Inside the maelstrom, he heard Althea’s sobs and cries of pleasure. He heard Bastien yell as he climaxed. And against Althea’s ear, Yannick gave her the only promise he could.

“I love you, angel. If I had eternity, I’d love you for it.”

Bastien joined in. “I love you too, little dove.” Then Bastien groaned. “Damn, Yannick, I think she might have fainted.”

Althea floated in a velvety black void. She was flying in heavenly, sated exhaustion.

Two wonderful orgasms.

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She had done the most scandalous thing. She had make love to two men—two men she adored—at the same time and it had been exquisite. Earth-shattering.

Strangely, this no longer felt wrong or forbidden or bad. Perhaps she was as sensual as Yannick and Bastien had told her she was.

Strong hands skimmed over her body.

“Are you all right?” Yannick’s voice, soft and filled with concern.

Strength returned—and with it desire. If they were to have only one night, she intended to enjoy it thoroughly. “Do you think you could do it again?” she asked.

“Did you hear what we said?” Bastien asked, “After you came?”

She nodded. Smiled up at his silvery eyes. “I believe you said you loved me.”

“Do you have anything to say to us?” he asked.

Althea caught her breath at the naked uncertainty in his expression. And Yannick, the arrogant earl, looked vulnerable, awaiting her answer. “Well,” she said slowly, “I have always wondered what color your eyes were.”

“Blue—” Yannick’s voice caught. “Our eyes were both blue. Mine were a greenish blue, and Bastien’s were light gray-blue.”

She’d teased and a twinge of guilt hurt her tight throat. She reached up and touched both Yannick and Bastien’s rough-hewn, stubbly cheeks. “I love you both. I love you so much. I would give my soul to save you both.”

Her heart soared at the beautiful, loving smiles that lightened their serious, cautious expressions.

As though in response, a bright, golden light flooded the room. Brighter than fire, pouring in the doorway. She shut her eyes, almost blinded by it.

“Well, my dear, do you truly mean that?”

Althea almost screamed. Madame Roi, the vampire queen, dressed in a turquoise gown and cloaked in rich furs, suddenly stood at the foot of the bed, drumming her elegant fingers against one of the carved columns.

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Chapter Twenty-Four

She was caught naked, sandwiched between two nude men! Althea’s cheeks flamed as the vampire queen smirked down upon them.

Yannick and Bastien weren’t embarrassed in the least. They blatantly stroked her body in front of the queen. Naked, they were pressed tight against her, Yannick to her derrière and Bastien to her quim. Their cocks were growing hard again, prodding her hips. The vampire queen must know exactly what had happened between them.

And with the three of them sprawled on the forest-green counterpane, she couldn’t even pull a sheet over herself. She covered her breasts with her hands to preserve some modesty—

Then Althea realized the queen had asked her a question—did she truly mean it?

Before she could answer, Yannick snapped, “No, she doesn’t.” His commanding tone brooked no argument.

“No, I do. I truly do.” She didn’t want the queen to leave. And she did mean it.

“What a delightful tangle,” the queen observed. “I do wish I had been invited. I miss being shared by the Demon Twins—the most handsome vampires in London. And the most skillful lovers.”

As the queen leered at Yannick and Bastien’s naked bodies, jealousy burned like acid in Althea’s stomach. What price would the vampire queen ask? Perhaps the queen might demand they become her lovers again.

She knew, in her soul, that if they agreed to it, it would be to save her. But could she give them up to save their lives? She must.

The queen arranged her skirts and sat on the end of Yannick’s luxurious bed. She waved her hand elegantly at the men.

“You have found a most intriguing mortal. Surely you would want to bargain to live and keep her for eternity.”

Althea caught her breath as Yannick tightened his protective embrace. If she gave up her soul, would she be a vampire like Yannick and Bastien? The twins were not like other vampires—they weren’t evil, deadly predators who had no mercy and no capacity to love. What if she became a brutal demon instead?

“I wish we could, Your Highness,” Yannick said. “But Althea deserves to live, to marry, to be a huntress, to have children.”

They weren’t going to transform her…the twins were not going to make her undead…

“But as a vampire, she can still marry,” the queen pointed out, “And give you both children.”

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“Vampires can have children?” Althea gasped.

The queen fixed her with a pointed stare. “I would be willing to spare their lives for you.”

Should she curtsy? It hardly seemed right to get off the bed and do it naked. But she knew she must be effusive, she must be grateful. She must behave like a proper serf. “Thank you, thank you so very much, your…Your Highness.”

“But there is a condition—”

Althea swallowed hard, waiting for the price. It would be high, but she could pay it.

“You must agree to be changed,” the queen continued, “As I told you, they are linked by the magic of the
. If you divide them, you drain their powers. So you must pledge yourself as their shared mate. For eternity.”

Althea gaped. The cost was to become their shared mate? There must be a catch. A twist.

“Too easy?” the queen smiled. “But you will be sacrificing your mortal life. It will devastate your father, I am sure. But an existence as a vampire is so much more fulfilling than a human life. And so much more pleasurable.”

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