Blood Red Sundown: Evil Begins (9 page)

BOOK: Blood Red Sundown: Evil Begins
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been so
nervous, he wondered? Twice now you have pulled in and observed her and changed
your mind. Start by making friends with her and you will be fine. Just talk and
be yourself and she will learn to trust you like all the others. You really like
this one I know, but listen, just relax and be patient. If this lady is not meant
to be the next, so be it. You have others in mind and there is always the vast number
of unknowns walking around. Lately they seem to be fulfilling, offering you a special
reward of satisfaction. He looked at his image in the mirror smiled said, “Let’s
hunt an unknown tonight.”

Yes, he thought, but I need to get home and prepare.
I know she’s out there and I’m going to love finding her. He realized he was allowing
the urge to take control. Slow down, you’re getting too excited and if you continue
to allow it to override your judgment you’ll make a mistake.

On the drive home he passed several young women walking
alone and smiled as he passed by them.

“Where are you going pretty lady and where can I find
you later?”


Stephanie’s land lady called out asking her to step inside and look at a special
news cast on the television.

“It is just awful what happened to the senator’s wife.”

“I am not aware of the story, Mrs. Carter what happened?”

“She was found murdered by that guy going around this
area killing women. Look at him, he is so handsome.”

Staring at the TV, she realized it was William. He was
a senator who had just recently lost his wife to a murderer and there you were pouting
because he failed to show up for a couple of nights. He is going to need someone
to talk to and I intend to be that person, she thought.

“I’m off to my room, Mrs. Carter. I’ll probably see you
in the morning.”

She continued to stare at the TV only partially acknowledging
her goodnight. Realizing she wasn’t listening, Stephanie picked up Hobo and silently
went up the stairs to her room. A shower was what she needed before the late newscast.

Later, while lying on the bed petting Hobo, Stephanie
used the remote until she found a station covering the story. A close up picture
of William and his wife was being shown as they announced the wife’s funeral time
and location. She made up her mind that she would attend.


picture from the wall and laying it on the table directly below he reached in the
safe-like recess and retrieved the special items and placed them on the picture.
He stared at the stack of clothing then selected a favorite blouse and holding it
to his face he breathed in its rich aroma. He became lost in the memory of the closeness
he had felt for her. It had been wonderful and fulfilling. He refolded the blouse
and placed it back on the pile, but left his hand in contact for a brief moment
to allow him to regain his strength and balance. Being very careful not to disrupt
the neatness of the stack he placed the clothing back into the wall space. He smiled
knowing the stack would be growing after tonight. The picture was re-hung and straightened.

He walked out to the garage knowing he was prepared and
now in complete control. He drove into the city and picked a likely place for his
selection on the outside of the main commercial area and parked in the darkest space
in the rear parking area of a dimly lit bar. Almost immediately a young couple came
out of the door arm in arm and walked to a car parked nearby. They kissed before
entering the car and he watched them drive slowly out of the lot. He sat watching
and waiting. It was important to be careful, even beyond careful and then check
and recheck before every move.

Almost immediately a group of people came out laughing
and one or more appeared to be intoxicated. He watched them exchange final goodbyes
amidst singing and laughter as they headed for their individual cars. Three were
in one vehicle. A man and woman got into another. The remaining two women lingered
behind, talking and laughing loudly. His hunger peaked as he watched them hug goodbye
and could hear their plans to meet again the next night. The blond was working her
way to the car next to him looking through her purse for her keys. Keeping his
urges in check, he lowered the window. She pushed the door opener and as she opened
the door, she looked across the car top and saw him smiling at her.

“Hey,” she said. “Waiting for someone to drive you home?”

He laughed. “No, actually I just arrived. I had to work
a little later than usual. Would you let me buy you a drink?”

“No, I have had too many already.”

“How about just rolling down your window and talking
to me for a while. It has been a long day and I feel like talking to someone.”

“Look, you look like a nice guy, move over here to my
car and we can talk for a short time.”

Perfect, he thought and opened her passenger door and
slid in beside her.

“I’m Rob.”

Holding his hand out to her she took it in hers and said,
“I’m Sherry.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you Sherry, and I thank you
for taking pity on a wayfaring stranger. I don’t think I could sleep tonight. I
lost my best friend today.” But before she could respond he clarified the statement.
“My best friend was my dog.”

“Oh, I love dogs! I understand your being distraught
over your loss.”

“Thank you, Sherry! What about you? Tell me some things
about your life. Are you married?”

“I have been divorced for two years now. I date once
in a while or hang out with friends, like tonight.”

“Do you have children?” he inquired.

“No, I wanted them, but I am glad we didn’t have them.”

“What’s your story?”

“I’ve never been married and I pretty much avoided the
dating scene. Once in a while people insist on fixing me up with friends or even
worse a family member.”

That brought an understanding laugh from her and he liked
her laugh. He could feel her getting comfortable with him. Now she was getting closer
to the right spot.

“Say Rob, as long as we are sitting and talking why don’t
we go have a burger? There’s a drive up place just down the road.”

“I would like that lots, Sherry and I’ll even treat.
If it’s okay with you we‘ll drive my car and come back for your car later?”

Sherry quickly agreed and as they moved over to his car.
He followed her, opened the passenger side door for her, and with a friendly
smile told her to buckle up. They drove slowly out of the bar parking lot and onto
the highway, as Sherry gave directions.

Sherry thought to herself,
He’s nice, polite, and
attractive. What more can a girl ask for?


Marie Radford were held in Santa Barbra’s largest church. An overflowing crowd of
friends, family, and many people from the senator’s district were there to show
their respect. The attendee’s included the governor and several state dignitaries.

Stephanie was among the crowd and was amazed at the outpouring
of emotion from such a large gathering of people. Most, she surmised, had never
met or even seen the deceased but were merely showing respect to their state senator.
The service was made available to the outside crowd over large screen and loud speakers.
She listened as several friends gave brief accounts on Marie’s life and the way
she had touched their lives.

There was a pause in the service as Senator Radford stood
and walked to the dais to give the final eulogy. It was extremely warm and filled
with loving praise for his dead wife. Stephany felt his deep love for his wife,
but he managed to maintain his composure. As if in concert with her thoughts,
she heard a man standing in front of her ask his wife, “How can he remain so calm?”

At the conclusion of the service, Stephanie felt sad
for the senator and waited at the bottom of the steps hoping for a glimpse of him.
Perhaps he would notice her. She decided to leave, due to the large crowd pushing
against her making it difficult to maintain her location. She stepped up on the
next step turned to chart a way out and could not believe the number of cars lined
up for the procession to the gravesite. A murmuring in the crowd caused her to turn
back to the front. William was exiting and leading what appeared to be an elderly
lady in a black dress with a veil covering her face.

Her heart jumped, as he looked right at her and smiled.
Her expression of sympathy brought his nod of recognition and appreciation for her
being there. When they passed she continued to watch them until they were near the
limo, then she began to walk to her car.

She was sure that he had felt her sincere concern for
his loss, but she felt that it would be too much for her to attend the very personal
graveside ceremony.

What if he looks for me?
she thought.
with it girl. Why would he search for you in a crowd like this? Still, he might
she reasoned.”

Several minutes later her little sports car was in the
very long procession moving slowly to the grave site.


made their
way to the front of the large graveside gathering by Lon periodically flashing his
gold badge and strategically stood directly across from the family sitting under
the graveside canopy. He had insisted that they leave the church service immediately
after the senator’s remarks to secure an early arrival parking location that would
give them a direct view of the immediate family as they arrived. Lon’s intent was
to concentrate on the demeanor of the senator at the grave site and compare it to
a truly caring and grieving husband.

He looked over at Anne, and questioned why she was so
caught up in the emotion of the event. He wanted to say, “Anne, get a grip.” But
he thought it best to let it be. Looking back in the direction of the casket, he
found himself looking directly into the eyes of Senator Radford. It caught him by
surprise, so he nodded and received a nod in return, but caught a questioning look
of, why are you two here?

There was little or no change in the senator’s facial
expression during the service and after laying a rose on the casket he returned
to his chair and waited for the crowd to disperse.

Against the disapproval of Anne, Lon insisted that they
take their time leaving and coordinate their walk for a chance meeting with the

“Come on Lon, can’t you soften that hard heart of yours
and show a little compassion? Put your suspicions aside for the moment and remember
that the man’s wife was recently murdered.”

“Oh yes, I remember, but it seems he has forgotten. You
were there to witness him in the church service. How many men could stand up there
and eulogize their beloved wife and get through it without a single emotional pause?
I know that has to concern you a little bit too.”

“He’s a high ranking political celebrity and he’s required
to maintain a certain dignity.”

“Dignity is one thing. A complete lack of emotion is

“Lon, you’re totally hung up on proving the guilt of
this guy and I don’t understand why. So far we have nothing to connect him to her

“It’s an internal thing with me and that gut feeling
is seldom wrong. Let’s get back to the station.”

As they turned to leave they heard, “Thank you for coming
detectives. How’s the investigation going?”

They were both caught off guard at the voice turned and
looked into the face of Senator Radford who smiled at them and asked another pointed

“Any new leads, yet?”

“No, nothing new, Senator, but we are confident that
we’ll get our man. He’ll make a mistake, they always do. And when he does we’ll
be there to put him away forever.”

“That is reassuring. This sick man has to be stopped.
Well, I have people waiting. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.”

“We’ll do that, Senator. Once again, we’re sorry for
your loss.”

“One more thing detectives, there is a wake at my home
and I would welcome you both to attend.”

“Thanks, Senator, but we have a killer to catch and a
stack of new clues waiting for us, so we had better get back to work.” Walking slowly,
Lon broke their silence by saying;

“If he is guilty that will make him think about what
we might know. Now we need to review every question and the answers given at the
motel session again. Then we’ll revisit the demeanor of the senator. There is something
in one of them that we may have missed or just ignored. Let’s start with the motel
crew and their answers. I’ll drive partner, I need to think and I would have trouble
doing that with your compulsion for lane changing and heavy foot.”

“That is out and out harassment, and I think it is time
to put it to rest once and for all. The next time I hear anything about my driving,
I will have no other choice but to put you down both verbally and physically.”

“Sounds great Anne, especially the physical part.”

They laughed. Followed by silence as there was little
more to say during the remaining run to the station.

At the grave site Stephanie was planning to remain out
of the senator’s vision, but after watching him move among the guests she changed
her mind and instead decided to make him aware of her presence without appearing
overly anxious. She could sense the unpleasantness he was feeling by the painful
expression on his face as he approached a man and woman who appeared to be sympathetic
toward his grief. His demeanor suggested it was a greeting of necessity rather than
one of mutual friendship and then he turned and as he walked away he seemed troubled.

Hoping to catch his eye, she slowly walked in his direction
trying to time her movement just right as he was walking back toward the main group
of guests. Several people stepped in between her line of vision and she slowed her
pace even more until just the right time and started her walk past him.

“Hello, Stephanie. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate
your being here. I know the trouble you must have had to go through.”

He asked her to remain while he thanked a group of friends
for coming and then turned back to her and invited her to his home for a luncheon
for a selected few guests. She agreed and with his very easy to follow directions
she thanked him and left.

“What business do you have going to a funeral luncheon
for invited friends only? What is wrong with you? You’re nothing but a party crasher,”
she said to herself.

As she reached her car, she determined right or wrong,
she was going.

BOOK: Blood Red Sundown: Evil Begins
13.18Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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