Elise is trapped. She knows it. She shuts down, waiting to be told what to do. She suddenly doesn’t even have the energy to wonder what awaits her. If she were not alone with Terence, she might be able to ameliorate her terror by thinking of Maria’s love or Edward’s concern. But she knows Terence, knows his passion for hurt, and thinks there is little she can do to stop him, whatever it is he has in mind for her. She wishes she could curl into a small ball. She wishes she would wake up, sweating and hurt pounding, from this nightmare.
Terence turns to her. “You can get off the bike, sweetheart.”
Elise says nothing; she doesn’t move. He pokes her. “Anybody home? I said you can get off. You know: dismount.”
Elise manages to swing one leg over and shakily plant both legs on the ground.
Terence laughs. “You look petrified.”
“Shouldn’t I be?”
“What do you think’s going to happen to you?”
Elise finds she cannot swallow. Words are useless, anyway. She can tell from the glint in his eyes and the smirk playing about his lips Terence is enjoying her terror: an owl before it pounces on a mouse. Why give him the satisfaction of playing his little game? Elise stares off into the night, at the dead hulks of industrial buildings around them.
Terence smiles, his teeth glowing in the pitch. When will they morph into fangs? When will he roar like a panther and be upon her, ripping, tearing, making an aura around them of red mist?
She can barely see him and wonders how he seems to be able to see her so clearly, to read the map of emotions limned across her features. It seems useless to talk, but she has to know: “Why are we here?” Elise glances around at the darkness, the pitch so black it seems she can touch it, imagining its feel like velvet. She tenses her muscles, trying to steel them, so he won’t have the pleasure of seeing her tremble. “When you came to get me, I…I thought we were going to your house.”
“To see Maria?” Terence snickers. “Another lesbian love-fest?” Terence sticks out his tongue, pointing and rotating it. The smile vanishes from his face. “Sorry. I don’t provide those kinds of services. Pimp is not on my résumé. I may procure a charming young lady now and then, but not for the naughty purposes you probably have in mind.” He giggles, and Elise shivers at the sound of his laugh, the depth of cruelty lurking just beneath the surface.
Elise shakes her head. “That’s not what I meant. You said Maria was sick. You told me she needed to see me.” She traces a pattern in the dust at her feet with her toe, afraid to look up at his mocking face, afraid to see his pleasure in how easily he had duped her. “Now, I’m wondering what possible reason you could have for bringing me here.”
Terence sucks in some breath. “To kill you,” he says in a singsong voice. “Are you really so stupid you didn’t catch on that I would be bring you to a remote spot like this for—what?—to party?” Terence reaches in his pocket. “Actually, that’s not such a bad idea.” He brings out a small pipe; the bowl of dark wood is carved into the shape of a face. In the darkness, Elise can’t make out the features.
The idea brings her to new heights of terror. She remembers what the pot does, how powerful it is, like another drug completely from the stuff she used to smoke in college. She feels like an animal about to be anaesthetized. She shakes her head. “I’ll pass.” The words come out in a whisper.
Terence fires up the bowl and immediately the marijuana’s pungent aroma fills the air. Elise breathes it in and wonders if she isn’t making the wrong choice. If her end here is inevitable, why not make it easier, painless?
And with that thought, she realizes why: because somewhere deep inside, she wants to survive. Even though things look grim, she continues to hold out hope for escape, for Terence to slip up, to look away for an instant, giving her an opportunity to bolt into the darkness. She may even be able to fight him off, however remote the chance for victory. She has no chance of realizing either of these goals should she cloud her mind with the potency of this otherworldly drug.
“Suit yourself.” Terence inhales deeply, holds it, then blows the smoke in her face.
Elise holds her breath for a moment, then pushes it outward, hoping she has avoided taking any of the smoke into her lungs.
He takes a couple more hits, then pockets the pipe, and leans in close. She can smell the pot on his breath, but underneath that, a sickening sweet odor, like rotting meat. Elise nearly gags.
Terence smiles, eye glinting. He has an idea. “How about one fuck? Just one fuck, and then I’ll let you go. No harm done. No questions asked. You gave it to Maria, why not give it to me?” He touches her shoulder. Her skin crawls and it takes a great act of will not to shrug his hand away. “I’m a much better lover than Maria.” The idea is so repulsive it makes her queasy, but she doesn’t reject it. She is sure he was lying about “no harm done,” but their intimacy and their nudity could make even Terence vulnerable. She could up her chances for escape by at least allowing him to think they’re going to have some sort of sexual union.
Couldn’t she?
Elise closes her eyes. “Really? You’ll let me go?”
Terence giggles. “If you’re good.”
“Okay.” Elise tries to put some breath into her words, but the assent still sounds like a squeak. “Where do you want to do it?”
“Over there. In one of those buildings. I want to bend you over, take you from behind.”
Terence saying this makes the phrase “being taken” adopt a whole new meaning.
Elise nods. “I suppose I could stand it, if it means freedom. You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?”
? Tell a fib? Never!” Terence isn’t even bothering to pretend. Elise hopes his cockiness might make him slip up, allowing her an advantage. Even the smallest leeway could be the road to her salvation. His voice goes deeper and suddenly, he sounds disgusted and impatient. “Can we just fuck?”
“Where?” Elise casts her gaze around.
Terence gestures toward a building in front of them. “Let’s make our little love nest over there. I’m sure we can get inside, and even if we can’t, there’s probably some romantic little nook we can put to good use.” Cold, bony fingers encircle her hand, impossibly huge and encompassing. He begins to lead her toward the pocked concrete and crumbling brick of the old buildings. Again, the numbness, bordering on shock, returns. Elise has to remind herself to keep putting one foot in front of the other; she is certain if she doesn’t, she will stumble and fall and Terence will just drag her along, like a doll, ripping arm from socket.
They round a corner and Elise can see, even in the shadows, an alcove formed where the two buildings meet. It’s even darker inside, which Elise wouldn’t have thought possible. She stiffens when she makes out movement, barely perceptible. It’s more the sound of rustling than her vision alerting her to the presence of others.
“Come on.” He yanks her deeper into the dark. She reaches out, trying to feel her way, and her hand comes in contact with cold flesh. Everything stops. She moves her hand along the familiar face, the terrain of dark hair and whispers, “Maria.”
Elise doesn’t know what to think. Her eyes adjust quickly to this even deeper level of darkness. Although they are dim, gray projections of themselves, she sees not only Maria, but also Edward. She puts a hand to a wall for support; her breath comes in short, little gasps.
How could Maria betray her like this? How could Edward, especially after he had advised her to get away? To not be tempted by empty promises?
Equal to the feeling of betrayal is one of panic and terror. She can think of no reason for the three of them to bring her here, so far out of eyesight and earshot of witnesses, other than to kill her. Elise’s throat constricts. Her heart stops beating for just a second and then begins to pound irregularly, thumping wildly. The panic of an animal courses through her, pumping up adrenaline, making her sweat. She turns to Maria. “What’s happening? How could you do this to me?” she wails, wounded.
Maria says nothing. She simply lowers her gaze to the ground in response.
Edward puts his hand on Maria’s shoulder and catches Elise’s gaze. It’s almost as if he expects sympathy from her. She wants to laugh. Sympathy for Maria because she feels bad they plan to murder her?
When will she wake up from this?
“Maria? What’s going on?”
But Maria turns away, shoulders shaking. Elise pivots toward Terence, rage and terror coursing through her, ratcheting up the adrenaline so she feels as though she’s on speed.
And she stops.
Terence is smiling. There is something cruel in his closed-lip grin, something predatory. Elise begins to shriek when he opens his mouth to reveal rows of tiny fangs, razor sharp. The fangs glint, even in the darkness, and look surgically sharp.
She shrieks until there is no air, and, gasping, Elise has enough presence of mind, enough of a rush of adrenaline, to turn and sprint away. There is no thought for strategy or cunning. She has become simply a terrified animal, ruled by instinct and self-preservation. She knows these preternatural beings have superhuman speed in their arsenal of evil tricks, but that doesn’t stop her from trying to escape. Her lungs rapidly expand and contract, filling with blood and oxygen to match the pumping of Elise’s arms and legs. Her heart pumps double-time, sending blood coursing through her veins to nourish at this time of heightened fear. She pounds down through cinder and glass, sending up sprays of dust behind her, eyes wide, searching, searching for escape, never mind how futile the hope. Never mind the odds stacked high against her.
Ahead, she sees the rent in the chain link where she had entered with Terence such a short time ago (yet it seems like forever) and she hurries to clear it. She runs heedlessly north, anywhere to get away. Whatever might await her outside the chain link fence would be preferable to what awaits her here.
At least what is out there is human.
Terence struggles with Maria’s tight grasp on his arm. “Damn you! Let me go. She’s going to get away!” Maria is strong and she holds him tight, hands digging into his biceps like talons.
Edward stands helplessly by, wringing his hands.
Maria whips Terence back against the wall and slams him against it so hard he cannot speak for several seconds. When he gets his voice, he screams at Edward, “Oh you little pussy! I should have known you would just stand there, waiting to be told what to do, too weak to pursue anything yourself.” He pauses, then shouts, “Go after her, you idiot! Go after her!”
Maria maintains a tight grip on Terence (under the brute force of her strength, he is like a butterfly pinned to the wall). She allows herself a quick glance back at Edward to see what he’s going to do. Edward meets her gaze and doesn’t move. Satisfied he will go nowhere, she turns back to Terence.
Maria is panting, and Terence’s struggling is beginning to wear her down, but she doesn’t want him to see that. She also wants this to be over, because she has her own plans for Elise, and does not want to lose her to the night.
“Now, you listen to me,” Maria says, “I need to do this on my own. I don’t need you, or Edward’s help.” A sob hiccups out of her. “I have to be the one. Please.”
“It was supposed to be the three of us. I wanted to taste her,” Terence hisses, a spoiled child.
“That was never going to happen.” Edward jumps into the fray.
“Let me go after her. She’ll be easy prey.” Terence knows there isn’t a human who can outrun their fleet, silent speed. He waits for just a moment, swallows, adding, “I’ll bring her back to you.” He clenches and unclenches his fists, keeping an eye on the dwindling figure of Elise moving through the night.
Maria shakes her head. “Terence, you’ve never said an honest thing in your life. Why should I believe you’re starting now?”
“What are you talking about?” Terence tries to keep his voice even, to conceal the anxiety and anger.
“Bring her back? Bring her back?” Maria laughs. “She’d be a husk of bone and hair by the time we catch up with you. And you know it. Please…” Maria whispers, frantic, turning her head quickly to ensure Elise is still within view. “I’ve never asked you for much. You have to let this be mine.” Maria searches Terence’s eyes for some glimmer of understanding—and finds none.
“Damn it. Listen to me: I’m doing this alone. All of this is my fault…and I love her. I need to do this. My way.”
“No!” Terence shouts. “We all share. We always have.” There’s a little less power left in his fight, but not enough that he can’t use Maria’s grief to his advantage. He squirms out of her grasp and starts after Elise.
Maria wails, crumbling to her knees, arms outstretched: a plea.
Terence laughs and starts off, covering the ground like a cheetah, feet barely touching the earth. But he feels the pull of something else on his shoulder: hands that feel like iron clamps, ripping him out of the air and slamming him down flat on his back.
Edward stares down. He is breathing heavy and looks at his own hands as if he’s never seen them before. He puts a booted foot on Terence’s chest. “Let Maria go.” He motions for Maria to begin moving forward, to hurry. “After she brings her down, we’ll all feed.” He glances back at Maria. “Fair enough?”
Maria offers no response. Silently, swiftly, she takes off into the night, covering several feet with each leap. It will take no time at all to catch up with Elise, even though she is but a small dot on the black horizon.
It’s only minutes before Elise stumbles and falls. Her hands burn as rough concrete rips skin away from her palms. Her lungs burn, too, from the exertion of running. She wants to curl into a ball, to simply close her eyes and let whatever is going to happen, happen. This running, this exertion, she knows, is futile. She has nothing on their strength, their senses, and their determination.
Yet self-preservation, a stubborn instinct, rises up to tug at her, to push her toward life. Her breathing slows down a bit, even though her throat feels scorched. She pulls herself up on her knees and listens.
There is no sound behind her. No echo of footfalls moving rapidly through the night. Could she have gotten away? Is it possible she has eluded them? Elise stands, on shaky, newborn colt legs, and looks around. There is nothing. The night is still, save for a heavy wind off the lake, promising rain. She shivers and hugs herself, cold in spite of the temperature and the heavy, cloying air hanging over her. She pulls her hood up, chasing warmth that’s impossible to capture, because her chill comes from inside.
She can’t believe it’s over, can’t bring herself to think maybe they changed their minds and are letting her go. But yet, the silence and their absence tell a different story. She takes a few cautious steps forward, hampered because of a screaming stitch in her side, its hurt brilliant red.
She pauses, wondering which way is north, then west. How can she get back to Lake Shore Drive? She looks up at the half moon, partially hidden by navy blue clouds, and tries to get some bearing on where she is. The lake is east—
She turns around and screams.
Maria stands directly behind her.
Elise closes her eyes, grimacing. She swallows to get some spit going in her dry mouth and then says, “What do you want?”
Maria appears to be contrite; her head is slightly lowered, but not enough to shield the glimmer of her dark eyes, which try to engage Elise’s own gaze. Maria implores her. Elise feels she has nothing left to give.
“You want to kill me, right?” Elise blows out a big sigh and considers the sky. “Jesus. Why not just get it over with?” She pulls down the hood of her sweatshirt, pushes a curtain of hair aside, and bares her throat. “Go ahead.” Maria’s response is silence. Elise lets the hair drop. “Isn’t this what you want?” Elise’s fear is beginning to be supplanted by a low boiling rage, an anger building slowly into something explosive. “Aren’t you going to get rid of me? If you can’t have me, no one will. Is that right?”
Maria shakes her head and finally speaks. “What you’re saying… What you’re saying… I can’t grace with a denial. Few things are certain, but you should know by now that I love you.” She meets Elise’s eyes directly. “I would never harm you.”
“Then what the fuck is this all about?” Elise clutches at her side, wishing the burning there would stop. She pulls the hood back up, wishing she could disappear into it.
Maria turns, stops, and looks over her shoulder. “Come with me.” She begins walking toward the closest foundry building. “Behind that wall; we can be alone.”
Elise laughs, which causes even more pain to shoot through her side. Yet the pain is beginning to ebb. Perhaps she will have the strength to run again. She shakes her head. “No. What kind of idiot do you think I am?”
“You still think I want to hurt you? I couldn’t…even if I wanted to. I know I deserve nothing from you, but will you please show me the kindness of a moment alone with you?”
“Why? Why do we have to go over there? Why do we need to be hidden? If you want to say something to me, just say it here.”
Maria extends her hand, bone white, and covers Elise’s own hand. Elise doesn’t pull away at the touch of Maria’s cool skin. She tugs. “Please do this for me. I just want us to be out of their sight.”
Elise looks back and sees she has not come as far as she thought. She can see two figures in the gloom, Terence and Edward.
“They’re watching. Please. I just want just a moment alone with you.”
Elise follows her into the shadows.
And there, Maria turns to her. “There’s one thing I do want from you, my sweet…one small, final thing.”
Elise cocks her head, feels the tears, imminent, pooling in her eyes and causing a lump to form in her throat. “What?” she chokes out, barely able to speak. “What? You know I can’t—”
“Shhh…just a kiss.”
And Elise leans forward. Their mouths meet and Elise grips Maria, cold, against her and hungrily kisses back, not wanting to lose this simple connection of bodies and spirits. She forces herself to break away. “I…I can’t.”
Maria nods. “I know. I know there is so much you
. And I understand. And I want that for you.” She takes one of Elise’s fingers in her hand and lifts it. She lowers her head a bit toward the finger and then looks up. “Just a taste?”
And Elise lets her. Just a tiny nip on the end of her finger. She feels Maria draw in the blood. She sees Maria pull her head away, and smile. A drop of crimson adheres to her lower lip.
“Now,” she whispers, “this is for you.”
Terence and Edward watch and wait, listening. The kill shouldn’t take long. Within seconds, Maria should emerge from the wall she has taken Elise behind and signal them to come join her. They picture her emerging, but each has a different viewpoint. Terence’s mouth waters with anticipation. Edward holds his head in his hands, despair coursing through him, and asks himself why he couldn’t have saved her.
The two men look at each other, their eyes meeting, and realize they are on opposite sides for the first time. It’s a long, silent stare, yet eloquent. Edward is saying goodbye.
When Terence opens his mouth to speak, the night air shatters with a long, piercing wail.
The moment between them is broken. Alarms go off and each is poised to run. They watch as Elise emerges from behind a wall, tendrils of dark hair escaping, tumbling out of her hood, to flow behind her as she begins once more to run.
Terence and Edward exchange one more glance, momentary. The glance is panicked, with the same question.
Has she wounded Maria?
Their Maria? It can’t be.
The figure scrambles north again, at a much faster pace.
“What should we do?” Edward is torn by emotions, desperate to run after Elise and—at the same time—wanting to see her get away. But most of all, he wonders why Maria has not emerged from behind the wall, and is sick to realize perhaps she let herself be wounded by this human.
“What can we do?” Terence spits out a bitter laugh. “We have to get her!”
And Edward watches, helpless, as Terence begins to run after Elise. His speed is superhuman and silent; his feet almost never touch the ground. When he gets within a few feet of Elise’s scrambling figure, he leaps high into the sky, almost as if taking flight, and comes down with a thud on her back. Both fall hard into the earth below them.
Edward takes a few cautious steps forward, then freezes when he sees how rage has transformed Terence. They always change when they feed, but this is worse, this is pure animal. Terence’s mouth is a grinning rictus of razor-sharp fangs. His fingers have elongated, topped with thick, hoof-like nails as long as daggers. His very body has become longer, a more efficient killer of his prey.
Edward stuffs a fist in his mouth as he watches, in mute horror, what comes next.
Terence sets upon her, rearing back and lifting his clawed hands to come down on her squirming figure. He doesn’t allow her even one second to scream as his talons rip through her clothes, then the flesh of her back, yanking out her spine and flinging it, like a snake, behind him. He lowers his growling jowls and begins to tear flesh from bone.