Bloodstorm (Heart of a Vampire) (8 page)

BOOK: Bloodstorm (Heart of a Vampire)
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The boy stared up at her with wide, fear-filled eyes.

I told you I’m not going to hurt you.”

Y-you’re a vampire. Vamps always lie.”

She cocked her head. “Really? Do you always lie?”

He shook his head, violently straining against her hold. “No.”

Then not all vampires lie.”

The boy’s struggles slowed. “If you don’t want to hurt me, why were you chasing me? You’re going to take me back to
, aren’t you?”

I chased because you ran. Back to who?”

His struggles became frantic. The boy’s shirt ripped and he tried to flee once more. Niki was faster. She grabbed his arm and hauled him back, pushing him against the brick wall.

I-I don’t want to go back. You can’t make me.” His voice filled with bravado and he raised his fists ready to fight.

Don’t make me kick your ass.” She leaned closer. “Who are you running from?”

The boy shot out a fist which she easily dodged. “Try it again and I’ll knock you to the ground, boy.”

He did.

She hooked her foot behind his ankle and shoved him to the pavement. “Will you calm down? If I wanted to hurt you, I’d have done it already.”

Shaking, he rolled to his side and curled into a ball. “Just kill me. I’m not going back.”

She could guess who the boy was afraid of, even without smelling Thomas. She hadn’t met many who could instill this type of terror. Which meant this boy knew where Thomas was hiding.

Something in her softened at his trembling form. She wasn’t about to torture the kid, so she’d have to convince him to share willingly. She reached down to tap his shoulder. He struck out, his fist glancing a painless blow against her cheek.

For Christ’s sake,” she huffed, picking him up and tossing him over her shoulder. He resisted for a long moment before finally going slack.

Niki hauled him out of the alley and into the street. “If you don’t tell me who you’re running from, I can’t help.”

The boy’s only response was a shudder.

Fine.” She continued carrying him down the street, ignoring the strange glances from the few people she passed.

Only a few blocks from Main Street, the hair on the back of her neck prickled. The air filled with the scent of wet dog. She stopped, looking around, but the shadows undulated too quickly to pick anything out.

A growl came from behind her, followed by others all around them. The boy over her shoulder tensed, his chest heaving as if he was crying.

Vampire filth,” a gravelly voice called from the darkness.

Kill, kill, kill,” another one chanted.

They need to die for Doug.” The growling was joined by a long, mournful howl.

Niki called out to them, “I don’t know who that is, but I didn’t kill him.”

Vampire. One is the same as another. You all must pay for his death.”

Look, we’re just passing through. Not looking for a fight.”

Too bad, blood drinker. You found one.”

Niki set the boy down. She yanked out her motel room key and a dagger from her boot, pressing them both into his hands.

You know where the Inn is?”

His gaze skittered over the circling shadows, eyes glassy with panic.

She smacked him on the side of the head. “Do you?”

He nodded.

Go to room 113. Wait for me.” She gave him a warning look. “If you make me hunt you down, I’ll be pissed.”

The growls drew closer, louder.

And if you don’t come back?” he squeaked.

She stared at him, hard. “I will.”

Niki drew the short sword at her back, and grabbed another dagger from her boot. “I’ll clear the way. Run when I tell you.”

Around them, wolves slunk from the shadows. She counted four, but there were more. Unseen and waiting in the darkness.

I-I can try to fight,” the boy whispered without confidence.

Just do as I say.” She braced herself, staring into the surrounding blue eyes, watching and waiting.

Claws scrabbled on pavement as the first beast lunged.

Niki swung her short sword against the wolf, who yowled in pain. She stabbed her dagger into its side, then shoved it away.

Now,” she yelled, rushing at another wolf blocking their way. It snapped, jumping. Teeth and claws scratched at her belly and arms as it met her charge. Cutting deep into its muzzle and back, she barreled over the damn beast. “Now, damn it.”

The boy finally came his senses and ran. Niki stayed just behind him, forcing back the wolves nipping at their heels. Growls raced after them. The wolves weren’t giving up, even if they were growing cautious.

Ahead, Niki spied Main Street. “Go. Get to the Inn.”

She stopped and spun, facing the wolves. A blur leapt toward her, jaws angling for her throat. She fell back, and jabbed her knife along the exposed belly as the wolf flew over her.

Rolling to her feet, she stared at the pack. Sliding her dagger back into her boot, she drew the special one from the sheath at her lower back.

She held it up. “This one is silver. You’ll heal from the damage I’ve already done, but not nearly as well from what I’m going to do to your worthless hides.”

One wolf whimpered, but another growled. They stalked forward, hackles raised, teeth bared.

Fine, then.” She slammed against the nearest wolf, slashing its legs.

It howled in fury and pain. She hit another, stabbing its hindquarters. Then another, raking her blade along its side. She fought in a blur, striking out at wolf after wolf, not seeing anything but her next target.

The pack broke, wolves tucking their tails and racing down the street. Caught in the bloodlust, Niki started after the fleeing group. The wolves bayed and she was lost in the age-old chase of prey and predator.

She sped down streets and alleys, following the scent of cowardice and blood. It was heavenly.




Shane picked up his pace when he came to Jasper Lane and found blood splattered over the road. His heart shuddered, but he refused to consider Niki might be hurt... or worse.

He continued on, reaching the edge of the forest. Ahead, a wounded wolf’s growls turned into a howl, a cry for help.

Asshole!” Niki screamed.

Shane slid her small dagger in his pocket and raced forward. When he broke through the trees, he stopped, stunned.

A huge wolf, far bigger than any found in the wild, lay on the ground. Niki bent over it, a dagger to the creature’s throat. Smoke rose as the silver blade pressed against the wolf’s skin.

She glared at three wolves, all ready to rip her to shreds. “Back off or I’ll cut his throat. I didn’t ask for this fight. Hell, I didn’t do a damn thing to any of yours. If you’ll think rationally, you’ll realize everyone I injured will heal.”

There was nothing human left in the glowing blue eyes. All three wolves had lost the thought of humanity and rationalism.

Shane moved, drawing the hungry gazes.

His magic wasn’t enough to pull these beasts back from the edge. Once more, he called on his animal spirit, though the pain of drawing on the bear twice in one night was going to be hell.

Mother Earth. Father Sky. Brother Bear.”

The black ink covering his left side flared, heat spreading over his skin like wildfire. Shane gritted his teeth.

Niki gasped, her gaze on him. He knew what she saw. Shane was no shifter. But when he called on the bear spirit, others could sometimes see the superimposed image of the bear over his body.

Shane glared at the wolves, letting the bear’s power crackle on the air. “Listen to me,
. As your friend and as your Keeper. Do not shed any more blood tonight.”

The wolves shuddered, and the one in the middle, their leader, blinked. His eyes faded from ice-blue to stormy gray.

He howled in fury and pain. Then the three loped away. The wolf beneath Niki’s blade whimpered. She stood, drawing her dagger away.

In a flash, it was up and chasing after its pack mates.

Shane breathed a sigh of relief and released the energy he’d gathered, letting it seep back into the earth.

Niki stepped away from him, her eyes wide.

Shane raised a hand, but her shoulders stiffened and her fist tightened on the silver dagger.

I won’t harm you.”

What the hell are you?” she demanded.

He shrugged. “Sheriff and Keeper.”

Her gaze roamed the tattoos covering his left arm, and she tilted her head as if to follow them where they disappeared beneath his tank. “More than that. A lot more, I’d say.”

And you are vampire. Your point?”

She finally put her dagger away, though her gaze remained wary. “A bear?”

My totem animal and spirit guide.”

You’re not a mage. You’re a shaman.” She nodded as if assimilating what she’d seen this night. “What are you doing here?”

Tracking you,” he replied, trying not to reveal the worry cramping his guts as he looked her over.

She was blood splattered and scratched up, but he didn’t see anything that wouldn’t heal.

She rolled her neck, the bones softly popping. “I had it under control. They’d have either left, or died.”

Anger pierced him. “You kill a wolf and Jordan will bring the wrath of hell down on you. So will every shifter and vampire around for miles. No one wants another war.”

She glanced at him, her fangs still showing, eyes red. “And I don’t want to be the cause of it. But if a half-pack of wolves attack me and a boy for no reason, they made their choice.”

As Keeper he couldn’t quite argue with her. But he was also a man. It stunned him to realize that part of him wanted to track the wolves down and kill them for daring to touch her.

It was beyond bad. He had a job to do, and he couldn’t let anyone interfere. Trying not to think of it, he latched on to her other words. “What boy?”

A young vampire. I found him in the diner. He’s scared and running from something. I sent him to my motel room.” She glanced around the trees. “Wonder if he actually went.”

Shane didn’t know how to respond. “You sent a strange vampire to your motel room when you know everyone is looking for rogues?”

She raised a dark brow, her cheeks flushed from the fight. “That’s exactly why I sent him there. He’s not strong enough to have killed the wolf. But he smelled like Thomas.”

Shane walked closer. “What do you mean?”

The boy’s been around the man I’m looking for. Hopefully, he can lead me to him.”

Niki strode toward town. Shane took advantage of the silence as they left the forest. “We need to work together.”

She grimaced. “He’s a step ahead. But I’ll damn well get him.” Her hands fisted at her thighs.

Shane grabbed her shoulder and spun her to face him. “I will get him.”

Her eyes flashed, irises rimmed with red. “You are going to stay out of my way.”

He matched her angry stare. “It’s either work with me or go to jail. You’re not going to be running around on your own.”

In silence, he led her toward town, and his truck waiting at the station. The walk was filled with tension, from his demands and the sensuality permeating the air. This close to her, he remembered exactly how soft and giving her lips had been. It wasn’t a thought he should have. Only, he couldn’t seem to give a damn.

There was something between them, and he’d not stop until he figured out exactly what.







Chapter Seven



iki followed Shane through the outskirts of town. She couldn’t bring herself to agree with his demand for cooperation. Yet, thinking about his display of power back in the forest, she began to wonder if there might be benefits to working with him.

He’d harnessed the spirit power of a damn grizzly bear. It wasn’t like the werewolves--they were one, animal and man together. Shane had been so much more.

And it was damn sexy.

Even now, she couldn’t keep her eyes off the muscles his sheriff’s uniform had hid. This was a man who could go up against just about anything. And win.

He glanced back, as if to make sure she was actually following. His eyes drifted over her. Niki’s breasts tingled from the brush of his glance. Lower, a deep ache throbbed. She clenched her fists, trying to ignore the desire flooding through her.

He was a Keeper. She had to remember that. All that beautiful, exciting power went into his job--hunting down the Arcaine like her. In fact, once she killed Thomas, he’d probably be the one the Council called to carry out her execution.

She stumbled over a crack in the sidewalk. Shane was at her side, grasping her arm and helping her keep to her feet. Not that she needed it, but the gesture was kind of nice. He continued to walk beside her, the heat of his hand blazing through the thin blouse where his palm rested on her lower back.

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