Blue Autumn in the Bayou (Gumbo Love) (18 page)

BOOK: Blue Autumn in the Bayou (Gumbo Love)
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No. Not at all. I went home for a friend’s wedding. I’ve only been back about a week. How are things at the club?”

Romeo rubbed the back of his neck.
“I must say I’m not accustomed to daytime hours.” He chuckled. “I’m so used to night hours. But this gig, I couldn’t pass it up. It’ll open up a lot of doors for me.”

Autumn took a sip of her tea as she watched him. His eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled and his voice was as smooth as the jazz she
’d heard him play. She liked him, as a friend of course. She didn’t pull her hand away when he touched it as he casually filled her in on his new venture. She smiled and nodded in response. She was happy to be rid of the jitters from earlier. When she glanced down at her watch, an hour had already passed without her realizing it. She’d not planned to be away so long, but was caught up and occupied by her new companion.

When Romeo, who
’d consumed most of the conversation, realized that their time together was quickly coming to a close, he asked her, “What are your plans for Thursday evening?”

Actually, I start rehearsals this week and they’re usually long days.”

Well, if it’s not too late, I would love it if you would come to my set on Thursday. We’ll be there until 9:00 p.m.”

Mmm, I don’t know Romeo. It depends on how late and how exhausting rehearsals are.”

He touched her hand.
“Please, don’t say no just yet. It would really give me a boost if someone I knew was in the audience.” He seized the opportunity to touch her every chance he got.

smiled. “Okay, I’ll try, but no promises.”

Deal!” He took Autumn’s hand and placed a light kiss on the back of it. “I’ll see you on Thursday.”

We’ll see. No promises.” She stood. “I have to get back.”

Romeo stood when she did.

Autumn returned to the studio and resumed her practice. When she checked her phone, she still had not receive
d a call back from Travis, but didn’t think much of it. His days were often filled with back-to-back meetings. She closed her eyes remembering the warmth of his arms, and the sweetness of his lips. “I miss you,” she mumbled. After few minutes of reminiscing, she pulled herself together to focus on the routine she had to nail before rehearsals began.

* * * *

Savannah put up her best acting to get back into Travis’s good graces. She acknowledged having met Autumn at the airport. “She seems very sweet,” she lied. She invited him back to her hotel room, but he flat out refused her proposal. But he didn’t resist her when she slipped her arms around his waist and brushed her body against him. She played it safe, not coming on too strong or too fast. She had plenty of time. Before long, Travis would be in her bed again. That, she was sure of. She just had to bide her time. With little miss Autumn out of the way, she planned to use whatever it took to win him back. She smiled broadly. “Let me make it up to you. Dinner tonight. My treat.”

Travis pulled away, and he raised his arms up and grasped the back of his head to keep from touching
her. The urge was there, but his thoughts were elsewhere. Right then, although it was Savannah’s body so near, it was Autumn that slipped into his mind. He took a step back and shook his head. “Sorry, Savannah, can’t do it tonight. I have some late business to take care of.” He didn’t lie to her, not that he ever would. He also knew that he didn’t need to provide her with an explanation, but he did.

Again, Savannah pouted.
“Well, if not tonight, how about tomorrow or the following evening? You name it. I’ll be in the city for a few more days.”

Let me look at my schedule and I’ll get back to you.”


He chuckled as he watched her girly gestures.
“Yes. You know I keep my word.”

She leaped
, and the her breast jiggled even in her snug top. “Okay. I’ll wait to hear back from you.”

Take care.” Travis backed away from her, and headed to the locker room.

* * * *

Travis pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers. He dropped his whipped body into the overstuffed chair in his home office, pulled the cordless phone from the base, and dialed Autumn’s number without thought. Only when he heard her sleepy voice did he look at the digital clock behind his desk.

Hello.” Autumn answered the call, after the second ring. She’d already crawled into bed, achy all over because she’d overdone it today. She took a couple of ibuprofens before retiring. She’d planned to get up early again in the morning.

Hi, baby, I’m sorry to call so late. I lost track of the time”

Autumn sat up slowly.
“Hi. I called earlier.”

Yes, I know. It’s been a killer day. How are you, sweetheart?”

I’m sore. I think I did too much today.” She rubbed the bottom of one of her feet.

Sorry, baby. I wish I was there to massage your achy body.”

Autumn hugged herself.
“I wish you were here too. I miss you.”

Her words forced a smile to his face. He loved hearing her voice and right
then, it was all he needed to keep his mind on track. He had a lot of work to catch up on, but he also wasn’t sure about how he felt about seeing Savannah earlier today. “I miss you too. I miss you a lot.” After they talked for a few minutes, and when both seemed to be satisfied with hearing the other’s voice Travis said, “Okay, babe, get some rest. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

I love you, Travis.”

I love you Autumn.”

* * * *

Autumn’s words rung in his ears, even right then; at the moment he walked into the Gumbo Shop. He spotted Savannah seated at a table, waiting for him. She grinned from ear to ear when he arrived at the table. “You look good enough to eat, lover boy.” She lifted her head to meet his handsome face. Travis met her eager greeting by kissing her on the cheek. Of course her flattery always did something to him, and usually got her whatever she wanted. Since he’d given up the chase, he missed the eager stares of women when he entered a room. He still got them; only he responded differently since he met Autumn.

“You look stunning as always, Savannah.”

Savannah leaned in close to Travis. “
Hello, lover boy
.” She beamed when he eased in the chair next to her. Throughout the meal, she hung onto his every word, nodding, and grinning as she’d always done when she was with him. She’d summoned him to this talk because she wanted to share some news with him. She had the entire meal to tell him this news but by dessert, his favorite, pecan pie, she’d not told him anything. Savannah ordered crème brule and was ready to share it with him; and anything else he wanted.

As soon as Travis savored a mouthful of the delectable pie, his cell phone chimed the ring set specifically for Autumn. His heart leaped. He looked at Savannah, who seemed to think nothing of the ringing phone until he answered it.















“Hello, sweetheart. How are you?” He met Savannah’s angry eyes. He held up his index finger, and whispered, “Please give me a minute, okay?” She didn’t respond. Instead, she looked away. Travis stood and walked over to the lobby with the phone to his ear.

Ordinarily, he would have taken his call in front of Savannah, but this was Autumn and the last thing he wanted was her interference. Her behavior was proving to be unpredictable and he didn’t want to have to explain to Autumn why he was with her, at least not over the phone. So he walked to the far end of the lobby. 

* * * *

“I was just thinking about you,” Autumn confessed.

“I’m always thinking about you, darling. How did rehearsal go today?”

“Not too bad. I think I’m finally over my soreness.”

“That’s great news, babe. “

“So, what are you up to this evening?” She folded her legs beneath her in the middle of her bed.

“I’m having dinner with a friend.” He would never lie to Autumn. At the moment, he hoped she wouldn’t press him to tell her who his dinner guest was. He took pride in telling the truth and being up front. In this case, though, he feared she wouldn’t understand why he was talking to Savannah; especially after the stunt she pulled at the wedding reception. He knew Savannah would never be anything but a friend. He was clear about that. Autumn was the only woman he wanted or needed.

Travis closed his eyes and concentrated on Autumn’s sweet voice.

“Okay, babe. Call me when you get home. I want to talk to you for a bit. I love you,” she said without further inquiry.

“I love you, too.” He suddenly lost his appetite for the fat piece of pecan pie. When he returned to the table, he found a pouting Savannah with her arms folded beneath her ample breasts. He sighed. “Savannah.”

She didn’t look at him at first. When he touched her arm, she glared at him. “Is there a problem?”

“No! No problem.”

“Well, I’m sorry, but we will have to cut our evening short. Maybe you can share your news…” He didn’t get a chance to finish. She grabbed her purse and stormed from the restaurant without looking back. Travis rubbed his hand down his face. He could only hope that this was the end of Savannah’s antics. Even so, he was going to have to tell Autumn.

By the time he made it home, he wondered if he should tell Autumn that night. At first, he thought no, but then he came to his senses. The longer he waited, the more difficult it would be to explain why. He took a cleansing breath and dialed her number.

“I miss you, so much. Guess what I did today? Oh wait, but first, let me tell you about Rykard and Erica. And, then I’ll tell you my good news.” This went on for the entire time they were on the phone, He didn’t get to say much, only listen. The last thing she said was, “I love you Travis. I wish I was in your arms tonight.”

Travis didn’t have the heart to ruin her good news or her good mood. “I love you, darling. I can hardly wait to see you
again.” He could handle this thing with Savannah. And he definitely planned to tell Autumn that she was back in the city. 

* * * *

For two weeks Travis and Autumn talked their way through the day. They met by webcam every evening at the same time. Seeing her sufficed for not being able to touch for the time being. He considered telling her about his visit, but decided to keep his pending trip to New York a secret. She gave him an open invitation before she left New Orleans. He was about to make good on his promise to visit the city she loved so much. He had, however, failed to make good on the promise to tell her that Savannah was on the prowl. He scolded himself because he wasn’t the type of man who played mind games. He didn’t have that kind of time. Nor was he interested in putting Autumn’s feelings in jeopardy, making her regret she’d trusted him with her love. Luckily, he’d not heard from Savannah since dinner at the Gumbo Shop weeks ago. He convinced himself that he was protecting Autumn by not making her worry about someone as insignificant as Savannah.

* * * *

When Travis set foot on New York soil, a thrill ran through his body like a flame lit by dynamite. He quickened his pace as he walked through the gate area, down a set of escalators, and past the security checkpoint. He walked up to the man holding a sign with his name on it. “I’m Travis Brooks.”

“Good morning, sir. My name is P
atrick. We’re all set to go. I’ll take those for you.” The man reached for Travis’s garment bag and attaché case.

When the car finally pulled into the hotel
’s circular drive, a doorman opened his door. “Good morning, sir. Are you checking in with us, today?”

Noise filled the air… cars honked, truck doors slammed, and there were voices of people hailing taxis. The sun was high and bright, but hid behind the towering buildings. T
ravis stuck his hand into his left breast pocket and retrieved several bills for the driver and the concierge. “Yes, I need my bag sent up to my room while I attend a meeting.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll take care of that for you.” He handed Travis the stub from a ticket. In turn
, Travis handed the young man a tip.

He then turned to one of the two drivers. “Will I need to call for pickup?”

“No, Mr. Brooks. Your pickup arrangements have already been made. If by chance you need to change them, please call me directly, and I’ll make sure to take care of it for you.” He handed Travis his attaché case and a card with his name and number on it.

Travis accepted both and then placed several bills into the man’s hand. Without waiting, he walked through the revolving doors
and he didn’t stop until he entered the double doors of the Hudson Meeting Room. Only a handful of people were seated and they all stood when he entered the room.

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