Authors: Carolina Soto

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              ‘Let’s go home doll.’

              He was nothing like his usual self, since that fierce kiss in my room that morning, he hadn’t made any similar approach, just nice, sweet, discreet interaction. Maybe he was really getting bored.

              But then we arrived home. He kissed me the moment we entered, he trapped me against the door, kissing me while his hands pulled my hair and set me in place by my chin.

              ‘Wrap your legs.’

              I complied and he kept kissing me. It will always surprise me how he could carry me so easily, I was sure I was heavy but he didn’t seem to notice. He laid me in bed, this was his usual choreography and I was learning it, I knew what to expect next. He was touching my ribs while kissing me, then his hand went up, but he didn’t stop on my boob, he went higher, putting my arm over my head, then the other.

              ‘Do you trust me?’

              What? I want you, no this talking shit!


              He smirked and took something from his jeans’ pocket with the hand that wasn’t gripping me. The tie I saw earlier. I gasped, I suspected quickly where this was going. It was a beautiful tie, I had seen it before, black with white tiny dots spread on it. I had nothing against the tie, but I liked to think I had an option to control at some point and this just erased that chance. I was starting to protest, but he kissed me in that dangerous way that just blanked my head.

              Once my hands were tied he kept touching, he was making a huge demonstration of his touching skills since I couldn’t stop him and my boobs were pulled high with my arms over my head. Maybe this was not as bad as I had thought.

              Just when I was thinking about it I noticed his hand was again in his pocket…the handkerchief. Black again and with white dots, though these were bigger dots.
Where the fuck does that go?

              ‘Close your eyes.’             

              ‘No fucking way, I am wearing mascara.’ I was not even kidding, I was losing all control here and I was freaking out.

              ‘Katherine. Close. Your. Eyes.’

              He kissed me again, those rough kisses caused me to become undone. He tied the handkerchief over my eyes, blinding me completely. I didn’t like it, not a bit, control freaks don’t deal well with this kind of shit. I felt his hand roaming at my hips, getting under my blouse, touching my skin while kissing me. He pulled my blouse over and raised my head so the shirt got stocked over my arms. He kissed me again and then went to my jaw and neck, staying there for a while. My boobs came later, he was not removing my bra, just touching over it and kissing the skin that was visible.

              While his mouth and one hand were there I felt his other hand on the top of my jeans, he began undoing them and taking them off.
What underwear did I put on this morning? Think darling, think.
Even when the shirt was white since the fabric was thick I wore a black cotton bra with black cotton boyshorts.

              ‘I like you in black, doll.’

              He came back to my mouth, with my underwear on I didn’t feel as exposed as I should. His mouth started to go down, my throat, my chest, my ribs, my navel.
Oh hell no! He’s not going down there!
I would never let him go down there, I was too self-conscious to let him go to that place with his mouth! He was just in my navel, but I could see what was happening so I moved to stop him.

              My breathing came back when I felt him moving to my mouth again, he kissed me, giving my heart a rest.

              ‘Katherine, if you move, I have to start again and I will do it as many times as necessary, ok?’ His voice was so hot that I was having difficulties getting one straight thought.

              ‘I just, don’t’

              He kissed me again, stopping me from expressing my concerns. He started the game over. He was stupid if he thought for a minute that him starting again would make me mad, I was a sucker for his kisses, I would have him doing it over and over again for the entire night.

              This time I felt his finger entering my bra cup and pushing my boobs out, he wasn’t able to take my bra off but he was kissing my nipples now.
Melting, melting, melting.
His hands all over my legs, ribs, face. This time it was when he was kissing my hip bone when I moved again. There was no way I would allow him to kiss me there!

              ‘Not making it easy Katherine.’

              He started again, but this time I kind of understood his reasoning, I was getting frustrated. I was enchanted with the attention all over my body but there was this important part that needed friction and wasn’t receiving it. Again, he did something different this time. While he was on my breast he started removing my boyshorts.
I was feeling so exposed, but his face was glued to my body, so there was no way he was staring at that!
You can’t even name it! Lame!

              Blue Eyes was on my navel and both of his hands went to my hips, keeping me in place. This was embarrassing, he was close enough to notice how wet I was and that was the most private thing I could think of. He started opening my legs with his knee,
he is so going to see how you look down there!
I started to talk to stop him. But he whispered to the skin on my hips.

              ‘If you don’t shut up now, I am going to tie your shirt over your mouth, Katherine.’

Many thoughts came to my mind, standing up to stop him, telling him to stop, kicking him with my legs; many things, but all of them would end up with him stopping and I was so turned on by then that I needed some relief.

              My thoughts were interrupted by a weird sensation. He was there, his mouth was there, he started slowly, kissing, slightly opening his mouth letting his tongue touch me a little, gradually I felt more and more tongue, until he was licking with no shame. More tongue, more tongue, tongue in an entrance, something building inside me, tongue in my happy spot, tongue back at the entrance, tongue slightly entering, tongue in my happy spot, finger in my entrance! I wasn’t aware but I was making these breathless noises.
This is toooo much!


Dylan, Dylan, Dylan….Dylaaaaan!’

              It was the longest and the quickest moment of my life. As soon as I shouted his name and he licked some more, he kissed his way up, the same torturous way. When he came to my mouth he started undoing the knot in my hands and once they were free, they went directly to him, one hand on his head, one touching his amazing shoulders. He had those sexy shoulders with soft lines of muscles, I love touching that back. Then he went to the handkerchief and as soon as I opened my eyes and stared at him, he entered.

              He moved slowly, in, out, in, out, so slowly that my body was asking for more. He was kissing me just as slowly, my jaw, my neck, my ear.


              I looked at him, he was saying my name but I wasn’t sure if he just wanted to say it or if he was looking for an answer.

              ‘I want you to call to me like that again.’

              Asshole? Jerk? Dumbass? Is he into dirty talk?
He was so breathless that I almost came just from hearing him.


              He smirked and kissed me, biting my lower lip.

              ‘The special name you have for me.’

Shit! I said it out loud!
That hot jerk waited until I was helpless to bring that up, he always did that!

              I mumbled it, there was no way I was letting him know.

              ‘I didn’t listen.’

              He slowed ever further! He was torturing me again.
Breathe princess, just say whatever he wants!

              ‘Blue Eyes.’

              With a smirk all over his face, he got faster, harder, rougher, just as I wanted it. And there we were again, stars, fireworks, hard breathing and a great explosion inside me. His explosion was my favorite thing, the best feeling ever.

              ‘I love how you taste.’ He bit my ear and slowed his pace.

              ‘I didn’t want you to’

              ‘Shut up! You are mine and I do whatever I want Katherine.’

              ‘Fuck you! I am not yours! You are always shutting me up!’

              ‘Maybe you are always talking!’

              He was still inside me and yet we were bitching at each other. He kissed me and stood up.

              ‘Why did you tie me?’ It was hot, but I had a suspicion this went further than just kinky foreplay.

              That intense blue gaze made my heart beat faster. ‘You need to learn how to lose control. You can give control to someone else and the world won’t stop Katherine. Your precious perfection can be achieved by someone else.’ He was right, I felt helpless, but it wasn’t bad at all. I trusted him and even when I was not about to give away my control, I could trust him with it for a while. He noticed the engines going in my head. ‘I need to feed you now doll. Don’t you dare put your clothes on.’

              As soon as he left the room I rearranged my underwear, I had always hated being naked. I thought about his warning, so I put on his shirt; he talked about my clothes, not his. I washed my hands and braided my hair. Yeah I liked the guy but there was no way I was eating with after-sex hands, that couldn’t be hygienic.

              Even when I didn’t want it to happen, it had been good, really good, like maybe if I weren’t a moron I would like it to happen again, kind of good. My door opened and there he was, perfect Blue Eyes with some pizza in his hands, Joe must had ordered it while we were… while we were occupied.

              ‘What did I say about clothes Katherine?’

              ‘You were talking about my clothes, not yours.’

              I curled up in bed, one leg up, one leg down and started eating my well deserved pepperoni pizza, my most favorite thing in the world. I was really distracted with its taste when he started again.

              ‘I just don’t get you.’ He seemed annoyed.


              ‘How is it that someone that looks like you is so insecure?’

              He must be kidding me!

              ‘This shit comes because I put on a shirt?’

              ‘Oh please, I have never seen you naked other than when we are fucking, you avoid my hands touching your waist because you think you are fat. That’s why you are so insecure when I carry you and you are the worst person taking compliments in the world. It just confuses me Katherine, why do you worry about those things?’

              No, we were not talking about my insecurities. I was fully aware of them, I didn’t need him to list them. ‘Dylan, I can take off the fucking shirt if that would shut your mouth.’

              ‘We are talking here, I am worried about those insecurities, there’s no point, they are completely irrational. Can’t you see?’

              ‘Nice way of stealing my appetite.’

              I stood up, threw my pizza back to the box and started walking, but as always that man was too fast for me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me in front of my full length mirror. How could those hands be so gentle and so possessive from one second to the other?

              ‘Look at yourself.’

              ‘I know how I look, trust me.’ I shook my face and tried to yank him.

              ‘No you don’t, you are oblivious to how you look.’

              Those distracting hands went to my legs, to my hips and out of nowhere he was pulling his shirt over my head. This was stupid, I was being exposed to myself
, I have seen myself a thousand times, everyday in fact
. Suddenly I got distracted by his perfect, fit body in the mirror, those pectorals were perfect.

              ‘Eyes on the mirror Bianchi.’

              After a notorious pair of rolling eyes, I looked at his eyes in the mirror.
Stupid, stupid, stupid,
even when I knew the exercise was useless we were having a good time and fighting would only end up in an inundation of flowers in my office.

              His hand went to my legs, moving slowly and electrifying, as every time he touched me.

              ‘I love your legs, I would go crazy for these legs, I probably already have, those were my tomb.’

              Hands went up slowly, his mouth was so close to my ear that I would have heard anything just to keep his lips that close to me. His hand stopped at my crotch.

              ‘This, this is my favorite place on Earth…I could be here forever.’

              His hand moved slowly, in a delicate, soft way. He grabbed my ass hard, yeah, my nonexistent ass. He was whispering in that melting, perfect way.

              ‘My hands can stay here, they would be happy here, just here.’

              My hipbones were next.

              ‘Great, perfect bones, unbelievably visible, the perfect start for those legs.’

              My waist and my belly, for the first time in the travel I flinched, Blue Eyes noticed and distracted me with a soft ear kiss.

              ‘Don’t you dare move. I like this place, I like to touch those bony ribs, I like your navel, I like every inch of your waist.’

              Hands up to my breasts, as always he made a ceremony of this.

              ‘Do you know how perfect these are? I can’t believe how they fit my hand, how they look and how I want to touch them all the time.’

              One of his fingers traveled to my arm.

              ‘The feeling of these over my neck can stop the world.’

              My neck was next. His entire hand spread on it.

              ‘This is so good for kissing, it smells amazing, I can feel how your heart beats even from here. I love how my hand seems stronger when it is here.’

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