Blue Moon Brides: The Complete Series (38 page)

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He pushed his fingers into the cleft of her ass, the rough pads scraping over sensitive nerve endings. Teasing. Promising. She’d been waiting for this, ever since he’d approached the bed.

Her breath caught.

Sinking down behind her, Luc widened her stance with his knees. The mattress creaked, warning her he was on the move, but she couldn’t see what he was up to. At all. She was running blind here, lost in the sensations he woke in her.

“Luc?” She panted his name, her breath catching as she tensed, waiting for his next move.

?” His mouth was so close to her pussy.
, she begged mentally. “I’m goin’ to make you say it,

She believed him. “Kiss me, Luc.”

And then, before Luc could move, she reached for Dag with her unbound hand. “You too, big boy.”

“She’s not playin’ by the rules,” Dag said, but he dropped down in front of her. The sensation of being sandwiched between her two wolves was indescribable. Heat and pressure as rough arms caged her in place. But this was Dag and his Luc. The only thing that drove them now was pleasure.
pleasure. So she wouldn’t allow herself to be nervous because there was no way she could make them stop or do what she wanted. Any orders she gave, they let her give. Dag’s musky scent teased her senses, already familiar. Luc, however, was a new challenge.

“I never do.” She curled her fingers against Dag’s chest. God, he drove her crazy. No way she denied him anything tonight and they both knew it. Apparently, sharing her with Luc was on his wants list tonight..

Fine by her.

He had access to every inch of her. He pressed his mouth against her and she gasped, sucking in air. Oh, God. He knew how to kiss. He swiped his tongue over her folds, kissing and rubbing until the sparks of wet, decadent heat had her moaning. When she tried to wriggle away, to buy some space to breathe, his hands steadied her hips, holding her ruthlessly in place. She moaned. Gasped. Did some growling of her own as he licked her juices from her and swirled his oh-so-talented tongue around her clit.

When Luc lifted his mouth away, she wanted to beg, grind herself back down on his face. But that was giving up too much control.

“Bad girls are askin’ for a spankin’,
.” Luc’s rough warning had her creaming.

“What goes around, comes around,” she warned. Spanking wasn’t something she’d tried. When his hand tightened on the curve of her ass, however, she realized she might enjoy it.

Dag shook his head. “You think you can tie either of us up,

No. These weren’t the kind of men you tied down or up. But she couldn’t think about that now, because Luc was kissing her again and, oh God, could he kiss. She whimpered and pretended she wasn’t rubbing her mound in desperate circles against his mouth.

“I owe you somethin’,” Dag whispered roughly.

God. She couldn’t think. She was a mass of raw sensations, quivering helplessly as Luc’s tongue dragged through her folds.

“Give her a little breathin’ room,” Dag ordered and she whimpered as Luc pulled away.

“She likes that,” her erstwhile mate observed and Luc’s chuckle against her folds about undid her. The orgasm she wanted so desperately was so, so close—and yet so far away.

“What?” She growled the question, turning Dag’s head toward her. “What do you owe me?”

“A kiss.”

Dag gripped her chin, tugging her head forward until the awkward angle became one more turn-on because she could barely reach him. Had to lean forward until the slightest touch would leave her off-balance. His mouth covered hers and he kissed as boldly as he spoke. His tongue swiped over her lips, tasting her before driving hard inside. He opened her mouth up, his big hand angling her jaw so he could penetrate her more deeply.

Again, perfectly okay. Or, no, more than okay, she thought as the pleasure consumed her. Heat. Pressure. The wicked rasp of his tongue along hers as he explored every inch of her mouth. Kissed her and kissed her until she pushed back, sucking on his tongue, her lips working against his while Luc’s fingers teased her nipples.
So hot




Dag’s dick was hard enough to burst, but all he could think about was Riley riding Luc’s mouth like he was a racehorse she was taking to the finish line. She looked sexy as hell, her eyes squeezed tight as she got lost in the pleasure, and so damned pretty it made his heart hurt.

She needed this. She was stubborn as hell and didn’t like asking for a damned thing, but she’d been out there in the bayou, living a nightmare for a week before he’d found her. Despite the cotton T-shirts and ripped jeans she favored, she was all woman and he was a fool anyhow for thinking she had to wear silk and lace to feel sexy. Because clearly she was all
right now and he was about to come just watching her.

And she was here in his place, tied up on his bed where he could do whatever he wanted to her.

With her.


He liked sharing her with Luc, liked knowing his Alpha had got a taste of her. Sure, he’d drive the memory right out of her head as soon as he got his turn in sweet spot between her thighs, but right now this was damned near perfect.

He grinned against her mouth as she moaned again.

His darling Riley was about to come if he didn’t miss his guess.




. The white-hot pleasure built when Luc slid two fingers inside her. She could feel the orgasm pounding up from her toes, rolling inexorably closer—and then Luc

He took his mouth off her pussy.

“I don’t like your definition of
,” she panted. Her voice sounded out of control, just like her body.

Luc eased back farther. “Uh-huh,” he agreed, slipping his fingers from her body. “But I think you liked it just fine a minute ago.”

Yeah. But she wasn’t admitting it. He moved away, adjusting himself. The bastard hadn’t even shucked his pants, but she could see the thick outline of an impressive erection tenting the front. That made her feel better. If he’d touched her without feeling anything himself, she wasn’t sure what she’d do.

“I think Dag here has an unfair advantage.” Luc sliced through the rope with his knife and her wrist popped free. “Although another twenty, thirty minutes and you’d have got those knots undone. You need to make them bigger,” he said to Dag.

Dag frowned and captured her wrist, rubbing the faint red marks away. “You think it’s wise to untie her?”

“Alpha,” Luc pointed out. “Which puts me in charge and I say we untie her. Then, when you ask her to stay, you know her answer actually means somethin’.”

He nodded at Dag and headed for the door. Riley didn’t know whether to thank him, to ask him to stay, or to tell him not to let the door hit his ass on the way out. She settled for option C, because A seemed desperate and B… well, she knew better than to play with fire.

“What kind of kinky sex games do you all play?” She hollered the question after him and the slow grin on Dag’s face should have warned her. That man never smiled.

“The kind you like,
,” Dag said.

“So are you going to finish what he started?” He could damn well get over here and do something about it. He’d made it clear he liked her openness about what she wanted. Her bluntness didn’t scare him off, which was a first for her. Most guys disappeared after the first date, when they discovered she wasn’t just another pretty face.

Dag tightened his arms around her. “Yeah. You still got me,” he whispered roughly in her ear.

He’d certainly made it clear he wasn’t going anywhere—hell, she had a feeling he was going to keep harping on that mate business and happily-ever-after—and maybe she was secretly glad he was so adamant he was keeping her. It was her choice, but it was nice to be wanted by this man.

“Guess I do.”

“Luc’s givin’ us some space.”

“He could do it more tactfully,” she groused. When she rubbed her thighs together, the intense throb had her arching up off the mattress. Yeah. Two minutes on her own and she could take care of business herself. Although she did have Dag and his talented mouth. “He’s in charge?” Like hell.

“He don’ know how far I’ll let him go,” Dag explained as Luc slipped out the door. “And I don’ know the last time he’s actually taken a female even though he’s our Alpha. In the old Packs, the Alpha can take any mate he wants.”

took issue with Dag’s word choice—he sounded like a chest-thumping barbarian—but enforced abstinence explained the other man’s gruffness.

“I’m sure that brand of medieval goes over well.”

Dag didn’t answer, but he did scoop her up onto his lap, tucking her back against his chest and draping her legs over his. She, on the other hand, got busy trying to ignore the mighty fine erection now tucked against her ass. He was positively lethal to a girl’s peace of mind. He also, she noticed, didn’t seem to be in any hurry to finish what Luc had started. Hell.

She tilted her head back so she could see his face. If the move pushed her breasts up and out, so be it. “So you all live like a bunch of barbarians, trading women and answering to the wolf-in-charge.”

He gave her a look. “Some of us are a little more modern,
. But
, we don’ mind sharin’ sometimes.”

“But not all the time?” She guessed.

His fingers snaked down before she could anticipate the move, finding her opening and pressing lightly.

“Not me. Seein’ you with Luc was one hell of a turn-on, but I wan’ to be the man you turn to when you’re needin’ somethin’, someone. Some of us, we don’ share at all and then the wolf splits off and forms his own Packs when it’s time to breed.”

The unexpected vision dancing in her head of boy-pups tumbling about was shocking—and strangely appealing.  Even if it wasn’t happening. She was no domestic goddess. Her own brothers could vouch for that.

“You’re mine,” he said. His finger pressed in one delicious inch.

She could be possessive too. Reaching behind her, she wrapped her fingers around his dick and squeezed lightly. From the way he jerked in her hand, he liked that. “Then you’re mine,” she warned. “And I don’t share. I just want to be perfectly clear.”

The arousal was still there, and she was more than ready for Dag to finish what he and Luc had started. But the man still wasn’t in any damn rush. Rather than pushing her down into the mattress and putting himself inside her, Dag pulled her into his lap and proceeded to talk. And this was the man who hadn’t had more than two words to rub together yesterday.

“All right,” he said after a long moment. “So we’ve got us an agreement then?”

He punctuated his question with a slow, lazy slide of his fingers inside her vagina and the casually possessive made her burn.

“Yeah,” she gritted out. “You want to save the pillow talk for after?”

“The vamp was headed back to town,” he volunteered, watching her face but ignoring her question.

“You’d know better than me.” Warm pleasure streaked through her. Her eyes drifted shut because his touch felt so good. She forced her hips not to move, not to coax his fingers deeper. “You left me here.”

“So you got any idea where he was headed?”

She forced her eyes opened. The room was lightening and it would be dawn soon, which meant the vamp was running out of hunting hours before it had to lay low. Maybe Luc had stepped outside to play defense or re-con. “You really want to discuss this now?”

Dag inserted another finger. “You knew Ameline.”

She clenched her inner muscles on his intruding fingers, fighting to hold him inside her. The sensation sent another bright shock of pleasure through her and she moaned. Rough breathing teased her ear, promising he wasn’t unaffected either.

“She was a good woman.”

When she didn’t give him any more words, he growled her name. “You need to tell me,
. It’s huntin’.”

Unfortunately, that appeared to be true. “Can I trust you?”

“Always,” he promised. “You come first.”

She hadn’t really meant the question for him. How could he possibly answer? She’d been asking herself, and the answer was strangely easy to come up with. She did.  He was a gruff, possessive, bossy as hell man, but he was also a good man. Beneath his rough, sexy exterior, he had a heart.

And he’d offered it to her.

She ignored that thought, the words tripping from her tongue. “I volunteer with a local women’s shelter. Once a month, I teach a self-defense class.”

“Does everyone know about the shelter?”

She thought for a moment. “We have two places. One of them we advertise, so women know which door to knock on, where to go. Sometimes, you just need to know there’s a possibility out there. But we have another place we don’t tell anyone but the women about. It’s a safe place.”

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