Bluegrass Undercover (25 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Brooks

Tags: #romance suspense keeneston bluegrass kentucky romantic suspense mystery southern small town

BOOK: Bluegrass Undercover
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True. My mom has a .38. I guess it’s not so cool then.”

Do you know what you’re supposed to do?” Annie asked again. She feared working with kids. They tended to think they were on television instead of in real life. As a result, they could get hurt.

Yup.” The tech gave him a KHS sweatband and waited for him to put it on.

There are two cameras in yours: one in the H and one hidden in the logo on the back. You don’t have to watch him to get video, so just do everything naturally and forget the cameras are even there,” the tech explained.

Austin, you need to give John about ten minutes to get used to the area before you go in. We’ll be right outside.”

No problem. I owe my team this.” Austin climbed into his mom’s minivan and flipped open his cell phone to waste time while he waited.

Okay, let’s do this,” Romero called out. Techs gathered equipment and hopped into black government- issued cars as John pulled at his sweatpants again.

Annie, Cade, Romero and an agent introduced as Jones, hesitantly climbed into the back of the utility truck and took off for the gym. Annie tried to appear confident, but it was hard when her whole case was resting on a senior citizen and a teenager.


The truck was silent. Everyone was holding their breath as they watched John walk into the Keeneston Iron Club and Spa. The video was up, and they looked at the television monitor as they listened to the audio through headphones.

John walked into the club and asked for a tour and the free week’s pass that was promoted for potential members. He was shown around by a perky blonde in tight black spandex pants and an equally tight, white tank top. By the end of the tour, Annie hadn’t seen much but the ass of the perky blonde, but at least John remembered to stop at the machines that faced the free weight area.

John thanked the girl and settled down on one of the machines. On cue, Austin sauntered in, shot the same perky blonde a thumbs up, and headed to the locker room. He dumped his things in a locker and headed for the free weights. It only took a minute for Devon Ross to appear. They picked him up first on John’s feed as he not so casually made a beeline for Austin, who was doing bicep curls in front of a mirror.

Long time, no see. How are you?” Devon asked as he shot a glance to the large two-way mirror on the second floor to where Cade said Trevor Gaylen had an office.

I was grounded, dude. Totally sucked.” Austin changed arms and continued to work out.

Did your parents find your stash?”

Hell no. I didn’t come home on time. I was too busy with this hot blonde if you know what I mean. The ‘rents totally freaked. But, since I couldn’t get to the gym, I couldn’t replenish. I’m running on empty, and I have the semi-finals next week. I need to catch up on my supplements.” Annie was relieved when Austin heaved the weight back on the rack and grabbed another one.

Austin didn’t look at Devon, but he didn’t avoid him either. They were just two guys talking in the weight room. She had to give him credit, he was doing really well. Even John was doing his part. He moved to another machine slightly closer to the guys and attempted to work it while he casually kept his eyes straight ahead. When he moved machines, he turned his sweatband just enough to the side where Devon and Austin were in frame, but he was looking to the left of them so he wouldn’t draw attention.

Dude, this is harsh. I can’t believe this is burning. I’ve gotten spoiled with the supplements. Here, spot me.” Austin tossed some weights on the bar and lay down on the bench. Devon stood over him and spotted him as he cranked out a set on the bench press.

How many supplements do you need?” Devon asked as he helped put the bar back in place.

Two weeks. I need enough to get me through the championship game.”

Damn right. State champs all the way. It’ll be seven hundred.”

No prob. Grandma sent some money for my college fund last week.”

Okay. Meet me in the locker room in fifteen minutes.”

Sure, dude. I got one more set here. Can you still spot?”

Annie wanted to cheer. He pulled it off so far, even asking him to stay around while he did another set. John got up and moved to another machine as Devon moved to talk to some other people working out. Romero gave a chuckle as the sounds of heavy breathing came across the audio. John was not enjoying himself. They all broke out into grins when John murmured something about needing some pie before he died.

Fifteen minutes later Austin made his way to the locker room. Devon was already there with a brown paper bag. Without talking, Austin unlocked his locker, got out a bag with money in it and tossed it to Devon.

You got any needles in there? I’m running low on them too.” Austin opened the bag and looked in, giving the camera a good shot of the needles and two vials of S2.

Move in,” Romero said into a walkie-talkie. Moments later the locker room was full of agents with Dinky and Noodle representing the local law enforcement.

Devon and Austin were put in cuffs and arrested. Devon was placed in one of the DEA vehicles with Agent Jones and taken to Lexington. Austin was put in the Keeneston Sheriff’s Department cruiser and taken home by Dinky and Noodle.

Good job, Blake. We didn’t get enough to take down Trevor, but Devon strikes me as a talker. I’ll let you know how the interrogation goes.” He hopped out of the truck and signaled for the driver to take them back to John’s house. Her cover was intact, an arrest had been made, and her kids were now safe. It was a good day.


* * *


Trevor felt the sweat break out on his forehead. The digitized voice coming over the phone was beyond angry and wanted blood. He had watched from his office when Austin came in and started working out. He hadn’t been in for weeks. Stupidly, he had been relieved to see him. The prodigal son returning and all of that. Devon had raced upstairs and explained that he had been grounded for staying out all night with some girl and needed enough S2 to make it through the championship game.

Trevor had foolishly given the drugs to Devon, thinking that the boss would be happy to have the star player back on board. He had stood there, watching through his window as Devon made his way to the locker room. He watched as Austin finished up a set of squats and followed after him. And then his world crashed down on him as he watched men in bad suits and a couple sheriff’s deputies race through the gym and straight into the locker room.

Devon and Austin had been led out of the room in handcuffs, and his heart had stopped beating. Austin didn’t have enough evidence to convict anyone but Devon. On the other hand, Devon had enough knowledge to make things very hot for him.

Trevor had known right then that the next forty-eight hours would determine one of three things: he’d be dead, in jail, or on the run. He had a contingency plan, of course. Any smart criminal did. He had a fake passport declaring him as one Travis Golden, a Bahamas resident. Further, he had a nice little bank account already established there under that name. Then the phone had rung and the Bahamas were looking better and better.

How the hell did you let this happen? Who told the cops? Was it that little brat?”

I don’t think so. He was arrested as well.” Trevor wiped his forehead and sat down in his chair. Acid was building in his stomach as more and more curse words spewed forth from Boss.

It must be Davies then. Rough him up a little and kill that stupid slut of a girlfriend. That should teach him to keep his mouth shut. And for God’s sake, get someone into that holding cell with Devon and take care of him before he talks.”

Blood or no blood?” Trevor asked.

Normally I would have you rip his damn tongue out and slash his throat, but that would garner too much attention. He’s diabetic. Have someone shoot him up with insulin. Go to his house first and plant enough evidence that the cops will be forced to stop their investigation. Let Devon take the fall for everything. He was stupid enough to get arrested.”

What about our next shipment of S2? Won’t the cops be surprised to see it again if we have any more health issues?”

Not if you take care of this tonight. If not, I’ll order your death. Got it?”

Yes, Boss.”

Now, the new shipment has been altered slightly, so it won’t be the same as what Devon just got caught with. Leave the rest of your supply at Devon’s place. Hopefully this strain won’t result in so many deaths because of heart issues. Thank goodness for all these brats. Better than rats, and they actually pay me to be my test subjects. Profits were way up this quarter. At least you’re not failing me financially. But, Trevor, you go with them tonight to make sure the job is done right. Davies is not to be seriously injured, got that?”

Yes, Boss.”

The girl on the other hand… feel free to make a statement.” The phone disconnected and Trevor relaxed some. If tonight went well, he wouldn’t need to leave town. If it didn’t go well, then he needed to get gone.

He pulled out an eight inch hunting knife he kept in his drawer and slid it into his holster against his back, hidden by his black sports coat. He sent a text to the boys and headed downstairs. Tonight he would get back in the boss’s good graces. Boss wanted a statement kill and what Boss wants, Boss gets.

Chapter Twenty-One


Humph. I can’t get the door to open.” Steve had his shoulder against the door and was trying to quietly push it open.

It’s probably locked.” Trevor tried not to roll his eyes. His boys were good for violence, but that was about it. There were definitely not hired for their intelligence.

It’s not locked, Mr. Gaylen.”

Move over idiot, I’ll get it.” Doug pushed Steve out of the way, and with his curly hair sticking out in different directions he put his shoulder to the door and shoved. The door flew open, and Doug face planted in the entranceway and came nose to nose with Justin. “Shit! It’s a big hairy dog.”

Slit its throat.” Trevor shoved Steve forward before the dog could alert Davies and his girl that they were there.

No need. It’s a nice dog,” Doug whispered. Justin thumped his tail, turned and trotted upstairs.


Cade awoke in the middle of the night with the feeling someone was watching him. He felt the warm breath on his face and slowly opened his eyes. Justin’s face was no more than an inch from his. Justin’s brown eyes were looking right at his, and he brought his big paw up and slapped him in the face with it.

Go back to bed, Justin. It’s the middle of the night,” Cade whispered to his dog. But, Justin didn’t go lie down, and he didn’t jump on the bed. Instead he pawed at him again and looked at the door.

Cade was about to roll over to ignore him when he heard a noise that wasn’t right. It was a creak that didn’t fit in the normal noises his house made when it settled. He quickly got out of bed and slipped on a pair of Bearded Collie boxer shorts that were lying on the floor. They certainly weren’t the most intimidating, but his Ranger boxers weren’t at hand.

He crawled onto the bed to wake Annie up, just to find her already awake. “I count at least five, possibly more,” she said as she slipped on her panties and a t-shirt.

Those aren’t good odds.”

They’re learning, but they’re still not too smart. Got any weapons up here?”

Bat or knife?”

The priest gnome worked pretty well, so I’ll go with the bat.” He tossed a Louisville Slugger across the bed and watched her take position on one side of the door. If Cade wasn’t worried sick about her, he would have appreciated her fighting knowledge. They would bottleneck them so they could have a fighting chance.

Cade picked up the portable phone, dialed 9-1-1 and tossed it back down on the bed while it rang. He could hear them easily now and didn’t have time to talk to the operator. They would trace the call, but he knew they were too far away to make a difference now.

Annie pressed herself against the wall and closed her eyes. She counted the footsteps. Seven against two. Those odds were definitely not good. She knew she could take two, but that would leave five to Cade, and there was no way he could handle that. She would just have to take more on because there wasn’t a chance in Hell she’d let anything happen to him.

She tightened her grip on the bat and tried to control her breathing. Her plan was to bottleneck them in the doorway. Two could probably get through at once, but then it would be one on one. If they went down, the thugs behind them would have an even harder time getting through the door.

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