Blurred Lines (12 page)

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Authors: Tamsyn Bester

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Blurred Lines
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Stella’s face had started to redden, and she let out a shrill scream before her hands shot out and landed on my chest, giving me a hard shove. I stumbled backwards, and landed against Grady, who looked ready to rip Stella’s hair extensions out.

“You liar!” Screamed Stella. “You’ve been trying to break us up from the moment we started dating! You took him from me!”

I wanted to open my mouth and respond, but I stopped when Reid appeared at my side. “Are you okay?” He asked softly.

“She’s fine,” replied Grady, “But psycho Hobbit won’t be if Kennedy gets her hands on her.”

Dane took Kennedy from Ashley’s grasp, and pulled her away, while Ashley kept Stella from getting closer to me. The tension was rolling off Reid’s body in waves, and he looked murderous.

Reid turned, his back to me, and bellowed, “Stella!”

Everyone stopped mid-action, but it was Stella who cowered on the spot. She swallowed, looking guilty.

“Reid,” she pleaded, “baby, you don’t understand. I was just defending myself, your friends started.”

I couldn’t help but stare incredulously. The entire cafeteria had seen her push me first, but that little seed of doubt over whether Reid would believe her or not wriggled around in my head. The last time Stella had attacked me, Reid took her side.

Things are different now,
I told myself.

Surely he must’ve seen it?

“They didn’t start anything,” he replied. “I saw the whole thing. You pushed Jade first.”

“N-no, you don’t understand,” Stella stuttered, looking for her friends. They were smart enough to sneak away as soon as Reid had shown up. “She took you from me Reid.”

“Enough!” Snapped Reid. “You are fucking crazy. We broke up before I found out Jade was pregnant, and for good reason. I saw you lay your hands on her Stella,” he leaned in close, and lowered his voice until it was grave, and threatening, “and that is the last time you ever touch her. Do you hear me?”

She whimpered, and started crying. I had to hand it to her, the bitch could act. “But Reid - ”

“Be quiet,” growled Reid. “Don’t ever come near Jade again, understand? You’re lucky she didn’t get hurt. We are over, Stella, move on.”

I stepped forward, and wrapped my hands around his forearm. His head whipped to the side, his face marred by an irate frown.

“It’s okay,” I said, conveying my meaning with a meaningful stare.
We’re okay.

With that he turned his back on Stella, pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead. Everything else melted away.

After another minute, he’d calmed down, his heart thumped steadily under my palm.

“Sure you’re okay?” His hand rested on my hip, and his thumb discreetly brushed over the side of my stomach.

“Never better,” I replied. “I kinda like it when you go all caveman.”

The air filled with everything we weren’t saying, along with all the questions I continuously tried to answer.

Were we more than friends?

Could we do this?

Were we ready?

Did he still love me?

Did he still want me?

We turned back towards our friends, and everyone was quiet as we took our seats. Luckily – and rather awkwardly – the silence was broken by the sound of a grumble that came from my stomach. I looked around, and felt my cheeks warm, before the raucous laughter erupted. Reid looked down at me, a warm smile on his face, and all I could do to brush off the embarrassment was shrug. “It’s your kid,” I said, taking my seat at the table. Reid sat down next to me, a ludicrous grin on his face, and replied, “Damn straight it’s my kid.”

Pride filled my chest and for the first time in weeks I felt like we were going to be okay. 

Chapter 12
“When are you going to realize that I don’t want to be just the father of your baby?”

was sat at my desk when Dane walked into my bedroom. He looked a little frazzled, and when he saw what I was reading his brows lifted quizzically.

“What?” I asked, placing the book facedown so I didn’t lose my place.

“’What To Expect When You’re Expecting’?” He chuckled.

I gave him a half-grin, and swiveled in my chair to face him. I stretched my arms, and groaned when the tension from sitting for too long left my muscles.

“Don’t laugh at me you fucker. When Kenny is pregnant with your first baby you’ll understand.”

I’d decided to start reading about pregnancy, and what to expect in the coming months. I was constantly worried about Jade, and wanted to make sure she was taking care of herself. Some of the information I’d read had been scary, and some of it was downright traumatizing – like the birthing process. I’d nearly fainted when I read about what happens to a woman’s cervix when her body gets ready to deliver a baby – but for the most part it made me feel included, like it wasn’t just Jade’s pregnancy. It was

“Yeah, man, I’m just teasing.” Dane rubbed the back of his neck, and laughed nervously.

“Everything okay?” I asked, motioning for him to sit down on my bed. He wiped his hands on his jean-clad thighs, and gave me a glance. His behavior was odd to say the least, and somewhat out of character.

“There’s something I wanted to speak to you about,” he said, inhaling deeply.

“Sure, what’s up?”

“I’ve asked Kennedy to consider moving in with me when the semester is over,” he cleared his throat, “but I realize now I should’ve spoken to you first. I’m not exactly sure what your plans are with Jade for after the baby comes.”

I pursed my lips. “I haven’t even thought about that yet.”

“I’m sorry, man, I know I should’ve spoken to you first.”

I shook my head. “It’s cool, Dane. Things have changed, and I guess I need to be making plans of my own now. In fact, I think you and Kennedy should take our place.”

An idea took root in my head, and the more I rolled it around, the more I liked it.

“So you’ll live with Jade,
Ashley? With a baby?”

He was right to look dubious because that idea was madness. But no, that was not the plan.

“No, but I have something else in mind, and I think you might be just the person to help me.”

I grabbed my phone from my desk, and dialed my father’s number.

“What are you up to?” Asked Dane.

I replied with, “You’ll see,” just as my father answered.

“Hi, dad.” I smiled, feeling excitement erupt in my chest. “I need a favor.”

** ** ** ** **

hen I walked into Jade’s bedroom she was bundled up beneath a blanket, along with her thick jacket, scarf, beanie, and grey knitted Uggs. I was late, and she’d obviously fallen asleep waiting me. I leaned down, and brushed her hair from her face.

“No,” she mumbled, hiding her face. “Sleep. I need more sleep.”

I sat down, and placed my hand on her back. “I wish I could let you sleep, but we have an appointment to get to, remember?”

Jade’s eyes opened slowly, and she pushed herself up on one arm. “I was waiting for you,” she said with a yawn. “And then I fell asleep.”

“My last class ran late,” I told her. “And it’s raining outside, so I got held up.”

“I need to use the bathroom,” she murmured, heading into the bathroom. “And then I’ll be ready.”

I nodded, and waited for her to finish up. She was zipping up her jacket, but I stood up, and stopped her.

“Do I not look okay?” She asked, looking up at me. “I can change.”

Closing the gap between us, I parted her jacket and rested my hands on her growing belly. In the last two weeks she’d started showing, and the rounder her body became – her hips, her breasts, her stomach – the more I found myself wanting her. It was a heady feeling, seeing her body change to accommodate the growth of our baby.

“You look perfect,” I whispered. The temptation to pull her into a kiss rocked me on my feet, but I was still unsure about where we stood. Neither of us had broached the topic of our relationship, it was just easier to assume our new roles as soon-to-be parents than determine whether or not we could go back to how things used to be.

“We’d better go,” she said, clearing her throat and dropping her hopeful gaze. “We’re going to be late.”

My hands fell, and the excitement in my chest changed to both disappointment and frustration. We still had so much to figure out, and were no closer to doing it than we were before I found out Jade was pregnant. Rather than talking about it, we drove to the doctor in an uncomfortable silence. Jade was fidgeting with her hands, and it would have been so easy for me to reach over, and calm her. But instead, I kept one hand my steering wheel and another on the arm rest between us. The rain beat lightly on the windshield, and I had Bastille – Jade’s favorite - playing through the stereo.

It was unsettling, to be sitting next to a woman I’d known my entire life, and not know how to talk about our situation. I wanted to ask her what she wanted, but the fear of having her reject me again stopped me, and I didn’t know how to move past it.

THE NURSE SMILED when she walked in, and looked a little surprised to see me. She stuck out her hand, and I took it. “I’m Sirenda. You must be dad.”

“Yes ma’am,” I replied. “Reid Cole.”

“Nice to meet you, Reid.” She turned towards where Jade was lying down on the bed, her expression reading of kindness and familiarity.

“You ready to see your baby?”

Jade’s face broke out into a bright grin, and she showed no signs of nervousness. Only eagerness. She looked calm, whereas I couldn’t stop wiping my hands down the front of my jeans. Jade had already been through this once before, but the thought of seeing our baby for the first time, hearing the heartbeat, had my heart lodged somewhere between my sternum and my throat. After this, it would be real to me.

Jade’s squeal pulled me out of my anxious stupor, and I watched as the nurse squirted some gel onto her belly. She used the wand to spread it around, and clicked on the ultrasound machine.

“Everything looks good so far,” said the nurse. After another click, the volume of the machine became louder, and we all grew quiet as the space was filled with a loud
and then a steady ‘
thump-thump thump-thump’.

I could feel Jade’s eyes on the side of my face, but I couldn’t look away from the shape on the screen, or the sound that – if possible – brought me to my knees.

That was my baby’s heartbeat.



“Perfect,” the nurse murmured. “Baby is at ten inches, head to heel, and weighs around ten and a half ounces. That’s great.”

“Is there a reason I’m only showing now?” Asked Jade.

The nurse continued to move the wand around while she replied, “Well, considering your baby is healthy, and growing as expected, it could mean that you’re carrying closer to your spine. Baby will move around a bit more now, so your belly will likely grow bigger.”

When I found my voice, I managed to ask, “Can we find out the sex?”

“Let’s see if baby will show us,” she replied, still smiling at the screen. I felt Jade’s hand slide into mine, and she squeezed. I returned it, stepping closer until I could take a seat next to the bed.

“It looks like you are expecting a girl,” said the nurse. She wriggled the wand again, and laughed. “Yep, baby girl’s legs are wide open.”

Jade sniffled beside me, and instinctively I moved in to kiss her temple.

We’re having a girl.

“I’ll print these for you,” the nurse continued, cleaning up Jade’s wet stomach. “I want you to come back in four weeks, and keep taking those vitamins. You’ll start feeling her move now, and it might feel like butterflies, but she’s just letting you know she’s really in there.”

“I read that faintness, and dizziness were normal around this stage of the pregnancy, is that true?”

Jade looked surprised, as did the nurse.

“Yes, that’s all symptoms of the second trimester. You could also experience indigestion, and swelling of your feet and ankles. That’s all normal.”

“And iron,” I added. “Jade has to eat more iron, right?”

“Yes,” the nurse chuckled. “I’m impressed. You have to be the most knowledgeable father I’ve had walk through my doors.”

I shrugged. “I wanted to make sure I knew what to expect. I want to be there for Jade anyway I can.”

“I’m glad,” replied the nurse. “You won’t believe how many couples your age come in here, where the dad has no interest at all.”

“Oh,” said Jade, sitting up. “We’re not a couple.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean - ”

“It’s fine,” I said a little too harshly. Jade’s words had stung, cementing the fear I’d been mulling over in the car on the drive here.

With one last awkward smile, the nurse left, and the elation I’d felt only moments ago was dampened.

“Reid.” Jade wrapped her hand around my forearm, and turned me to face her.

“What’s wrong? I thought you’d be happy.”

“I am,” I replied. “But I wish you’d give me some direction as to where
stand. When are you going to realize that I don’t want to be
the father of your baby?”

Her mouth dropped open, but she was cut off when my phone rang. I pulled it from my pocket with a sigh, and saw that it was my mother calling.

I turned away from Jade. “Hi Mom.”

“Hi, sweetheart. Are you kids still busy?”

“No,” I replied. “We just got done. We’re heading back to campus now.”

“Oh good, I caught you just in time. We’re having lunch with Erik and Raquel, and we’d all love to see you. Raquel and I are dying to hear how your appointment went.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I don’t know, Mom. I really need to get Jade home.”

Jade appeared at my side. “It’s fine,” she said softly. “Let’s go.”

“Please honey,” my mom’s voice came through the phone. “You don’t have to stay long.”

Jade pleaded with her eyes, and my mother pleaded over the phone. I groaned because the women in my life had me wrapped around their fucking fingers.

“Alright, we’ll be there in about twenty or so minutes.”

“Great,” my mother replied with glee. “We’ll see you soon.”

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