Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times And Corruption of Atlantic City (51 page)

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Commodity Exchange Act

employment by




private ownership

Catbird, The

Catena, Gerardo

CBS News

Cellini, Dino

Central Passenger Railway Company

Chalfonte Alley

Chalfonte-Haddon Hall

Chalfonte Hotel

Chamber of Commerce

Charles L. Bader and Company

Chase, Rupert

Chasens, Melvin

Cherchesky, Scott

Cherry, William I.

Cherry and Lockwood

Chessler, Louis

Chicago Strike Force

churches, African-American

civil service jobs

Civil War

Clark, Austin

Clark, Leo

climate, marketing of

Cliquot Club

Club Harlem


Coats, M. E.

Cohan, George M.

Cohen, Samuel


Colgate, Austin

Collier, Willie

“colonizing” voters

Colored Excursion Days

Columbus Park

Comly, Samuel

Committee of One Hundred

Committee to Rebuild Atlantic City (C.R.A.C.)

Commodity Exchange Act

Kuehnle, Louis

Commodore Hotel


concrete, reinforced

Congregational churches

Congressional Government

Connecticut Avenue

Conover, Daniel

Conover, Warren

Convention Center

Convention Hall

Cooper, James

Cooper’s Ferry

Corio, Joseph A.

Kuehnle’s Hotel


Costello, Lou

country clubs


Crosby, Jim


Cugino, Tony “The Stinger”

Curcio, Michael “Doc Cootch”

Cuthbert, William



D’Amato, Paul “Skinny”

Davis, Irving “Jack”

Davis, Kate

Democratic Party

African-American community and

Farley and

growing organization

Hudson County

National Convention

Patrick McGahn and

Dennis Hotel

Dewey, Thomas E.

DiGiorgio Corporation

DiMaggio, Joe

Division of Gaming Enforcement

domestic work

Donahue, James

Donnelly, Louis

Doughty, Enoch

Dresler, Marie

Drew, John

Du Bois, W. E. B.

Dumont, Wayne



Easter Parade

Economic Research Associates

Edge, Walter

Edison, Thomas


discrimination in

tax reform and

Edwards, Clinton

Edwards, Edward I.


Elsinore Atlantis Casino Hotel

Emancipation Proclamation

Engine Company

Episcopal churches

Essex County Republicans

Excise Commission

excursion houses



Farley, Francis Sherman “Hap”

1943 election


on casino gambling

decline of

interest in politics

McGahn and

rise of

State Capitol power

Farley, Jean

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

Chicago Strike Force

Corio and

gambling investigation

Matthews and

Palma Boys Social Club

Post Office Building

Seven Group and

Uniform Crime Report

Federal Model Cities Program

Feinberg, Ed

Ferry, Frank

Feyl, Marie “Honey”

Fiedler, James

Finkler, Lea

fire department

Dick Jackson and

Engine Company

Jim Farley and

Republican Party contributions

Truck Company

Fischer, David

Fitzgerald’s Auditorium

500 Club

Flamingo Casino

Fletcher, George

Flipping, Cora

Flipping, John


Forge restaurant

Fort, John

Foster, Herbert J.

Four Horsemen

Fourth Ward

Fourth Ward Republican Club

Fowler, Caroline

Fowler, Rebecca

Fox, Mildred

Fox Manor

Fox Realty

Foxwoods Resort Casino

Frank, William

Frank Farley Marina

Frazier, E. F.

Friedman, Zendel

Frontier Hotel

Furhman, Joseph

Further Island



Gaines, Harry

See also
casinos; numbers game

1974 Casino Gambling referendum

1976 Casino Gambling referendum

Cape May

estimated revenue

FBI investigation

grass-roots social activism

legalization efforts

World War II and

Garden Hotel

Gardner, John

Garfield, James

Genovese crime family

Globe Theater

Gloucester County

Gold, Ralph

Goldberg, Arthur

Golden Inn

Golden Nugget

Goldenberg, Clarence

Goldstein, Jonathan

Goodman, George

Gordon, Waxy

Gormley, Gerald

Gormley, William

Graham, Edward

Grand United Order of True Reformers

Grant, Ulysses

Grant Avenue

grass-roots social activism

Great Building and Loan Association

Great Depression

Great Egg Harbor River

Green, Abe

Green, Irving

greenhead flies

Gribbin, Francis

Griffin, Merv

Groves, Wallace

Gulf Stream, marketing of

Guzik, Jake “Greasy Thumb”



Hague, Frank

Hamilton, Joe

Haneman, Howard “Fritz”

Haneman, Vincent

Farley, Francis Sherman “Hap”

Harding, Warren G.

Harper’s Weekly

Harrah’s Marina Hotel Casino

Harris, Mel

Hartford, Huntington

Harvey, George

Hayday, William

Hayes, Helen

Hayes, Rutherford B.

Headly, Harry

health benefits, marketing of

healthcare, discrimination in

Hearst, William Randolph

Helfant, Eddie

Herbert, Victor

Heston, Alfred M.

Hilton, Barron

Hilton, Conrad

Hilton Hotels Corporation

Hoff, Max “Boo Boo”

Hoffman, Harold G.

Hog Island

Holiday Corporation

Holiness churches

Holte, Henry

home ownership

horse-drawn carriages

horse race betting rooms

horse rooms

hospitality/recreation industry.
See also
African-American community

Black employment

construction of hotels

decline of

labor needed for

types of hotels


Hotel Men’s Association

Hotel Rudolph

Hottentot, The

housing shortage

Houston Complex, Inc.

Howard Johnson’s Regency Hotel

Howe, Elias

Hudson County

Hudson County Boulevard Commission

Hudson County Democrats

Hudson County Traffic Court

Hughes, Howard

Hyatt Hotel chain

Hyland, William F.



ice cream monopoly

Independent Order of Good Samaritans

Indiana Avenue

Indiana Avenue School


infant mortality rates


Intercity Beauty Contest


Irish immigrants

iron manufacturing

iron rail supply


Italian immigrants

Izes, Bernard



Jackman, Christopher

Jackman decision

Jackson, Richard “Dick”

Jackson, Robert H.

Jeffers, Lindley

Jeffries, Mabel

Jeffries, Walt

Jethro Memorial Presbyterian Church

Jewish immigrants “Jim Crow” laws

Johnson, Enoch “Nucky”


Bader and



county treasurer’s office

daily schedule


generosity of

hard times for

IRS and

jury selection

Keuhnle and

organized crime and

reign of

Republican Party and

Ritz Carlton and

Seven Gang membership

William Hearst and

Johnson, Smith

Johnson, Virginia

jury tampering



Kalish, Samuel

Kanowitz, William “Wallpaper Willie”

Katz, John

Katzenbach, E. L.

Kaye, Irving

Kean, Hamilton

Kefauver, Estes

Kefauver Committee

Keim, Jacob

Kentucky Avenue

Kessel, Louis

Khashoggi, Adnan

Khoury, Lou “Kid Curry”


contracts and

extortion and

ice cream monopoly

jobs and

railway station

Kirby, Sam

Kisselman, Carl

Klein, Sam

K.O.S. Enterprises

Kuehnle, Louis


infrastructure improvements by

Keuhnle’s Hotel and

Macksey Committee and

political machine

Smith Johnson and “Sparkey” and

Woodrow Wilson and

Kuehnle’s Hotel



Lafferty, Charles

Lane, Vincent

Lansky, Meyer

Larson, Morgan

Las Vegas Hilton

Lazia, John

Leeds, Jeremiah

Leeds, Jerre

Leeds family

Lenni Lenape

Leonard, Leon

Levy, Leo

Lewis, Jerry

Lewis, John

Lewis, Vivian

Life Magazine

Lifton, Robert

Lincoln University Alumni Associates

Linwood Republican Club

Lion Manufacturing Corporation

Lion’s Club

Lion’s Social Club

liquor licenses

Literary Society

Little Belmont

“Little Sea Water”

Long Branch, New Jersey

Loomis, Guy

Lordi, Joseph

Luciano, Charles “Lucky”

Lum’s restaurant

Luray Hotel

Luxury Taxes




Macksey, William P.

Macksey Committee

Maheu, Robert

Malnik, Alvin I.

Mann Act

Mansion House

Mantle, Mickey

Manufacturers Hanover Trust Corporation

Marino, Albert

Marion, Barney


casino gambling

climate and

health benefits and

of sand

well-known visitors


Marlborough House

Martin, Dean

Martindell, Anne

Mary Carter Paint Company

Mask and Wig Club


Massett Construction Company

Matthews, Michael

McCloskey, Paul

McGahn, Joseph L.


casino gambling referendum and

Steve Perskie and

McGahn, Patrick

casino referendum and

Crosby and

Democratic Party and

Leo Clark and

on Matthews

Trump and

McGlade, Charles

McShea, Stewart

Mediterranean Avenue

Merritt, Hattie

Methodist churches

Michael, Martin “Jack Southern”

Midland Resources

Miller, Tony

Mineola boardinghouse

Miss America Pageant

Mississippi Avenue

Missouri Avenue

Moretti, Willie

Morgenthau, Robert


Municipal Improvement Taxes

Murphy, Charles

My Golden Girl




Nappen, Ed

National Prohibition Party

Nationwide News Service

Native American Reservations

Nevada Gaming Commission

New Baedeker

New Deal

New Jersey Avenue School

New York Avenue

New York Hotel

New York Times


Nixon, Richard

North Kentucky Avenue

North Michigan Avenue

North Ohio Avenue


African-American community

Kuehnle’s influence

voter fraud

Northside Board of Trade

Northside Business and Professional Woman’s Club

Northside YMCA

Northside YWCA

Johnson, Enoch “Nucky”

Nucky’s Nocturne

numbers game

nursing homes



Odd Fellows Hall

O’Donnell, William T.

Olcott, Chauncey

Old Folks Home and Sanitarium

Olsen, Richard

O’Reilly, Peter

Orman, Herman “Stumpy”

Osbeck, Florence “Flossie”

Osborne, Richard

ozone, marketing of



Pacific Avenue

Palma Boys Social Club

Panic of 1857

Paradise Café

Paradise Island

Paradise Island Casino

Park Place Casino Hotel

Park Place Entertainment

Parker, Joel

Paterson, New Jersey

Paxson, Mae

payroll padding

Peking Duck

Peloquin, Robert

Pendergast, Tom

Penn, William

Penn Central Railroad

Perlman, Clifford

Perlman, Stuart

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