Read Body, Ink, and Soul Online

Authors: Jude Ouvrard

Body, Ink, and Soul (30 page)

BOOK: Body, Ink, and Soul
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"No, because I marked you. I’ve crossed a line." I guessed this must be a rule between them.

"I don't want you to get in trouble. I’ll talk to him, make sure he knows it was my idea, not yours."

"Yeah. Thanks. I’ll add your name to my will." He laughed, but I wasn't sure if it was funny.

"Don't worry about it," I tried reassuring him.

Kyle left a few minutes later with his equipment, heading back to the shop. He refused to charge me for the tattoo, but I planned to figure out a way to give him the money. If I had to hide it in his jacket to make him take it, I would do it.

Levi came home late in the afternoon, saying he wanted to have dinner with me. He’d brought broccoli soup and chicken salad wraps. My new tattoo was hidden under a long sleeve t-shirt, protected by a bandage. I was dying to show him my new addition now, but I was waiting for the right moment.

We ate sitting beside each other. He kept his hand on my thigh the whole way through dinner and kissed me every now and then.

"Bekka told me it's your birthday next weekend," he said. "Is there something special you want to do?"

"Oh... hmm. It's only my twenty second. I don't really need to celebrate or anything. I have you, that’s all I want."

"Oh come on, Nix, there has to be something you’d like to do. Do you want to go to a nice restaurant, or maybe go to the bar? We could even rent movies and spend the night at home if you want, we never do that."

"School’s starting in two days. I need to concentrate on that first, then I'll think about my birthday. A movie night sounds good though."

"School, right. Did you get your schedule already?"

"No, I'm going tomorrow morning. I hope we’ll be able to work something out with our schedules." This bothered me, I wanted to spend all my free time with him at the shop, I wasn't so sure about school anymore. It was definitely going to make things harder.

"Rock Star, look at me." I lifted my eyes to meet his. "I'm not going anywhere. We’ll find time here or at the shop and I’ll meet you at the club every night." He kissed my forehead. "And every night, ’we'll meet in bed. I don't want to spend a single night away from you."

"You always know what to say to comfort me." The tattoo under my shirt sleeve was burning, screaming to be unveiled. "Now, I need to talk to you about something. Don't be mad at Kyle... it's all my fault." I said, as I removed my top. "I wanted to respond to your declaration of love, by showing you how much you mean to me, my Angel." My face flushed as I fumbled with the shirt.

He was totally silent. He’d seen the bandage on my arm and he knew what I’d done. I saw a faint hint of a smile, but I could also see how anxious he was. Once it was uncovered, he studied it from different angles. "So... I’m your angel, eh?"

"You are. It's how I see you, it's what you are to me."

"At least the punk-ass did a great job. I love it, baby, but you didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I wanted to. I love you so much."

"Me too, Rock Star. Forever," he said pulling me towards him. He aligned our bodies against one another, kissed my forehead and simply held me for a long time. He was breathing me in and I stood there, listening to his heart beating.

Soon afterwards, he had to go back to work and I joined him at the shop. I was already missing Beauty and enjoyed the short ride to the studio. Levi pretended to be mad when he saw Kyle, taunting him for a couple of minutes, but he finally thanked him for the great job he’d done on me. He trusted Kyle, when all was said and done. Levi had a very busy schedule for the rest of the night, with only a couple of short breaks until he would finish at 10pm.

I eventually had to leave to get ready to work. I cleaned my newest tattoo and pampered myself a little before I headed to the bar. For the first time in my life, I was nervous about starting school again. University was a big deal for me, I didn't want to fail. All my life, I’d been first in my classes but coordinating work, school, studying and time with Levi was going to be difficult. I wanted to be with him all the time, but I knew it wasn't going to be possible. Levi has been in this situation already, I knew he would understand all the time I would spend at school or home studying, but I was still worried about how it would affect our relationship. I crossed my fingers that we could work through any difficulties.

The night at work was fairly uneventful. In fact, it was downright boring and I was feeling more stressed by the hour. I had to be at school by 9am the next morning. Levi showed up at nearly midnight. He’d ended up working more hours than he’d planned and he looked exhausted. I sent him home to relax and get some sleep.

Bekka and Tyler couldn't seem to keep their hands off each other. They were madly in love and were completely unable to stay away from each other. I couldn't keep count of the times I rolled my eyes at them, suggesting more than once that they needed to get a room. Tiff was fighting a massive headache from the previous night and the Tylenol she’d taken weren't strong enough to relieve her pain.

When my shift ended, I called a cab and hurried home. Levi was already settled in our bed, sleeping soundly. I decided not to wake him, he needed the sleep after hours spent inking people. His job required huge amounts of concentration and a lot of creativity, it had to be exhausting. I wanted to join him but after the shift I was starving. I ate a few chocolate chip cookies and washed them down with a glass of milk before heading to bed. I set the alarm for 8am. I was dreading tomorrow, we would find out exactly how complicated our lives would be until Christmas. I hoped I would have a free afternoon or morning during the week, so we could spend some time alone and do things together. It was easier for him to change his schedule, than it would be for me. I was hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. Consequently, I had a hard time falling asleep.

The last time I checked the time, it was almost 4:30 am. When the alarm went off at eight, my eyes were gritty and my head was being hammered by a massive headache. I took two extra strength Advil’s and got ready to go and collect my schedule. When I left the apartment, Levi was still sound asleep and I envied him so much. I wanted to crawl back under the covers and cuddle with him, but today was registration day, I had to get moving.

Chapter Eighteen

y schedule turned out to be fine. I would be free Wednesday mornings and Friday afternoons and my days would be starting at 9 am and I’d be out by 5 pm at the latest. I couldn't complain, it could've been much worse.

Levi was waiting for me outside the university with Beauty. He was sitting on his motorbike with his arms crossed. People were staring at him, mostly girls, but he didn’t take the slightest bit of notice of them. The boys were busy examining his Harley, which even I had to admit was quite a nice machine. Any guy would probably envy him. Looking at my angel, I saw he only had eyes for me, and I was proud to be his girl.

"Hello, my lady." He was playing Casanova today, his green eyes reflecting in the sun and his sunglasses hung off the neck of his t shirt.

"Hello, my crazy-hot boyfriend." He extended his hand towards mine and pulled me into him. "I missed you, Prince Charming."

"I missed you too. I'm sorry I slept all this time, I wanted to go with you this morning." I just wanted to go ‘
at how cute and selfless he was.

"Don't worry about it, you needed your sleep."

"Come on, get your cute ass behind me, I wanna go home." I love hearing him say
. It made me smile like a fool.

I settled behind him, placing my hands around his waist and tucking them under his t-shirt before we headed out of the parking lot. People were still staring at us. Beauty was an awesome bike, but I didn't know why it was such a big deal here. There was no doubt a student couldn't afford such a toy or maybe Lev attracted them because he looked like such a bad-ass. I laughed at the thought. He might look tough with all the tattoos and the motorbike but underneath it all, he was a sweetheart.

We spent the afternoon eating popcorn and nachos. Levi had to be at work early in the evening. I had class tomorrow and the idea of sitting on a wooden chair for hours was about as tempting as eating a can of dog food. I tried to motivate myself by repeating in my head that it was my last year. After that, there wouldn't be any sitting on hard wooden chairs ever again. At least, I hoped so.

y first week of school was over, and the teachers had swamped us with homework. I wanted to die. School, homework, work and boyfriend were almost impossible to schedule into one day. I’d only had a few days of school and already the dark circles were back under my eyes. I was getting less than four hours of sleep each night. How was I supposed to get through my last year of university at this rate?

I was lying on my bed with tears rolling down the sides of my face. I was feeling discouraged and hopeless. The worst part was that I couldn't mope around all day, which was exactly what I wanted to do. Bekka and Levi had plans for me. They wanted to celebrate my twenty-second birthday.

It was barely 8am and I had a migraine coming on. I wanted to sleep through until the afternoon, but Bekka wanted to go shopping before lunch. Apparently, we needed new outfits for tonight. I was about to start sobbing, exhaustion was getting the best of me.

I turned over and looked at Levi, who was still sleeping peacefully beside me. I settled my throbbing head over his heart. My favorite sound. I fell asleep again.

"Rock Star... wake up. Nix... it's 2pm... Babe? Are you okay?" Levi was trying to wake me up but the pain in my skull kept me from opening my eyes. I was afraid the light would hurt even worse.

"My head..." My lips trembled. "Ask Bekka to get my medicine." It wasn't the worst migraine I’d ever had, but it hurt a lot, and I wanted my medication as quickly as possible. This birthday was proving to be lousy, so far.

"Are you okay, Phoenix? You’re worrying me." Levi cupped my cheek with his hand.

"My medicine, please?"

I heard him call out to Bekka as soon as he closed our bedroom door. He sounded very concerned.

I heard him telling Bekka I needed the medication and the only thing I heard in return from Bekka was her muttering in annoyance.
DAMN IT! Why did it have to happen today? She’s got a migraine. I'll get her what she needs. Can you get a warm bath ready?

The bedroom door was pushed open a few seconds later and Bekka came in.

"It's not the worst one I’ve had." I tried to sit up. "I'll take my meds now, I don't want to ruin the day."

Levi stood in the doorway watching us, cracking his knuckles and biting his bottom lip. "I’m okay, Lev, don’t worry. It happens when I’m too stressed or get really tired."

"I got your bath ready. I added some of that lavender essential oil you like." I wasn’t sure about the oil, when I have a migraine all smells kill me, but I wasn’t about to tell Levi that.

"Thank you, Angel." I calmly slipped my legs out of the bed until I hit the floor and Bekka helped me up.

Each step toward the bathroom created waves of pain in my head. Bekka switched places with Levi when we reached the bathroom. I got undressed with the help of my Angel and despite the pounding in my head, every gentle touch and rub against my skin felt precious and soft.

I stepped into the warm bath and instantly began shivering. Levi grabbed a towel and placed it beneath my neck, so I could lay back comfortably and relax. He placed his fingers on my forehead, applying light pressure as he started massaging my temples. God, it was perfect. Exactly what I needed.

"I remember when my mom had migraines, my dad would do this for her and she normally felt better afterwards. I hope it does the trick."

I managed a half-smile because it was the best I could do, but I was very grateful and I would make sure to tell him later how much I appreciated it. He massaged my head until I fell asleep.

The water had cooled down when I woke up, and I found myself trembling from the chill. I got up and rinsed away the essential oil with hot water from the shower. The migraine wasn’t gone but I felt much better when I woke up.

The doctor had told me in the past that I could take only two of the migraine tablets in a twenty four hour period, but I decided to take one more to make sure the migraine wouldn't worsen again.

I put on my clothes and went looking for Bekka or Levi. I didn't know if they were still at home. The apartment seemed quiet, as I walked carefully through, avoiding any quick movements. There was no way I wanted the migraine to return. Especially not today, on my birthday.

I found Bekka reading on the couch, in front of the muted TV. She lifted her eyes as soon as she heard the wooden floor creaking.

"Hey, hun, how are you feeling now?" she asked, placing a bookmark in her book. "You look better."

"I am. Where’s Levi?"

"He had some errands to run." She smiled innocently. "I got your dress, we have a reservation at the restaurant at 7pm. Are you feeling well enough to go?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. What type of dress did you get?" Dresses weren't my favorite article of clothing.

BOOK: Body, Ink, and Soul
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