Body Movers (46 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Bond

BOOK: Body Movers
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realize with cold clarity that he planned for her to take his

confessions to her grave.

He shoved the gun so close to her face that she went

cross-eyed. “Where’s the damn cigar?”

She wet her trembling lips. “Why do you think I stil have


“If the police had it, they would’ve already traced it back

to me.” He shrugged and made a rueful noise in his throat.

“My fingerprints are on file. I’m afraid I have a bit of a

history with women that I’d rather keep under wraps.”

Her blood curdled thinking about the women he might

have kil ed in his lifetime, and how grateful she was that

he hadn’t latched on to Hannah that day at the cigar bar—

although she’d bet that Hannah would have held her own

with the psychopath.

She, on the other hand, was at a decided disadvantage.

“Why did you have to kil them?” she whispered.

“They were no longer useful,” he replied simply. “And they

were trivial, insipid women—I honestly didn’t think

anyone would notice or care that they were gone. You, in

particular, should’ve been glad, since Angela’s husband

was in love with you. And Angela told me she tried to run

you down in this very parking garage.”

Carlotta’s throat constricted.

“The day she died, Angela was drunk and out of control—

she kept saying that I had betrayed her with Lisa just as

her husband had betrayed her with you. When she

stumbled into the pool, I reached for her and actually

considered saving her. Then I realized how much better it

would be if she just…died. But I did have feelings for her. I

held her under so she would suffer less.”

Carlotta’s eyes fil ed with tears. Poor Angela.

“Why you kept stirring things up, I don’t know, but now

you’l have to pay.” He touched the cold tip of the barrel to

her nose, and she wondered hysterically if he noticed the

hump there. “For the last time, where is the cigar?”

“I-it’s on the elevator,” she said. “It fell out of my purse.”

“Get it,” he ordered.

She turned around and punched the elevator button,

dreading to see Akin Frasier’s bloodied body. But when the

doors opened, a big hand reached out and yanked her

inside and behind him. “Freeze,” Detective Terry shouted,

pointing his weapon at Patrick Forman. Forman shot into

the elevator and Carlotta screamed, covering her head,

feeling a jolt to her chest before the chink, chink of

ricocheting sounds stopped. She heard the detective fire

twice and looked up in time to see Forman jerk back, then

fall to the ground in a way that convinced her he wasn’t

getting up again.

Detective Terry put his arm around her and the elevator

doors closed, cocooning them inside. “Are you okay?”

She patted herself down, feeling for spurting blood. “I

think so.” Then she looked down at her chest and gasped

at the dent in her gold breastplate—the necklace had

probably saved her life—oh, along with the detective.

“How did you know what was happening?”

“Akin Frasier managed to call 911. I got here as soon as I

could.” He shook his head and puffed out his cheeks in an

exhale. “Lady, you need your own security force.”

She managed a grin. “Are you volunteering?”

He pursed his mouth. “I don’t know. What are the fringe


An unexpected surge of gratitude and desire warmed her.

She looked up into his golden eyes and searched for

something to tel her whether he was just doing his job or

whether he had developed a soft spot for her. For a split

second, she thought she saw the promise of something

special, but then he looked away.

With the moment shattered, she lifted the end of his red-

and-blue polka-dot tie. “Free fashion advice.”

A sardonic smile tilted his mouth. “I’l think about it.”

The elevator door slid open and she stepped off to see

Akin Frasier being wheeled to an ambulance. She ran over

to him and picked up his hand. “Thank you, Mr. Frasier.”

“I did it, didn’t I?” he asked. “I saved the day.”

“You certainly did,” she assured him.

She thought of the abominable Patrick Forman and what

he’d nearly gotten away with, and suddenly her heart took


Peter was innocent.


Wesley lifted his hand from the van armrest. “So Peter

Ashford didn’t kil his wife after all.”

Coop looked over from the driver’s side. “Why did he


“He thought if he confessed to the murder, that no one

would find out about his wife being a hooker. But I’d told

the police about Angela just before he called them.”

“And when he discovered that word about his wife’s

extracurricular activities had already gotten out, it was too

late to take back his confession.”

“Yeah,” Wesley said. “Can you imagine a guy being so

hung up on his dead wife’s name not being smeared that

he’d go to prison to protect her reputation?”

Coop shrugged. “I think it’s kind of noble.”

“You sound like my sister. If you ask me, anyone that

stupid deserves the needle.”

“If not for your sister, he might have gotten it.” Coop

chewed on his lip. “I guess they’re back together?”

“No. Carlotta said they both needed some space to let

things settle down.”

Coop perked up. “Really?”

“Yeah, but the window of opportunity is short here, dude,

so my advice is to do something bold.”

Coop laughed. “Maybe I wil .”

“Man, you got it bad for her—you’re pathetic.”

“It’l happen to you someday, too, friend. You’l meet a girl

who’l make you do things you never thought you’d do.”

Wesley looked out the window, not about to tel his boss

that he thought he’d already met her, and she had his balls

in a vise.

He was pathetic, too.

Coop pul ed into the driveway of the town house, then put

the van into Park. “Wesley, I have a confession, too.”

Wesley lifted his eyebrows. “What?”

“I took that piece-of-crap gun from your aquarium so you

wouldn’t hurt yourself or someone else.”

He went limp with relief. “You did? Man, that belongs to a

friend. I’ve been freaking out wondering what happened

to it.”

“It’s in there,” Coop said, pointing to the glove

compartment. “Get it out of here and take it back where

you got it. Maybe down the road—once you’re off

probation—you and I can go to the handgun range and

you can learn how to shoot properly to defend yourself.

Then you can decide which gun you’d like to save up for

and buy.”

Wesley stared at Coop and a warm feeling of appreciation

flooded his chest. He was amazed that the man gave a

damn about what he did. “I’d like that.”

Coop smiled. “Good. Now get lost. And put in a good word

for me with your sister!”

Wesley jumped down from the van and slammed the door.

His cel phone rang as he was unlocking the front door.

Chance’s number flashed on the screen.

“Hey, man, what’s up?”

“You stil want to sel your bike?” Chance asked.

Wesley hesitated, then told himself that the decision he’d

made last night was a good one—sell the bike and use the

five grand to get caught up on his debt. It was just sitting

there anyway, and Carlotta would be thril ed if he got rid

of it. “Yeah.”

“A guy wil be there in ten minutes to look at it,” Chance

said. “He’s got cash.” Then he hung up.

Wesley shook his head. Chance was after every loose

nickel in Atlanta. There was no deal he wouldn’t broker

and he wouldn’t put it past his buddy to be more than just

a john to some of his hookers.

Like Angela Ashford, for one.

A few minutes later, a guy showed up in a pickup truck and

Wesley wheeled out his neon-green cycle for a dog-and-

pony show. He threw in some extra equipment that he had

never used but assured the guy was essential, and they

struck a deal for slightly less than the five grand that

Wesley had wanted for it.

He helped the guy load the bike in the back of his pickup,

and after he’d pul ed away, Wesley stood and stared at

the wad of cash, feeling the familiar twitch in his fingers,

the anticipation building in his chest.

If he could find a game, he could probably double his



“I didn’t really think that you’d strangled the woman,”

Michael said. “That cop twisted my words. Forgive me?”

Carlotta glared at her friend, then gave a wry laugh. “Of


“All the drama, I just can’t believe it. But how did Lisa

Bolton’s lingerie get on Peter Ashford’s credit card?”

“Angela bought it with Peter’s card. The police aren’t sure

if Angela got Lisa involved in the call-girl ring, or if Lisa got

Angela involved, but Angela seemed to be footing the bil

for Lisa Bolton’s wardrobe.”

Michael shook his head. “Why would two women who had

everything get involved in something so sleazy?”

Carlotta shrugged. “Boredom…loneliness…money? Who

knows why people do the things they do?” she asked, then

frowned when she realized that she was quoting Jack


A scandalous light gleamed in Michael’s eyes. “A friend of

mine told me that this has been going on for a while, and

that there were more Buckhead socialites involved in the

cal -girl ring and more celebrity johns to be revealed.”

And to think that she’d once envied the Angela Ashfords of

the world.

Her co-worker sighed dramatically. “Do you think that you

and Peter Ashford wil eventually get back together?”

“I don’t know,” she said honestly. “There’s a lot of water

under the bridge. I want to make sure that we have

someplace to move forward to, versus just trying to get

back to where we were. I told him that I need some time.

Maybe a lot of time.”

“And meanwhile?”

A sly smile curved her mouth. “And meanwhile…there are

a couple of possibilities that I’d like to explore.”

“Sounds intriguing,” he said, wagging his eyebrows.

Her cel phone vibrated in her pocket and she pul ed it out.

“Talk to you later,” she said to Michael, walking back

toward the escalator. It was Hannah.

“Hel o?”

“Oh. My. God. Guess where I am.”


“At the magnetic-sign store.”

Carlotta squinted. “Okay, why?”

“Coop hired me! I’m a body mover!”

She grimaced. “And what does that have to do with

magnetic signs?”

“I’m getting two printed so that I can switch out the signs

depending on what I’m hauling—bodies or food.”

“Okay, you’re sick, you know that?”

“I have to proofread these signs. I just had to share that

with you. I’l call you right back.”

Carlotta shook her head as she rode up the escalator. She

had the feeling that Hannah was going to try to get her

involved in her new enterprise, but she was ready for her

life to settle down for a while.

The phone rang again and she punched the button. “That

was fast.”


She frowned at the man’s voice even as her brain sent

vibrations of recognition through her subconscious. “Who

is this?”

“Sweetheart, it’s me…Daddy.”

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