Body Thief

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Authors: C.J. Barry

BOOK: Body Thief
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“I devoured
Body Master
like really good chocolate: in big, happy chomps. A tough yet sympathetic heroine locks horns with a mysterious, sexy hero—oooh, yum! Barry’s skillfully structured story delivers all kinds of delicious pleasures—and zero calories. What more could a girl want?”
—Angela Knight,
New York Times
bestselling author
“In this novel, the action is nonstop and the sexual tension between Max and Seneca sizzles. Barry has created a butt-kicking yet vulnerable heroine and a story that keeps readers going until the last page.”

Publishers Weekly
“Barry returns with a near-future, action-packed tale of extraterrestrials that also explores troubling social unrest. Through her protagonists, Barry explores the gritty reality of a reluctant alien invasion and the resulting fallout. These star-crossed lovers have sparks aplenty and baggage galore. Barry’s world just begs for future exploration, so readers can expect to take this thrill ride once again.”

RT Book Reviews
“Action, adventure, and romance abound in
Body Master.
C. J. Barry weaves together an intriguing tale that captures the reader’s imagination from the first page. Pick up your copy and see for yourself.”

Romance Reviews Today
“The high-stakes story line is full of action and danger. The world she has created has plenty of intricacy, and enough hidden agendas and fully realized characters to fuel the series for some time to come.”

Fresh Fiction
“Sexy, intriguing, and a pure delight to read.”
—Catherine Spangler, national bestselling author
“This awesome book roars out of the starting gates and never looks back. Along with telling social commentary, it is chock-full of danger, adventure, and romance—a terrific keeper!”

RT Book Reviews
(4 ½ stars)
“Ms. Barry’s storytelling alone makes her an author not to be missed.”

Fallen Angel Reviews
“Simply put,
is one awesome book. Action, adventure, love, danger. Books just don’t get better than this, and C. J. Barry proves once again why she is such a staple in this genre.”

Romance Reviews Today
“This is without a doubt the best otherworldly book that C.J. Barry has written thus far . . . Action-packed adrenaline-rushing adventure kept me glued to the pages of this book.”

The Best Reviews
“Ms. Barry takes us on a wild trip through space . . . This is a must read for any fan of futuristic romances, as Ms. Barry’s world-building technique is right on target.”

Romance Junkies
Berkley Sensation titles by C.J. Barry
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Berkley Sensation trade paperback edition / November 2011
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Barry, C. J.
Body thief/C.J. Barry.—Berkley sensation trade paperback ed.
p. cm.
ISBN : 978-1-101-55871-3
1. Shapeshifting—Fiction. 2. New York (N.Y.)—Fiction. I. Title.
PS3602.A777549B63 2011

This book is dedicated to my grandfather, Elwood
Dishaw, who taught me the power of quiet wisdom.
I’d like to thank the many fine people who made this book possible. My terrific agent, Robert Brown, for believing in me no matter how crazy the pitch sounds. My awesome editor, Kate Seaver, and the good folks at Berkley Sensation for pulling it all together. My beta-readers, Patti and Jill, who get the first ugly cut and still talk to me. My family, siblings, and parents who support me without question. And of course, every reader who takes my book to heart. Thank you.
Please visit me online at
. I’d love to hear from you.
ext time I use the valet service,” Cam muttered to herself as she dragged her suitcase to her car on the fourth level of the self-parking garage. The Atlantic City morning sun gleamed across car hoods and the smooth concrete in the open garage. It was bright and quiet, and a long frickin’way from the hotel and casino.
It was her own fault. She should have opted for valet parking, but then again, she
trying to be a normal human being. Blending in with the locals was an important part of her modus operandi. Swoop in, make tons of money off the casinos, and sneak out. It’d worked for the past year, and unless proven otherwise, she was sticking with it.
She finally reached her Honda Accord and popped the trunk. As she threw her suitcase in the back, a prickle of foreboding spread across her body. In a split second, her senses heightened. Heavy footsteps shuffled behind her. She concentrated on the movements. Pants legs brushed together; three, maybe four of them, quiet by human standards and moving fast. Her nose picked up aftershave and sweat, definitely human males.
Maybe they were here for her, maybe not. She wasn’t taking any chances. Slowly, she bent over her suitcase and reached inside the outer pocket for her Glock 17 9mm. It was small, but a gun was a gun in close quarters. She pretended to look for something in the trunk and tilted her head just enough to pick them up in her peripheral vision.
Three men, one in front wearing a gray suit, two behind in military clothes and carrying assault rifles. Yup, they were definitely here for her.
She had about one second to weigh her options—make a run for it, or stand and fight. Cam smiled; she’d never been one to run. After all, there were only three of them. She’d bet on those odds any day.

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