Boiling Point (10 page)

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Authors: Mia Watts

BOOK: Boiling Point
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mean something,” he insisted. “Fauna, I fucked up, but I couldn’t tell you who I was because I wasn’t permitted to. I still haven’t been. Our relationship reached a point where you knowing about me was more important than keeping information from you. That should say something about my level of commitment to us.”

“There’s no us.” She shrugged, turned her back on him as she folded down the bed sheets. “The way I see it, you not only lied to me, you’ve betrayed your kind by disclosing your identity.”

“Either way, I’m a loser in your eyes?” he asked, the frustration building.

“I didn’t make the choices you made. I didn’t have your commitments, so I’m not responsible for the way you’ve dealt with your conflicts. You are. You always have been.” She climbed into bed and looked over at him. “For a brief time, I was drawn into that, but I’m taking myself out of the equation. You’re free to do whatever it is your kind, and your conscience, direct you to do. Just leave me alone unless it involves work.”

She rolled away from him. She hadn’t even bothered to remove her robe. Like it was her armor against advances he’d make on her. That, more than anything, hit him like a slap.

“Well, if this is the way you treated the other non-acceptable faery-men you’ve come across in relationships, I can see why they walked away.”

Fauna flipped over to glare at him. “You have no right to say that to me.”

Cooper paced toward the bed. It was the first time he’d been able to make himself move since Fauna had slipped off to shower. He kept his hands on his hips, not wanting her to feel threatened by folded arms or hand gestures while he spoke.

“You’ve underestimated me, too. Those other guys might not have cared enough to stick around and prove they were different than what you thought. I’m not going anywhere. I’m in love with you and the sooner you realize that, the better this will go.”

Her eyes widened. Fauna sat up. “You’re in love with me? How’s that even possible?”

“Really? I spend every waking and sleeping minute in your company and you think it’s impossible that you’re worthy of someone falling for you?”

“I didn’t say that,” she scoffed. “We’ve had a lot of sex in a short amount of time. All you know about me is the job and what positions I favor.”

“Wow, that’s—harsh. And a little crass.”

“And true.”

,” he countered, leaning on the bed, one fist on either side of her hips.

Fauna slipped from view. Cooper sighed, softly. “I’m not giving you up without a fight.”

“I didn’t give you the choice.”

“I guess that makes me stubborn and hard-headed.”

“I’m not disagreeing,” Fauna said on a sniff.

“If you don’t want me to touch you, I won’t. If you don’t want me sleeping with you, I won’t. If you want to keep things professional, then I’ll do that. But, Fauna, you can’t tell me I’m not allowed to love you, or argue with me about it when you can’t possibly know how I feel.”

He reached up and tucked a glowing gold tendril behind her ear. He stroked the side of his thumb along her cheekbone.

“I love you, Fauna Harper. I’ve screwed up, but I’m not going to let you bully me into leaving.”

“Basically, you’re going to harass me?” she asked, though her words didn’t carry conviction.

He smiled. “Honey, I respect your space. I’ll give it to you. But I’ll be loving you at a distance. Hopefully, you’ll come to understand that not all magical males are complete assholes.”


Fauna turned her back on him again. His words sounded great. Unfortunately for him, she wasn’t buying.

Cooper sighed heavily. “If you need me, I’ll be in the shower. Then on the rug. Woof. Woof.”

She winced. Even as pissed off as she was, she understood his point perfectly, and reducing him to sleep on the floor felt painfully callous. She’d hoped he’d get a clue and leave the room to her, sleep somewhere else where she couldn’t hear his night noises, his breathing, every uncomfortable shift on that rag rug.

Instead, she strained for every sound from him. And right now, he was collecting his clothes and had cranked on the shower. As tired as she was, her pulse kicked up. She imagined him peeling off clothing, revealing one beautifully sculpted body piece after another.

He really did have an amazing chest. Such strong shoulders. She loved the way his sprinkling of chest hairs trailed low over his belly, pointing a sexy line to his substantial cock and heavy balls. Packed quadriceps bracketed his groin and with each padded step to the bathroom, she visualized the tight flex and release of his ass, the swing of his long, thick penis.

Fauna bit back a moan. Sliding her fingers between her legs, she pressed her pussy in an attempt to quell the burning thrill the naked thoughts of him gave her. It was no use. She craved him. Her body knew what it was like to have him fill her completely, his large hands touching every part of her, his lips knowing just where to kiss her for maximum pleasure.

Her nipples tightened and her stomach flipped as she remembered his sly grin when he sank between her legs for a leisurely, thorough kiss that sent her senses into a mindless whirl.

The glass shower door opened and closed.

Her pride taunted her. If she gave him a chance, confessed that she wanted him, she could walk right into that bathroom, strip, and get under the warm spray with him. He’d probably smile, tease her a little bit, then pull her against his gorgeous naked body.

Her senses shimmered with a magical tingle, and Fauna knew she’d disappeared again. Eyes widening on an idea, Fauna shucked her clothes and hurriedly slipped from bed, tiptoeing to the bathroom. It was a childish, cheap thrill, but he didn’t have to know she was spying on him.

It’s not like I haven’t seen him naked before
, she reminded herself when needles of guilt prodded her.

Fauna slipped into the bathroom, grateful for once that there wasn’t a door to squeak or let in a sudden blast of cool air. Though steam filled the space, dampening her invisible cheeks, there was enough circulation throughout this room and their sleeping area that steam hadn’t collected to fog the shower door.

Water hit the back of his neck. Cooper’s chin tucked to let it spill over his shoulders. His eyes were closed and Fauna’s gaze traveled with the rivulets along their course. They trailed over his collarbones, rushing at his chest and splitting into two paths around his Pecs. Her gaze picked up the rivulet that continued down his body, skimming his washboard abs and coasting over his flaccid cock to drip off the blunted tip.

She almost sighed.

Even his wet leg hair looked sexy. His toes gripped the floor as he reached for the soap off to his side. Fauna leaned against the corner of tile where the shower door met wall. She leaned her head back to rest on it, her eyes filling themselves with every beautiful inch of him.

Back up, her gaze went. She stopped, licking her lips when she noticed that he was no longer flaccid, but well on his way to erect. Her gaze shot up, wondering if she’d become visible, though she still

Cooper paid her no attention. His lips had tipped up into a wicked, knowing smile. He hummed as he soaped up his washcloth and sensuously rubbed his arms and chest with it.

“Hey, Fauna. Can you come wash my back?” he called loudly.

Fauna bit her lip. God, she’d love to. Running her hands over his tight body, watching his muscles shiver when she applied just a little bit of nail. Moisture seeped from the seam of her pussy, tickling her, begging her to reconsider her stand on magical beings.

Cooper chuckled to himself. He finished washing up, then rinsed out the small cloth. Picking up the soap again, he lathered his hands until creamy, white bubbles coated them. He slid his hands down the center of his body seductively.

Fauna’s eyes bugged.

He took his cock in hand, jacking it with a loose fist and unhurried pace. She knew he was cleaning himself—maybe enjoying the cleaning—but the motion seemed more erotic to her than to him.

Just as she thought it, he lifted his head back and increased the speed of his fist on his penis. He made a low, shuddering groan that Fauna felt to her very needy core. Her pussy spasmed sympathetically.

Cooper arched his back, his hips thrusting rhythmically now. His balls swayed, sullenly ignored, but his slicked, hardened cock seemed to almost demand more in its reddened veined state.

This was wrong. She should leave.

Instead, she pressed a hand to the glass. Her other hand stole downward, between her legs. Gaze locked on his cock, Fauna parted her pussy lips to touch the distended, eager nub. She had to swallow the sweet sob of pleasure threatening to escape her that would reveal her presence.

She held her folds aside while she worked her middle finger over and around, then along each inner lip, already so sensitive and flushed from arousal, so wet. Cooper had slowed his stroke. She timed her touches to his, imagining him on her, in her.

Fauna pressed closer when a cloud of steam threatened to haze her view of him. Her nipples touched cold glass, and she did gasp. She no longer cared, reasoning that the small sound could have been lost in the rush of water. She arched her back, pressing her breasts to the chilled glass and loving the harsh pinch of cold that only seemed to heighten her arousal.

Cooper increased his pace. Fauna followed suit. She was too far gone to slow down now. Red-gold pleasure shimmered around the edges of awareness.

“That’s it, baby,” he murmured.

As though he were speaking to her, watching her touch herself, Fauna’s hips bucked to her fingers. Her channel was empty but her body hummed near the precipice.

“You’re almost there,” he rasped.

Yes, she was.

Suddenly heat flashed out from her clit, taking a lightning course through her veins. Her hips undulated to her fingertips, and Fauna gasped for breath.

The shower door swept open and Cooper dragged her inside the spray with him. “God you’re beautiful. You’re amazing, sexy, and so damn stubborn.”

His lips crashed down on hers. Fauna wrapped her arms around his neck, crying out against his mouth. Cooper caught his arm under her knee and lifted it. His cock head touched her weeping entrance, then with a studied thrust, he entered her.

It always amazed her that when he slid home, her body welcomed him with the same surprise, and joy-laced pleasure as though it was their first time.

“Hang on, honey,” he growled against her lips.

She protested when his cock slid from her. Less than a second later, he thrust sharply back in, nearly lifting her to her toes. It was a good thing he held her, because her knees were jell-o already. So soon after her orgasm, her pussy quivered happily, very close to the edge of a second release.

Cooper, too, was primed from his hand fucking in the shower. But he hadn’t come, she realized. In a haze of confusion wholly to do with impending release, she wondered why not. She lost that thought a moment later.

His hips pistoned his cock into her, butting her cervix, as each thrust and withdrawal trembled against that hidden spot with deep friction. Everything tingled with warmth. The heat seemed to expand inside her until suddenly, she was lost in the sharp passionate cries as orgasm burst over her. She might have screamed. She definitely lost her senses, clinging to Cooper as every nerve in her body rioted and her muscles stopped holding her up.

Cooper continued to pump hard inside her, His hips flexed and bumped against hers as she fluttered through the final clenches of pleasure, squeezing his cock. He shouted as liquid heat erupted inside her, his panting breath puffing against her cheek.

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