BOMAW 1-3 (68 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Keyes

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"We want one now!" All three of them said at the same time. They all laughed at each other.

"I take that as a yes." The tech grinned, secretly deriving an excited pleasure out of seeing this kind of happy family. At this stage in her life, she'd seen quite a few interracial families from a distance, but it was a pleasure to be in the midst of one, talking to them up-close and seeing the validity of what they shared. They were no different from any other couple, yet... very different, and strangely exciting. Why - she hadn't a clue. They just seem to be interesting, she was dying to ask them questions, but dare not, fearful of offending them.

"Okay... I'll have it ready for you to pick up after you're done with the rest of your appointment. Have they taken blood and a urine from you yet?"

"Yes... that was the first thing they had me do." Sylvia stated as the tech wiped her lower belly clear of the gel and then pulled her clinic gown down and the sheet up. "Good, well you guys can wait back next door in his office. He'll be with you soon."


The tech stopped at the door, "Angela, would you like to wait in the waiting room for the rest of her examination?" She asked. Angela looked at Sylvia and up at her father.

"Would you mind Angela? your father and I need to talk." Sylvia asked looking pointedly at him.

Smiling and happy she left with the technician.

Sylvia sat up and stared daggers at Shawn.

"Did you have a condom on at that hotel in Chicago or not?!"

"What difference does it make now? The rabbits died, let it rest in peace."

"Did you have on a condom or not - Shawn?!"

"Yes! I did!"

"Both times?!"

"Both - times!"

"Both days, both times?"

"Both days, both times!"

"The basement! In my mother's basement when she went to the store!" Sylvia remembered accusing him.

"Noooo, it was okay that time - wore one then too." Shawn quickly defended.

"Then what the heck happened?!" She asked so out done she could only shake her head.

"Hey... you asked me for a piece - if my memory serves me correctly, you started it, at the hotel, inviting me up to the room." He reminded her grinning.

"Stupid condoms! They're good for shit!"

"Hey... I was wearing it, blame the magnum people."

"Did they break or something?" She asked standing from the table, holding her gown around herself.

"Not the first ones." He admitted trying to control his mirth.

Sylvia stood with her bottom jaw dropped open.

"Not - the first ones!" She repeated. "What do you mean?"

"Well, both days, both times, I wore them, however - one time, that second day, that second time, ummm, see - I didn't want to tell you, because I thought... hey, you know - what are the odds that - well that you would be when I'd already spent up a good supply of swimmers - but ummm, obviously... that second day, the second load... was ummm, just as potent... as - ever because lil'man's heart is just beating away."

"Shawn Everett McPherson - are you telling me - that on the second day at the hotel, your condom broke?"


"And you didn't tell me?!" She slapped his arm.

"Ow!" He faked injury. "Aaah baby, does it matter? I didn't wanna worry you. The deeds done, so what - you're a bit further along than you thought... does it really matter?" He asked wrapping his arms around her, pulling her up to him as he bent his legs on either side of her hips, looking down into her face. Those dark eyes were shooting daggers at him. "Aaah, come on... smile, give me a little smile. Aren't you happy... lil'man's heart is beating like a champ... doesn't that make you feel good, hmm?" He asked, then gave her a gentle peck on the nose, next her lips, turning his head one way kissing her lips, and next the other to deliver another kiss to them.

Sylvia wilted against him, realizing that it made no sense to get angry because she had thought herself pregnant, but - just four weeks... when in fact she was eight weeks. All she could think of is that, just as the technician had stated, she must have let a whole month fly by, distracted.

"Put your arms around me." He commanded.

Sylvia reluctantly obeyed, looking up into his face.

"Now tell me you love me." He ordered gently.

"I love you." She gave in with a sigh.

"Good... now lets get over to the doctors office.


There they waited, talking about what Shawn would do once they left. He'd come to town in his Ford truck, Sylvia had driven her car. After her appointment, she and Angela would be going shopping for more things for Angela and Shawn was going to apply for planning and building permission. They needed to get permission to expand their home, and to put in an application for a bed and breakfast. Then he would be heading over to the DIY for building materials so he could start working on her house, modernizing it up to current standard. Sylvia was stunned once again, he had so many talents - the extent of which was materializing with each week of them together. From her moms home she was aware that he was good, but now she was about to see just how good.

"Baby... I'm a jack of all trades, my dad has had me and my brothers working our asses off from the very start. When we arrived home from school, we always had something to do and I do mean hard work. Helping him build and get things done on the farm. You know, that house they live in was only a single structure with two bedrooms. All the rest he added with our help when we were really young. All three of us know how to build a home structure, lay bricks, plumbing, wiring, you name it. It was the norm as far as he was concerned. That's what a man had sons for, to work them and get things done and there was no messing around when he told you to get something done. I remember one time I came home from school, they had to take Shanna into town to see the doctor, he had me putting up a brick wall down the side of the center structure. Plus, I had to make sure Kathy Ann was cooking, that Jake was cleaning up the barn stalls and pig pens and that Derrick cleared all the large rocks from the area we had to lay the next foundation. Man... Kathy Ann and Jake always gave me hell. They knew that if something wasn't done, I'd get yelled at or the hell knocked out of me for not seeing it done."

Sylvia gasped, "That wasn't fair!" She objected shocked.

Shawn shook his head chuckling, "I was the oldest, left in charge... dad wouldn't take any excuses from me and they knew it. Kathy Ann hated having to cook, and deliberately made a mess of it, so I had to either fix the food right or knock the hell out of her. I'd already beat the shit out of Jake because messing around he left the pig pen open and the pig got out, and while Derrick and I was trying to get her back in, his ass knocked some of my bricks I'd already laid in a straight line - off. Man did he use to piss me off."

'And obviously he's still preoccupied with wrecking you.'
Sylvia thought as he went on.

"Anyway, by the time dad and mom got home, everyone's chores were done, but I hadn't finished the wall. So... he made me stay out there until it was done and, I missed a spot that Jake messed up, my dad saw it - made me take the whole thing down to the level beneath it and do it all over again, I was out there until almost midnight, with him coming out to check my progress."

"Ach... what did your mother say?"

"She'd argue with him about it...but - when it came to us boys... his word was law. She was so upset about it, he finally let Derrick come out and help me but told her that we weren't going to grow up and be soft useless - sissies. Especially me - my dad equated my looks to - oooh, being soft - umm, he was afraid that I would come off like a pretty boy. Good for shit - worthless - he wasn't having it. You know, I hardly ever saw my dad cry. Maybe my mom has, but - for him to cry, was serious business. He was determined that we would be tough, real men - you know... especially me."

"So - did he treat Jake that way?" She asked a bit miffed that Shawn had been singled out by his father.

"Nooo, for some reason, he was babied a bit. I don't think it was intentional, but - my father's preoccupation was on me first - then Derrick. Jake would get it every now and then, but not like Derrick and I."

"Wow... I guess I can kind of see why he felt as he did, but still... its not really fair."

"Maybe not, but - it taught me to be equipped for whatever. I love my dad... and - though he was a bit heavy handed with me, I needed it. I just wish sometimes I'd done all the things he taught me, to survive when I got to California instead of what I ended up doing. But... I was being rebellious - I think I did it in my own way to say... take this ol'man!" He said slipping into thought. Sylvia watched him and felt her heart go out to him. Her future husband was so complex, with so many personal issues, things driving him to be and react as he did. Everyday they were together, she learned something more about him, something deep that strengthened her devotion to him, loving everything there was about him, even when he was being a bit demanding and controlling. For all that she'd learned about him, there was something that was clear, he was not at peace with himself, his past disturbed him.

"Well you guys did a good job, the house is beautiful. I can't wait for you to get started on our home." She said to bring him out of his reverie.

Just then the male doctor entered, Shawn glanced up from one of the planning magazines he brought along that was laid open, he closed it shocked to see that Sylvia's doctor was a male and near to his own age. Stunned, he stood up and asked right out. "How old are you?" The doctor had his hand out about to introduce himself and froze from the look on Shawn's face, not a nice one.

"How old am I? 47 - why?"

"You're here to see my wife?" Shawn interjected the question, making Sylvia that, (his wife) as a foregone conclusion. "Are there no women doctors? You know... women gy-ne's - ob-gy-ne's - whatever the hell you call yourselves. For what reason could you possibly have, for doing this? I mean - what made you choose this particular medical field? Why not an eye doctor? Ears, nose and throat specialist? A goddamn foot doctor or working in emergency or - or - or ah - ah brain surgeon or something? But nooo... you chose to be a gyne man - why is that?!" Shawn accused with a hostile,
'I know why!'
look on his face.

Sylvia covered her face and wanted the floor to open up and swallow her whole.

The doctor stood staring taken back a bit.

"Shawn!" Sylvia whimpered.

"Ah ah ah - hush woman!" He held up a hand, and then to the doctor. "Lost for words I see. Can't explain it yourself hm?"

"Well actually I can... care to hear why? Or have you already tried and convicted me?" Dr. Edmond defended patiently.

Shawn crossed his arms over his chest, flaring his nostrils, looking pissed and mean. "I'm listening."

"Shawn! Oh my GOD! He's the doctor! Are you crazy!?"

"It's okay ma'am... this is not the first time I've faced this. We're okay here." The doctor turned to Sylvia to soothe her, smiling. He turned back to Shawn. "Care to have a seat, so we can talk."

Shawn's jaw was clenching. Sylvia could not believe his reaction. Finally he slowly backed up and took his seat. The doctor grabbed a stool with the wheels, pulling it over and sitting across from him.

"Now... the reason I became a Gynaecologist and Obstetrician - is simple. I love the entire reproduction process from - beginning - to end."

"Em hm, I bet you do." Shawn returned, his arms still crossed over his chest, eyes cut like slits eyeing the doctor up.

"Oh my GOD... what have I done?" Sylvia whimpered to herself, fingers pressed into her eyes, embarrassed and suspended in disbelief.

Dr. Edmond went on to explain himself despite Shawn's sour look. Shawn didn't care how embarrassed Sylvia was, he was suspicious of any "Male" that chose this particular avenue in the medical field, he had his suspicions. Especially in light of all the recently passed news reports of doctors sedating their patients and sexually molesting them. He'd always wondered about them, and then the discovery of some of their deeds were being reported. Had he been a decrepit old man, he might have been slightly okay with him, just slightly - but the man across from him was his age and not bad looking, he was not about to sit idly by and just let him start diving into his woman without convincing him his reasons were legit.

Dr. Edmond had no choice but to be patient and explain, considering that more and more men were starting to show up with their partners in the last ten or more years, unlike before where the woman was sent in alone clear up to birth, not anymore. "Now... let's see, I guess I have always, thought the process of life, from conception miraculous." The doctor began, "I saw my mother give birth, I saw her struggle, panic, afraid. I saw my father carefully work with her, and deliver my little sister. He was not a doctor, just a farmer. But he handled it all well. We were snowed in with no way for her to get to the hospital so it all happened in front of me, with my dad needing my help. From that moment on, seeing all that I saw that night - moved me. That's why I'm here today... to see again, that look of awe that parents get when they get to see, just what it is they've done. I get a fantastic high from it. I must say... so far, I have a nice record building of the little ones I've delivered in the last few years. Proud of them all. I would never be in any other area of the medical field... this is right where I wish to be." He finished.

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