Bone Hunter: A Novelette in the Dark of Dawn Series (5 page)

BOOK: Bone Hunter: A Novelette in the Dark of Dawn Series
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“All clear,” whispered a young red-haired lad, checking the way ahead. “Let’s move.”

The two young men had been walking for some time through the wastelands, oblivious to the fact that they were being watched… stalked. Sitting in the shadows out of sight and undetected, the man sat quietly, observing, following their every move.

“Hold up mate, I need to take a piss,” said the other boy rubbing his crotch.

“Are you fucking serious?”

“Chill out man, I’m busting.”

“Just hurry the fuck up then.” The red-haired lad fired a stare in the direction of his companion, then gave a slow blink as he shook his head.

Turning to face the wall the chubbier of the two young men relieved himself with a satisfying sigh.

“Are you done yet?”

Zipping up his fly, the blonde boy tightened his belt and collected his weapon. Lifting his head he turned then nodded, his blue-grey eyes glinted in the sunlight as he smiled with satisfaction.

“You are such a bloody worry,” his friend said, shaking his head once again.

Desperate to engage the man could not bring himself to venture from his bunker, holding tightly to his companion to keep him from breaking their cover. The pair of them sat and watched as the two young men fought off a small group of creatures that had suddenly attacked them on the road.

They fought well, effortlessly dispensing with the threat without raising much of a sweat during their brief altercation. He watched as they pilfered the corpses pocketing what they found, before eventually wandering off into the distance. Their departure once again leaving him alone in the barren wastelands.



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Sebastien Woolf

About the Author


Sebastien Woolf is an enigma. As a creative dark force and coffee connoisseur his life has been heavily influenced by splatter, gore, slasher horror books and movies. Forever obsessed with the zombie apocalypse, Sebastien is a lover of all things dark and macabre.

His life has been far from perfect, overcoming adversity to learn how to balance family life with a writing career. He has has been working toward publication for many years while battling depression, addiction and recovering from a breakdown.

As an author Sebastien writes about emotional conflict and the many and varied complex social, cultural and religious issues that make us human. All Sebastien’s stories, characters and plot come from the deep, dark recesses of his subconscious mind. Most of his manuscripts have been written by hand for as he is feels empowered with pen, ink and paper and can feeling the energy and creativity flowing through him. Now he simply cannot stop writing.

Sebastien believes there is a certain mystique about writing behind a mask and he finds a deep level of comfort writing in the dark. He likes the idea of remaining a mystery so there he shall remain, forever trapped behind the mask.

Come join him in the Dark of Dawn....


[email protected]





              Dark of Dawn is a series of post-apocalyptic horror novels and short stories set in the not too distant future. The series explores many maxims of human behavior and the many and varied complex social, cultural and religious issues survivors are challenged with. As the zombie apocalypse arrives, humanity crumbles and those who remain are forced to face the very real dangers that lurk in the shadows.



4 Horsemen

Island of the Dammed

Evil’s Legacy

* * *


Bone Hunter

Warrior Princess


Goth Squad

4th and Dead

Dead Fare

* * *


Fear the Dawn
find out how it all began
- only available on subscription -

* * *


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