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Authors: Annalynne Thorne

Book of the Hidden (10 page)

BOOK: Book of the Hidden
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Seth turned his face towards her, listening with understanding eyes, but Vivian stared up at the ceiling remembering.

“Maeve helped us control our powers, to understand. When she died she left the Underground to Jean and I. That is why I have the power to kick people out, and take people in. We are the only ones who can change things. It’s a power, a very strong one, and it has to be given to work.”

Silence followed. She felt like she had spoken too much. She looked up, a strand of hair falling from behind her ear. Seth brushed his hand against her cheek tucking the strand behind her ear. The sweet tingle from his hand touching her cheek went through her body, and she smiled.

"It's getting late." Vivian stood abruptly not daring to look at him feeling her face grow warm. By the time she crossed the room, and closed the door she wore a goofy smile.

When she looked up she saw Jean, Flint, Avery, and some others gathered around the hallway staring upon her with their arms across their chests bearing mischievous grins. She desperately wondered why witch's never gained the power of disappearing to another place, and nervously diverted her eyes to the floor.

"Soooo....." Jean drawled, winking.

"Go away, all of you," she said spinning around locking herself in her room, but the smile she had when she was with Seth was still there. It was something she had not felt in so long.

Chapter Seven
No Such Thing As A Fairy Tale

Vivian woke up with her usual first thoughts of staying in bed all day long. It was a sweet thought, pulling the covers over her head sinking back into the comforting mattress, and slipping into dream land. This morning however, she saw a note on her nightstand with Avery sitting cross-legged on it reading, giggling to herself.

"What are you doing?" Vivian groaned, propping herself up on her elbow.

"Reading," she said simply.

"What are you reading?"

"A letter to you from Seth."

Vivian became utterly awake now, her eyes going wide. "What?"

"A letter to -"

"I know, but what are you doing reading it?"

"Seth asked me to send it, and well.... He does not know me too well to know my curiosity."

"Avery, why did I keep you on as our messenger?"

"I do not know."

"Do me a favor, and go away."

Avery grumbled words in her language as she stood. Some of the ink on the paper rubbed off on her legs, but she paid no mind. Turning around, she stuck out her tongue, and flew out through the crack of the door.

Vivian kicked the blankets off of her, rushing to close the door. She snatched up the letter from her nightstand, reading frantically.


I feel the need to repay the kindness you gave of taking in my brother and I. I know there is no way I could, but maybe this is a start. Dress casually, and go to the shack.


Vivian smiled laying the letter back on the nightstand. Jumping in front of her dusty full-length mirror she observed herself. Oversized sweatpants and a sweatshirt with her light brown hair in a low bun, locks of hair falling around her face. With each wave of her hand, her outfit changed. Jeans with holes in the knees, and a baggy white shirt. It would do.

"Heard you have a date?" Jean appeared in the mirror behind Vivian.

"Avery may be three inches tall, but she has a big mouth."

Jean laughed, until she took a better look over Vivian's shoulder into the mirror. "What are you wearing?"

Vivian rolled her eyes. "I guess you're going to give me some help?"

"Of course, I can't let my sister go out like this."

Vivian had no sense in fashion, but she liked what she wore. However, when it came to wearing something that the opposite sex are attracted to, Jean knew what she was talking about. She was a fashion guru. She had even tried to alter the elves way of dressing.

Jean moved her hand over Vivian, and she felt her clothes tighten. Turning back to the mirror she saw that she wore a black cropped top, and jean shorts. It was simple, and nice. With a tug of the band in her hair, her hair tumbled in her face. She shook it back, and stood in front of Jean waiting for her opinion.

"I like it. Now, go brush your teeth."

"I have to eat first - "

Jean cut her short, "no, there's no need. Just go."

Vivian looked curiously at her, before retreating to the bathroom at the far end of the room. After spitting out the toothpaste foaming in her mouth, she glimpsed up to the mirror. She still had the silly smile she had last night. She was sure she even smiled in her sleep.

"Have a good time," Jean waved from the bed, looking over a book that laid on the nightstand.

Vivian grabbed her keys from the dresser, and walked fast to avoid anyone who wanted to interrogate her. And in her jeep she drove very fast, anticipating whatever Seth had planned. Her stomach was in knots, and her heart fluttered fast. So this is what it felt like to be a teenager going on a date. To be somewhat normal. She had always loved her weird, and strangely beautiful life, but to have a taste of normal, is like having a first taste of chocolate. It was wonderfully different from anything else, and so sweet.

Stopping outside the shack she thought she would be too excited, and run in there like an idiot. Instead, she sat out in the jeep trying to untie the knots that had formed in her stomach, to somehow slow the butterflies. After a few passing moments she stepped out of her jeep. There was no way she was going to stop the rushing that was inside of her, and she no longer wanted to. This was normal.... Such a weird word, normal.

Pushing open the rusty door to the shack she was greeted with a wicker picnic basket lying in the middle of a checkered blanket. It was something straight out of a mushy movie, the ones she refused to watch, because she knew nothing could ever be like that.

Out of the far shadows, Seth appeared. "How do you like it?"

"It's nice.... What gave you this idea?"

"Jean actually. She said you have never been on a picnic?"

"She's right," Vivian walked to the checkered blanket, both of them sitting cross legged.

"I thought I would collide worlds. Mine being the picnic; with yours being the shack."

"Into symbolism?"

"No, but it sounded smart."

Vivian laughed, "yes, I suppose it did."

It was hours that they had been on that blanket. They both laid down, the basket, and food pushed aside. Laughter filled the sad shack that night. It echoed, reminding them of how great of a time they were having.

"I was four, Jean was five, and she convinced me that by closing my eyes no one could see me. I was in so much trouble, the teachers thought I had a problem, because every time they would ask a question in class I would close my eyes. I really thought no one could see me."

"Oh, here's something," Seth chuckled. "I don't know how old Jake and I were, but I told him that the light beneath the escalators was a monster that would pull you under. It backfired. For years we had to take the stairs, because he refused to ever go on them."

Vivian smiled. "Never knew you could have fun, and serious conversations with one guy."

Seth smiled back.

Sliding her hand over the back of her neck she realized how hot it suddenly had become. Smoke had begun to cover Seth's face, and curl down into her lungs making her choke. She looked over to the back of the shack, and with watery eyes, she looked out the window seeing red flames sparking high above the window. How had they not noticed that? When did it start?

"Seth!" She exclaimed, and went to stand, but Seth was covering his mouth and nose with the sleeve of his shirt, held her tightly by her arm dragging her face down.

He nodded towards the door where the fire had not reached yet. Suddenly this boy that was scared of his own shadow, had taken over, and in spite of the danger they were in, she smiled. He was no longer the vulnerable guy she had saved, what seemed so long ago.

They both began to crawl towards the door when a flaming branch was thrown through the window beside them. Glass shattered around them both, the branch lying near the other side of the shack. Vivian threw her arms over her head. A new fire had now started to block the exit, and the fire from there and from the back of the shack had now enclosed them in a tight circle to where they lay.

She didn’t believe it at first, she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her, but through the flames outside the window she saw a pale face, long black hair, and yellow eyes like a raven.

“Astrid!” Vivian yelled inhaling smoke, and coughing.

Seth looked up to the window, but when he did, she was gone.

When raising her hand against the flames surrounding them closer every second, they started to decrease. Beads of sweat collected at her hair line falling down her face. While the flames lessened, so did the smoke, and they were able to breathe, the coughing and sputtering slowly stopped. Soon the only thing that was left was the burnt floor, and them.

Outside the shack was the piercing sound of sirens growing close. Vivian jumped up from her place on the floor dragging Seth behind her by the hand. It was déjà vu, except this time she wasn’t carrying him, and this time they both jumped into the jeep speeding off into the darkness once more.

The drive didn’t seem short enough to get away from the danger they left behind. But it was nearing night before Seth and Vivian reached the Underground. They sat outside in the jeep staring out at the field. It was not even estimated what time it was, but they figured late, as the sun was slowly sinking into the horizon. Minutes passed, the moon rising, but neither of them spoke, not until Vivian voiced her idea.

“Go inside, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She tried to lick her lips, but her mouth was parched.

Seth didn’t look over from his side window. “What do you mean?”

“I’m going to get the book.”

"Right now?" Seth looked over from the window glaring straight into her eyes. It was uncomfortable so she turned her gaze towards her hands gripping the steering wheel.

"Yes, this has to stop."

BOOK: Book of the Hidden
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