BOSS TWEED: The Corrupt Pol who Conceived the Soul of Modern New York (69 page)

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  1. “Identification of the parties…”… New-York Printing Company: These tables were published in newspapers (see e..g.
    New York Times
    , October 26, 1871), and, in original and printed forms, are in box 23, Tilden papers, NYPL, and Bigelow (Tilden writings), “”Figures That Could Not Lie,” p. 505.

  2. “They will act with promptness…”: Tilden interview in
    New-York Times
    , October 20, 1871.

Chapter 16. Personal Knowledge
(pages 242–246)

  1. “I have nothing to say except …”:
    New-York Times
    , October 4, 1871.

  2. “I am here, Sir, to disappoint …”:
    New-York Times
    , October 5, 1871. The Committee of Seventy, had originally asked that Hall be arrested, but the judge had refused: See proceedings in the New-York Times, October 3, 1871.

  3. “There is a new Grand Jury …”:
    New-York Times
    , October 5, 1871.

  4. Times
    … charged Judge Barnard …selecting … General William Hall, …”: See
    New-York Times
    , October 5, 1871.

  5. Each would … deny … “personal” evidence : See, for instance, testimony of Committee of Seventy Chairman Henry Stebbins [“I have no facts of my own knowledge.”] and Samuel Tilden [“only the opinion founded on documentary evidence.” Some insisted that Hall’s signatures approving exorbitant payouts made a solid enough case. See testimony of James O’Brien testimony ( “A man of Mr. Hall’s position would not [sign such warrants] without he would be patted on the back, that he would be made Governor, or that he would have some emoluments”) and William Copeland (“I do not think that Mr. Hall, nor Mr. Connolly, or anybody else would sign away one hundred thousand dollars in warrants, without looking to see what it was about.”) Hall Grand Jury, p. 19, 32, 38,44.

  6. “Jennings was paid $50,000 for his work …”: Quote from the
    is from
    The New-York Times Jubilee Supplemen, 1851-1901
    , p. 15. Samuel Tilden claims that, in mid-September, he met Jones and editor Louis Jennings privately in Andrew Green’s office and Jennings had commiserated that “the contest was too exhausting to be continued very long.” The
    later denied the story. Bigelow (Tilden writings), p. 589;
    New-York Times
    , February 4, 1873.

  7. “Mr. Jones, what is your business …”: Jones testimony, Hall Grand Jury, p. 45, et seq.

  8. “it is known to the whole of this public …”: Jones testimony, Hall Grand Jury, p. 47 and 48.

  9. “A. Oakey Hall has been careless …”: Hall Grand July, p. 62.

  10. “Whitewashing Hall”:
    , November 18, and
    New-York Times
    , November 19, 1871.

  11. “destitute of any moral purpose…” “They should have subpoenaed …”:
    , November 20, 1871. Other writers had similarly have criticized
    Jones’ performance before the Grand Jury. S Bowen, 126-129; Hershkowitz, p. 195-6.

  12. Nast… Greeley applying pails of “whitewash” :
    Harper’s Weekly
    , December 16, 1871.

Chapter 17. Marked Man
(pages 247–257)


  1. The best philosopher
    …” :
    New-York Times
    , November 26, 1868.

  2. Judge Learned … bail … one million dollars : Order of Judge W.J. Learned, October 25, 1871, in New-York Times, October 28, 1871. The fact that they’d used a judge in far-off Albany caused some to joke that they should have gone further and used a judge from Buffalo “nearer to the Great Fall” (Niagara Falls).
    New York Herald
    , October 27, 1871.

  3. “white-coated roughs…” “What, arrest our Boss?” :
    New-York Times
    , October 27, 1871.

  4. “Tweed! Why he is the incarnation …”: New-York Times, October 27, 1871.

  5. 1,500 … rally at Centre and Pearl Streets:
    New York Herald
    , October 20, 1871.

  6. Tweed Club on East Broadway … “men above suspicion” :
    New York Herald
    , October 24, 1871.

  7. Green and the mayor locked horns… claims to six charities :
    New York Herald
    , October 21, 1871.

  8. Tweed… blackmail threat from Jimmy O’Brien … $350,000 claim : Tweed testimony, aldermen, p. 52-59.

    9. “The Tammany ‘braves’ looked …”:
    New-York Times
    , October 13, 1871.

  9. Tweed … lost $4 million … Western railroad stock :
    New-York Times
    , October 13, 1871.

  10. Tweed … urgent notes to friends … bail: See letters from Tweed to J. McB. Davidson and Hugh Hastings, October 27, 1871, Tweed papers, Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

  11. Tweed… transfer …seven most valuable real estate holdings
    : New-York Times
    , October 27, 1871; Tweed testimony, aldermen, p. 320, 335, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352.

  12. Tweed… $22,359 … salaries for Public Works …employees
    : New-York Times
    , October 27, 1871.

  13. Tweed … burning his personal records: Tweed testimony, aldermen, p. 151,281, 291; Ingersoll statement,
    New-York Times
    , June 3, 1875.

  14. “Yes, the exhibit [Tilden’s table] does look bad …”:
    New-York Times
    , October 27, 1871.

  15. “Although ‘interviewed’ and badgered…”: Strong, October 28, 1871, p. 395.

  16. “Good by, my son …”:
    New-York Times
    , October 29, 1871. The reporter’s name is unknown.

  17. “You have never misrepresented me …”:
    New-York Times
    , October 31, 1871.

  18. “Well, they’ve been talking about this…”:
    New York Tribune
    , October 27, 1871.

  19. “Good morning, Mr. Tweed”: Accounts of the arrest are from the
    New-York Times
    October 28, 1871.

  20. “You’re my man”… “a deliciously cool joke”:
    New York Tribune
    , October 28, 1871.

  21. “What for, I would like to know…”:
    New York Herald
    , October 31, 1871.

  22. “Japanese Custom in New York”:
    Leslie’s Illustrated
    , October 7, 1871.

  23. “The Only Thing That They Respect or Fear”:
    Harper’s Week
    , October 21, 1871.

  24. “City Treasury”… “Empty” … “Full” : Paine, p. 189.

  25. the
    New-York Times
    …charging fraud: New-York Times, November 9, 1871.

  26. “He will be back here.” …“Ingersoll will be back” :
    New-York Times
    , October 29, 1871.

  27. Ingersoll …sold four of his lots …$45,000: Clipping from
    Real Estate Record
    of October 21, 1871, in Tilden papers, box 23, NYPL.

  28. Hilton resigned… Parks Department: Letter from Henry Hilton to Hall, November 10, 1871, in Hall papers. NYMA.

  29. Sweeny … resigned as Parks Commissioner: Letter from Peter B. Sweeny to Hall, in Hall papers. November 1, 1871, NYMA. Sweeny had been complaining for weeks about pressure being put on his to step aside. See Letter from Sweeny to Marble, September 27, 1871.. Marble papers. LC. ( “A Gentleman called on me this evening and stated that the Report is in circulation, that I am negotiating with—Tilden, Havemeyer & yourself fort a general resignation in consideration of general confirmation of past offenses…. Is that fair on the part of Tilden & Co.?”)

  30. Hall …appointed Andrew H. Green …comptroller: Order of November 18, 1871, Hall papers. NYMA.

  31. Connolly had resigned: Letter from Connolly to Hall, October 31, 1871, Hall papers. NYMA.

  32. “Mr. Connolly, I’ve got an unpleasant duty to perform”: This account is from the
    New York Tribune
    , June 9, 1880.

  33. “I must pay $1,500,000 or go to jail,” “Richard, go to jail!”: See
    New York Tribune
    , June 15, 1877 and June 9, 1880, and
    New-York Times
    , November 26 and 27, 1871.

  34. “Dick cut and ran”: Letter from Greeley to Whitelaw Reid, in Cortissoz, p. 152.

  35. Tweed … resigned … Commissioner of Public Works: Letter from Tweed to Hall, December 28, 1871. Hall papers. NYMA;
    New-York Times
    , December 30, 1871.

  36. Tweed … transferred…. fifteen … holdings …Richard: Tweed testimony, aldermen, p. 306, 307, 321,324, 328, 329, 330, 331,332, 336, 342, 345, 346, 347, 353, 354, 355.

  37. “Must I go to prison tonight?” Hershkowitz, p. 202.

  38. Judge George Barnard …
    habeas corpus
    … $5,000:
    New-York Times
    and other newspapers, December 17, 1871.

  39. Tammany Sachems … Grand Sachem … Tammany’s General Committee:
    New York Herald
    , January 1, 1871, and
    New-York Times
    , December 30 and 31, 1871.

  40. “What the divil’s the use …”:
    New-York Times
    , December 31, 1871.

Chapter 18. Law
(pages 261–279)


  1. It is a great, a splendid …”: New-York Times
    , November 8, 1871.

  2. I have got twenty more years …”: New York Herald
    , February 1, 1873.

  3. “Gentlemen, have you agreed…”: Court proceedings from
    New York Herald
    , February 1, 1873.

  4. “More counts than in a German principality”: Breen, p. 422.

  5. “We are not here to try any petty question...”: Peckham statement in
    New York Herald
    , January 14, 1873. Peckham and prosecutors apparently had rejected an all-money deal brokered by Tweed’s lawyers in early 1872 under which Tweed, Sweeny, and Connolly, would settle their cases by paying $4.5 million total to restitution.
    New-York Times
    , February 7, 1872.

  6. Davis … legislation …naturalize new citizens: See
    New-York Times
    , April 19, 1870.

  7. Committee of Seventy …”reform”: See
    New-York Times
    , October 27 and 30, 1872; Breen, p. 423.

  8. Tweed’s … fortune at $20 to $25 million
    : New York Tribune
    , October 19, 1871.

  9. “We haven’t sympathized very much” : Hershkowirtz, p. 243.

  10. “His language was blasphemous”: Lynch, p. 393. Garvey had been indicted on forgery charges for accepting payments for Phillip Donnarumma, T.C. Cashman, and R.J. Hennessay, falsely signing their names.

  11. “Oh, I feel all right, ….”:
    New York Herald
    , January 16, 1873.

  12. “I expected an acquittal” … “I only know what they tell me”… “It was only a political trial”: : Tweed interview,
    New York Herald
    , February 1, 1873.

  13. “I myself was almost exhausted”: Tweed interview,
    New York Herald
    , October 26, 1877.

  14. “When you were a boy …”:
    New York Sun
    , January 8, 1872; Swanberg, p. 274.

  15. “Tammany don’t amount…”:
    New York Herald
    , October 10, 1872.

  16. “I am not now in politics”:
    New York Herald
    , September 4, 1872.

  17. Tweed kept …land …Queens and Putnam counties: Tweed testimony, Aldermen, p. 306.

  18. Gould … withdrawn … Erie Railway:
    New York Tribune
    , November 17, 1871. Tweed replaced him with lawyer Jacob Vanderpeol, registrar Charles Cornell, and contractor Charles Devlin.

  19. “The Finger of Scorn:”
    Harper’s Weekly
    , January 4, 1873; in Bowen, p. 186. On handing over his desk to new mayor William Havemeyer, Hall said: “Mr. Mayor, I desire to restore you to that vacant chair and to give you the keys of your private office and wish you a very Happy New Year.” Bowen, p. 185.

  20. “I am inundated with ball tickets …”: Bowen, p. 189.

  21. George Barnard… Albert Cardozo: Barnard Impeachment: Cardfozo Impeachment The charges against Cardozo principally involved his role in the Gould-Fisk 1869 attempted gold market corner, but also included that, during 1868 through 1871, Cardozo (a) appointed 511 referees in real estate disputes, including 33 to Tweed’s son William Jr.,(b) discharged 134 convicted prisoners serving terms of Blackwell’s Island allegedly in exchange for payoffs.

  22. “I had a very pleasant chat …”: Paine, 222-223.

  23. “[Tilden] denounced …” “Just at present “Mr. Tilden was throughout…” :
    New-York Times
    editorials, December 24, 26, and 29, 1872.

  24. The New York City ‘Ring:’
    See Bigelow (Tilden writings), p. 552 et seq.

  25. “The Tobacco Manufacturers Association”:
    New-York Times
    , June 19, 1872.

  26. “The Cat’s Paw” “Save me from my tobacco Partner”:
    Harper’s Weekly
    , August 10 and November 2, 1872.

  27. “I have been so bitterly…”: Letter from Greeley to Tappan, November 8, 1872. Greeley papers, LC,

  28. “the biggest club in New York …”:
    New-York Times
    , October 19, 1872.

  29. State’s $6.3 million civil suit … tying it up in appeals: Tweed’s lawyers argued that the state had no standing in the case since the alleged victim had been New York county, not the state, and the county was not a party. Ultimately, New York’s court of appeals agreed. See e.g. Townsend. 108.

  30. Tweed … travel … Boston… Chicago … California … Canada: See
    York Times
    , April 12, April 14, April 24, 1873, Lynch, 394, Hershkowitz, p. 248.

  31. “[B]read and butter is one …”:
    New-York Times
    , November 13, 1873.

  32. Peckham …complained … jury … “corrupt.”: See
    New York World
    , November 20, 1873.

  33. Davis … “unqualified and decided opinion…”: Statement of Tweed’s lawyers in the
    New-York Times
    and other newspapers, November 30, 1873.

  34. “to vindicate the dignity of the court…”: Proceedings from
    New-York Times
    , November 6, 1873.

  35. “The trial must proceed” … “I will give no time…”: Proceedings in
    New York World
    , November 6, 1873.

  36. Pinkerton detectives … lawyers to investigate each … juror : Hershkowirtz, p. 251-252.

  37. Davis …dropped Lubry from the panel: Proceedings in
    New-York Times
    , November 13, 1873; Lynch, p. 394.

  38. “Some of them…” “on account of his moral character”: Proceedings in
    New-York Times
    , November 14, 1873.

  39. FN: Garvey … “The job has been put up…”: Werner, p. 233; Wingate, III, p. 383;
    New York Herald
    , November 18, 1873.

  40. “Gentlemen of the Jury”: Proceedings in
    New York World
    , November 20, 1873.

  41. “I hope you will bear up ...”: Lynch, p. 395.

  42. “Physical and mental prostration …”:
    New York World
    , November 23, 1873.

  43. “Your motion is perfectly starting …”: Proceedings in
    New York Sun
    , November 24, 1871.

  44. “Your Honor, we are taught …”: Proceedings in newspapers; Lynch, p. 396.

  45. “could have no legitimate effect ..”: Proceedings in
    New-York Times
    , November 23, 1873; Hershkowitz, p. 259-260.

  46. “he grew red and excited ...”
    New York Sun
    , November 24, 1873.

  47. “Few honest men could have looked …”:
    New York World
    , November 23, 1873.

  48. “It is the duty of this court …”: Proceedings in
    New-York Times
    , November 23, 1873.

  49. Davis … charge them with contempt … fine three … $250 apiece:
    New-York Times
    , November 25 and 30, 1873.

  50. “utterly broken”:
    New-York Times
    , November 23, 1873.

  51. Tweed hid his face in his hands: Breen, p. 467.

  52. “Dick is living in clover …”:
    New York Sun
    , November 24, 1873; Hershkowitz, p. 260.

  53. “I can’t help my looks…” “He had no business…”:
    New York Sun
    , November 24, 1873.

  54. “John, how are you?” …“Yes, Mr. Tweed…”:
    New York Sun
    , November 24, 1873.

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