Boston Avant-Garde 4: Encore (17 page)

Read Boston Avant-Garde 4: Encore Online

Authors: Kaitlin Maitland

Tags: #Contemporary Menage

BOOK: Boston Avant-Garde 4: Encore
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Suri held out her hand for the lube. “I’ll put some on your cock, and you work Dante’s ass.”

Dante’s body was heaving with every breath, his rhythm a perfect match for Suri’s strokes. Jericho shivered at the cool splash of lube on his shaft, but Suri’s warm hand chased away the chill. She kept both of them to the same steady tempo. Her gaze locked on Jericho spreading lube across Dante’s puckered anus.

The sensation was foreign. As if Jericho were a boy about to lose his virginity for the first time again. But this time there was excitement instead of anxiety. And there was more. A deeper regard for the two partners he wanted so desperately to please.

Dante’s first moan made Jericho’s cock spurt a thick stream of precum into Suri’s hand. Jericho slid his fingers across Dante’s hole, noting it was relaxing fraction by fraction with every stroke.

He slipped his index finger inside the taut opening. He thrust in and out until Dante’s hips were twitching each time. Jericho applied more lube, fighting down his rising excitement and adding another finger. Jericho’s control slipped when an appreciative groan ripped from Dante’s throat.

He pushed his mounting excitement into the background. The undiluted sensation was incredible. He spread his fingers to stretch Dante’s ass. The intimacy of making his lover ready was a powerful aphrodisiac. It set off a primal urge to dominate. A part of him wanted to give in and take his pleasure, but it wouldn’t be enough. The allure of pleasing his lovers was stronger. Beside him, Suri lost her rhythm, no doubt struggling with her own desires.

“More, Jericho, more.” She stretched up and kissed him.

Jericho’s balls tightened, and he pushed a third finger into Dante’s ass. He wanted to come so badly he could barely hold back. But he wanted this. He wanted to come in Dante’s tight anal passage and mark him, just as they’d both marked Suri.

“Fuck me, Jericho.” Dante’s harsh demand sent chills racing down Jericho’s spine. “Put your cock in my ass.”

Suri pulled away from their kiss and released Dante’s cock. With both hands, she guided Jericho into place while he held Dante’s ass cheeks apart. She carefully fit the head into Dante’s puckered opening. Jericho’s lubed shaft pressed forward, and he had his first taste of the sweetness of his lover’s ass.

“I’m going to come before I’m even all the way in.” He fought the urge to slam inside and ejaculate on the first stroke.

But Suri was there, gripping his balls, helping him stay steady as he pushed all the way in until his balls hung behind Dante’s heavy sac. She soothed and coached as he began to thrust in and out of Dante’s body. Each stroke into the supple passage tipped Jericho toward completion. Sweat rolled down his neck, between his shoulder blades, and toward the base of his spine. Arousal knotted his muscles. He couldn’t hold back. He had to let it go.

“I have to come.” Jericho dug his fingers into Dante’s hips. “Your ass is so fucking hot I can’t hang on.”

“Then come, Jericho.” Dante arched his back until he created new friction that Jericho could not resist.

Jericho’s cock throbbed as he spilled himself inside Dante. He lost control, and his thrusts became shallow. When he was finally spent, he rolled them both to their sides without withdrawing. He didn’t want to lose that closeness.

Jericho wrapped his arms around Dante, and Suri curled up facing Dante’s chest. The three of them sprawled on the floor. But Jericho wasn’t going to let it end there.

“You need to come too,” Jericho whispered in Dante’s ear. “And our Suri is probably so wet she’ll climax as soon as your cock slides into her pussy.”

Dante stirred, his cock still hard against his belly. Suri suddenly twisted in his arms. She threw her leg over Dante’s hip. Jericho groaned as he watched her grind her sex against Dante’s erection. The head slid the length of her slit, and she gasped at the contact. Wanting to prolong the sensual torture, Jericho held his partner still while Suri let Dante’s cock tease her pussy.

“I can’t wait any more,” she admitted. Seconds later she took his thick erection deep inside her body.

“Princess, you feel like heaven.” Dante groaned. When his body clenched, his ass squeezed Jericho’s softening cock as if he were trying to bring it back to life. As turned on as he was, Jericho finally understood why some people could go all night.


SURI NEEDED TO CLIMAX badly. She’d never been this aroused before in her life. Watching Jericho’s cock slide into Dante’s ass hadn’t just been erotic. It had turned her on in a way that felt kinky and forbidden. Actually helping him wriggle into their lover’s tight hole had pushed her past all known limits.

She ground her hips against Dante, coaxing him deeper until he bumped against that sweet spot so far inside her body. A little moan of appreciation slipped out. She didn’t care. She was ready to hump him like a dog in heat. Her movements were jerky, disjointed, and not enough.

“Easy, Suri.” Jericho’s soothing voice steadied her breathing. His hands closed around her waist.

Their position was perfect. All on their sides, Jericho’s cock in Dante’s ass, Dante’s cock lodged in her pussy, and Jericho’s hands anchoring them all together. He set a smooth pace. She followed. Each slide of Dante in and out of her cunt caused his shaft to slide over the spread hood of her clit. The tiny bundle of nerves at the tip was in ecstasy.

She dug her nails into Dante’s shoulders. He shuddered, his cock throbbing inside her channel as he came in thick spurts. The swollen vein on the top skidded across her clit, and Suri was flying.

She cried out, her orgasm ripping her in two as all the erotic tension she’d been holding on to erupted into one long release. She forgot how to breathe. Burying her head against Dante’s chest, she waited until the world stopped spinning and her muscles turned to jelly.

Suri thought she’d had amazing sex that first night. She’d thought every time since then had been incredible too. But this wasn’t just great sex. This was something more. Something that was going to hurt like hell when she lost it because of her own desperate stupidity.

Chapter Sixteen

Dante blinked, uncertain of what had woken him. He and Jericho had carried Suri from the floor to the bed hours ago. He’d left the gas logs burning to chase away the night’s chill, and the walls danced with flickering firelight. With his suite perched at the highest point of the club, he usually had more trouble keeping it cool than warm. He preferred the warmth of a fire to the hum of a central heater anyway.

He was sore, pleasantly so. It had been years since he’d allowed a lover to take him like Jericho and Suri had. But even in the past, he’d never wanted it as much as he’d wanted them. Stretching, he realized there was only one warm body in bed with him.

When they’d drifted off hours before, Suri had been snuggled in the middle. Now Jericho slept on his back with one leg flung over Dante’s body, his breathing steady. Dante didn’t know whether or not he always slept this soundly. He suspected Jericho only let his guard down enough to slip into a deep sleep when he felt secure.

Most of the club clientele and staff thought Dante lived off the property on some kind of estate. He’d heard enough speculation over the years to be certain that nobody realized he’d built his own personal refuge in Asylum, a name that hadn’t been an arbitrary choice.

The security camera that had alerted him to Suri’s presence in his quarters that first night was only accessible from his personal laptop after the user typed in a series of four codes. There were alarms on all the entrance corridors to let either him or Jericho know there had been a breach. Truthfully, Dante still couldn’t figure out how Suri had managed to get from her dressing room on the first floor to his suite nearly five stories up.

Dante sat up in the bed. Jericho didn’t budge.

“I didn’t mean to wake you.” Her voice came from the direction of the chaise lounge. She’d curled up in the corner with a thick throw she’d pulled from the bed.

Dante slid out of bed and crossed the short distance in three strides. The air in the room was still cool, something his bare skin took seriously. “Are you going to share your blanket?”

She held up a corner. He snagged what she offered and pulled the whole thing loose. She squeaked, but he climbed up and settled at her back. Once the blanket was repositioned to cover them both, she sighed. Her bare bottom was pressed against his groin. It was pleasure and torture all at once.

“How long have you been up?” Dante wrapped his arms around her, loving the way she felt against him.

“I don’t know. A while. I couldn’t stop thinking about everything.”

Considering the vast array of items that could be included in a vague term like “everything,” Dante wondered what she’d picked to focus on. He still felt as if she was hiding something. “Do you want to talk about it?”

She paused long enough that he figured her answer was no. “I didn’t understand what you meant when you said that you and Jericho couldn’t exist as a couple.”

“It isn’t quite that simple.” Dante struggled to find the words that would convey exactly what he’d meant. “Plenty of people exist in relationships that only involve two people. Two women, two men, a man and a woman—those are all viable options. It just isn’t enough for me. And it isn’t enough for Jericho, though I suppose I can’t speak for him.”

“No.” Jericho’s voice drifted out of the darkness at the edge of the firelight. “That sounds about right.”

The sheets rustled as he climbed out of the bed. When he appeared in the flickering light, half his body was wreathed in shadow. The beauty of his naked form made Dante catch his breath.

“Relationships aren’t my strong point.” Jericho crossed his arms, taking a defensive pose. “It’s one thing to sleep with a woman, give her pleasure, and never have to deal with the everyday shit that just baffles me.”

“I hear a
in there somewhere,” Suri gently prompted.


JERICHO STRUGGLED WITH the courage to lay himself bare. Crossing the physical boundary of adding a carnal aspect to his relationship with Dante was easier than giving up information on his emotions. But he wanted—needed—to explain himself.

“I lost my virginity at fourteen to a girl I met at school. She was two years older. I don’t even remember her name, but I remember knowing at that moment that I loved women. I appreciated everything about their bodies. I spent hours staring shamelessly at one girl or another, trying to memorize every curve.” Jericho paused to collect himself, thinking back to the first time he’d seen Dante. “Then I met Dante.”

“You saved my life,” Dante murmured. “I’d never been so instantly willing to trust someone.”

“We had a connection,” Jericho acknowledged. “But I didn’t take one look at you and say, ‘I want to have sex with him.’”

Suri held out her hand. “Come and sit down. I’m breaking my neck trying to see your face.”

Jericho contemplated their position on the chaise. Dante sat with his back against the arm and his legs stretched lengthwise. Suri had nestled in his lap. As if to reinforce her invitation, she lifted the blanket to welcome Jericho underneath. He scooped up Dante’s legs and placed them across his lap. Taking a seat on the chaise, he rested his arm across the back so he could face both of them as he spoke.

“Much better.” Suri tossed the edge of the blanket over his lap. “Now, you were talking about meeting Dante.”

She was such a walking contradiction. So timid one second, so bold the next. “I’ve always enjoyed being with Dante. I can see past all the bullshit.” He gazed at Dante’s shadowed face. “You’re a manipulative bastard sometimes, but I think you’ve always needed to be that way to survive. There’s more to you, more than you give yourself credit for. I’ve seen it.” Jericho recalled the softening of Dante’s body as his friend welcomed Jericho inside. “And I’ve felt it. I don’t know when it started for me. But I’ve been attracted to you far longer than I’ve ever admitted to myself.”

Suri leaned in and laid her palm on his shoulder. “Because you were afraid it made you less of a man?”

It stung to hear it out loud. But she was right. “Yes, because of that. And because since the moment you walked on stage downstairs, I’ve thought you were the most incredible woman I’ve ever seen, and I never had the sense to tell you.”

Dante stirred from his silence. “We’ve never dated employees. Clientele? Yes. Employees? No. It’s just too complicated.”

“That was nothing but an excuse.” Jericho thought back to the helpless fear of rejection, to the instant fascination with the fiery blonde who always seemed so much more than most of her vapid coworkers. “I was too much of a coward to step out on a limb and make it work. First with you, Dante, and then with her.”

It felt so right to lay it all on the table before these two incredible people. The same way it had felt to make love with them. Because it wasn’t just sex. It was more. “Magnetism shouldn’t be ignored, no matter what the gender is of the person on the opposite end. Not when it can wind up like this.” Jericho gestured to the three of them on the chaise.

“Dante said something similar to me the other day.” Suri’s tone was soft, as if she were contemplating an earth-shattering truth. “But you can’t give yourself crap for not jumping at the first sign of attachment. It doesn’t make you less of a man to wait. It just means you won’t overturn your convictions without deliberating it long and hard first. That’s integrity, not cowardice. That’s what makes me trust you. Made me trust you from the beginning. And it’s what makes me so willing to believe that you’ll be there even when nobody else in my life ever has been.”

Her words made his heart swell until Jericho felt as if he could’ve taken on the entire world. Reaching out, he dragged her close enough to take her soft lips in a hot kiss.

She made a tiny noise of pleasure, her mouth opening to welcome his tongue. He slid inside, teasing as he kissed her, enticing her to explore on her own. She responded with enthusiasm, and Jericho was rewarded with the sensation of her tongue gliding into his mouth. Tentative at first, she became bolder with every motion until she controlled the rhythm of their kiss.

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