Boston Blood: The first Frank McKenzie Thriller (3 page)

BOOK: Boston Blood: The first Frank McKenzie Thriller
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‘Okay I want a full sweep of the building, we need to search for any wounded, and find the fuckers that did this. I want 3 man teams with coms to go from top to bottom, no mistakes gentleman,’ Shaw bellows out to the officers.

Frank gets up from behind the desk and makes his way to Shaw.

‘Sir we have a problem’ says Frank

Shaw laughs, as if the problem isn’t obvious

‘I know detective. We have just been attacked with a bomb, I think that qualifies as a big fucking problem’ Shaw says

‘That’s where your wrong sir, It’s not terrorists that did this’ Frank pleads

‘What are you saying? Santa clause came in and blew out the fucking chimney?’

‘No sire, I saw who did this. It wasn’t Santa Clause’




‘That’s bullshit Frank! No evidence what so ever!’ Shaw said while laughing Frank’s hunch off as a mere theory.

Frank didn’t appreciate being laughed at; he made that clear to everyone. He thumped his fist on the table to get every one’s attention, plus he wanted to make a point, as in DON’T LUAGH AT ME.

‘Look just here me out. I know for a fact without a reasonable doubt that Connor Chase is the man behind this’ Frank said

The room went quiet. Shaw got up from the conference table where everyone who was anybody in law enforcement was sitting. He stood back facing everybody while looking out at the skyline of the city…. his city.

‘How do you work that out Frank? Please tell me why my best detective is pulling at strings here?’ Asked Shaw

‘I know it was Chase sir, Because of the way he was walking. I saw him on the CCTV before the explosion.  One shoulder was lower than the other, the way someone would walk if they were carrying a heavy bag. He wasn’t carrying a heavy bag though, that’s the way he walks after the accident. That’s how I know it was him.’ explained Frank.

‘What accident?’

‘The one he sustained at work, a few months ago. His boss told me about it this morning when we were exchanging information about him. She was at the crime scene. She told me a lot about him, valuable personal stuff.’ Frank said

‘So why did you not write up a report on it McKenzie?’ Shaw asked

‘I was just about to sir, then the explosions started’ Frank stated.

The conference room mumbled in doubt at what Frank was saying. Shaw looked at his fellow peers to try and influence his response. He then looked at Frank to see the one thing that room was lacking;

‘Okay Frank, Get the women in to verify you’re story, in the mean time I want everybody here to run a risk assessment on whether this psycho will strike again. I want a profile on this ass hole as soon as possible; this guy is going down today!’ Shaw says.

At the sound of Shaw’s orders the whole room disperses. Frank is amidst the crowd of officials walking out of the room. He is holding his phone to his ear listening to the dial tone. It stops ringing:

‘Hello?’ The voice says

‘Looks like were going on a date after all!’



Frank is sitting down at the local diner downtown, waiting for his coffee to be served. He is looking across at the beautiful women that he met a few hours ago at the horrific crime scene they both attended. A waiter comes over with his coffee and sits it down gently on the table. He asked the lady sitting across from Frank if she wanted anything. She shakes her head. The waiter walks off. Frank notices that she has her name tag she was wearing at the crime scenes sitting on the table. He takes comfort in finally knowing her name.

‘So let me get this straight, he blew up the precinct?’ Tasha asks.

Frank is too busy enjoying his coffee to repeat himself, plus Tasha’s low cut top is distracting him. Tasha notices where Frank’s vision is locked and buttons herself up.

‘Dam Frank, can you get your eyes off my breasts and back onto the matter at hand?’

Frank smiles, he takes another sip of his coffee and sits back in his chair. He gives off a certain laid back feel as if he has everything under control.

‘Look Miss, I already told you what happened. He broke into the evidence lockup and planted some C4, before you know it,
!’ says Frank, still exuding confidence.

‘I get that part, but why? Why would he blow up the police lockup? In fact why would he blow anything up?’ Asks Tasha

‘I don’t know, that’s why I’m here talking to you. You’re the one who knows him so well. You’re the only one left alive that knows him at all Tasha’

Tasha sighs at the realisation that she will be spending even more time with Frank.

‘Cheer up, at least we got each other’ Says Frank playfully.

‘That’s what I’m worried about’

‘Oh come on! A bit harsh lady, I’m just trying to lighten things up around here. Things are getting pretty dark; I’m just inserting some of my trademark humour into the situation’

Frank gives a smile to Tasha; she finally breaks one back at him, even if it was forced.

Frank touches her hand, trying to comfort her.

‘Look Tasha, I know that it must be hard to come to terms with the situation. I mean it’s not every day that you know someone who has killed 15 people and found time to Blow up the local police station. It’s not your fault, there’s nothing you could have done. But there is something you can do now, and that’s help me find him and nail him!’ says Frank still holding her hand in comfort.

Tasha smiles at him, this time she means it.

‘I appreciate it Frank. It’s just I feel responsible for the fact that I could have spotted the warning signs earlier.’ says Tasha as tears start to form around her eyes, smudging the immaculate make up that brightens her already beaming face.

‘I don’t think there are many signs that point to serial killers that massacre households Tasha.’ Frank says trying to reassure her.

Frank’s cell phone goes off in his pocket, he instinctively answers it.

‘Frank Speaking’

‘Oh hello Mister McKenzie’ Says the voice on the phone.

‘Uh, hello’ Frank says, uncertain of who is on the other end of the phone. He pulls the phone away from his ear and checks the caller ID. It’s an unknown number,

‘There’s no point in checking for a number Frank, surely you wouldn’t expect me to call from a traceable phone now? Especially with my whole hang up on privacy’

Frank muffles the phone against his chest and looks at Tasha.

‘You need to get out of here Tasha, call for help. I got Chase on the phone’

Tasha shoots up and bolts out of the diner. Frank puts the phone back to his ear.

‘There was no need for that Frank, this won’t take too long. I take it that my message was heard loud and clear at your place of work?

‘Crystal. We know all about you Chase, and we are going to hunt you down like the mangy mutt that you are’

‘Oh I concur, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Call it coincidental Frank, but I enjoy a good old
. Now listen up and listen good, I want you to make your way to the downtown public records building, and in the car park next to the building you will have all the things you need to get the job done.’

‘What job?’

‘The job that I’m giving you Frank., You see the public records building houses some of the most personal details of people who live in this city, and I’m sure that people wouldn’t mind terribly if that building and its contents were destroyed. That’s where you come in Frank. You’re not a wanted man …yet, anyway. I need you to do what I tell you, or I kill some more people it’s that’ simple.’

‘I don’t think so Chase…’ Frank says but is interrupted by a screaming voice on the phone. A child’s voice closely followed by a gun shot.

Frank yells in frustration.

‘I’ll take that as a yes. You have 1 hour.’ The phone goes dead and all that’s left is the deafening silence of murder that surrounds the day, and tares Frank’s soul apart.



‘I’m standing here outside a house in Stella Avenue where 15 people were murdered last night in what’s becoming the most shocking crime scene in recent memory. Police have set up a press conference that’s going underway in a few minutes time to address the public on the issue and release the name of the suspect. A crowd of around 100 people have gathered outside the house with candles to pay their respects to the community in which this horrible event occurred’ says the news reporter on the TV in the DA’s office, her voice echoing through the spacious office.

Eddie smith is sitting down at his desk watching the news coverage unfold as he taps nervously on a stack of files. He gets up and paces up and down the room. His cell phone goes off and he answers it before it reaches a second ring.

‘Talk to me’ says the DA

‘Hey its Frank, I have some bad news sir’

Before Frank can finish his sentence off someone rushes into the DA’s office.

‘Haven’t you heard of knocking? I’m on an important Phone call here’ The DA snaps.

The man who burst into the room grabs the remote for the TV and switches it over to another channel broadcasting some breaking news.

The DA looks shocked as he reads the head line scrolling on the TV.

“Public Records Building Destroyed in Terrorist attack”

‘Holy shit Frank. Have you seen this, they bombed the public records building?’ Eddie Asks

‘Yes sir, that’s why I’m ringing you. I know who did it’ Frank says

‘How do you know... I mean…. Tell me!’

‘It was me sir’

‘What are you talking about Frank? Why would you?’

‘It was Chase sir, He made me do it. He had some hostages and killed a kid. He said if I didn’t blow up the building then he would kill some more hostages. The guy’s a psycho; I didn’t doubt him for one minute, just look at what he did today.’

‘Maybe that’s so McKenzie, but you can’t go around blowing up buildings willy-nilly. I’m going to have to bring you in Frank’

‘Don’t worry sir, I’m already in custody. I turned my self in to the authorities. I’m using my one phone call to let you know I’m sorry. I just didn’t know what to do sir. He was going to kill more people.’

The phone went dead. Eddie grabbed his coat and rushed out of his office and made his way to his Limo.



The cold surface of the interviewing table made Frank feel uneasy, especially since for years it was him on the other end of the darn thing. Now he sat staring into the eyes of a person that obviously thought that this was the break he was waiting for. The make or break B.S that determines weather he plays desk jockey or commands the desks. The officer tasked with interviewing Frank was a run of the mill Detective, Jet black hair, combed back; the sort of hair style that would make the Fonz proud. He had a thick Italian accent, which made Frank think of how rare it is to find a guy that mob like’ working on the right side of the law.

‘Now listen here Frank, I’m in charge of this room. You may have been Mr Big shot for a while but now I’m the guy standing in the way of you and your freedom. If I was you I’d just suck it up and hand over the reins, because you’re going down and I’m taking over’ says the Detective.

Frank smiled. Turns out he was right. This detective only wanted one thing out of Frank, and that’s his job.

‘Look here detective….?’ Frank asks

‘Detective Loupe’ says the detective.

‘Okay Loupe, I have already explained what happened to the DA. I’m not saying anything else until I speak to someone who doesn’t look like a 70’s character out of some B rated movie, someone I can take seriously’ Frank says while chuckling to himself.

Detective Loupe Smiles at Frank, Pearly whites showing, gums and all.

‘I somehow don’t think you have the right to be making demands Frank. You blew up a public building. You’re lucky that no one was hurt during the explosion.’

‘The only reason no one was hurt was because I got everyone out of there before the building exploded.’

‘Oh yes that’s right, I forgot. How silly of me. After all I should be listening to the man that threatened 50 plus people with a fire arm. How noble. Not to mention you also physically assaulted two guards, one of which is in the hospital with a broken nose.’

‘I’m sure he’ll live’ Says Frank who’s growing impatient with the detective.

‘Yes he will Frank, but I’m not sure whether or not you will. See, Terrorism is a serious crime, let alone Treason. Seeing you blew up a building in your own country, and you work for the government. Those are some serious charges Frank, the sort of charges that result in the electric chair.’

Frank gets up and walks over to the detective.

‘Look here pal; I don’t know why you’re wasting my time here. I did what I had to do. If I didn’t do what I did, you would be looking at a lot more than a few scuffed rent a’ cops and some hurt feelings’ Says frank.

‘Calm down Frank. You seem edgy. It’s a shame that you can’t take one of your pills now isn’t it? Oh that’s right; Frank here has a drugs problem. You should have been a tad bit more careful, handing yourself in with those pills in your pocket.’

‘Those are prescribed by my doctor,

‘That may be so, but I’m pretty sure that the department would frown upon your needing of such drugs. I think that sort of dependency doesn’t bode well for a high score on you psychiatric profile’

Frank smiles back at the pressing detective. The door to the interview room opens. DA Eddie Smith walks in. He signals detective Loupe out of the room. Smith waits for everyone to leave and closes the door behind them.

‘What took you so long?’ asks Frank.

‘I’m here now aren’t I?’

‘Okay, I’ve already explained what happened’ Says Frank.

The DA stops him from talking and undoes his cuffs.

‘Look this isn’t my doing for once; it seems as if you have friends in high places who understand your reasoning. That being said, they want you to carry on the investigation. It seems that you are the one that Chase seems to be comfortable talking to. Call it crazy, but you have a rapport with the guy.’

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