Boswell, LaVenia (13 page)

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Authors: THE DAWNING (The Dawning Trilogy)

BOOK: Boswell, LaVenia
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       “I’m not sure,” Jenny responded wondering if that would be the case where did she stand.

       “But if it’s DNA, Jen,” Jason argued, “where people are prone to do terrible acts, and tests might prove that to be a major factor as science increases, then would you say that bad people have no choice other than to be cruel and kill?  It’s completely out of their hands, they can’t help it?”

       He watched her reactions carefully.  She was considering all that he’d said.  When she didn’t respond he added, “Maybe we should test everyone and put the ones with the mutated DNA in prisons to protect the rest?”

       “No,” Jennifer admitted with urgency, “That wouldn’t be right.”

       “Why not?” he asked, with a half smile that irritated her.

       “Well, some people may be able to resist the propensity to give in to their
  They might manage to live decent lives and not do harm,” Jennifer posed.

       Stirring the coffee in his cup with a spoon Jason suggested, “So we understand that people make choices?  We have the ability to choose our actions, you agree?”


       “What do you think causes a person to choose good over evil?  Especially in a situation where choosing the evil would be the easiest route?” Jason asked her.

       “Just wanting to be a decent person, I imagine,” Jenny answered.  Jeeze, that was a silly question.

       “So, there is a component in us that is beyond DNA.  We have choice,” he stated.  “Jenny, that component is what I, as a believer in God, call spirit.  Our spirits help us tamper the desires of our fleshly wants.  However, no one can see our spirit.  They can see the results of the actions of our spirits but not the spirit itself.  Some folks might call it our souls.  But I feel our souls are the container, if you will, for our spirits.  I feel convinced we are all body, soul and spirit and our souls are forever.

       Jennifer wiggled a bit and began to fidget with her napkin. So far he had not surprised her, but the spirit and soul thing, she found rather irritating.  “Go on,” she encouraged, because he hadn’t answered all her questions yet.

       “You’re a smart lady.  Do you believe there may be different dimensions in our universe?” he asked with a smile, because he knew she did, rather she used to think so.  As kids they discussed that idea several times.  She wrote short stories using the idea of different dimensions.

       “Maybe,” she hedged just to throw him off, wondering where he was going with this

       Jason put his fork down, leaned forward and with eagerness on his face said, “Let’s suppose there are at least a few dimensions.”  Wiping his mouth with his napkin he proceeded, “First we have the physical realm that we are all aware of, because we can touch it.  But even here we have realms within realms.  For instance, there are sound waves all in the air, yet we can’t see them or touch them, but they are there.  Satellites send signals all the time but we can’t actually view them in the air with our eyes without a special device.”  He paused and waited for Jennifer to react.

       When she nodded he continued, “A person’s soul is filled with the choices they make in the spirit.  Good or bad.  You’ve heard the terms, ‘oh, they have a good soul’ or ‘she has a spirit of kindness’?”

       “I think that just refers to their nature,” Jennifer interjected.  “But, you haven’t answered why a god would bless some and destroy others.”  She was trying not to let her temper cause a problem, so she waited on his answer quietly.

       “I’m getting to that,” Jason softly explained with a tender smile.  “It’s about the choices we make.  God doesn’t make the bad stuff happen.  It usually occurs due to bad choices we’ve made.  But when something like an innocent person suffering at the hands of another does happen, it’s not to punish anyone.  It is never God’s perfect will for His children to be harmed.  However, He allows some things to simply happen, maybe He permits a person to make a terrible choice, and then suffer the consequences as a teaching component.  Even when that occurs He has a greater purpose in allowing it, if not for that person then in another way.”

       Jason tried to explain using a different format, “We are victims of our own devices and decisions.” 

       He waved the waiter away after Jenny declined dessert.

       “Jen, we’re like a radio or television in a way.  We have to tune in to God’s frequency to pick up His signals.  Jesus called it being born again.  It’s when we have converted our hearts with a desire to do only the good and best in this life, resisting our Id, to be a blessing to others and to our Father, through the grace and help of Jesus Christ.  We learn through the things we suffer to be obedient to God’s perfect will where is always the right path.”

       “So he just lets children be mutilated for the heck of it?” she asked, obviously fuming.  She just couldn’t help it.

       Jason smiled and picked up her hand that was wearing the weave out of the cloth napkin.  “No, Jen. Those children already belong to Him.  Their souls are not in danger.  He will bring them comfort and great joy when their tiny bodies have ceased to function and their souls are free to return to Him.  It’s the ones
the harm who God wants badly to change their choices, for they are headed to a place where such evil beings will be punished, not only in this world perhaps, but in the spiritual realm he has created for all evil humankind.”

       “In the Bible, the book of Saint John chapter three verse sixteen explains His plan of salvation for the whole human race:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten            Son, that whosoever believes in Him, will not perish, but             have everlasting life.”


Saint John
explains it further:

“For God sent not His Son into the world, to condemn the           world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”


Jennifer frowned a little and began to feel uncomfortable. “Sort’a heavy talk for a couple of old teenagers, huh?  Grief!  I didn’t know you were a walking, talking preacher!” 

       She wanted the subject changed.  Some of what he explained did kind’a make sense, but she still had too many questions and not enough answers that she could understand.  Afraid she might have offended him she added, “Thanks for trying to explain to me though.  Guess I’ll have to sleep on it a few nights, weeks, years, before I understand half of what you just said.”

       Jason smiled his easy, I’m not offended by you smile, and shocked her completely with his next statement.

       “Jenny, do me one favor alright?  Just one?”

       Looking sideways at him, not sure if she should agree or not, she relented.  “Sure, why not.”

       “Pray about it,” he said to her complete and utter surprise.

       Her face turned white, red and gravy.  “Pray about it? Are you nuts?” she exclaimed with vigor.

       “That’s what I ask Jen.  Simply talk to God like He’s a person sitting in a chair beside you, and ask Him to show you the answers you are seeking.  If you do that every day for two months, I will bet you an iced coffee at Starbucks that you’ll be bubbling over with insight by the end.”

       He honestly pleaded with his eyes.  “Jenny, you don’t have to be afraid.  Do this for me, please.  It only takes about a minute of your time and the response will be dramatic, I assure you.”

       Laughing nervously she was trying to find a way out of this.  Praying?  Her? 

       “Just one minute per day, Jen, that’s all I ask, just one minute.  For two months.  Please,” he anxiously pleaded.

       Suddenly she decided to take him up on his challenge.  She might even be able to get him to see reason when it was all over.  “Okay, I will.  But you better be prepared to eat crow at the end of two months.  Let’s make it an iced cappuccino at Starbucks and a medium hot fudge sundae at Dairy Queen with whipped cream and pecans?  And if nothing changes my mind then you have to let me be about it from now on.”

       Grinning broadly he nodded.  “That’s a deal!”

       She decided to ask, “When do I start?”

       “How about now?” he answered to her complete dismay.

       Now?  Was he nuts?  Pray now?  She didn’t know how.

       Still holding her hand he leaned toward her over the table, bowed his head and began to say very softly, “Dear Father, I’ve asked Jenny here to talk to You every day for the next two months.  I know You love her and want only the best for her.  She needs to know You’re real, Father.  Help her discover You, and fill her with the joy that only You can give.  Bring her peace, Lord Jesus, help her to have the answers she seeks.  Prepare her for the work you created her for, Lord, filling her with Your Holy Spirit, I pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.”

       Jennifer’s hand was trembling as he stroked it with his other hand, in a calming manner.  She kept her head bowed and decided to jump in with both feet, just to get it over with for today.  Speaking in a near whisper she began, “Well, hi, Jason’s God – huh, it’s me, Jenny.  If you are really real, well, show me, how about it?  He’s tried to answer my questions as best he can.  I need to know for sure in my own mind.  But don’t take out any anger on Jason for introducing us.  He really loves you, and I would be greatly put out if any harm comes his way, because he doesn’t need to learn anything more, he always chooses the good.”  She snorted a little and said, “The man is full of peace and love and kindness, so don’t get riled at me and take it out on him, okay?  Guess I’ll say hi again tomorrow.  Bye.”

       “That wasn’t too bad,” Jenny stated after pulling her hand back and acting like she was relaxing against the bench seat.  Absently rubbing her hand down her arm she discovered she was sweating.  Oh, for the sake of the South!  What in the world had there been to sweat over.

       “Thanks, Jen.  You won’t regret it,” Jason commented happily as he paid the waiter for their ticket, shoving her hand back with the bills she offered for their meal.

       “Aww, come on Jas, let me pay for once,” she whined.

       Cocking that right eyebrow upward he gave her the

       Jenny heaved a sigh while replacing her money back into her wallet.

       They talked easily together for the first time in two years, as Jason drove her home.  It felt as though some gigantic iceberg had moved from between them.  Communication flowed and flowed with both laughing and teasing one another.  It felt wonderful.

       Jennifer had to admit Jason looked happier than she’d seen him look in years and strangely that made her heart sing.  Poor Jas, she realized, he’d been grieving over her not talking with him.           Oddly, now that she felt they could talk without her unfounded fears of him perhaps trampling down her ideas she was happier than she’d been in two years too.  Go figure!






Removing The Blinders  . . .






The next few weeks were wonderful.  Jenny felt she was happier than anyone had a right to be, and yet she didn’t have a real answer for it.  Perhaps it was getting Scott off her back?  Maybe it was when she decided she’d be herself and not become a metamorphic creature that changed into someone she wasn’t?  Maybe it was having her friend back again?

            Jason was at her house several times a week.  They’d all play board games or cards with her parents or Marcus and
.  They watched basketball with her dad and they did things together again.  He even took her for a special encore I-Max showing of her beloved Twilight series Breaking Dawn – Part 1 and the next night Part 2.  Of course she cried through many scenes and he kept smiling at her as his arm tried to comfort her.

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