Boswell, LaVenia (21 page)

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Authors: THE DAWNING (The Dawning Trilogy)

BOOK: Boswell, LaVenia
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            As she shopped with a little help from him now and again when she asked for his opinion, she soon discovered she had the loveliest clothes she’d ever worn.     

            Trying on the last dress, it was a teal colored, pretty tea length sheath with an over jacket of the softest crepe, a high scalloped neck with no collar and large gold buttons, it looked really nice on her she had to admit.    She picked out a couple of very pretty longish skirts off a rack she’d notice Jason admiring.   Then located tops that went well with the skirts and chose three belts too.

            Now she had to have shoes.  She felt thankful he didn’t ask her to wear spike high heels.  In fact, he encouraged her to stay with the lower, more sensible heels and even a couple pair of lovely leather sandals and flats.

            Jennifer was trying on yet a fifth pair of shoes, he’d insisted, when she spotted him standing over by the purses behind glass cases.  She was in the process of holding her breath when she recognized the unbelievable, insanely expensive Jimmy Choo purse he had and one Chloe and another Couch under his arm, a black, a bone color and brown leather.  He looked her way, grinning big.   

             Jason actually seemed to love shopping and she was feeling more and more guilt over all the money he was spending on her.  She finally realized he was as happy as a new puppy with a chew bone.  She noted he’d spotted something that lit his eyes and off he trotted to the other side of the store.    

            While Jason packed all the shopping bags into the trunk Jennifer held tightly to the Vera Bradley bag he’d bought last.  It was bold and beautiful and the least expensive but the most unique.  It was very island looking with its quilted fabric of bright pink, green and cream flowers and it came with a matching wallet too that he’d purchased.  How did the man know about shoes and purses she and her friends had only drooled over in magazines?  He was an enigma.           

            “So,” Jason asked, “are you hungry yet?”   

            The man was forever hungry.  How he stayed so perfectly lean muscled and nonfat she didn’t know. 

            “Sure,” she responded in a blatant lie, though for his sake.  She smiled.


            Jennifer was preparing to attend Mass for the first time with Jason.  She would go with him and his whole family each Sunday morning from now on.  She had warned them the place might go up in smoke when she entered the first time.  They laughed and acted like they liked her anyway and it was worth the risk.  She had not been fully joking.            

            Before leaving Jason’s house for church the first time, she was nervous.  Other than having watched several Catholic Masses on Eternal Word Television Network on television to prepare her, she didn’t know what to expect.     

            Jason took her aside that morning after she shared breakfast with his family, before leaving for church and asked her if she would be willing to wear a lovely white mantilla, a lace scarf he had purchased for her, before entering the sanctuary.  She’d wondered why some of the women on television had those things on and others didn’t.

            “It’s kind of a Sacramental - to
family, anyway,” he stated.  “It’s a lot like what the holy Jewish women and later Christian women wore to show their obedience to God’s order for mankind, revealing their understanding of the importance of being female and under the subjection of God and man.  In God’s house He desires certain courtesies to be observed. 
Saint Paul
taught this subject in the book or First Corinthians, chapter eleven.  A woman wearing a head covering shows even the angels that she is obeying God’s order of submission.”      

            Jenny saw her future mother-in-law had one hanging out of her purse, her’s was black while the one Jason handed her was white.     “Why the two colors?” she asked Jason in a whisper.    

            “That’s nothing more than tradition.  Usually the unmarried women wear light colors and the married wear dark. I have several black ones purchased for you too,” he added with a happy smile.     


            Jenny really liked Father Jose, he was always smiling and went out of his way to greet her either coming in or upon leaving.      

            In fact, now that she was around Jason’s family more, she discovered with a thrill they were exceptionally good, generous people.  Jason was the best, of course, but they were genuine, loving, pious and sincere.  They were indeed wealthy but they never acted like they wanted other’s to know.  They never flaunted their wealth.  Jason’s parents even drove a car several years old, like Jason did.  Only their clothing gave away their real status and that was due to the quality.      

            Jennifer also discovered that they gave large amounts of money to the less fortunate, and contributed to so many organizations that helped others she was astonished they had any money left at all.     Jason alone paid tuition for two needy students in their church school that went from pre-K to the eight grade, he was an anonymous donor.    

            His family brought groceries to church each week for the poor and his mother and sisters were always busy with various church activities to aid one group or another.  His dad was the same, attending Knights of Columbus meetings and the church’s various board meetings.  It was surprising how busy they all were and each seemed to honestly feel blessed to be able to help in some way.

            When she asked Jason about his and his families giving so much he replied, “Jenny, honey, you will soon discover that no one can out give God.  Every time I give, God blesses me a hundred times more.  But that’s not why we give.  It’s to be a blessing to those less fortunate.  Because, except for the grace of God, there goes I.  But its not just money, we give our time, talent and treasure to God.  He loves a cheerful giver.  When we give to the homeless we are giving to Him as a homeless person.”                 

            Jenny quickly felt something almost tangible in their little church, something that made her hair stand on end sometimes.  There was also peacefulness that pervaded the atmosphere.  She felt love emanate from the people toward her.   Everyone was so kind and they were the friendliest group of folks she’d ever been around. 

            However, there remained a problem.  Jason’s God wasn’t answering Jennifer’s questions when she prayed at night.  She was getting a little upset over it too, as insane as that may be.  She realized the insanity of being a godless person wanting a god to speak to her.            

            Father Jose continued his weekly counseling session with them, as they continued the special FOCCUS program which was sometimes divided into three levels.           

            Jason and Jenny had each filled out a self-diagnostic instrument designed for couples to understand and learn more about themselves.  They were striving to get all their fears and secrets out in the open with one another, so they could work through any possible problems before the wedding.





The Eye Of God . . .






One night when Jason came to pick Jennifer up to go out he asked if she would mind attending a Catholic Charismatic meeting with him.  “It’s a little different and there’s no
  The group meets simply for prayer, praise and encouragement in our walk with God,” Jason explained.   

            “No Mass at all?  What else is there?” she asked, puzzled.  

            “You’ll see.”  

            After they arrived and everyone greeted each other they began with prayers, singing soon followed.  Jennifer found she actually enjoyed the singing part.  Then as they began singing a certain song, which had all the words in it that Jenny herself was feeling, the questions to God and needing his answers, she began to cry.   

            Sitting down she tried to stop the tears that were flowing but couldn’t.  Jason sat down beside her, comforting her with a hug.  To her surprise and upsetness he suddenly began to weep too.  Soon the whole group had gathered around her and they were all crying with her.  Besides the crying different ones started praying over her and she felt hands real light being laid on her back and upon her head.   

            Without warning and to her complete shock she heard herself talking out loud to Jason’s God.  She was telling Him how she wanted to feel Him in her heart and soul like her Jason did.  She wanted to be a person who was good and whole and who loved Him with all her heart, like her Jason did.  She added with more tears how she felt Jason deserved a good gentle woman, not a sinner, heathen and hot tempered person like she was, and wasn’t He being just a little unfair to Jason, giving him her?   

            Shame filled her, seeing her life as the unfulfilled life it had been, just trying to be fair to people but not really loving them like Jason and his family did.   They loved, really loved.  She saw the times of denying His existence, mocking Him in her mind and His people too, though more quietly than not, but thinking it all the same. 

            Could He one day accept her and forgive her and fill her with the kind of love that Jason felt?  Would that Jesus who was on the Cross give her a tiny drop of His Blood, to forgive her sins too?  Was that possible?

            During her out loud talking with God something else began to happen.         Her speech began to change, to those around her it became a language they did not know. 

            Slowly she began to hear this strange speech coming from her lips while at the same time her heart was filled with happiness.  Her body began tingling and her lips were stuttering and she was shaking like she was chilled, even her teeth were chattering, except she wasn’t cold.    

            Jennifer turned to look into Jason’s eyes.  Through the tears she saw him smiling and crying with her as he leaned back when she stood and began to raise her hands over her head and shout out a joy she had never before known existed.  Praises began to roll out of her mouth, some in English and some in that strange tongue. 

            God was real, oh, he was so real!  She realized this with her soul as she began to express to Him her heart felt thanks for His love, forgiveness and for her Jason.    

            All around her people were raising their arms too and so was Jason.  His face glowed as he too prayed and cried out in that same strange language, except his had different inflections for the most part.  She didn’t know what all was happening, but it surely was a very good thing.  


            Jenny was still finding it difficult to talk in English for about an hour after the ‘happening’ that had sealed up, almost completely, that hole inside her heart and soul.  It had been God whom her soul had been aching for without her knowing or understanding.    

            Almost everyone who came to tonight’s prayer meeting were jubilant and had wondrous smiles on their faces.

            While she had been in prayer it was revealed to her that the book in her nightmare had been the Bible, but now it would be opened to her, spiritually opened to her understanding.  Her darkness was gone.  She was clean, fresh, new inside and out.  There was just one other thing yet to happen, she was impressed by the Holy Spirit that Jason would explain it to her.         

            As they sat inside the car Jason immediately called Father Jose and shared with him what had happened with Jennifer.  Father Jose asked them to stop by his rectory before going home.  

            Jennifer looked into Jason’s shinning eyes and said, “Jason, He’s my God now too.”    

            They hugged and hugged, with Jason repeatedly saying, “Thank you, Father!  Thank you for saving our Jenny.  Thank you for bringing her home!”   

            As Jason slowly drove he started calling his parents, each brother and all three sisters and shared the wonderful news of Jenny’s spiritual conversion and anointing of the Holy Spirit at the meeting.     

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