Botanicaust (37 page)

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Authors: Tam Linsey

BOOK: Botanicaust
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They were willing to actually venture outside? And save Levi

s a son? It was a generous offer. Perhaps she could travel with them and meet Levi

s people first.

Tula cleared her throat.


d like to talk to you about offering conversion to Levi

s people. You have the technology

Dr. Kaneka shook his head, but Tula pushed on.

I could convince many of them of the benefits of conversion, given enough time. Perhaps once they are converted some of them will be willing to aid your research. We can all help each other.

Dr. Kaneka

s scrutiny raked over her like grit in a blowout, making her cringe.

We need a convert with a well established genome immediately. The only agreement we will entertain is that you remain here for testing. But I will consider putting forth the offer to his people.


ll come back as soon as I secure some initial conversions.

I told you, our time is running out. We need to begin at once.

She looked at the gamma pad lying before her with its purple image. She understood his urgency. But simply passing along an offer for conversion would get no results. Not if the rest of the community was anything like Levi. But if she didn

t take Kaneka

s offer, not only would there be no chance for Levi

s son, but little chance the Fosselites would offer conversion at all. How could she refuse and live with herself?

After a shocked instant, Levi blundered toward the exit after Rosalee and the others, only to find a man in a bright red tunic blocking his way. The man put up a calming hand and urged Levi back into the library. The crazy woman

s words hung in the air.

t believe a word they say

Levi tried to step around the man in red, but the man mimicked his moves to block him.

I want to go back to my room,

Levi said.

Sit. Safe.

The man

s mouth smiled, but his blood-curdled eyes stayed wide and alert.

I don

t want to sit. I

m worried about Tula.

The man remained firmly in place, his arms akimbo. Levi stood nose to nose with the man, not touching, unable to get by without physically pushing past. His insides quivered as his passive upbringing warred with his desire to protect Tula.

The man squinted and his nostrils flared.


After a moment of hesitation, Levi spun around and paced the length of the bookshelves. Although here of his own volition, he was as much a prisoner as he had been with the Blattvolk. They could do with him as they liked and there wasn

t a thing he could do about it. Thank God they hadn

t locked him in a cell. Yet.

None of these Fosselites seemed truly sane. And they couldn

t even fix their own children. How could he be sure they could help Josef without added risk? Josef could end up with dementia, or only able to have children with Down

, or with some other horrible side effect. He should take Tula and go home to enjoy the time God had given him with his son.

What seemed like hours passed, and finally Levi heard voices in the hall. Rushing to the door, he spotted Dr. Kaneka speaking to his room guard. The doctor glanced at him, said one last thing, and walked away. The sentinel turned to Levi and gestured for him to follow. Glad to be out of the library, Levi moved abreast of the guard in spite of the narrow hall. Ahead, voices murmured and dishware clinked behind a set of double doors, and the scent of food made Levi

s insides churn with hunger.

The guard paused at the doors and swung an arm wide for Levi to precede him.

I need to get Tula,

Levi said.

A familiar bubble of laughter caught his attention from the cafeteria and he caught sight of Tula already at a table with the big man who had carried her away when they

d first arrived. Two Down

people sat with them. Ignoring his guard, Levi rushed toward Tula, his chest light with relief.

She looked up, her teeth a brilliant white in the deep jade of her face. Around her neck, a filament strung with feathers and baubles didn

t so much cover her as draw attention to her nipples.


She patted the seat next to her.

Why didn

t they give you clothes?

he said in a low voice as he slid into the seat.

You like? Color is


She stretched the fabric of her new skirt over her thighs.

He glanced at the table companions gaping at him. If she
going to fit into his world, she

d have to learn modesty. But this was not an argument to have right now.

What is that?

He pointed to her necklace.

Michael gave to me.

She stroked the long feathers. Levi gathered the big man sitting across the table must be Michael by the way he flushed and squirmed like a nervous child. The other two didn

t speak, just alternated between staring at Tula and ogling him.

The rest of the room was either oblivious to the guests or working hard to contain their curiosity. Most tables had at least one Down

occupant, and now that Levi knew they were Fosselite children, the groupings made sense. These were family units. He furtively surveyed the occupants of his table, wondering where their parents were. Tula was completely comfortable with them, and they with her. Would her children be green? He hadn

t considered it until now.

Tula, let

s leave. Now. I want you to come home with me.

She squinted like she didn

t understand him.


He laced his fingers with hers.

I have nothing to trade. I want to see my son. I want you to meet him. He needs a mother.

They stared at each other for several heartbeats before she bowed her head.

Oh, Levi.

Tears dripped into her lap.

I trade for you.

He ran a hand up her arm to caress away a tear.

What do you mean?

Dr. Kaneka
me to stay.
To help them.
They help Josef.

He stilled, throat tight. She wanted to stay?

Is good choosing. They have medicine for me.

. He remembered how sick she

d become outside, how excited she

d been to reach the Fosselites. The trip here had nearly killed her.

But I want you with me.

Is my only way

Medicine for me.

For a long time Levi only looked at her, hand against her tear stained cheek. He wanted to burn her face into his memory forever. She could not go with him. He could not protect her outside, from the sun, the plants,
cannibals. He nodded slowly a single time, his heart cracking like ice falling from the


s Wille be done.

ula sat cross-legged on the bed and stared at her hands while Levi watched the monitor set into the wall of her room. The image was live

a camera looking over the wide plains below the mountain

but the landscape was lifeless. This would be her only contact with the outside for the rest of her life.

Levi had been arguing with her for ten minutes.

I can build you a house like you had in your city. A greenhouse, we call it. You

ll be protected.

Her hands were folded so tightly in her lap, her knuckles gleamed. The idea of travelling through cannibal territory under the sun

s UV rays made her bones ache, but she would go to be with Levi. However, there was his son to consider.

Is only way for Josef.

He scrubbed both hands through his short hair, as if trying to rub new ideas into his brain.

I want the cure for Josef, but not at the cost of your future. At the very least, they should put a time limit on your indenture.

What is in-den-shur?

Instead of explaining the word, he opened the door and looked into the hall. Holding out a hand, he said,

Come with me, Tula. I want to find Dr. Kaneka. You need to talk for me.

Together they marched opposite the cafeteria, the direction their escort had gone after leaving them at the room several hours ago. The doors on both sides of the hall had placards next to each handle.
All of them had numbers
some had names
. Levi scrutinized each. They reached Medlab and Tula tugged against his hand to stop and knock. A voice inside invited them in. Tula opened the door to find Dr. Rice, her dark face pressed to a microscope.

Dr. Rice,

Tula greeted her.

The woman jerked away from the microscope and looked toward her guests.

Dr. Macoby…


re looking for Dr. Kaneka. Do you know where he is?

Dr. Rice pressed a few buttons on a speaker and asked for Dr. Kaneka.

Levi bent close to Tula

s ear.

Tell her I need to talk with someone about trade.

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