Bottom Line: Callaghan Brothers, Book 8 (27 page)

BOOK: Bottom Line: Callaghan Brothers, Book 8
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It might not be so bad, letting her have her way, just this once. 

Well, it is what she wants

We can try it.  For her

For her
, he agreed.

* * *

ary couldn’t believe Aidan wasn’t fighting her.  For whatever reason, he was allowing her to take control.  Being the practical, reasonable woman that she was, she chose not to question it.  Who knew when she would get this chance again? 

She took full advantage, exploring him with her hands and her mouth, taking time to savor his smooth, tawny skin and the rhythmic tensing of his fingers against her scalp, back and shoulders, encouraging her as she worked her way around him.  His soft growls and moans of pleasure were like music to her ears, filling her with a new sense of heady power. 

Only when he began to shake did she realize how much it was costing him to hold back and give her this gift.

Releasing him, she stood and shucked off her jeans in record time.  Fire blazed in his eyes as she lowered herself down, impaling herself upon him with a throaty sigh of pleasure.

“Aidan,” she whispered, her hands splayed across his chest.  “Is this okay?”

His hands gripped her about the hips as he began to thrust slowly from beneath.  “Perfect.”

Mary kept her eyes locked on his face, committing to visual memory every subtle nuance of those beautiful features in the throes of passion.  They moved together seamlessly, a perfect dance of give and take.  The pleasure continued to build, but the apex was elusive.

“Aidan,” she pleaded.  “Please.”

Thankfully, he understood.  He lifted her slightly, then sat up and reseated her upon him.  She gasped as the new position pushed him even deeper.  His arms surrounded her; using his hands and hips, he moved her with him.  Mary’s head fell back as Aidan’s lowered and he nipped lightly at her neck.

It was exactly what she needed.  Soon she was back on the edge, ready to dive off the precipice.

“I love you, Mary,” he breathed as he gave one final thrust and buried himself deep.

“I love you, too, Aidan,” she cried, squeezing him tight as overwhelming bliss crashed over her.

Chapter Twenty

re you sure this is what you want?” Aidan asked one last time as they waited in the judge’s chambers. 

“Absolutely,” Mary assured him.  He looked so handsome in his black Brooks Brothers suit, the single white bud rose pinned to his lapel, borrowed from the small bouquet she carried.  She took a deep breath, inhaling the scents of leather, old books, and lemon oil.  Most women probably didn’t dream of getting married at the county courthouse, but the dark wood paneling and quiet solitude of the plush office was exactly what she wanted.   

Everything else about Aidan’s life was so big, so grand.  She wanted their vows to be just about them and nothing else, devoid of glitz and glamour and unlimited budgets.  It was a very simple, understated service.  The only music was the soft, classical satellite radio station playing in the background.  The only wedding photos were those taken on smartphones by those in attendance.

It seemed the perfect way to celebrate not only her wedding, but the fact that the last of her test results had come back and she was, at least for now, cancer free.  If it did return one day, she and Aidan would deal with it, together.  

The judge came in, dressed in her official black robes.  After greeting Aidan and Mary, she cast a dubious look at Max, who sat regally with a small satin pillow attached to his collar.

“Ring bearer, Your Honor,” Aidan explained. 

Andrew caught Mary’s eye and winked.  Beside her, Rebecca and Lexi tried (and failed) to hide their grins.  Ian’s cough sounded surprisingly like a laugh, and even Kane’s lips twitched a little.

Another benefit of having a civil ceremony – there wasn’t room for a lot of attendees. It would have been impossible to draw up a reasonable guest list had they done this anywhere else.  Unless she invited everyone in Birch Falls (and a decent amount from Pine Ridge), someone would have ended up feeling slighted. 

There, among the intimate group of friends and family, Mary and Aidan exchanged their vows, pledging to love, honor, and cherish each other for the rest of their natural lives.  They had already covered the part about “obeying” in detail the night before.  Aidan promised her many such lessons.  Mary was totally onboard with that.

“Are you happy?” Aidan whispered, entwining his fingers with hers.

“Beyond,” she answered truthfully.   

Before long, a limo was whisking them to the airport.  For their honeymoon, they were going to spend a few weeks at the Harrison family’s private getaway in the Caribbean.  Thankfully, there were no restrictions about dogs flying on a private jet, so Max came along (which earned Aidan bonus points).  Max had his very own comfortable doggy seat in the cabin, and while Aidan and Mary sipped champagne and nibbled hors d’oeuvres, was even treated to a few gourmet bones for his in-flight snack.

On the way, they stopped in Georgia upon Aidan’s request so that he could introduce Mary to his parents.  He’d already called and told them about the wedding.  From the side of the conversation she could hear – namely, Aidan’s responses – they were taking it rather well. 

“Stop worrying,” Aidan told her uselessly.  “They are going to love you.”

She smiled and nodded, but she wasn’t convinced.  She loved Aidan with all of her heart, but he
a bit biased.  Then again, his refusal to accept any other possibility was probably the same mentality that had made him such a success in everything else.  The man had some serious skills when it came to persuasion (namely his fingers, lips, and tongue), and by the time they landed, she could almost believe him.

At least until their chauffeur-driven limo turned into the private drive.  It wasn’t a driveway.  It was a

The car continued on for several long minutes, during which time Mary’s anxiety grew.  They passed acres and acres of beautifully landscaped grounds before the residence finally came into view.  The grandeur of the stately southern mansion was a bit numbing.  After exiting from the limo, she could only stop and stare.

The three stories of gleaming architectural perfection took her breath away.  The ground level consisted of a series of columns and archways.  The second and third floors had balconies that ran the entire length of the structure.  Stunning blooms and ancient trees provided bursts of color amongst the perfectly trimmed shrubbery.

Even Max seemed overwhelmed.  He sat at Mary’s feet, staring at the place with interest.

“Breathe, Mary,” Aidan commanded, entwining their fingers together.  Warmth flooded through her from the point of contact.  As always, he knew exactly what she needed.

“It’s so... big,” she said.

Aidan chuckled.  “Yeah, I guess it is.”

“I feel like there should be a movie crew around here or something,” she said, glancing around.  “This looks like something right out of
The North and the South

“It’s just a house, Mary.”

She half-laughed, half-snorted in her nervousness.  “Just a house?  Yeah, and the Goddess is just another restaurant.”

Aidan led her inside, but it did nothing to quell her anxiety.  The interior was even more impressive than the exterior.  Intricately carved hardwoods framed the massive entranceway, and the floor was a complex pattern of white and gold tile.  Through another archway, Mary spotted a pair of curved staircases leading to a second level.

“It is good to have you home, sir.”  Mary turned to find an older gentlemen in a dark suit standing ramrod straight, but the affection in his eyes was genuine.  Her first thought was that he was Aidan’s father, but a father wouldn’t call his son “sir”, would he?  Then she realized he was probably a butler and her anxiety ratcheted up again.  Who had a butler?

“It is good to be home,” Aidan said, smiling.  “Samuel, this is my wife, Mary, and our dog, Max.”

The older man smiled as he took one of Mary’s hands between his.  “Delighted to meet you, Mary.”  He turned to Aidan.  “She is even more beautiful than you led us to believe,” he said with a wink.

“Watch him, Mary.  Samuel is the epitome of the charming Southern gentlemen.”

“You are too kind, sir,” the older man said, but Mary could tell he was pleased.

Any worries she had about Max being a problem quickly faded when Samuel reached down and gave Max a good scratch behind the ears.  “He looks just like Rhett.”

“Rhett?” Mary asked.  “As in Rhett Butler?”

Aidan looked slightly embarrassed.  “It was Rebecca’s idea.  She was obsessed with
Gone With the Wind
when we were kids.”

* * *

our rooms have been prepared, if you would care to freshen up.”

“Absolutely,” Aidan said, his eyes carefully watching his new bride.  Mary seemed to be handling everything quite well, but her wider-than-normal eyes and surreptitious glances gave her away.  She’d had the same look the first time he’d taken her to his condo – an adorable mix of awe and panic.  And, just like then, an hour or two alone would provide exactly the distraction he needed.

“It’s all real, isn’t it?” Mary murmured a short while later, running her index finger along the vein of gold in the black marble vanity of his private bathroom.  Aidan slipped his arms around her waist and kissed her temple.  “What is?”

“You.  The Goddess.  This house.  Your family.  All of it.”

“Yes.”  Standing behind her, he untucked her blouse and lifted it up over her head.  He looked at their reflection in the mirror, murmuring his approval of her white satin bra.  “This is lovely, but it’s got to go.”

A flick of his long fingers, and the clasp was undone.  He peeled back the cups and replaced them.  Within seconds her nipples began to peak and harden as he plumped and tweaked.  “My hands are full.  Slip that skirt over your hips, will you?”

Mary obeyed, without hesitation.  “Mmmmm, a matching set,” he observed.  “Very nice.” 

One hand remained on her breast, the other slipped down into her panties.  With a few swirls of his fingers she was leaning against him, moving her hips against his hand.  He allowed it.  Had they been at home, he might have drawn things out, but he wanted her boneless and sated as quickly as possible.

“What if they don’t like me?” she managed. 

“They’ll love you.”

“But I’m not part of this world, Aidan.”

He paused in his ministrations until she met his eyes in the mirror.  “Yes, you are, Mary.  You are mine, and everything I have is now yours.”

It was true.  Aidan had refused to consider a prenuptial agreement, despite his lawyers’ objections.  Even Mary had suggested it more than once, but his mind was made-up.  Mary was his
and as such, was entitled.

Most women would have been thrilled by that, but not Mary.  “What if they think I just married you for your money?”

He nipped the tender skin along the curve of her neck.  “You didn’t.”

“Well of course not.  But - ”

“Enough.  The only ‘but’ I care to explore is this one right here.”  He punctuated that statement with a light smack on her behind, then followed with some heavy, petting caresses.  “You have a lovely ass, Mary.  Looking at it makes me want to do wicked, wicked things.”

His gazed flicked to the mirror again, just in time to see the heat flare in her eyes.  A moment later her panties were down around her ankles and he was pressing her upper back toward the vanity.  “Christ, Mary, do you have any idea what you do to me?”

Aidan unfastened his pants, and without bothering to remove them, plunged inside her.  “Mine, all mine,” he chanted.  “Say it, Mary.  Say you belong to me.”

“I belong to you,” she agreed breathlessly. 

He pulled almost all the way out and paused.  “And I belong to you.  Say it.”

“And you belong to me.”

He thrust into her again until he was fully engulfed, then retreated.  “Everything else is trivial.”

“Everything else is trivial.”

He rewarded her with several more thrusts, angling himself for the deepest penetration.  When he felt her growing close to her peak, he pulled out and lifted her onto the sink so they were face to face.  “Look at me, Mary.  Tell me you love me, and that nothing else matters.”

Her big brown eyes locked onto his, filled with so much love his chest nearly burst from the joy of it.  Her hands snaked around his neck even as her legs encircled his hips, drawing him closer.  “I love you, Aidan Harrison, and nothing else matters.”

Aidan’s lips crushed against hers as he slipped back inside and began to move with thorough, possessive strokes.  They reached their peak together.  Aidan held her close to him, soaking in the wonder of his

“That was amazing,” she crooned against his chest.

“Glad you liked it.  Are you ready to meet the parents?”

Mary kissed beneath his jaw.  “After that, I’m ready for anything.  But you know, this would be so much easier if you were a regular guy.”

a regular guy,” Aidan chuckled, remembering Lexi’s words.  “I just happen to be an insanely wealthy, powerful one, too.”

* * *

inner was far easier than she had imagined.  Evan and Dione Harrison made her feel instantly at ease.  Despite Aidan’s constant assurances, Mary hadn’t known what to expect.  Prior to meeting Aidan, she had never dealt with anyone quite so wealthy. 

She knew that Aidan loved her, but what would his family think of her?  Would they be disappointed that he hadn’t chosen a woman of similar socioeconomic standing?  One that hadn’t come from such humble beginnings?

As it turned out, she had worried for nothing.  Aidan’s mother was a lovely, gracious woman.  Aidan and Rebecca obviously favored her.  With her delicate, exotic features and perfect bronze skin, Mary could easily picture her swathed in white and gold, holding court in some ancient Grecian temple.

Evan Harrison was every bit as smooth and charming as his son.  There was a great deal of love and respect between the two men, as evidenced by the way they interacted.  Aidan’s father literally beamed when he told Aidan how proud he was of him, and Mary could have sworn the man had tears in his eyes when he hugged her and welcomed her into the family. 

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