Bound (7 page)

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Authors: Elisabeth Naughton

BOOK: Bound
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He wasn’t sure. All he knew was that they’d been walking for about three hours, and the rope was starting to seriously piss him off. As was the fact no one—not even the Amazons—seemed to like to talk. Their thoughts he could hear, but he’d stopped focusing on those about thirty minutes into their trek because they weren’t telling him anything that would help his situation. It was mostly meanderings about hunting and skinning deer, concerns about their food supply and speculations about the size of his dick.

They might not be interested in men, but they obviously still thought about them.

His mind spiraled to what kind of ‘agenda’ Natasa had, and where the hell they were really heading.

Ahead, Ilithyia drew to a stop and held up her forearm. As a unit, the others halted and raised their weapons. Titus was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t realize they’d stopped until he slammed into Natasa’s back and nearly knocked them both down.

She grunted, pushed against him until he stumbled back a step, then glared over her shoulder.

A smile worked its way across Titus’s mouth. She was gorgeous pissed. That flame red hair fanning out around her, the flare of heat in her eyes. He bet her skin was hot right now. Hot and soft and so damn alluring he wanted to feel it against him. Everywhere.

“A garrison,” Ilithyia whispered in a harsh tone. “Spread out.”

The Amazons moved with lightning speed, disappearing into the forest as if they’d never been there. Natasa tugged on the rope bound to Titus’s wrists and quickly pulled him into a dense copse of trees.

Darkness surrounded him. He tripped over a downed limb, bumping into Natasa again, only this time she didn’t seem to mind. She grasped him by the shoulders, whipped him around and shoved him up against the trunk of a tree the size of a house. Then she plastered her body to his and whispered, “Shh.”

Titus’s adrenaline surged. This close he could smell the lemon scent of her skin. Could feel the heat radiating from beneath her clothes. Blood rushed to his groin, messing with his thoughts.
Focus. Control
. To try to keep his brain on line so he wouldn’t give away their location, he looked over her head at the trees around them.

The small area was more like a cave than a forest. The spruce so densely clustered, their limbs were devoid of needles. The packed groundcover told him some kind of animal had recently bedded down in here, and the foliage on the outside of the tree-lined circle was thick enough to block whatever lay beyond.

Footsteps pounded in the forest. Muffled voices reached their ears. Titus tried to focus on the words and thoughts of those around them, but Natasa’s rapid breath drew his attention. And the way she gripped his sleeves tighter in her fingers, the way her heart raced next to his drowned out all other sound.

Instinct overcame reason. He lifted his bound wrists over her head, slid them down her back so his arms were tight around her. She didn’t protest. If anything, she moved closer into the strength of his body. And yeah, she was warm—like he expected—but the tremble that rushed through her told him she wasn’t quite as confident as she’d seemed earlier.

He lowered his mouth close to her ear, only just missed brushing her lobe with the tip of his nose. “Whatever’s out there…I’ll protect you.”

She stilled against him, then slowly tilted her head back to look up. Heat radiated from her hands pressing into his sides, from her breasts resting against his leather chest plate. He wished he’d taken off the formal gear earlier in the forest. Wished right now they were naked, skin to skin, so he could see if she felt as good against him in other places. Wanted, more than anything, for her to rise up on her toes and press those plump, tender lips against his so he could know what it was like to be kissed again.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been kissed. Couldn’t remember what it felt like to press his mouth to someone else’s, to taste their essence on his tongue. Couldn’t remember how good it must feel to get lost in nothing but warm, blissful wetness.

She’d be all three, he bet. Not just in her mouth, but between her legs, where he ached to touch her, skin to skin.

“You can’t protect me,” she whispered. “No one can.”

The finality to her words slowed his racing heart and brought his focus up to her eyes. They were so green, so fathomless, he wondered if he could see her soul. But they were also haunted. By a fear he sensed was the root of who she really was.

Her panic attack back at the colony whipped through his mind. Followed by the way she’d run from him in Argolea. He had no doubt whoever or
was out there was here because of her.

“Who’s hunting you?”

Her gaze slid from his eyes to his lips, where it hovered, jacking his already overheated body temperature up another five degrees. For the first time in his life, he wanted to know the thoughts of another. Then she licked her lips, like she wanted to take her own sinful taste, and all that supreme control he’d mastered during his lifetime flew right through the trees. His cock swelled beneath his fly until need consumed him.

Kiss me. Gods, just kiss me

“Natasa?” Ilithyia’s rang out.


Natasa lurched back, her one panicked thought slicing through the sexual haze. But Titus’s arms were still bound around her, and she didn’t get far.

She struggled to break free, and amusement stole through him. He might not be able to read her thoughts clearly, he might wrestle with her expressions, but he recognized body language. She wanted him. Maybe not as much as he wanted her, but enough.

She jerked out from under his arms and smoothed her hair. Then held up a finger and shot him a look. “Not a word.”

A broad smile spread across his face. Yeah, he’d discover who she was for Argonauts. He’d uncover what she was running from and figure out a way to protect her for her. But he was going to have her for himself. Screw the consequences and whatever was keeping him from feeling her emotions. For the first time in over a hundred years, he wanted something just for
. And he wasn’t going to walk away until he had his fill. No matter what happened next.

“They’re gone,” Ilithyia called. “We move on.”

Natasa’s chest rose and fell with her deep breaths. Color stained her cheeks. Heat all but rolled off her in waves. “Come on,” she snapped. “And stay quiet. Don’t make me hurt you.

“Hurt me,
ligos Vesuvius
. I want you to.”

She narrowed her eyes. “You’re playing with fire, Argonaut.”

Warmth flooded every single vein in his body. This was about to get a whole lot more interesting. “I can’t wait to get burned.”


* * *


Natasa’s adrenaline surged as they neared the compound. She was walking a fine line here. She didn’t want to do anything to piss off Ilithyia any more than she already had. The Amazon already didn’t like her. And being caught with an Argonaut wasn’t improving her situation.

Stay focused. Remember why you’re here. Remember what’s at stake

Behind her, Titus shuffled over a rock, and his shoulder bumped hers. Awareness trickled through, reminding her of that moment with him in the trees. When he’d looked at her as if he’d wanted to kiss her. When she’d considered—for one insanely stupid moment—rising on her toes and kissing him back.

Kissing him?
him? She was seriously losing it if she was considering getting more involved with the hero.

Damn him for following her. Damn her for being so enticed by him. If she hadn’t flirted with him on that stupid castle wall—if she hadn’t
saved his life
then—they wouldn’t be in this mess right now. Marching toward something that could end very badly for both of them if she didn’t keep her wits about her.

Son of a bitch, she should be going after Epimetheus, not screwing around with an Argonaut.

“You’re being cryptically quiet,
ligos Vesuvius

Ligos Vesuvius
… Did she
like a little volcano? Her irritation jumped another notch. “And you would be wise to take a cue from my silence.”

That irritating, alluring smile spread across his lips again. “You want me. I know you do.”

It was all she could do to keep from stopping, whipping around and telling him just what kind of trouble
him had gotten her into. What it was getting
into. But knowing eyes were watching, and if she had any chance of getting out of this mess, she couldn’t draw any more attention. She settled for jerking hard on the rope and smiling at the sound of him grunting at her back.

A whistle echoed through the trees. Ahead, Ilithyia held up her forearm again, bringing the group to a halt. The Amazons lifted their weapons, their gazes scanning the forest. Titus’s gaze darted up, and hers followed. Nothing but tree trunks and canopy as far as the eye could see.

She hated this damn forest. She always got turned around in here. If it weren’t for the sentries who guarded the compound and sent scouts into the old-growth trees, she’d never find her way back.

Ilithyia whistled an answering tune. Silence descended; then an echoing song came from the branches ahead.

“Come,” Ilithyia announced.

“Let me guess,” Titus muttered. “‘It’s A Small World.’”

Natasa had no idea what he was rambling about, but her irritation kicked up again. She jerked on the rope and whispered, “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

“That depends,” he said close to her ear. Closer than she liked. His breath, like a whisper of fresh air, ran over her nape, under the collar of her shirt, sending a shiver down her spine. “On what you’ll do to save me next time.”

She swallowed hard. Fought back the arousal just being close to him fired off deep inside. “Don’t be so confident I can. Knowing my luck, I’ll probably be strung up with you.”

The humor fled from his features. He shot a look at the Amazons ahead, then chanced a glance at those behind. “Where are they taking us?”

“Someplace hostile. Whatever you do, try to stay close to me. Go along with what I say. And for gods’ sake, don’t be funny. They don’t do funny. Especially not from men.”

“You think I’m funny?”

Good gods, he was…frustrating and arousing and sexy as hell, all at the same time.

She was in

Two ropes dropped from the canopy with a thud that echoed through the forest. Their group came to a halt. Ilithyia grasped the ropes and turned, holding them out to Natasa with a smug expression. “Guests first.”

The two-by-four tied to the end of each rope formed a plank wide enough for both her and Titus to stand side by side. But it wasn’t the wood that concerned her. It was what waited above.

She tugged Titus up next to her. “Here. And hold on.”

His gloved fingers closed around the rope to his left. Natasa did the same to the one on the right. The ropes tightened against her palm, and then the plank lifted, drawing them toward the canopy like birds in flight.

Her stomach lurched. She clenched her teeth and tried not to look at the ground disappearing below, the foliage rushing by way too fast. She hated heights. Hated that her life had been reduced to this. To relying on others. To making deals with people she should leave well enough alone. To siding with Amazons, of all people.

The foliage separated, and the hidden tree city of Antiope came into view. At her side, Titus muttered, “Holy Hades.”

“Not quite,” she said under her breath. “And don’t mention him here either. His son is sort of a sore subject. In fact, don’t mention anything. It’ll be better for both of us if you just keep your mouth shut.”

“What the hell are you doing with a bunch of Amazons?”

Natasa had asked herself that numerous times. But thankfully, she didn’t have a chance to answer. Two sentries standing on the platform reached for the swing and pulled it forward.

Natasa jumped off the plank. Titus did the same. His hands were still bound in front of him, but there was no reason to lead him by the rope anymore. She let it fall to her feet. While he turned a slow circle and took in the city for the first time, she tried to see it from his point of view.

The Amazons were impressive with their hands. She had to give them that. Decks ran around tree trunks. Canvas tents formed houses. Rope ladders connected structure to structure, and everywhere you looked, the workings of a well-disciplined race could be seen as they went about their daily duties caring for both young and old, cooking food, sharpening weapons, living far above those who had no idea they were even there.

“Nymphs.” Awe reverberated through Titus’s voice. Several close by turned and stared his way. “Not just Amazons. Where are the men?”

“We don’t need men,” the guard to his left said, shoving him forward. He stumbled but caught his balance. She was Titus’s height, dressed in the same camo gear as Ilithyia’s squad, but Natasa knew from personal experience that Smyrna could be malicious. To the other guard, Smyrna barked, “Take him to the cage.”

Oh, I don’t think so
. Natasa stepped in their way. “He’s my prisoner. Not yours, and not Aella’s.”

Smyrna turned her venomous stare Natasa’s way, but Natasa held her ground. She and Aella had worked out a deal. And she wasn’t about to be intimidated by this brute. She lifted her chin and looked toward the other guard. “Take him to my tent.”

The second guard glanced from Smyrna to Natasa and back again, as if unsure what to do. Long seconds passed in silence. Thankfully, this time, Titus kept his mouth shut.

Smyrna finally gave a curt nod to the other guard.

The guard grasped Titus at the arm and tugged. He looked back at Natasa with a
what the hell
? expression. Natasa’s adrenaline peaked while he was led away. She just hoped to gods he didn’t say anything that would make the situation worse.

When he was gone, Smyrna used her height advantage and leaned over Natasa, a move clearly designed to intimidate. “Aella will hear about this.”

Natasa’s back tightened. She had no doubt the queen of the Amazons would hear about it from Smyrna, from Ilithyia, from every single Amazon they’d come across. The question was, what the hell was Natasa going to tell her?

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