Bound by Lust (4 page)

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Authors: Shanna Germain

BOOK: Bound by Lust
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I licked his lips.
Dev held my leash loosely as Freda led her pet round to my head. Standing, his cock was on a level with my mouth. His pubic hair was shaved down to a tight stubble, and his genitals, in their harness and rings, looked magnificent.
“Lick him,” ordered Freda, tugging his cock on its chain and bringing him a step closer, right to my lips.
I was aware of people gathering around us to watch.
He had a truly beautiful cock, strong and straight and smooth, framed against thighs and a stomach like polished walnut. The glans-ring yanked it to full vertical, allowing me unrestricted access to the underside of the shaft and to his balls. That's where I started licking him. My mouth wasn't dry any more, but watering with hunger. He tasted good too—completely different from Dev, but just as yummy: masculine and musky with a hint of sandalwood soap. I could feel the heat surge through his shaft as I licked, filling it. He grunted in appreciation and pressed forward, rubbing his cock all over
my face, hefting his scrotum so I could lick that too. I wasn't sucking tonight: dogs don't suck. I was all tongue as I worked my way from that big pouch hanging below, right up to the tip of his glans where a clear teardrop of pre-cum awaited me.
“Step back,” said Freda, as it burned on my pouting lips. Victor shifted out of my reach, and she unclipped the chain from his glans-ring. The angle of his thick shaft didn't drop at all; he was at full and straining erection now. I heard a sigh of anticipation run through the circle around us. Dev ran his fingers down my spine. Reaching into the cleft of her awesome cleavage, Freda extracted a condom. She tore the wrapper open with her teeth, then skinned it onto her pet with swift grace and something near a flourish. Patting him on the ass, she instructed, “Take her, Rex.”
He walked round behind me, harness jingling with each step. The crowd shifted, following him with their eyes, but I looked up at Dev. He cupped my chin in his hand. His eyes were shining, his throat glossed with perspiration. “Good girl.”
I expected Victor to mount me straight away, but he put his big hands on my butt-cheeks and spread them. I knew my smooth pink crack and my flushed pussy were completely open to him. Then he took me by surprise, because he stooped and licked me, all the way up from my clit to my anus. I squealed and he did it again, burrowing his face in hard, sucking my swollen sex-lips, lapping and licking and slurping until I was dizzy with shock, then squirming his tongue into the tight clench of my back entrance. I'm a screamer: I can't keep quiet. I certainly wasn't quiet here. My squeals and cries rose like a musical scale. I arched my back and threw my head up and down. Yet in the middle of all that noise and chaos I felt completely safe, because Dev was holding my collar and keeping an eye on every move Victor made.
Only when he'd tasted me and opened me thoroughly did my big stud dog kneel up behind me on the leatherette and slap his cock against my pussy. I sank my shoulders down, presenting my ass good and high for him. His palm smacked my right butt-cheek with a crack like a starting pistol, and I felt his thick cockhead mash into the complex wetness of my sex. He pushed, trying to find an angle. But it took Freda's hands to guide him in, spreading my inner labia safely out of the target zone.
“Whoa,” he said through gritted teeth; “you're tight, little bitch.”
I groaned, half in pleasure, half in dismay.
“There,” Freda chided, and reached underneath me. I felt her nails score my mons before her fingers settled on my clit. Oh, that felt good: that big cock inside my bitch cunt, and her expert caress on the button of my arousal. There was no more fear and no more discomfort, despite his considerable girth. Slowly at first, gaining confidence in my ability to take it, he powered into my slippery hole with thrust after thrust until his balls were slapping against my pussy. He filled me and reshaped me and gripped me tight, his fingers biting into my hips and ass, his thighs drumming against me. I could feel the whine of need inside me growing to a great howl.
Twisting, I rammed my head against Dev's pelvis, rubbing my face across his crotch. The thick rubber of his kilt stopped his erection from showing to the outside world, but I could feel the hard knot of his cock against my cheek. I licked at the rubber, tasting talc, panting.
“Please!” I squealed, forgetting my role. “Please!”
Suddenly galvanized, he tugged frantically at one buckled strap after another. Victor's cock was like a hammer pounding inside me. Dev made an opening big enough to pop his dick out into view, and I fell upon it with my mouth, sucking it deep into
my throat. The more Victor thrust and Freda rubbed, the deeper I could take Dev. I didn't need to breathe. I didn't need to think. I only had one goal—and in minutes I was there. I screamed around Dev's cock as my orgasm exploded.
That was enough for Dev. He let loose down my throat, pumping his cream into me, filling my mouth so that I choked and snorted and guzzled it all down, like the greedy little bitch I am. Victor rammed harder and harder into the burning glow of my meltdown.
“Stop now,” said Freda, stepping back. “Pull out.” Without hesitation, Victor pushed away from me, leaving a gaping void in my life.
“Hands behind your head.”
I swallowed the last of Dev's cum and looked behind me, shocked. Victor stood with arms up, staring into space, his face twisted with frustration, his skin gleaming with sweat. He must have been right on the brink; his cock was a great glistening spear thrust out before him. But he was a true sub: far more obedient than any dog would have been.
“That'll do. Follow me.” Freda looked over at Dev. “I hope his service satisfied.”
“Very much so. Thank you.” Dev was short of breath but admirably collected as he tucked his cock out of sight.
Freda nodded graciously and then turned away, unsheathing her riding whip. Victor followed in her footsteps as she led him toward the playroom and the punishment that was his reward. There was a scattering of nervous applause as the circle of watchers made way. Many moved to follow. They wanted to see.
I let my legs collapse under me. “Poor dog,” I whispered.
“She wants him to last out the night.” Dev bent and embraced me, sliding one arm beneath my thighs, plucking me from the bench. I curled up against his chest, licked his ear, then kissed
him. I knew he liked to taste his own cum on my lips.
“I love you, Master.”
“Was it good, Princess?”
“Very good, Master. Very very good. Thank you.”
“You were fucking incredible. Just beautiful.” He kissed my hair and carried me across the room, to the comfortable seat and the water I suddenly desperately needed. Snuggling up in his lap, I felt Dev's hand slip between my thighs, exploring the gape of my used sex. As he pressed my clit I groaned, shifting against him.
“What?” he growled. “More?”
“What does it say on my tag, Master? You know me.”
“I do. You're my naughty little bitch.”
“Yes Master.” I brushed my lips against his. “All yours.”
Donna George Storey
First Workout
wish I'd never been with any other man but you.”
“No, you don't.”
Josh had a provocative habit of telling me what to think.
I rolled onto my stomach to look at him straight on. His eyes were a bewitching velvety brown, the lashes as thick as the ones you can buy at the drugstore.
“I do,” I insisted.
“You don't,” he repeated.
“I do. It's so damned hot with you. The others were just a waste of time. Pathetic, really, what I thought sex was.”
He smiled. “See, you have a point of comparison. Otherwise, no matter how hot it was with me, you'd always wonder.”
I snuggled close and rested my head on his shoulder. My hand wandered under the sheets to his thick cock, which was
already stiffening for another inning of our double-header—an all-day fuckfest with stretch time for brunch and dinner. What else did we have to do on a stormy February Sunday?
“I really do wish I could wipe the memories clean away, not just from my mind, but from my body, too. Then you'd be my first and my best.”
“I don't think that's possible,” Josh said lazily. His hand had moved to my breast and was doing very pleasant things to my nipple.
My throat suddenly felt tight and dry. The way it always did when I was about to suggest we try something perverse in bed. “Maybe there is something we could do. Once…back in college…I let a boy come on my breasts, and he rubbed it all over. Then he wanted me to suck his fingers clean. He didn't even bother to make me come afterward. I still feel ashamed to think about that, but maybe if we do it the right way, with mutual pleasure, then I'll be free. Like a cleansing ritual.”
Josh's fingers froze mid-pinch—had I shocked him?—but the way his cock twitched in my grip told me the idea turned him on, too.
After a long moment he said, “You know, Erin, I don't like to do things halfway.”
I felt a funny, sexy flutter in my belly. “What do you mean?” “I mean that there might be things we could do to wipe away those memories from your body. Or rather to train you so that every part of your erotic response belongs to me. But be forewarned, if you consent to my spring training program, you'll never be able to go back to having sex with another man. No other hands, lips, or cock will ever fully satisfy you again.”
I shivered at the finality of his words, but all the things he said would happen were already true. “Let's start right now.”
He laughed. “Give me time to come up with my coaching
plan. Believe me, I'll be pushing you to the limit. But your intriguing proposal will be a fine warm-up for today. I will jerk off on your tits and smear my spunk all over, then make you clean me up with your tongue like a cat. And then I will most definitely make you come. But first you're going to suck me better than you've ever sucked a man before. You're going to take me deep into your throat to a place no dick has ever penetrated. Even if you're gagging, even if tears are streaming down your face from the effort, you're going to keep doing it, because you want me to own every inch of you.”
Tears had already sprung to my eyes, but they had nothing to do with sadness or pain. My whole body was buoyed up with a feeling I could only describe as joy.
“Say you want to do it, Erin. That will be our contract.”
“I want…I want every inch of my body to belong to you.”
He jerked his chin downward. “Then let's get on with it.”
Obediently I slithered under the covers and crouched beside his thighs. I'd never been so physically excited at the mere thought of taking a man into my mouth.
Suck me better than you've ever sucked a man before.
Pulse racing, my pussy juices coating my thighs, I opened my lips wide and bent to do his bidding.
I had a feeling it was only going to get better from here.
Week Three
The first Saturday in March found me sitting on Josh's cock, naked except for a Giants' World Series Champions baseball cap perched at a jaunty angle on my head.
“One, two, three, four, five…and release,” he chanted.
I squeezed my secret muscles around him as hard as I could.
“Again,” he said.
“I'm not sure I can keep doing this.”
“Don't stop believing, Erin.”
I took a deep breath and did another set, grimacing with the effort. He'd had me “working out” around his cock for ten minutes—butterfly flutters, progressive clenches, and now the extended holds. My whole lower half was pulsing and achy with lust.
But Josh apparently had his mind on my athletic development.
“We'll take a short break. Get some water.”
I reached for the water bottle he had ready on his nightstand and sucked down a mouthful of cool liquid.
“You definitely feel stronger down there. Did you practice twice a day this week?”
“Yes,” I answered proudly. “Even though you were on that business trip and neglected your girlfriend terribly.”
“I'll make it up to you. But don't change the subject. Did you get sore?”
“Not as much as the first week.”
He nodded smugly. “When we get you in proper shape, you'll have a brand new pussy. Strong and responsive and molded to my cock like it was custom made for me.”
I giggled.
He tilted his head appraisingly. “So when you did your exercises while I was away, did you play with yourself afterward?”
My smile faded. I figured he jerked off when he was traveling, why couldn't I do the same? “Well, not every time.”
“But sometimes?”
I nodded, but he didn't need to know the rest—that I actually succumbed to temptation every evening and most mornings.
Josh hooked his finger under my chin so I was forced to meet his eyes. “Don't misunderstand me. I like it that you're so horny you can't keep your fingers out of your panties. But I need to
know—for training purposes—do you put something in your vagina when you masturbate?”
This was getting pretty personal. “Not often,” I stuttered.
“What do you mean by that? Once a week? Once a month?”
I'd joked with guys about such things in the past, but I'd never talked so openly about the
“Erin, come on. You're not just giving me your body. I want you to show me everything—your mind, your history, your fantasies.”
“Well, I tried putting a…oh, god this is embarrassing…a zucchini inside a few times, but it felt too naughty. Like I might ruin myself or be imprisoned for abusing innocent vegetables.” I gave him a mischievous smile.

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