Bound by Wish and Mistletoe (Highland Legends, Book 1.5) (19 page)

BOOK: Bound by Wish and Mistletoe (Highland Legends, Book 1.5)
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Six days later


Susanna nestled further back into her seat. Robert growled into her ear as he hardened further beneath her. He tightened his arms around her, rendering her immobile. “Hold still, lass.”

She smiled and wiggled her hips in defiance.

His lips brushed over the shell of her ear and paused with a gentle kiss. The low timbre of his threat followed. “Doona tempt me. I’ve half a mind to drag you upstairs the next time you move.”

“Only half a mind?” she teased.

His arms tightened, and she froze.

“Fine. I concede.” She turned her head back, glancing at him. “For now.”

His deep chuckle rumbled through her back. “I do enjoy your spirit, woman.”

A sudden squeal of joy erupted across from them. Susanna settled back into Robert’s arms and watched as Isobel pulled the wrapping from her present.

The Christmas tree sparkled, the tiny candles in glass jars dangling from its branches causing all the silver ornaments to flicker with light. Susanna’s gaze fell beneath the tree, which had somehow exploded with presents overnight; linen and silk wrapped shapes with red and gold bows reached up into the branches and overflowed onto the wooden floor.

The mysterious dark angel stood in the far corner of the room, a smug look on his face, his arms crossed over his broad bare chest. Susanna wasn’t sure if her eyes played tricks on her—after the amazing revelations Robert had shared over the last few days, she’d likely always trust her eyesight—but she swore a slight smile twitched at the corners of his mouth. Intuition told her the angel was responsible for the appearance of the presents, at least in part.

Isobel turned fully toward the angel. “My Kindle? With...a solar charger?”

The tops of his massive wings rose with his impassive shrug. “How else would you read it here?”

Iain snatched it from her hand.

Isobel growled. “That’s my present. Get your own.”

“You keep this only on the condition that the
electronic item in the thirteenth century
is merely borrowed. And read in private. And kept under lock and key.”

Isobel gave her husband a deadpan expression. “Really. That’s what you want to lock up? Leave your study door wide open, inviting the whole world in to snoop around the magick of this place, but you want to lock up my coveted romance library?”

Iain tugged her down onto his lap, and Isobel fell back awkwardly. “I’ll give you all the romance you will ever need, woman.”

“But I can keep it?” she asked him.

“On well-guarded loan,” he reiterated. “The magick of the castle may not be historically known, but I won’t allow a technological advancement to remain here, in an improper time period, for long.”

Isobel grinned broadly as Susanna witnessed the puzzling exchange along with everyone else. The meaning of what they talked about escaped her, but she was growing accustomed to learning things in bits and pieces with all of the wonders within
Brodie Castle.

“Thank you, Skorpius,” Isobel chimed out in sing-song.

Another shrug lifted the angel’s black wings. His eyes had locked onto Brigid, who seemed to be doing her best to ignore his presence.

Isobel smirked. “It’s official. I’m done with Cupid. I’m now calling you Santa Claus.”

Skorpius’s iridescent blue-green eyes rolled toward the ceiling and stayed there as he sighed. “Delightful. Of course you are.”

Iain laughed at the angel’s last remark, the deep sound filling the room. Everyone joined in, the joy in the room contagious.

Only members of Iain’s immediate family were here during the early hours of the Christmas morning. Isobel and Iain were nearest the tree. Gawain, acting thoroughly bored, yet watching everyone, sat on the other side of Brigid. Susanna and Robert were present by default due to their living within the keep, but she suspected by her husband’s closeness with Laird Iain, that they were more like family than friends.

To Susanna’s surprise, two small children wearing linen gowns crept up barefooted beside Brigid’s chair. Both of them had long, blond curls. One looked to be a boy perhaps, but she couldn’t tell for certain. Susanna glanced at Robert, wondering why in all the days she’d been here, she hadn’t noticed any wee ones wandering about the keep, yet here two were. They looked no older than four summers, one standing a bit taller than the other.

A fleeting memory teased her mind. Brigid in the dark corridor on Susanna’s wedding night, upset about Skorpius vanishing, and someone else...
and the children.

“Lady Brigid?”
The little girl rested her tiny hand on Brigid’s forearm.

Brigid turned, shock registering over her face. “Connell! Gunna!
” She sprung out of her chair and wrapped her arms around the children, lifting them into the air as all three squealed.

...” Isobel said. “Santa Claus.”

Susanna glanced back toward the angel, but he’d disappeared. She tightened her grip around Robert’s arms, and he gave her a tight squeeze while resting his lips against the shell of her ear.

She hummed as warmth spread from a deep ache in her chest. “Robert, you’ve told me of Isobel’s travels through time and of the magick of your castle, with powerful, castle-hidin’ walls and the angels beyond them. But you dinna tell me the greatest magick was right here.” She nodded toward the family.

“Aye, lass. ’Tis not the greatest, though.”

“Nay?” she asked.

The loud excitement of the room drifted away as she focused on the warrior who held her. She shifted within his arms, turning sideways on his lap. His dark hair fell in a silken curtain around his face. A faded scar beside his left eyebrow beckoned her, and she kissed it softly. “What is the greatest magick?”

“’Tis a miracle, rather. That two people who’d given up hope of findin’ love in this world, collided together.” His warm breath whispered across her cheek.

She kissed him with reverent tenderness and closed her eyes. “Aye. ’Tis a miracle. ’Tis a wish granted. ’Tis a prayer answered.”

Robert dropped his forehead, resting it on hers. “Know one thing. If you never know another thing in this world to be true, know this now and forever, Susanna.”

He lifted his hands, sliding his fingers into her hair and cradling the back of her head. He held her with his strong arms wrapping around her, his kind heart emanating from his gentle actions, his voice dropping low, uttering the most powerful words.

“You are loved.”




I’ve been blessed to have numerous people provide me with insight and guidance during my journey as a writer. To all those who offered support, in gestures big and small, I thank you. A diverse team of people were directly involved in the making of this novel and are mentioned below; however, any errors within the published novel, whether existing there intentionally or not, are my errors alone.

First, deep appreciation goes to my dear friends, daily supporters, and spectacular beta readers, Heather, Misty, and Stone. Every contribution from the belly-aching laughs to the eye-opening critiques is treasured.

Enormous thanks goes to the entire editing team at Finish the Story for their stellar insight, expertise, and suggestions that helped transform Bound by Wish and Mistletoe into a sparkling diamond. I’d like to specifically mention Claire Ashgrove. Your dedication continues to amaze me, and I’m honored to be working with you.

Profound gratitude goes to my beloved husband, my most fervent supporter, my best friend, my advisor, my counselor…my everything. Thank you for making every day a grand adventure filled with love.

Thank you to all of my friends, fans, supporters, readers, reviewers, and bloggers. Your unending enthusiasm for reading my stories fuels my excitement to write them.





Highland Legends Series


Forged in Dreams and Magick

Bound by Wish and Mistletoe

Born of Mist and Legend

(Releasing in 2014)

Found in Flame and Moonlight

(Releasing in 2015)


Romantic Poetry for Charity


Utterly Loved

(Foreword by Sylvain Reynard)





Kat Bastion is an award-winning paranormal romance writer, poetic warrior, and eternal optimist who loves getting lost in the beauty of nature.


On a never-ending, wondrous path of self-discovery, Kat throws her characters into incredible situations with the hope that readers join her in learning more about the meaning of life and love.


Her first published work,
Utterly Loved
, was shared with the world to benefit others. All proceeds from
Utterly Loved
, and a portion of the proceeds from all her other books, support charities who help those lost in this world.


Kat lives with her husband amid the beautiful Sonoran Desert of Arizona.


Visit her blog at, her website at, and her Twitter account at for more information.




Want to read more of Isobel and Iain’s story?

Forged in Dreams and Magick



Curious about Brigid and Skorpius?

Look for
Born of Mist and Legend
coming in 2014.

A story guaranteed to rock the history books.


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