Bound For You: Men in Blue, Book 6 (20 page)

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Before he took his place behind them, he spun around and gave their apartment a double one-fingered salute while taking the last few steps backwards. Unfortunately, Julie had eagle eyes.

“Hey, Aunt Shari, why is Uncle Ben making unicorn puppets? Doesn’t he know we have to leave? I don’t want to stay.”

Ryan and Shari lost it. Cracking up, they waited for him to contort himself into the backseat of the truck next to his niece. The rest of the Men in Blue couldn’t keep a straight face either when she pretended to play along, fashioning her own unicorns to trot along the edge of her window at them.

Ben didn’t have the heart to tell her to stop. Not even when they pulled away with Lucas and Ellie following right behind them.

Every honk they earned from cars they passed on the way out of the city made Shari and Ryan snicker and snort. Julie giggled too, though she had no idea what was really going on.

It felt good to laugh.

To know that even after the awful things they’d endured, they were still capable of finding joy with each other.


wo days
after they’d retreated to Shari’s resort while the Men in Blue searched for the kidnapper, Ryan felt like someone had trapped him in a pressure cooker. If he didn’t do something to relieve the tension, he was going to explode. Just like the time they’d had one of the kitchen gadgets malfunction during his culinary institute days, it would probably cause a big enough detonation to rip a gaping hole in the roof at this point.

So he snuck into the bathroom and called Lucas. “Hey man, did you have a chance to put that stuff I asked for in the barn by the lake?”

“Yup. I even got Ellie in on it. She made it way prettier than I could have imagined. Romantic. You’re definitely going to get laid if you take your guy and girl over there.”

“Thanks, I owe you.”

“Want us to hang out with Julie right now? Ellie has some art supplies to keep her entertained.”

“Okay, seriously, I owe you two. Best future brother-in-law ever.”

“Don’t worry, this makes up for the times we’ve been late to your fancy dinner parties because I was busy banging your sister. Did you really believe we’d gotten three different flat tires this summer?”

“Willful ignorance. By the way, I owe you nothing. Get your ass over here, and don’t be

Lucas roared with laughter, something he hadn’t done much before Ellie had resurrected his sense of humor. Among other things. “Yes, sir.”

Ryan muttered to himself about filthy Special Forces super spies as he collected light jackets for himself, Shari, and Ben, then wandered into the living room around the same time Lucas knocked.

When he called, “Come in,” Lucas opened the door for Ellie as if he were a perfect gentleman.

What a crock of shit.

His sister’s cheeks blazed. Probably because she’d overheard her fiancé torturing Ryan with their sexual exploits.

“Aunt Ellie! Uncle Lucas!” Julie hopped up and skipped over to them. When she noticed the paintbrushes Ellie had in her hand, she squealed, “Are you going to teach me more art?”

“If you want me to.”

“Please. Please. Please.” Julie took her hand and led Ellie to the table. “I want to try flowers again. And maybe a kitty sitting in them this time. Aunt Shari told me there are a bunch of cats that live here in the barns. That’s
cool. I wish we could have a cat, but there are no pets allowed at our apartment.”

“Time for us to go, kids.” Ryan nudged Ben and Shari where they were cuddled together on the sofa.

Ben hadn’t left Julie’s side since they’d rescued her. He looked over his shoulder then back to Shari and Ryan at least seven times before he gulped and said, “Okay. Just for a quick walk or something, though, right?”

“Something. Right.” Ryan nodded.

“I’ve got this.” Lucas stood with his arms crossed, his legs spread, and his shoulders straight. Prosthetic foot or not, he could kick pretty much anyone’s ass. Add in the gun and knives they all knew the guy had hidden somewhere on his body, and Julie couldn’t be much safer.

“Come with me.” Ryan held a hand out to each of his lovers, thrilled when they took them and let him help them to their feet. He grabbed their jackets and eased their arms into the sleeves.

“It’s so cute when he dresses you,” Lucas ribbed, in rare form today.

After making sure Julie was engrossed in unpacking the supplies, Ryan shot the guy a “unicorn”.

Ben wandered over to Julie and finger combed her hair. “Will you be okay if we take a break for a bit?”

“You’re coming back, though, right?” she asked. “And Aunt Ellie and Uncle Lucas will be with me the whole time, right?”

“Right,” Ryan promised her.

“Then yep. Go outside and do your mushy stuff. Nobody wants to see all that kissing anyway.”

Ellie slapped a hand over her mouth and Lucas was already texting the rest of the Men in Blue a quote as notable as that, Ryan was sure.

“Uh. Okay then. We’ll be back soon.” Ben shook his head ruefully, having been summarily put in his place by a nine-year-old. Nothing new there.

“Who raised that girl?” Shari teased as they strolled down the porch steps, hand in hand.

“I think she’s kind of a brainiac.” Ryan shrugged. “It’s not like I was bringing you out here to play hopscotch.”

“Wait, you really were planning to seduce us?” Shari glanced up at him.

“Maybe. Why don’t we go check out that barn you told us about?”

“The booty shack?” She laughed. “Sure. Not much to see, though. It’s been empty for a while. Never really got used for what it was intended for.”

“Well, I’d rather use it for this than anything else, I think.” He grinned, practically dragging them to their destination when they didn’t move fast enough for his liking. Then again, they’d have to have been running at the speed of light to appease him.

When Ben did the honors, lifting the bar across the heavy wooden doors before throwing them open, even Ryan was impressed.

“Wow, Ry,” Shari gasped, clutching her hands to her chest.

A long whistle preceded Ben when he asked, “How the hell did you pull this off?”

“With a little help from our friends.” He took in the battery-powered LED lights wrapped around the posts and beams, the space heater chugging along to keep the place toasty, and plaid fleece blankets laid out over a thick bed of hay in one corner. Buckets of mums in full bloom surrounded the area with rich hues of maroon and mustard.

Okay, fine, maybe he would owe Lucas one. But only one.

They wandered closer to the center stage, and she whispered, “It’s beautiful.”

“Not nearly as stunning as you.” Ben stole the words out of Ryan’s thoughts. He didn’t mind.

Being that connected to someone, so in tune, amplified his attraction and his desire.

Ryan eased behind Shari, resting his hands on her waist. If he pulled her closer to him so that his cock nestled along her ass, well, who could blame him?

Approaching them slowly, like a predator on the hunt, Ben hummed as he took in the picture they made. He inched nearer until he stood toe to toe with Shari. Then he lifted his hands and clasped her face reverently between his palms, which swallowed her up.

“I’m going to do this right,” he whispered.

“So far, so good.” She shivered in Ryan’s hold as Ben came nearer. His lips hovered a hairsbreadth from hers as he simply stared into her eyes, letting her see the undeniable affection there.

Ryan couldn’t stand the anticipation another moment. He reached around them to slide his hand into the back pocket of Ben’s jeans. Then he yanked, eliminating any gaps between the three of them.

The sound Shari made was gratifying, and arousing. A cross between a whine and a sigh.

If his cock hadn’t already been straining against his zipper, it would have gone insta-hard when she lifted one arm behind her and clutched the back of his head. Her nails pressed into his scalp lightly, inflicting precisely the right amount of sensation.

He couldn’t resist.

Ryan lowered his face so that he could bury his nose in her soft hair and breathe deep before nudging the layers aside for access to her neck. He blew lightly to scatter a few remaining strands and was rewarded with a moan.

Ben sealed their mouths tighter as he swallowed it, then set about eliciting several more.

While Ben was busy savoring Shari’s kisses, Ryan set out to discover her most sensitive erogenous zones. As if he were conducting a search and rescue mission, he mapped each square inch of her neck with his lips and tongue.

When she shuddered and rocked her ass backward, into his groin, he figured he’d scored a direct hit. That place he suckled, applying light, fluttery motions of his tongue. He’d learned these techniques were often the most productive on women he served.

Shari was no exception.

She broke from Ben, gasping. “I could come just from this. Holy crap, you guys. Don’t stop.”

“I’d like to see that.” Ben scanned her flushed face before trailing his fingertips along her jaw, down her neck, and over her collarbone. “Ryan, get that shirt off her.”

“Yes, sir.” His balls ached as he gladly followed the direct order.

He took the hem in his hands and lifted, facilitated by Ben, who nudged her arms upward so he could peel the thing off in a single motion. Beneath, she wore a pretty pink lace bra that added to the impression of softness made by her pale skin. He imagined it would smell like baby powder and freshly fallen leaves.




“I swear you get more lovely every time I see you like this,” Ben muttered.

“Thank you.” She smiled.

Ryan couldn’t remember a time that she hadn’t shaken off their compliments. Maybe they had finally started to sink in. After years, or an entire lifetime, perhaps she would understand exactly how amazing she was to him. To them both.

Same for Ben.

“We’re going to fuck you so well you won’t even be able to remember old what’s-his-face’s name when I’m finished.” The Ben Ryan had always known was hiding inside his roommate’s shell emerged like a badass butterfly from a pitch black cocoon. It was astounding to watch him spread his wings.

Astonishing and a complete turn-on.

Ryan groaned, wondering what the man had in store for him.

The sound drew Ben’s attention. “I’d like to bury myself in you, too. You have no idea how badly. Except I’m not really prepared for that and I’d never take you dry. Not happening.”

“Ah, yeah, I’d rather you hold off with that beast of a cock then.” Ryan laughed, a little nervously. “I figured I’d pushed Lucas enough. I wasn’t about to ask him to scrounge up some lube. I’ll take a rain check. Besides, today should be about Shari and making new memories.”

“Good living through better barn sex.” Ben grinned. “After this you won’t remember any shitty first time. This will be the only time that matters.”

“It already is.” She reached for them, hugging one with each of her arms. “I don’t mind sharing. If you want lube, I have some in my stash. It would only take a few minutes for me to run over to the main house quick—”

“Hell, no.” Ryan cut her off, and Ben backed him up.

“You’re not going anywhere until I’ve worn this pussy out.” He stripped his T-shirt over his head, dropping it on the ground.

When he put it like that, she quit resisting. So Ben guided her down to the makeshift mattress.

Ryan shucked his clothes then balled up his shirt and Ben’s too, making a pretty decent pillow for Shari. From that angle she’d be able to watch as Ben fit his cock to her opening and began to spread her wide around the fat head.

Ryan had looked huge between her legs. How would she ever take all of Ben?

From the way she hooked her leg around Ben’s hip and began to grind on him, it was clear she wanted to. But…damn. Even Ryan wasn’t sure she could. He’d do his best to facilitate their introduction.

In a way, it
their first time. Hers and Ben’s, anyway.

The thought made him smile.

It also added to his horniness factor.

Ryan looked to Ben, who was busy making out with Shari again, this time a little more feverishly. Ben was a pretty decent multi-tasker, removing her underwear without breaking their contact.

Besides, he couldn’t wait another moment to touch himself as he watched his lovers love each other. Ryan wrapped his hand around his cock and began to stroke. He might catch hell for doing it without permission, but that would be fine with him too. Occasionally he cupped his balls and rolled them in his palm or pinched his nipples, but he had to be careful with those extra stimulations.

He was close enough to embarrassing himself already.

For a submissive with a reputation for lasting as long as his Dom required, that was unheard of as well as unacceptable. He wanted to be ready to give them any pleasure they would take from him, up to and including the use of his stiff dick.

All of him belonged to them.

“Do you see what you do to him?” Ben asked Shari in a gruff rasp. He took her jaw in his hand and turned her head so that her face was practically touching Ryan’s shaft. He hadn’t realized he’d crept that close.

“Mmm. Yes,” she purred. “Will you let me suck that cock? Don’t you see how big it is? How hard? I want to taste it. It’ll make me wetter. Go crazy.”

“Damn, Shari.” Ben nipped her lower lip.

Ryan knew that monologue had been for his benefit. She was remembering his fantasies and bringing them to life. He loved her for it.

“So can I? Please?” she begged.


ou’re lucky
, boy. I want to spoil her. And the lady wants your dick in her mouth.” Ben reached out and fisted Ryan’s erection. He pumped it, hard and kind of rough. Exactly how Ryan liked it.

When Ryan clenched his jaw to keep from coming, Ben backed off. He slapped Ryan’s dick like he’d seen Mistress Lily do in her harem once.

Just like then, it fueled his arousal.

Then he surrounded Ryan’s cock once more. Except this time, he guided the tip to Shari’s eager mouth. She opened, permitting him inside. Soft suction and the rubbing of her tongue along the underside of his shaft made him buck. He might have fed her too much at once if Ben hadn’t still been holding on to him, prohibiting him from going too deep.

“Easy now, boy,” Ben coached. “I’ve got other business to attend to over here. You stay still so Shari can keep that pretty mouth full of gorgeous cock. Don’t disappoint her or I’ll be upset.”

“I won’t.” Unless Ben kept tempting him like that.

He had to close his eyes for a moment to regain a modicum of composure.

The tremors that ran along his shaft when Shari squealed nearly did him in, though.

His eyes flew open in time to watch Ben plumping her breasts while he dragged his teeth across her distended nipples one at a time, over and over. While he investigated how she liked to be touched, licked, and sucked at her chest, his hand meandered from her softly rounded belly to her mound.

Ben cupped her pussy in his huge hand, massaging her clit with his thumb as he palmed her sex. Her moans grew louder and more insistent. Just when Ryan feared she might forget about him stuffing her face with his dick and bite him while she came, Ben stopped abruptly.

She stared up at Ryan with a combination of panic, disappointment, and hunger.

Oh, she was going to like playing with Ben.

Lightly, he slapped her pussy over and over, tapping the engorged tissue with his fingers.

Even that seemed like it might be too much stimulation for her right then.

“No, no, Shari,” Ben mock-chastised her. “You’re not coming again until you’re packed with my dick. I want to feel you come apart. Hold on to that feeling. Save it for me this time. It’s going to be the best orgasm of your life when I finally tell you to let go and we fall over the edge together. Can you do that for me?”

She nodded, essentially mouth-fucking Ryan’s cock. They were going to destroy him.

Hell, he was already ruined for anyone else.

Fascinated, he stared at the places Shari and Ben touched. It was as if he could see the pleasure arcing between them. “Is she doing a good job on that dick?” Ben asked him.

“Yes, sir.”

“Should I give her my cock? Or make her wait for it?”

Shari used what leverage she had. She let her teeth rasp over Ryan’s shaft. If she thought that was a deterrent, she was sadly mistaken. He reached up and pinched his own nipples, loving the harsher edge to his rapture. “Oh shit.”

“I’m going to take that as, ‘Go ahead and cram her full. She’s a good girl, and she deserves your fat cock, sir.’”

“Uh huh. That,” was the best he could do.

Ben laughed. In the middle of the most intense sexual encounter of Ryan’s life, the man was fucking laughing. They’d unleashed a beast.

And he was going to love every moment of his life if it was anything like this.

Instead of diving into Shari’s pussy, Ben got to his feet. He stood with his legs spread, directly in front of Ryan. Though he knew where this was going, he waited patiently for his prize.

“Get me nice and wet. I’m going to need some help fitting in there,” Ben ordered. He took Ryan’s head in his hands and guided it to his crotch.

He didn’t need to be told twice.

Ryan practically inhaled Ben’s cock, or as much of it as he could fit in his mouth. He slobbered on it, coating it with his saliva. When he went too far and would have gagged, Ryan got yanked backward by Ben’s fist in his hair.

It had been worth it, to feel that sublime pressure on his scalp.

“Behave yourself.” Ben tapped Ryan’s cheek with his open hand before returning to Shari. He settled between her legs then set the fat head of his now lubricated cock against her opening.

Shari tensed.

Ryan knew that would only make the bite of discomfort worse. It also slowed Ben’s progress.

“Boy, get your tongue over here and help her relax. If I can’t drill all the way in there, I’m going to take it out on your ass. Understand?”

“Yes, sir.” He straddled Shari’s head, facing her feet. The position gave her an excellent view of his taut sac. Then he leaned forward so they could sixty-nine. Though, honestly, now he wasn’t sure which team he rooted for. Either sounded amazing. Watch up close as her pussy swallowed Ben’s cock, or find out that she was simply too petite, please her anyway, then let Ben pretend to be annoyed by what would surely be the best sex of his life and get off hard in the process.

No way to lose.

Careful to hold himself off Shari and spread his legs wide enough that he didn’t smother her, he got down to business. Gently at first, he worked his way from her outer lips toward her clit to be sure she could tolerate the direct stimulation.

When he wrapped his lips around the bundle of nerves and began to suck lightly, her legs twitched. He figured he was on the right track. Ben must have agreed because he pressed forward then, beginning to embed himself in the warm, wet paradise of her pussy.

“If I had known she would feel this good, I would have taken your place the other day, boy.” Ben groaned when Ryan let his tongue go wild and slip around the head of Ben’s cock.

“Play nice!” Ben leaned forward and spanked Ryan, hard enough to leave a bright red handprint he hoped.

That did not dissuade him from naughtiness in the least.

In fact, Ryan started to work his tongue in a figure eight that swiped across Shari’s clit, then Ben’s cock, then back. Neither of them complained.

Ben was quiet as he concentrated on fitting them together without a replay of their last encounter, when Ryan had gotten out of hand. Shari wasn’t making it easy on them, though. She bucked her hips upward, trying to swallow more of both of their cocks—in her greedy mouth as well as her pussy.

“Hold her still,” Ben demanded.

Ryan leaned on her a little more, surprised when her pussy clenched before his eyes. Maybe he wasn’t the only one in their trio who enjoyed being bound by the others. He’d ask Ben to explore that some other time.

Despite his regulated pace and Ryan’s prep, Ben couldn’t quite seem to work himself inside Shari. Ryan tapped Ben’s quadriceps before opening his mouth wide. Ben groaned, then accepted a quick refresh of the moisture covering him. He pulled his cock from Shari’s pussy and pumped it into Ryan’s mouth a couple times.

Then he tunneled a little farther into Shari when he returned.

Ben alternated fucking Shari’s pussy and Ryan’s mouth, sharing the taste of her arousal.

After a while, Ryan realized Ben no longer needed the help to slide completely within her, but he seemed to like their new game. He would pump into Shari a few times, then withdraw, letting Ryan lick her honey from Ben’s shaft.

The inconsistent stimulation kept Shari riding the razor’s edge of passion.

Each time Ben returned to her, he prodded deeper and ground harder.

The things she was doing to Ryan’s cock should be illegal. It was by far the best blowjob he’d ever had. Mostly because he suspected she was using him like a pacifier, to calm herself and weather the storm of ecstasy Ben had whipped up around them like a tornado.

Ryan had his head down, lapping furiously at Shari’s clit, when Ben bellowed, “Fuck, that’s good. You’ve got me, Shari. All of me. I’m yours.”

Sure enough, he’d fit every last inch of his shaft inside her. Ryan kissed Ben’s abdomen where it now pressed to his face. He swiped his tongue over Shari’s clit again, loving that now he could flick it against them both at the same time.

They didn’t seem to mind.

Ben began to thrust then, setting them into the final phase of this incredible sexual experience. Ryan couldn’t still his instinctive flexing, which allowed him to fuck Shari’s mouth just a little.

She repaid him in kind, reaching around his thigh to spread his cheeks.

When Ben realized what was about to happen, he moaned, then said. “Give me your hand, Shari.”

Ryan couldn’t see what was going on above him. The sucking and slurping made him pretty sure Ben had leaned forward to do the same as Ryan had for Ben’s cock, though. The difference in size between her tiny digit and his erection was laughable.

Besides, he was trained to take much more.

When Ben released her and she advanced her mission, Ryan realized nothing in his past mattered. Because the simple pressure of her finger on his puckered ass was enough to put him in danger of disappointing Ben. Ryan looked up, desperate.

“Don’t you shoot,” Ben growled. “Not yet.”

Ryan redoubled his efforts, eating Shari better than he had the past two times he’d tried to inhale her. Her pussy must have tightened around Ben, who also showed signs of cracking. He fucked her faster now, harder, too. Sweat began to roll down his sleek abdomen.

“Ryan, I said not yet.” Ben must have something in mind, and Ryan wanted him to have everything he desired.

How he kept from coming down Shari’s throat, he had no idea. But it wasn’t more than a dozen additional furious strokes before Ben put them out of their glorious misery. “She’s so goddamn tight, Ryan. You should feel this. It’s impossible to resist.”

“Give it to her then,” Ryan encouraged when Shari found his prostate and began to massage it. The woman was pure seductress. “Let her come with you. Fill her up. I want to watch.”

Thankfully, Ben relented.

“Fuck, Shari!” he grunted, then his entire body heaved. Shari moaned, then bucked as if she could feel his come pumping inside her, blasting her pussy with his semen.

“May I have some too?” Ryan asked as he studied Ben’s balls unloading from inches away.

Ben withdrew, triggering additional aftershocks in Shari as his veins stroked her most sensitive places. She seized beneath them in the grips of rapture so divine to behold it stole Ryan’s breath. Then Ben was there. He fisted his glistening cock and managed to aim it, even as he jacked himself off. The final two or three streams of his come iced Ryan’s cheek, lips, and tongue, which stuck out of his wide-open mouth.

He stayed still as Ben decorated him.

“Good boy,” Ben rasped, then popped the tip of his dick into Ryan’s mouth with an enormous exhalation. “Clean it off. Don’t waste a drop.”

Ryan sucked softly, hoping to preserve Ben’s buzz as long as possible.

“Guys?” Shari called softly.

“Yes?” Ben responded. “You okay?”

“Best I’ve ever been. Still horny. I see a pretty cock right here. Can I have it?” She licked along Ryan’s shaft, nearly making him spill his release without permission.

“Would you like that, boy?” Ben asked, knowing full well he would do damn near anything to slide through Ben’s fluids while being hugged by Shari’s pussy. Mingle them inseparably.

“Yes. Need to.”

“Go ahead.”

Shari’s finger slipped from his ass as he slithered down her body. While he missed the sensation, he knew he was going to have plenty to enjoy in a moment.

Ryan peeked at her slit, making sure she wasn’t bleeding this time. She wasn’t.

“I’m fine. Get in there before I change my mind.”

“It’s a little scary how fast a learner you are,” he laughed.

“I’m not joking, Ryan.” She didn’t even crack a smile. “I want that cock. Give it to me. Now.”

Ben sat hard on the blankets then lifted Shari’s shoulders so she rested against his abdomen. He hugged her tight as he observed Ryan doing their bidding.

Ryan pressed inside her, wondering if she’d even notice after taking Ben’s fat cock. No worries there. She still sheathed him like a humid glove. Even better, he felt how slick and hot she was from Ben’s come, which pooled within her.

Each time Ryan withdrew, he stared at the pearly fluid decorating his shaft.

Ben spoke softly to Shari the whole time. He told her how much he’d enjoyed fucking her. How desperate she was making Ryan. How badly he wanted to see her shatter around Ryan’s cock so that her pussy sucked the come straight out of his balls.

Who could resist that kind of dirty talk, honestly?

Neither of them, apparently.

Shari quit first. She began to quake beneath him, begging Ben to let her show Ryan how much she appreciated his performance and, of course, his equipment.

Ben sealed their fates. “Yes, you may.”

The first ripple of her pussy around Ryan’s shuttling cock put him right there with her.

“Oh, God. I’m gonna come.” He looked to Ben for permission.


“Do it. But make sure you save a little to spread on her pussy with mine. Then I want you to clean her off. Taste us all. Together.”

That thought alone was guaranteed to set him off, and Ben knew it.

His devious grin as he watched Ryan throw back his head, slide balls-deep, and surrender proved it. What he didn’t expect was Ben softly urging Shari, “You’re still right there with him, aren’t you? Keep coming. Milk him dry.”

Then he dipped his head and bit Shari’s taut nipple while his fingers pinched the other.

The instant clamping of her pussy on Ryan’s cock as he came and came enhanced his already epic orgasm. Had anything ever felt as good as sex with these two people?


Definitely not.

It kept getting better. Every time. Every moment.

His ass clenched and released as he thrust into Shari’s welcoming body for as long as possible.

Then, at the last second, he pulled out so that a few drops of his semen splattered over her mound, mixing with Ben’s.

Since his cock was still hard, at least for a little while longer, Ryan used two fingers to press it down and reinsert it so he could keep riding out her climax. It felt so good when she massaged him with her pussy like that.

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