Bound in Darkness (5 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Eden

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Bound in Darkness
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Chapter Five

Allison’s breath heaved out as she stared up at Cade. His arms were on either side of her body, his hands pushing down into the mattress as he caged her in place.

Lust and stark need etched hard lines onto his face, and his broad shoulders seemed to block out the light around them.

She was naked beneath him. Naked…and she could see the sharp edge of his teeth.

And the glow of the beast that lit his eyes.

Maybe she should have been afraid then. 

But her head lifted and she met him in a hot, open-mouthed kiss.  Her tongue slipped inside his mouth and tasted him.  The werewolf’s power wasn’t scaring her.

It was turning her on. 

Her hand fisted in his hair as she pulled him closer. Allison had enjoyed a handful of lovers in her life. The first few had been fumbling, the others more skilled. 

Yet right then, she couldn’t remember any of their names. Couldn’t pull up their faces.

Only Cade.

She sucked on his lower lip.  Heard his growl and felt her body tense in anticipation.

This wasn’t going to be some gentle ride. No sweet release.

Good. She wanted fire and passion.  Wild pleasure.


Her lips slipped from his, and Allison kissed her way down his neck. His pulse raced beneath her lips, thudding in time with his heartbeat.


She licked him. Bit lightly.


Allison turned her head away, squeezing her eyes shut as she fought the dark impulse to drink from him.  That wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted—

The bed shifted as he moved, sliding down her body.  His fingers were rough, strong, as he pushed her thighs apart. Then those fingers were sliding up, stroking right over the core of her need, and a gasp broke from Allison’s lips. 

“Look at me,” his growl.

Slowly, her eyes opened and her head turned toward him. 

“What do you see…” His fingers pushed inside her. Stretched her.  Thrust and made her want more. “When you look at me?”

She saw the man she wanted.

“Monster?”  His fingers withdrew. Thrust deeper. Her hips lifted helplessly against him as she arched off the bed. “Or man?”

Allison licked her lips. “Man.”  But what did he see? When he looked at her what—

“And I see the most fucking beautiful woman I’ve ever met.” He pulled his hand back. Yanked open his jeans and positioned his cock at the entrance of her body. “

He made her feel that way.

“I’m safe,” he told her, voice rough and deep as he fought to hold his desire in check, and his gaze seemed to burn even brighter. “Werewolves can’t carry any diseases. Neither can vamps.”

She already knew that, just as she knew pregnancy wasn’t a risk for her, not then. Could a vampire and a werewolf even have a baby together?

Cade waited at the entrance of her body. She felt the broad shaft of his cock and she wanted him inside but…

“No fear,” he told her.

Allison shook her head. She didn’t fear him. Right then, she just wanted him. “Now, Cade.

Her wolf smiled and drove into her.  He filled her, so full and thick, and Allison realized that she’d forgotten to breathe.  He stilled for a moment, letting her adjust, and when she tightened around him, wanting
Cade withdrew—then thrust in again,

Her nails dug into his shoulders. She wanted hard. Wild.

Each slide of his flesh sent need twisting through her.  Her sex was so sensitive, stretched, eager.

Pleasure beckoned just out of reach. 

The bed squeaked in time with their rhythm. Thrust. Withdraw. Thrust. Stronger each time. Deeper. Wilder.

Allison laughed. It just felt good.
felt good.  Her nails dug deeper.  Her legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer.

Cade’s mouth was on her neck. No, not her neck, but right at the curve of her shoulder. She could feel the edge of his teeth.

Maybe she wasn’t the only one who liked to bite. 

And…and she liked the feel of his teeth.  Allison tilted her head back and pushed harder against him.


The climax hit her, slamming right through her body so that her breath choked out and pleasure rocked her.  Not gentle. Not easy.  So fierce that the room dimmed. Aftershocks trembled through her sex as ripples of release tightened her around him.

And Cade came. She felt the hot release inside of her even as his teeth nipped at her shoulder. He shuddered and his hands held her so tight.

As if he’d never let go. 

His heartbeat raced. She could feel it against her.  Drumming far faster than hers ever could. He was so warm around her. Warm and strong and solid.

In his arms, she was safe.  Nothing could hurt her. No one.

Not while she was in his arms. 

He pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder and lifted his body as he stared down at her. 

She didn’t want the moment to end. Not yet. Allison didn’t want to talk. Didn’t want to worry about what or who would be coming for them next.

Right then, she just wanted to pretend that the rest of the world didn’t matter. Just a man and woman—that’s all they were.

No monsters.

No darkness.

Just a man.

She pressed a kiss to his chest.

And a woman.

Cade began to thrust again.


She was gone.  Cade knew he was alone even before his eyes opened. The bed felt cold. Allison’s scent was weak, barely hanging in the air.

She was gone.

Growling, he jerked up in bed. The woman never should have been able to give him the slip. If he hadn’t spent half the day screwing her until he fell into an exhausted sleep, she damn well
have gotten away.

He leapt from the bed. Didn’t she know how dangerous it was out there? 

She needed him.

And he…fuck it, he wasn’t letting her get away from him.  He grabbed his jeans, yanked them on, and followed the faint trail of her scent in the air.

He threw open the screen door, and it banged against the side of the cabin. She hadn’t taken the motorcycle. That was something.  But then, he’d taken the liberty of hiding the keys. 

His head turned slowly, and he stared at the thick line of trees. At the mountains that waited.

She’d gone off alone. Fuck.

Didn’t she realize? There was no place that she could go—no place that he wouldn’t follow.

He’d had one taste, and he wasn’t about to let his little pureblood go. 


Elsa stood in the clearing, smiling.  Her mirror had shown her just what she needed to see—Allison, running. Allison, scared and desperate.

The fool didn’t fully understand what was happening to her body. She didn’t know about vampire weaknesses.

She was about to find out.  And a vampire running in the day…she might as well be human. Elsa could take out a human any day of the week. She’d been wrong to think that Allison was too powerful for her to handle alone. She could destroy the pureblood vamp. She

Elsa lifted her arms and called forth her magic.  The spell of fire was always the first mastered by her kind. The first, and the most powerful.

The flames began to spread to the trees around her.  The fire leapt from branch to branch, jumping through the forest.  Soon, the fire would sweep out into a giant circle that would surround the fleeing vamp-to-be. 

Surround Allison and trap her.  The fire would close in. Slowly.

The wolf had done his job after all. He’d lured Allison from the protection of the city. Got her into the wilderness where she was helpless.  And soon…

Soon the fire would take her.

Elsa would make sure she stayed close enough to hear the bitch’s screams.


The scent of smoke reached her, thick, cloying, and Allison froze.  Her heart thudded wildly in her chest, pounding hard enough to shake her.

She turned slowly. The smoke…it was coming from the right. Allison could see the dark streak of gray in the sky. A forest fire?  Hell, that couldn’t be—

Flames crackled. But that crackling came from behind her, to the left.

Her gaze jerked toward the sound.

More smoke. More fire. And that blaze looked like it was racing right toward her.


  The roar was her name.  A roar loud enough to push across the crackling fire.  “Allison!”

Cade was coming for her.

She spun around, seeing only smoke and fire now.  So much. Too thick. She began to cough.  This…wasn’t right. The afternoon had been fine moments before.  Clear. Calm. 
been the one running wild and—


She choked, but managed to cry out… “Cade!” And, oh, damn, was that fire racing toward her? 

She jumped back, barely avoiding a wild surge of heat.  The fire was so close now.  It seemed to be heading right for her.

Because it was.
Understanding was like ice in her veins.

Freaking witch. 

There wasn’t anywhere to run. The flames were all around her.  No, not just around her.

Allison screamed when fire licked its way up her arms. She dropped to the ground, rolling and slapping at the flames. But more flames just came, burning her,

“I’ve got you.” 

She was still screaming so she barely heard the words. He had to tell her three times, then Allison managed to glance up. 

Cade was there, pulling her against his chest. And it hurt. She hurt. Deep blisters covered her skin, and the smell of burnt flesh—her flesh—had her stomach rolling. 

“Hold on,” he told her as he rose, tucking her body close against his. The movement hurt, but she locked her teeth to hold back the cry.

A wall of fire blocked them. There was nowhere to go. No—

He bent his head over hers. Curved his body so that he was covering her, and he leapt right through the flames.

Allison heard the rush of the fire—a wild
of sound—and the burning breath of the flames blew over her body.

Then they both hit the ground. They fell in a tangle of limbs, spinning, rolling, falling down a hill. Faster, faster.

She didn’t feel the bumps. Didn’t feel the bruises. But when they fell into the too-chilled water of a lake, oh, sweet hell, yes, she felt that. 

And she just sank beneath that cold water.  Her eyes wanted to sag closed. Why was that so wrong? She’d rest a few moments in the sweet cold, then everything would be fine.

Something grabbed her. Her eyes flew open. Through the murky water, she could just make out Cade’s form. He looked furious, his eyes glowing.  His hands wrapped around her shoulders, and he pulled her toward him.  A powerful kick from his legs sent them shooting toward the surface. Allison couldn’t get her own legs to move and was grateful for her wolf’s strength.

And it was only when they broke the surface and when his gasps for breath filled her ears that Allison realized…

I’m not breathing.

Chapter Six

Fuck, fuck,
fuck no.

Allison’s eyes were wide open.  Staring straight at him, but the woman wasn’t
him. She wasn’t breathing. Her body was ice cold. 

A shudder shook his frame as Cade lowered her to the ground.  “Come on, sweetheart,” he muttered as he pushed back her wet hair and ran his fingers over her face. “Breathe for me.”

Blisters and deep burns covered her forearms and hands. Her legs had fallen victim to the fire—he’d seen the wounds.

So much pain. 

Too much.

She wasn’t breathing. 

He wasn’t letting her go like this. 
Not like this

He put his mouth to hers. Damn she was cold.  Her lips were like ice against his. 

Cade blew into her mouth. 
Take my breath, sweetheart. Take it.


He gave her his breath again. 
Come on, Allison. Don’t leave me.

He pushed air into her mouth once more.

And she jerked beneath him. His head lifted and he stared down at her, desperate, wild.

She’d coughed up water and seemed to be breathing now. Her eyes actually
him. But she was still so icy. So pale.

And hurting so much.

His canines had stretched when he’d first caught the scent of smoke. The wolf within had known that danger stalked Allison.  His claws had come out, his teeth had prepared to rip and tear—he’d been ready to do anything in order to protect her.


He lifted his hand and slashed his wrist with his teeth.

“C-Cade?”  Her voice was a broken whisper. “Why…don’t hurt…”

He put his wrist to her mouth. “Drink.” Because if she didn’t, he could still lose her.

Allison shook her head. “N-no.” Her body shook, trembling hard, and he knew shock when he saw it. 

Fire was a particular bitch for vampires. They burned far faster than humans. Faster than any of the other paranormals.

But you knew that, didn’t you, Elsa?
  He had to deal with  that witch. Payback.

he made sure Allison wasn’t checking out on him.  “Take it,” he ordered, staring into her eyes. The gold was almost gone now, never a good sign with a pureblood vamp. It meant her body was too depleted.

But she turned her head away. “I…can’t. I don’t want to be…”

A vampire.

Screw it. “No changing what we are.”  He knew the scent of his blood had to be driving her crazy. He’d seen her nostrils flare. Oh, yeah, she liked that scent. “So either drink or die.”

Her head slowly turned back toward him.  He could see the fear in her gaze. And the desperation.

He could also see that just beneath her too-pale lips, her fangs were growing. 

With every second that passed, Allison lost her mortal self. Before his eyes, she was becoming more.

Vampires are the enemy.
That had been his line for years.
Parasites. Good only for killing.

Slowly, her mouth pressed against his wrist. 

The only good vamp…

She didn’t look like a parasite.

Is a staked vampire.

Her tongue slipped out and licked the blood.  Her eyes were open, on his.  At the first taste of his blood, he heard the sharp inhale of her breath.

She likes it.

She licked up another drop of blood. 

Her eyes were still on his. 


A tear streaked down her cheek.  Not a blood tear, and usually those were the only tears a vampire could shed. Allison still shed human tears as she took his blood.

“More,” he whispered because she hadn’t taken enough blood to heal her wounds. Not even close.

Her mouth pressed harder against him and when he felt the scrape of her teeth, Cade expected the memories to slam into him. Another bite, another time.




But…but he only saw her. Saw the gold come back into her eyes. Saw the wounds begin to fade from her body.  He didn’t feel like prey.

Her mouth on him—damn, it felt

No pain.  A pleasure he’d never expected to feel from a vampire’s bite.

Fuck. He was getting turned on while a vampire fed from him. 

Her teeth sank into his wrist. She sucked harder and damn if his cock didn’t swell even more. 

The rush of pleasure had his breath panting out.  This wasn’t just about saving her any longer. Now he was the one who wanted more.

Cade hadn’t gotten enough of Allison when he’d had her in that bed beneath him. Maybe he’d never get enough.

His hand tunneled in her hair. Not to force her away from his wrist, but to hold her against him. To make her take more.

When she licked him again, it was like a shot of pleasure right to his cock.


But not there.  He forced his head to lift, and he gazed at the smoke billowing above them.  That witch was out there, she could come at them anytime, she could—

“Cade.” Allison’s voice wasn’t weak now. Her glanced back at her. She’d pushed against him, let go of his wrist, but she stared at him with hunger in her eyes.

Not hunger for blood.


For vampires, those two needs could intertwine so easily. That was why some vamps and their fancy-ass vamp councils had started to spread the PR in the paranormal world about their kind not taking directly from living prey.

Like he bought that bullshit.

Her tongue swiped over her lips. Dark red lips. The burns were already gone from her body. The woman was gonna make one dangerously powerful vampire.

No, not make. She already

Her hand rose. Touched his lips. “I want you.”

And he wanted to be buried in her as deep as his cock could go.

But first… “We need to get out of here.”  Because he could hear sirens coming. Like anyone could ignore a blaze this size. The humans would rush in and fight the flames. Their trucks were already so close that his ears picked up the hard growl of the approaching engines.

If he let Allison stay there, the witch could try again with her fire and fury. The humans could get caught in the cross-fire.

He gazed down at Allison. Her dark hair was wet around her, and her clothes clung tightly to her body. A body he’d learned so well with his hands and mouth.

A body he’d know again.

“Come on…” He pulled Allison to her feet. Watched her carefully. After her first feeding, he wasn’t sure what to expect. Her standing there, looking increasingly lost…that wasn’t it.

He pulled her close. “I’ve got a back-up motorcycle stashed close by. Don’t worry.” His lips pressed a quick kiss to her temple.

And he froze.

  What was happening to him?  How could he care so much about what might happen to a vampire? About how she might be
for fuck’s sake?

His back teeth clenched.

Screw it
. He kept a tight grip on her arm and raced for the hidden motorcycle. He jumped on the bike, and she climbed on behind him, sliding close and putting those never-ending legs of hers alongside his.  When the engine roared to life, they leapt forward, driving fast and hard through the woods. With every minute that passed, Cade realized just how dangerous Allison truly was to him.

Dangerous…because she could make him



Something was wrong with her. Very, very wrong. 

It wasn’t just the drinking blood bit. Oh, hell, she’d actually done that. The blood should have revolted her.


It had tasted better than any champagne she’d ever had.

Cade’s blood had been so good, and it had made her

For him.

She ached. Her nipples hurt, wanting his touch so badly, and with every vibration of that motorcycle…


Allison wanted to scream with the frustrated need building so wildly inside of her. This wasn’t normal. This wasn’t right.

And her fangs hadn’t gone away.

Her fangs were out and her fingernails had sharpened up like mini-claws.

Cade parked the motorcycle in front of what looked like your average no-tell-motel. She followed him quickly to the front desk, wondering about the fierce looks he kept sending her.

Did he realize that she was barely keeping it together? That she was seriously considering throwing the guy down on the ground and jumping him?

What is wrong with me?

She’d never been like this.

The balding guy behind the counter didn’t even give them a second glance. So what if she was still wet and her clothes were mostly burned? He just scooped up Cade’s money and tossed them a key. About thirty seconds later, they were entering room number 16, and Allison was trying hard to hold onto her control.

The door clicked shut behind them.


The whisper in her mind didn’t even seem to be her own. It felt too strong. Too dark.

Her eyes squeezed shut. “This isn’t me.”

The floor creaked as Cade stalked closer. “It’s who you’re gonna be.” 

“Don’t.”  The word was a snarl, but this was wrong. Her claws, her teeth—she could
him. If he touched her, Allison’s control would shatter.

Can’t hurt him.

But she had to get herself under control. Had to quench the fire that was building—

Her eyes flew open. Without glancing at Cade, Allison lunged across the room.  She rushed into the miniscule bathroom and yanked on the shower’s cold water. That was what she needed. A good, cold shower and everything would be fine again. She’d cool down. Pretend she was back to normal and
everything would be fine.

Her burnt clothes hit the ground. Naked, she stepped into the shower. The water hit her, hard and stinging and—

Cade’s hands wrapped around her shoulders. He turned her around as that pounding water slid over her flesh.

He’d shed his clothes and he stood before her, naked. He stepped into the shower.

Fighting herself, she backed up. Allison could feel her control splintering and she knew, right then, she
that she was becoming someone else.


In an instant, she grabbed Cade and pushed him back against the rough tiled wall. “Don’t.” She barely managed to speak. “I can
you.” Her words were close to an animal’s growl.

But her werewolf laughed. “Ah, sweetheart, trust me on this…I can handle you.”

He broke her hold. Took her mouth in a kiss that made her sex clench and her knees tremble and suddenly
was the one with her back pressed against that tile.

He’d reversed their positions so fast she barely had time to blink. Her back was against the tile. He’d lifted her up effortlessly, and he held her in his rock-hard embrace. 

His mouth was on her throat. Licking her, sucking her flesh. 

His cock pushed at the entrance of her body. 


His teeth scored her flesh and she shuddered in hungry arousal. “Cade!”

The water pounded down on them.  He drove into her.  She gasped as he filled her, stretching her body, only to withdraw seconds later and thrust in deeper, harder than before.

Again and again.

Her legs wrapped around his hips. Her hands slid over his slick flesh.  The water didn’t seem so cold anymore. Not when he was burning hot against her. 

Allison’s teeth began to burn, stretching and sharpening in her mouth.  She wanted to bite him. To taste that delicious blood once more.

She clamped her lips together and arched her hips against him.

No, no she
be just a woman. She could—

He pulled back a bit, kept her pinned. Then took her breast in his mouth.  Her nipples were so sensitive that the rough lick of his tongue had her moaning.

Her nails raked over his skin.  He growled, and she caught the scent of blood.

Her eyes widened in horror when Allison realized that she’d scratched open his skin.

Cade’s head lifted. His thrusts stilled as his cock filled her.  Her sex clamped around him, sensitive, eager for the pleasure that would come. His gaze held hers, and she wondered if he’d pull away.

“Go ahead,” he told her, voice deep, dark, and rumbling, “bite me.” A dare.

Then he withdrew…drove deep.

She bit him.  On his neck this time.  Hesitant at first because she didn’t really know what the hell she was doing, but her sharpened canines figured it out fast.  They sank right through flesh and his blood slid onto her tongue.

She came at that first taste, her body shuddering with the blasts of pleasure that had her holding him as tightly as she could. 

But Cade wasn’t done with her. Not yet.  He kept thrusting. Stronger, wilder, and the feel of his cock sliding in and out of her sex had pleasure sweeping through her again. 

Allison licked gently over the small wound she’d made on his neck.  Shame lurked inside of her, but she wouldn’t feel it, not then.  Then she only wanted the pleasure and

Her gaze met Cade’s.

“My turn.” 

Allison’s lips parted.  “What—”

He carried her out of the shower. Not withdrawing from her, but filling her as he strode back to the bed.  They fell on the mattress, both soaking wet, and rolled in a tangle of limbs.  Cade rose above her, and there was no mistaking the hungry lust burning in his gaze. “You’re not the only one who likes to bite.”

Her own eyes widened even as she reached for him.

His mouth closed over her flesh, right there, where the curve of her shoulder met her neck. She didn’t know what she expected but—

His teeth pressed into her flesh, and the Allison that she was becoming—the woman who tasted blood and climaxed—her breath whispered out in anticipation.

Cade bit her.  Not to drink, not like she’d done before with him.  This seemed…different. More of a marking.

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