Bound to Her

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Authors: Sascha Illyvich

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Bound to Her
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A Total-E-Bound Publication



Bound to Her



Cover Art by Natalie Winters ©Copyright September 2010

Edited by Janice Bennett

Total-E-Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.


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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.


Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank,

, Lincoln,
, United Kingdom



This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers.
This story has been rated























, my assistant,
, and special thanks to my editor at Total E-bound for letting this come in late.



Chapter One



Steadying himself against the railing, Luka surveyed the room. A few paddles had fallen on the floor from the door slamming shut. A rose-coloured flogger hung from the back of it and swung back and forth.

The woman who’d stormed out hadn’t even bothered to apologise for what she’d done or had been trying to do.

“Fuck!” Luka yelled. Pounding his fist on the railing in front of him, he steadied himself. The broad he’d just let go hadn’t been able to get him off. She wasn’t his mate— nor a very good submissive, either.

Too many damn bitches trying to top from the bottom.

Never try to top a wolf from the bottom. It was a dangerous thing to do, unless you wanted to be his dinner.

Worse yet, this partner

Clutching a
with one hand, he lifted his free one to touch the gold, diamond-shaped pendant that swung against his sweat-covered chest. It hadn’t so much as warmed when he’d brought her into this room and stripped her.

She was hot, too. Pert tits that thrust out, long, curly hair that swayed past her ass when she tilted her head back and gave him a glance at her exposed curves. And the trail of her slender neck had made him hard.

But her appearance did nothing for the pendant that was supposed to bind him to a woman.

Sighing again, he hung the
back on one of the tacks from the toy wall. Heading towards the exit of this room, he decided going upstairs for a drink was the best course of action.

Oh, and he’d probably have to have Tiffany come over and clean up the room. His occasional submissive-in-training hadn’t been over in probably six weeks, now, and the house was becoming a mess.

He’d sent her away in hopes that another female wouldn’t smell her and become insanely jealous.

Snorting, he headed upstairs and into the kitchen. Setting his hands on his hips, he pondered what to drink.

Glancing at his wet bar, he mentally perused what he had on hand.
No, too cold for now.
He wasn’t in the mood for a cigar.

Nodding, he walked into the kitchen and retrieved a glass from the bar, filled it with two ice cubes and poured himself a drink.

Bringing the liquid up to his lips, he inhaled the charred American oak aroma. He took a sip and pondered his next move. He only had a few days left before the moon cycle came full circle and Diana chose a mate for him.

He didn’t want her doing that.

Despite the fact all wolves belonged to Diana, they were still sovereign. At least as Northern California’s pack Alpha, that was his stance.

The fact was that if Diana chose his mate, he’d be relegated to being the pack beta. Leaders moved before it was time, she said. Not when the time was up.

Taking a larger sip of bourbon, he let the alcohol slide down his throat and
him. It was winter outside, and regardless of the fact he’d been born a wolf, the creature comforts of humans still amused him.

Setting his glass down on the marble countertop, he picked up the phone and called for Tiffany to come over. The conversation was brief. He spoke, she listened.

He spoke more. She agreed and happily scheduled time to come over.

She was the perfect submissive, it seemed.

Except the necklace he wore didn’t respond to her presence, either. Could it be because she was human?

He shook his head. That couldn’t be it. The necklace warmed around certain humans, but even the pack’s elder magicians couldn’t figure out why.

The dame who’d just left had tried to top him, which was amusing. But he was good enough to recognise when a sub was trying to control things from the bottom, a trait many humans had that annoyed him.

A few minutes and two bourbons later, his doorbell rang with the grandeur of a wealthy man—by growling.

Luka threw on the shirt he’d left on the countertop, walked through his enormous living room and reached for the front door. When he opened it, he saw Tiffany standing in a large overcoat with her eyes lowered. Hair had fallen in front of her face

He reached to move strands of hair behind her ear. “Come in, honey. And no, I don’t need a submissive right now. I need my friend.”

Tiffany straightened, looking at him with a deep kindness.

Luka caught a reflection of movement in her pale blue eyes, just to her left.

He cocked a brow. “What’s this?”

Heat visibly crept up Tiffany’s face.
“My sister.
She wanted to meet a real wolf. She’s never seen one and
I thought you’d be okay with this.” Tiffany took a tentative step back as though in fear.

Luka shrugged. “Let’s see her.” Crossing his arms over his chest, he waited for Tiffany’s sister to appear.

The other woman came into sight. She was a bit taller than Tiffany, probably five foot six, Luka guessed. Her complexion reminded him of mocha, rich and heady in taste. Her auburn hair flowed in long rivulets down her face and stopped just short of her hips. She brushed a thick cord of hair back and revealed plump breasts that begged to be teased and taken into a watering mouth.

Bedroom brown eyes sparkled with something more than interest, but Luka couldn’t place the emotion.

It smelled of lust.
Hot and tangy.

But he couldn’t be certain.

She stepped forward and slanted her mouth. “You’re a real wolf, eh?”

He nodded. “What’s your name, kid?”

Stepping in front of her sister, the other woman extended a hand. “I’m Michele. Pleased to meet you. But so far, aside from a scrumptious chest and washboard abs, I fail to see how you differ from any human.”

Luka’s chest warmed.
The pendant!
He adjusted the collar of his shirt and peered down to see the thing glowing. Heat that spread throughout his entire being radiated from the diamond-shaped stone.
seemed to swirl around the pendant in colourful light that penetrated his clothes.

Michele’s eyes widened at the sight, and her sensual mouth opened. She stepped back carefully.

Tiffany reappeared and ran a hand through her hair. Tossing her head back, she looked up at Luka.
“Something the matter, my lord?”

Michele reached out and teasingly tugged strands of Tiffany’s hair. “Why call him that?”

Luka scoffed. “Because, little girl, she’s my submissive.
Much of the time, anyway.”

Tiffany blushed.

Her sister poked her in the ribs.

Giggling, Tiffany stepped closer to Luka.

He reached out for her, pulled her into his arms and cuddled her. “All the time she’s my confidante.”

Michele snorted. “Submission is for the weak.”

Luka cocked a brow.
“Really, now?”

Michele nodded. “Ever seen a submissive leader?”

He smirked. “That’s the point. They’re not usually leaders. But yes, I have.”

Michele stepped forward, forcing her chest outward to emphasise her size over Tiffany’s. “Do tell.”

Luka licked his lips. She was giving him quite the show of cleavage. He recognized the trick of pushing her chest out to appear more dominant.

The pendant hanging beneath his clothes had heated up so much that his skin grew hot. He pulled it out and dropped it, letting it dangle on the outside of his form-fitting shirt.

Michele eyed it with curiosity. “What’s that thing?”

Luka flashed a fang. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Tiffany wrapped her arms around him. She stood up on tiptoes and whispered. “I told you my sister was special.”

He nodded. If the pendant was glowing and reacting to Michele, that meant something was up. Was she his chosen mate according to the
of the pack’s pendant?

Luka shrugged. He’d have to do more research, first. “What brings your sister along with you, aside from her curiosity to meet a flesh and blood wolf?”

“I wanted to see who my sister was hanging out with. She
to be in school and work, not surrounded by rogues.” Michele crossed her arms over her chest and threw her head back, exposing the line of her neck. Dark skin begged for a touch, just a taste.

Luka contained himself. Just because the pendant was responding to her presence, it didn’t necessarily mean anything.

The fact that his cock had stood at attention the entire time, however, was a different story.

Shrugging it off, he waved Michele inside while escorting Tiffany with his arm around her. “She’s safe. I make sure she gets her studies done. As for work, that’s not my problem.”

Michele caught Luka by the arm and spun him around to face her. “What do you mean, ‘that’s not your problem’? If she’s got duties and responsibilities to other commitments, then she should tend to
first and not some asshole who is forcing her—”

The pendant grew even hotter against his skin.

Luka held up a hand and pressed two fingers against Michele’s soft mouth. Her lips were plump, juicy just like he’d figured. She was aroused, he could smell it. Her hair covered her breasts, but her top was stretched tightly enough that even with her curls, he could detect her nipples becoming tiny buds.

What he wouldn’t give to suckle them while he drove himself inside her.

But, she was anti logic, it seemed. “First off,” he pulled his fingers back, “she’s not in any danger. I’m plenty well-to-do as you can probably see. Even you’re not blind.”

Michele made an undignified noise. “Money isn’t everything.”

Luka snorted. “No, it’s not. But in case you haven’t been looking, her studies are fine. Now, what can I do for you?”

“Tell me why you wanted my sister to fuck you.”

Luka gasped. While he’d trained Tiffany, they’d never had any sort of contact more intimate than when he’d hugged her earlier. He just didn’t view her that way.

Michele, on the other hand…

He licked his lips. “I’ve never had relations with your sister.”

Michele shoved a hand forward, pressing it against Luka’s chest.

He laughed. “You think you could actually shove me?”

Michele dropped down to one knee and threw a leg out in a sweeping motion.

Luka stood solid where he was, the hit connecting with enough force to annoy him. As he glanced down at Michele, the wild sweep of her hair spread out over her back made him think of how lovely she’d look taking his cock in her mouth.

Still, he managed restraint. “If you’ll get up and knock off the silly nonsense, I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have about my relationship with your sister.”

Looking defeated, Michele stood and brushed stray hairs from her face. She smirked. “You’re strong. You’re a wolf, huh?”

He grimaced. “
see me get furry and fang-like?”

Michele set a hand on her hip and tilted her head. “I’ve no interest in
. They sicken me on a regular basis, actually.”

Luka snorted. “Bad break-up with one?”

Tiffany swatted Luka on the shoulder and glared at him.

He shrugged his shoulders. “What? She came into my house and—”

Tiffany glared harder.

Luka huffed.
Look, it’s really simple. Your sister and I have nothing going on between us, but for whatever reason, she feels I’m a safe haven. Turns out she’s a really good person I can talk to and trust almost implicitly. Satisfied?”

Michele frowned. “That’s all? What’s with the submission thing? Kinky people are sick and often fucked up in the head.”

Luka felt his blood beginning to boil. How dare she come into his house and insult what she didn’t understand? “You don’t know what you’re talking about, obviously. Nor do you know shit about the lupine culture. Clearly, you’re a damn fool. I should just shove your sister aside and devour you.” He let the arousal mix with the heat in his gaze and
his eyes.

Michele turned away in disgust.

I don’t care. At any rate, I have business with your sister. So you’re free to make yourself at home. I’ll make you a drink or there’s food in the fridge if you’re hungry.”

Michele turned to face him.

Luka grinned slowly, letting his fangs show.
“Yeah, actually.”

The woman snorted.

Gripping Luka’s shoulder, Tiffany started laughing.

He looked down at her and smirked. “What did I ever do to you, little girl?”

She stopped laughing long enough to meet his gaze.
She couldn’t help but laugh again.
“Nothing, master.
Just the interaction between you two is amusing.”

Michele snorted. “‘Master’ my ass.”

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