Bound to You (6 page)

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Authors: Bethany Kane

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic Fiction, #erotic romance, #Contemporary romance

BOOK: Bound to You
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“God, that feels good,” she grated out between clenched teeth, her head coming off the ground. He’d pressed down on the bottom of her fly with his long, strong forefinger while he’d muttered those exciting words. He maneuvered the hard ridge briskly up and down along her clit, the movement subtle but incendiary. She tightened her ass muscles and bobbed her hips up against him, heightening the stimulation.

“I can feel the shape of your pussy lips.” His voice resounded from above her a moment later, sounding rough and sexy. “I can feel your heat . . . and moisture through the fabric. You’re getting your jeans wet, honey.”

“John,” she mumbled desperately. She reached for him, knowing his body was just above her. She closed her hands on his shoulders and tried to pull him down to her. He lifted his hand from the juncture of her thighs.

“Keep your arms down. I’m busy. I don’t want to be distracted.”

She held her arms tensely at her side.

“That’s right,” he muttered as he continued his wicked stimulation of her pussy. This time, he pushed down on the ridge of her lower fly rapidly, pressing her clit like a button of pleasure.

“Oh . . . that’s going to make me come,” she said in a strangled voice.

He started to rub her again, this time more briskly.

“Good. Come in your jeans,” he muttered hotly from above her, a smile in his voice.

She broke in climax. He continued to stroke her, forcing every last shudder and tremor of orgasm out of her straining flesh.

She sighed and sagged onto John’s coat.

“That felt so good,” Jennifer said, half stunned that she could come so explosively by having a man rub her through her jeans.

“It’s going to feel better.”

Her eyes opened, but she didn’t notice the blackness blinding her vision. She was too focused on the feeling of John’s hands as he began to undress her.

* * *

He’d caught her scent as he’d stimulated her. His cock had grown stiff again as he’d detailed the shape of her outer sex and the fragrance of her pussy entered his nose. When he’d heedlessly jerked up his pants earlier, his cock had gotten caught beneath his boxer briefs. It grew hard next to his belly, poking out of the waistband. He’d stroked it with his free hand while he’d listened to Jennifer’s sexy, catchy sighs and low moans of arousal.

When she’d ground against him as she came and her distilled scent had perfumed the air, he’d become single-minded in his need to taste her.

She rose slightly off the ground, helping him to remove her shirt. He touched the skin of her bare shoulders and chest and grunted in satisfaction.

“I was right. That did heat you up.” He paused to appreciate the feeling of her breasts encased in her bra. He ran his fingertip along the edge, feeling the swell of her warm flesh.

“Silk,” he said.

“It’s just cotton,” she mumbled.

“I meant your skin.”

He could hear her soft panting as he removed her bra. He cradled her breasts in his hands. She was large for her size, filling his palms with flesh to spare. Feeling her breasts pressed against him earlier had made him wonder if she’d had implants, but as he caressed her and finessed the nipples, he knew Jennifer was 100 percent real. There was no way manufactured flesh could be this firm; not a chance fake breasts could possess such sensitive, responsive nipples.

She whimpered softly.

As if she’d beckoned him, he leaned down over her and slid a nipple into his mouth. He squeezed the firm, soft flesh in his hand while he lashed at a beading nipple with his tongue. They moaned in unison. His cock batted against his belly.

She tasted like heaven.

She dug her fingers through his hair, making him shiver by scraping her nails against his scalp. He savored one nipple for a while—laving and sucking—before he transferred to the other. His arousal grew so great as he absorbed her taste and stimulated her nipples into hard, pointed crests that he grew desperate. He bit at her very gently, testing her reaction.

Jennifer responded by jerking her pelvis. “Oh, Christ. Do that again.”

He didn’t immediately comply, instead scraping his teeth very lightly against the stiff peak. He felt the tension leap into her muscles. He gently bit at the exquisitely sensitive flesh again, and then quickly attenuated his actions with a soothing tongue. She cried out in sharp pleasure.

. She was so responsive, he could probably make her come from nipple stimulation alone.

He’d have to find out later, he thought dazedly. He was too desperate for her at that moment, too wild to drown in her essence. Her abdominal muscles leapt with excitement when he pressed his mouth to her belly.

He rose over her and began to unfasten her jeans. She moaned feverishly when his fingers reached the last button on her fly. He felt the slight moisture penetrating the fabric. He pulled up on the waistband, giving her clit one last tug of stimulation. She gasped. He smiled as he removed her jeans. Before he removed her panties, he opened his hand along the panel. It was warm, and wet with her juices.

Holy Mother of Miracles. What had he done to deserve this?

It took him two seconds flat to slide her panties off her legs and set them at the edge of his coat. He put his hands behind her knees and bent them, spreading her thighs wide in the process. He knelt between her legs, anticipation cutting at him from the inside out. Her fragrance entered his nose, smelling like sex distilled. He parted her labia and heard her move restlessly on his coat.

He inserted the tip of his tongue between creamy lips. She made a soughing sound and trembled delicately. She put her hands on his head, her fingers furrowing through his hair.

Her taste fully penetrated his consciousness and he was lost. He put his hands behind her thighs and parted her for his ravishment. Her juices clung, thick and sweet, to plump labia. He stabbed at her clit with his tongue, agitated it, sucked at it until she wailed and pulled at his hair. He winced.

Jennifer may be small and delicate, but she was a wildcat when it came to sex.

“John?” she asked shakily when he rose up over her, frowning after being forced to surface from the sweetest pussy he’d ever tasted. He didn’t reply, just went to his hands and knees over her. He patted his fingertips over soil and rock, searching.

“What are you doing?” she asked, sounding disoriented.

“Trying to find this,” he replied, locating the scarf he’d removed from her neck earlier. “I’m going to tie your wrists together.”

He heard her breath hitch. Had her reaction been surprise, fear or arousal? He cradled her cheek, his thumb feathering the corner of her mouth.

“I told you I’d show you the darkness wasn’t a scary place, didn’t I?”

“Yes,” she whispered, turning her lips toward his stroking finger.

“You’re here with me. I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you. Just put your faith in me, and I’ll not only see you through the night, I’ll make it a pleasure.”

He waited anxiously for her reply. Her sex juices were fading from his tongue, and like an addict, he was craving more. Now.

“All right,” she whispered.

He moved quickly, positioning her wrists above her head, making sure her elbows were resting comfortably on his coat. She might be sore enough tomorrow from her fall. He didn’t want her muscles to seize in discomfort and diminish her pleasure.

“You’re very brave,” he told her as he bound her wrists.

“I’m not. Even six-year-olds are less afraid of the dark than me.”

“There are a lot of ways to show courage,” he murmured. Once he’d secured the cotton scarf around her wrists, he scuttled back between her thighs. He looped her thighs against his forearms, spreading her, and placed his hands on her smooth, warm hips.

He groaned in satisfaction the moment he plunged his tongue between her sex lips again. His maneuverings in that fragrant, creamy valley were for her benefit, of course, but he’d be lying if he said his tongue’s searching, probing and laving weren’t selfish as well. He’d seek out a new patch of skin to explore and she’d reward him with her sexy, catchy moans and more of her sweet juices, and his search would become more avid. His hunger grew until only the ultimate prize would satisfy him. He opened his mouth over her outer sex and applied a taut suction while he gave her clit a hard rub with his tongue. She cried out sharply and bucked her hips, but he held her steady, forcing her to take her pleasure head-on.

Triumph and lust soared through his veins when he felt her first convulsion of climax. His entire world became the sensation of her trembling body and her taste soaking into his tongue, her juices running like honey down his throat.

He was so drunk on her essence that he never made a decision to move. His mouth was suddenly at the font of all that sweetness, plunging into the source. He sat on his haunches, holding her pelvis in his hands, lifting her lower body several feet off the ground, tilting her back to give him access to her drenched pussy. She writhed in his hands, her cries that of a female in the throes of deepest ecstasy.

Her channel was narrow and warm. He curled his tongue and plunged it into her. His body shuddered in lust. She hugged his fucking tongue. She’d squeeze his fucking cock in a vise of hedonistic bliss.

He spread his mouth over her, stimulating her clit with his upper lip. He used his hold on her hips to move her subtly against the pressure of his mouth. He applied a gentle suction and continued to plunge deep with his tongue. She squirmed in his hands like a wild animal, but he was firm in his hold. Her ecstatic cries grew silent for a moment, her body tensed hard.

She screamed and shuddered against him.

A moment later he set her hips back down on his coat. He shoved his hand into his back pocket and located a condom in his wallet. Uncontrollable shivers coursed through him when he touched his swollen cock to roll on the prophylactic. He was about to pop out of his confining skin, he was so hard. He clawed at the waistband of his boxer briefs, hastily shoving them down his thighs.

“John?” he heard her ask.

He grimaced at hearing the tremble in her voice. She didn’t like it when he wasn’t touching her for long, and he understood why. “I’m right here,” he mumbled, mentally damning his pants. He couldn’t get them past his lower thighs and he was too desperate to keep trying.

“What . . . what are you doing?”

“I’m trying to get my jeans off. They’ll have to stay where they are, I think,” he said, coming down over her, bracing his upper body on his hands. “I can’t wait another second to be inside you.”


“I put on a condom,” he told her as he moved between her opened thighs, preparing to penetrate her.

“Thank you, I—oh,
,” she mumbled when he pressed the head of his penis into her pussy. Her heat penetrated the condom. Her flesh squeezed him, sucked at him like a hungry mouth. An overwhelming, primal mandate rose in him to mate—to mate hard and fast and well. He tilted her hips back to receive him, growling gutturally as he arrowed his cock into her clamping channel.

“Don’t resist me, honey. Try to relax.”

“I’m not resisting you,” she said in a choked voice. “I want you so much.”

He held the base of his cock with one hand, working it into her with subtle up-and-down motions. His flexed buttocks provided the steady pressure necessary for penetration, but he remained unmoving.

“You’ve got a tight little pussy,” he muttered.

“Maybe you have an exceptionally big, hard cock.” She sounded like she’d spoken between clenched teeth.

“Too much?”

“God, no.”

“Good. Because you made my cock this stiff. I’m going to have to fuck you hard.”

He didn’t really give her time to reply, although he thought the way she lifted her lower body, straining to take him deeper, might have been answer enough. His cock carved through warm, clinging flesh. He was crazed with lust and need, but he still paused when he heard her sharp cry, recognizing the sound of discomfort.

“It’s okay,” he soothed, trying to ignore the sharp, throbbing ache in his cock. The need to plunge deeper felt almost as imperative as breathing. He leaned down, using the sound of her soughing breath as his guide. He found her mouth with his.
was what he needed to find strength. She tasted so good. He licked along the top of her lip, her sweat melting on his tongue.

“Sing for me,” he whispered hoarsely.


“Please. It’ll help to distract me.”

She sang a couple bars from “Love in the Moonlight,” her breathy, husky voice sending sharp spikes of sensation through his flesh.

It was like being submerged in a perfect sexual fantasy, one so breathtaking he’d never even dared to dream it up in his own head.

Her soft, singing voice was more than he could bear. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, wanting her to stop the torture, wishing it would go on . . . silently coaxing her to accept his total possession. He read her consent in every nuance of her straining body and passionate kiss.

He pushed back a smooth thigh until her knee was parallel to her breast, opening her body to him, demanding admission.

“Keep your knee there,” he insisted next to her lips. He released her thigh and reached between her legs. He wasn’t going to be able to take this torture much longer. His thumb found her clitoris, circling, plucking and coaxing. It was like pushing a magic button. Her flesh melted around his cock.

“That’s right,”
he uttered in triumph. He flexed his hips and seated himself in her to the balls.

He immediately began to fuck her. One didn’t sit still when they were submerged in the fires of ecstasy.

* * *

Jennifer’s eyes sprang wide open at the feeling of him lodged deep inside her. His cock felt too large to be in her body, but even as she thought it, he moved. A friction began to build in her unlike anything she’d ever known. The relentless knob of his penis stabbed at her, probed her, awakened nerves she didn’t know she possessed. He plunged back into her, and she cried out in stunned bliss. Again, he gave her a long, hot, powerful stroke, gently jamming his balls against her spread, damp tissues, giving them both a jab of stimulation.

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