Bound to You, a Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of the Spellbound Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Bound to You, a Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of the Spellbound Series)
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I rolled on my back to gaze at the darkened sky fisting a handful of Ben. The light fog rolled in slowly as I lay there with tears falling down my face.
He was gone forever.


“Antonia?” I sat up thinking that I was imagining the voice of Hades. How would he know where I was? Did he know what had happened?

I saw him move forward through the cloud of gray smoke.

“My sweet.” I saw his hand extend to me.


“What has happened here? And why are you crying?” He quickly surveyed the area and saw Kevin dead and the pile of ash I was laying beside.

I couldn’t speak. I shook my head and buried it into his chest as he wrapped me in his arms. I felt protected and safe in that moment, but unable to express anything.

“Don’t cry, I will fix this for you, my love. I can always give you what your heart desires the most.” His words were soft and sweet. He rubbed my back. “What happened to the one you called Kevin?”

I pulled my teary eyes back. “I—I drained him; but he…” I muttered, wiping my tears away. “He killed Ben instead of me and Persephone….” I began hyperventilating and I knew my words didn’t make any sense.

“What has Persephone done now?” His lips pulled back baring his teeth and his body tensed. He cupped my face into his hands. “Tell me, Antonia.” I will fix this at once.

I could only shake my head. There was no way he could bring a pile of ash back to life. I swallowed the knot in my throat and took in a deep breath.

“She tried to have Kevin kill me; and Ben pushed me out of the way and died in my place. And in a blind mad rage, I drained Kevin until he—died.” My thoughts were shattered. I didn’t know what I else I could do. Hades’ warm eyes comforted me without a single word. He pulled me into his arms, cradling me like a child.

“She will pay.” He tried to soothe me as we stood there. “Did he lure you here?” he asked.

I shook my head, “No, I was here on a date with Ben.” I didn’t think as the words escaped my mouth.

“I see,” was his only response.

“I am so glad you found me.” I hugged him tighter. I would have stayed here unable to think of my next move. I couldn’t leave Ben or hell, even Kevin’s body.

“I will always be here for you, Antonia.” He pulled me back to stare into my eyes. “But I don’t want to be your second choice just because the vampire has died.”

I gave him a blank stare as my mind raced with what he meant.

“What?” I rubbed the side of my face, confused.

“I can only assume that you came here with him to tell him of your choice.” A sad smile touched his lips.

“I did but--”

“Shhhh.” He pressed his warm finger to my lip. “I understand.”

“Have you not seen Hermes?” I questioned.

“Yes, at Council; that is why I came to you. I had good news, but sadly my news would not be warranted.”

My brows furrowed, “What news? I could stand to hear anything good right now.” My head flinched back waiting to hear.

“I am no longer married to Persephone.” Hades words sounded like a dream. I couldn’t quite comprehend through the fog. Somehow, his words stood out. He’d convinced Zeus to free him from that bitch. He just didn’t know she was on my death list.

“But, how? Why?” I wanted to flood him with questions but I couldn’t wrap my mind around any of it. My chest was heavy and mind clouded.

“I spoke before the other gods and asked them to free me from my venomous marriage.” He smiled at me, kissing my lips softly.

“But Hermes has a letter for you,” I said. I shook my head. “Call him,” I demanded. Hades nodded and called the name of the god that Dawn was supposed to give the letter to.

Within seconds, Hermes arrived, winged shoes still flapping, and Dawn’s pink lipstick smeared on his neck. Dawn was the only person I knew that wore that shade and if it wasn’t hers, he’d have some explaining to do.

“Hermes, do you have a letter for me?” Hades asked pointedly of the younger god.

“Yes, I do.” He pulled my yellow envelope out handed it to him. “I was a bit detained, my regrets.” Hermes took a step back, did and semi-bow and disappeared into thin air. Damn, those gods can make an entrance and exit.

Hades placed the letter to his chest.

“I shall read this at a more appropriate time. For now, I must help you with your hurt and the loss of the mortal and the vampire.”

I took a step placing my hand on his. “Please read it now.” My puffy eyes softened and a quick nod assured him that I would be fine as he read the letter.





Hades ripped open the envelope and began reading the letter.


To my Love Hades,

I have never written you a letter, but this needed to be said in a way that you could keep for an eternity. I love you. Just that simply. I know that I want to be with you, forever. I know that a love like we have only comes once in a lifetime and although I may love Ben, I am in love with you. I have loved you since the day I laid eyes on you, back in Larissa. I know that our love is forbidden because you have a wife, and you are a god and I am not; but I will wait every second of every day until you and I can be the happiest that we can be.

I will meet you in Greece, soon. I want to tell Ben that I chose you, in person. I have my flight arrangements leaving soon after I tell him. I can’t wait to be in your arms.

Love eternally,



Hades held the letter to his chest and tears formed in his eyes.

“You chose me,” He said breathlessly.

I nodded and he pulled me close to him, protecting me in his arms.

“It was always you. I never had a doubt,” I said. I knew he owned my heart and a no matter how much I cared about anyone else; he was the one that I wanted in my life, always.

We basked in the moment, holding each other. The radiance of love took over and we began to kiss. Our love was deeper and more real than anything I had ever felt. When we were together, we were one.

“What the hell happened and where is Ben?”

Dawn’s voice broke our moment, but not our bond. We pulled apart with our eyes still locked.

I turned to find Dawn and Hermes standing close to Ben’s remains.

“It’s a very long sad story.” I my exaggerated breath didn’t even begin to explain my anguish. The thought escaped me and I couldn’t think about what happened, let alone rehashing the story for Dawn.

Dawn raised an eyebrow. “I’ve got time.”

I released my hand from Hades and carefully walked over to pick up my camera up off the ground.

“As you know, we came here for a date and for me to talk to him about my choice.” I turned to face my friend. I looked over my shoulder at Hades as he continued to clutch the letter to his chest.

“He surprised me by bringing me here. I wonder where he ever got the idea?” I narrowed my eyes as Dawn began to squirm.

“Don’t try and change the subject,” she spewed.

“I’m not, just saying.” I smiled to relax Dawn. “We were here and Kevin showed up and started with the,” if I can’t have you” speech and then proceeded to attempt to stake me. Ben threw me out of the way, dying instantly. And those are his ashes.” I nodded toward to the pile.

Dawn grabbed her chest and covered her mouth.

“And Kevin was a victim of my anger.” I shrugged, not at all concerned about his death, anymore.

Dawn dropped to her knees scooping the ash into her hands.

“How convenient, now you just run to his arms Toni?” she accused, glaring at Hades. I rolled my eyes at her assumption.

“No, the letter told Hades that I chose him; even before I went on this date.” I knelt next to my friend patting her back.

“But he’s married,” She fumed.

“No, he’s not. Not anymore.” Hermes piped in.

Dawn stood up and turned around so quickly it almost made my head spin.


“He’s free to be with me, for an eternity,” I said easing back to Hades.

“Seriously, you guys are serious?” She cocked her head to the side. Everyone nodded in agreement and she stood there at a loss for words, which was rare for Dawn.

“Well, if you are happy, then who am I to complain?” She rushed to us and hugged us both, tightly.

“Now let’s get this whole scene cleaned up and give Ben a proper burial,” she said, looking at me.

“And Kevin. He couldn’t help it that the psyco-bitch, Persephone, had him do her bidding.” I glanced over at Kevin’s lifeless body.

“She did what?” A grimace grew on Dawn’s face.

“I will tell you that part, later. Let’s just get this together.” I nodded towards the ground.

A whirlwind came up, sweeping the ash into funnel that looked like a tornado. Dawn formed a silver canister in her hand and directed the ash to pour in. As the last bit fell into the can, she closed e the top on the urn. I was amazed by her.

“She handed the vessel to me.” Here, you keep this, and I will deal with Kevin.

Hades took the camera from me as I held the remains of Ben close to my chest.

“Thank you.” I marveled that she even had Ben’s full name engraved on it. “Please take Kevin to Athens, his family is buried there.” The thought that I had killed Kevin hurt me.

“I will. I guess you will be in Greece from now on.” Dawn moved closer to where I stood next to Hades.

I nodded, “Or the underworld.”

“Hades, I’m still not on board with all this, considering that you were married to the goddess of evil, Persephone. And that bitch attempted to kill Toni, twice. But she picked you for a reason, so you’d better treat her good.” Dawn’s speech was forward, but I knew it came from a good place. I smiled at my friend

“Don’t worry, daughter of Circe, I will always give my sweet Antonia all the desires of her heart.” Without another word we disappeared into a cloud of smoke.


We arrived in the circle bedroom and I looked around at its beauty remembering the passion that we had made here. I felt like I hadn’t been there in ages. Everything still looked as glorious as the last time the jewels in the headboard and the painted smiling baby angels playing on the walls. I walked over to a table that housed fresh flowers and placed Ben’s urn there. I pulled the leather diary out of my bag placing it next to the urn. I wouldn’t let Ben’s memory ever die.

I watch Hades place the yellow-papered letter inside of a leather bound journal of his own.

My gaze caught his and he held me, touching me, softly, when I came over to him.

“My darling, are you tired; you’ve had an exhausting day.” Hades rubbed my shoulders. “Let me bathe you.” He offered with an eager smile.

“Sure.” I looked down at the blue dress that was mostly covered in the gray dust of Ben.

Hades took me by the hand and led me toward the bathroom. I had never seen this master bathroom. I only ever used the one closer to his office.

Water instantly turned on and bubbles filled the circular tub that matched the shape of the bed. The lights dimmed and he pulled my hair out of the perfect bun Dawn had created. I stood, wanting to speed up the process, but instead I let him take the lead.

His soft fingers slid down the length of my body, stopping at my ankle. Seeing him drop down was super sexy. He first took off my shoes, pulling each one off, individually. His fingertips softly tickled up my legs, catching the hem of my dress. He slowly pulled it up and over my head. I knew he was doing this for a purpose and it made me want him so badly. He could have easily snapped his finger and my clothes would have fallen to the floor instantly, but this was for both of our pleasure.

He threw my dusty dress in the corner while his eyes bore into mine. I felt a tickle in my stomach as he unhooked my bra, tugging it softly until it dropped to the floor. I was almost naked, but for the panties that hugged my hips. I heard the water stop. Hearing was the only sense I could use, since I never took my eyes from his. His fingers looped inside my panties and he began slowly pulling them down, kissing my legs in the process. When he got to my ankles, I carefully stepped out and I felt him lift me in his arms before lowering me into the tub.

I loved the contrast of hot and cold on my skin.

I let out an audible moan, closing my eyes and sitting back in the tub. I waited to feel Hades body get in, but it never happened.

I opened my eyes to find him sitting on the side of the tub.

“You’re not getting in?” I asked knitting my eyebrows together.

“No, I am going to bathe you and let you relax.” His words were sincere.

“But what if I want you to?” I questioned back.

“Then I might consider it; but for now, let me please you.” He picked up a natural sea sponge, dipping it in the water, and letting the liquid fall on me.

This was like a dream. The water made my cold body feel warm and I relaxed as Hades took my hand, rubbing the soapy sponge down my arms, then legs, and body. When he stopped, I sunk lower into the tub, covering my head with the water.

I came back up after a few minutes and when I thought all of the suds had been washed away.

When I came up, Hades held a towel for me and helped me out of the tub. He wrapped me up in the towel before carrying me over to the bed. He carefully laid me down in the center of the bed. I thought about not having any clothes to put on, but I was sure I wouldn’t need any for a while.

He stroked my cheek with the back of his finger before kissing my lips that were still wet with bath water. Our lips moved in harmony and Hades raised his hands up to my hair as his fingers tangled in it. With his other hand, he rubbed up my body stopping at my face and cupping my cheek in his palm.

"Antonia, my Antonia, I love you and always will," He spoke his words hovering over my lips. "I can't contain my excitement; I want to give you my world."

"You don't have to. I just want you." I held his hand to my cheek.

"You will be my queen and rule the underworld with me?" I never thought in a thousand years that I would be a queen of anything.

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