Bound - Volume 1 (A BDSM Erotic Short) (2 page)

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My name’s Jason,” he says.

You obviously already know mine,” I say.

I’ve seen you around,” he says. “And people talk about those books you write, so pretty much everyone knows you or at least knows of you.”

I swallow. Those infernal books were supposed to be an outlet for my sexuality, which to my dismay, has steadily increased over the last few years. I’ve always been highly sexual, but now, I could go four or five times a day
. In fact, I almost need it that much. Writhing the books though, that helps. Well it did until everyone found out about them. Now my kinky side is on display for the entire company.

“Look,” I say, my voice blank. “You enjoyed yourself, right?”

“Fuck yeah, I did,” Jason says.

“Good,” I respond. “I’m glad. But we’re done now. We’re not friends. This isn’t a campfire where we’re singing
Kumbayah. Yes, I’m a freak. You’ve now officially experienced proof and you’ve got a great story to tell everyone at work. Have mercy on me, please, and just go…”

“I’m not
gonna tell them,” Jason says, the look on his face almost wounded.

Great. Just fucking great. Now his feelings are hurt. I’m the one who’s tied up giving out free blow jobs to anyone who wants one and he’s the one who feels bad?

“Sorry,” I say dejectedly, my bravado slipping from my shoulders. “I’m just wigged out, I guess. I never thought I’d run into someone, well that they’d run into me rather, when Master left me this way. It’s… Fuck I don’t know. It’s disconcerting.”

“I get that,” Jason says. “But hey, I won’t tell. Really.”

I laugh, but it has that wild sound to it, more like a sob.

“You don’t have to lie to me, Jason,” I say. “I know how they all talk about me. And I’ve never done a thing with any of them. Now someone has proof. It’ll get out.”

“Tell you what,” Jason says. “Give it six months or so. If you haven’t heard anything, then allow me to return the favor.”

“I don’t think so,” I say.

“Why not?” Jason says. “Who’s to say you won’t enjoy it?”

“Maybe I would,” I say. “But the truth is, I have no pleasure that is mine and mine alone. If you want to please me, you’ll have to take it up with my Master.”

“Oh, I intend to,” Jason says, his eyes filling with something I do recognize. “I’ll be in touch.”

Jason turns and walks from the room as I consider his proposal and the fact that somehow or another I will be seeing more of him in the future.

The End

An Excerpt from Chained © Sabrina Sexton, 2012, available for sale at


“Wow,” the bouncer said.
  “You look great!  I kind of thought you were a tomboy.” 

Krista didn’t usually put much effort into her appearance.
  She favored comfortability over the ridiculous airbrushed images portrayed by fashion magazines and Hollywood.  More importantly, she actually liked her face when it wasn’t covered by fifteen layers of chemical combinations. 

Tonight, however, Krista was hoping to catch the attention of one super, sexy bartender who had been on her agenda for some time now.
  With all the eye candy he was used to seeing, she figured she’d have to go overboard for Damien to even notice her.  Thus the outfit – black knee boots, a tiny, black, pleated skirt, and a ripped wife-beater that showed off the edges of her black lace bra.  As an added touch, she’d worn her long, light brown hair loose, letting it brush the top of her ass.

“I am,” Krista said with a wink.
  “Just feeling a bit mischievous tonight, Brian.”

Truthfully, she was way beyond mischievous.
  Krista was twenty eight years old and had never been in a serious relationship with a man.  Her last relationship had survived just three short months before she broke it off.  Like all the others, there had been something important missing.  She wasn’t sure what ‘it’ was, but the mysterious missing quality was a deal breaker. 

“If you need any company tonight, let me know,” Brian said, grinning as he opened the door and held it for her.
  “I’d be happy to give you a hand, maybe two if things get interesting.”

“Save your pick up lines, Brian,” Krista said.
  “We both know you bat for the other team.”

“Girl, the way you look tonight,” Brian said, looking her up and down, “I’d take my chances at the plate and worry about labels in the morning.”

“You’re adorable,” Krista said, kissing him on the cheek.

“Yeah, yeah,” Brian said, nodding towards the open door.
  “You might want to be careful on the dance floor, lest you flash that curvy ass of yours.”

“I wore a sexy thong, just in case,” Krista whispered in his ear, laughing as she walked through the door.

Krista surveyed the room letting her eyes adjust to the darkness. It was eleven o’clock, and the club was already busy. The bass was booming – a hard, steady beat that stirred her blood. She couldn’t wait to dance away the stress of the week. It was at the top of her list – after she made eyes at the sexy bartender, of course.

Krista pushed through the throng of people around the bar. But when she reached the counter, her favorite bartender was nowhere to be seen. Disappointed, she ordered a drink from the other guy and laid a five on the counter.

“Never should have spent a whole hour getting ready,” she said to herself when she realized Damien wasn’t working that night.

Krista finished her drink in one long gulp and danced into the center of the floor. She let the music move her. Winding sensuously, her body caressed the air around her, seduction shimmering as sweat beaded on her skin.  She didn’t know why, but her personality seemed to morph into that of a temptress – seductive and sexy, when she danced.

Five drinks and several lame come-ons later, the bathroom beckoned.
  Krista moved towards it and figured she’d leave afterwards.  If she hurried, she could beat the rush of drunken yuppies, maybe even find a cab. She glanced over at the bar, shaking her head at the stragglers crowded around the bar trying to get their last calls.

She pushed open the door and was making her way through the dimly lit room when a hand came around her mouth and a knife pressed against her throat. Krista sobered instantly.
  Her heart beat doubled, adrenaline rushing through her body as the assailant pushed her into the wall near the door.

“Hello, Krista,” the man whispered, his voice deep and husky.

Random thoughts raced through her brain. Who was he? Was his voice familiar? How did he know her name?

“Your timing is perfect,” he said softly. “We should have plenty of time to get to know each other.”

Fear made her heart drop into her stomach.  There was only one thing he could want. 

“I’m going to let go of your mouth now, Krista,” he said.
  “If you are quiet, I won’t hurt you. But if you scream, things will get very – unpleasant. Nod if you understand.”

Krista nodded.
  Her eyes squeezed shut, tears leaking from the corners.

“Good girl,” the attacker whispered as he let go of Krista’s mouth. His breath was warm as it blew across her ear, creating a tiny shiver that snaked down her spine. Without warning, he grabbed her breast and squeezed it roughly, drawing a hiss from between her teeth.
  She was embarrassed to feel her nipples harden at his touch. “Now reach up slowly and lock the door.”

“Please don’t hurt me,” Krista whispered, terrified. “Let me go and I’ll never tell a soul.”

“There’s no fun in that,” he said. “I’ve seen you dance. You’re like liquid sex and I’ve wanted you for ages. The waiting has been so hard.”

“To talk to you,” he said softly.

“Touch you,” he whispered, as his lips brushed her ear.

“Taste you,” he said, letting his lips close around her earlobe.

His voice dropped lower and seemed to take all of her senses with it, “To fuck you.”

Krista felt her pussy throb, his words sending an electrifying thrill through her system. She knew it had been a long time since she had been with anyone, but she had to have better taste than some whack job rapist in a dirty bathroom.

“It has been torture,” the man continued, “wondering what your pussy will taste like on my tongue, how good it will feel to shove my dick inside you, how warm and wet you will be.

Krista’s body throbbed again as desire soaked her panties. She had never felt like this before.
  Heat was gathering between her legs, almost painful, but not quite.  Her body was a guitar string, stretched tight, waiting for him to strum a chord and send music coursing through her.  She gritted her teeth, wondering how she was supposed to fight both her attacker and her body.

“I don’t want this,” she said softly, ignoring her body’s plea.

The attacker squeezed her breast again, harder this time and a small moan escaped her mouth. He dragged his hand down the front of her body. “Liar,” he whispered, his lips barely moving against her neck. “Your nipples have been rock hard since I first touched you and I can smell your sweet pussy cream from here. Now, reach up and lock the door.”

Krista wondered what was wrong with her. She couldn’t possibly like what he was saying, what he was doing. So why was she creaming in her panties?
  Why couldn’t she catch her breath?

“Lock the door,” he said, sliding his fingers under her skirt and inside her wet panties. Krista gasped at the contact, ashamed that he could feel the evidence of her body’s betrayal. “Do it now and I will give you what you

“My body is wrong,” Krista said, tears of shame brimming as two fingers slid easily into her wet pussy.
  “I don’t want this. Please, let me go.”

  The.  Door.” His thumb rubbed back and forth against Krista’s clit and he pressed the knife harder against her neck. She hissed when it pricked her skin, the cut burning as a tiny drop of blood rolled down her neck.  Her pussy throbbed around his fingers and she couldn’t say whether it was from him teasing her clit or the knife on her neck.

“Okay,” Krista said softly, afraid the knife would cut deeper if she did anything more than whisper. She reached up and turned the lock. The sound of the bolt sliding home sent another wave of warmth crashing through her. “I’ll do what you want.
  Just please, put the knife away.

Krista trembled when her attacker scraped the edge of the weapon slowly down her neck.

“I think you like the knife, Krista,” he said.

Krista gasped as her assailant pushed another finger into her pussy without warning.
  He continued sliding his long fingers in and out of her swollen sex.

“You’re so wet,” the man said. “Tell the truth.
  Tell me you like it.”

“Please,” Krista whispered, ashamed that he was manipulating not just her body but her mind as well. “Don’t make me say it.”

Grinding his palm against her clit, his fingers stroked her inner walls and she moaned deeply. He bit down on the back of her neck, leaving an imprint of his teeth in the soft flesh. Krista felt her body convulse, throbbing forcefully as she moaned.

“Say it Krista,” the man said. “Tell me you want
this, that you want to come, that you want me to fuck you. Say it.”

He ground his hand harder against her clit, raising the pressure.

“Yes,” Krista hissed, clenching her teeth. “I want it. Are you happy? I don’t even know who you are.” With her pulse pounding in her veins, the biggest truth loomed and Krista broke under its weight.

“And I don’t care,” she whispered finally.

Saying the words out loud, admitting her desire, snapped something in her brain. She pressed against his hand, forcing the weight of her whole body against him.  It didn’t matter that this was a stranger or that he held a knife against her throat. She was desperate to alleviate the pressure building inside her. Whoever he was, her attacker had pushed her past the point of rational thought, reduced her to the primal urges of an animal.

“God yes,” he said. Krista felt him yank his hand from her panties.
  The light switch flipped, blinding her in the sudden darkness.  She heard the knife clatter across the floor as the man spun her around to face him and kissed her on the mouth, teeth biting and tongue thrusting.

Suddenly, he was gone. One moment Krista had been kissing him, the next nothing. She couldn’t see anything and reached up for the light switch. As she felt around for it, his fingers began to brush slowly up her leg, coming to rest on her panties. Krista felt a sharp tug and heard a ripping sound that was both chilling and exciting. He had literally ripped her panties off.

“Spread your legs,” he said from somewhere around her waist.

Krista didn’t consider that he’d released her, that she could fight back. She didn’t think about escaping either. She forgot about the light and spread her legs as wide as she could. He pulled back the folds around her clit, stretching them painfully until she cried out. A second later, his warm, wet tongue licked her clit as his fingers push inside her. She tangled her hands in his hair and moaned deeply. The man was a genius. He alternated between flicking her clit with the tip of his tongue and sucking on it, all the while sliding his long fingers in and out of her cunt.

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