Boxed Set: Dominated by a Billionaire - Part 10-12: Irresistible Billionaire (11 page)

BOOK: Boxed Set: Dominated by a Billionaire - Part 10-12: Irresistible Billionaire
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“I need you to help me make him crack a smile,” she tells me, on the way.

“I heard that,” Clarence says, seeing her headed his way. “No sense trying. I don’t plan on rejoicing about you leaving, you traitor.”

Sophie smiles sadly, makes her good girl’s face for him, blinking her eyes exaggeratedly. That alone is enough to make her favorite sidekick giggle.

“No means no. Sophie, you don’t realize what you are doing to me! You are my Lois Lane, here!”

“You’ll survive without me, Clark.”

“I’ll make do, I don’t have a choice,” he grumbles again. “You had better annoy your mother as much as possible for the next nine months!” he mumbles, talking to his coworker’s belly which is – for the time being – flat.

“So long as he sticks it out nine months, he can torture me as much as he likes.”

“Everything’s going to be OK, Sof. I’m happy for you, you know… And for Clovis. At least he’ll have a pal or a girlfriend!” Clarence says, finally softening up.

“They’ll be inseparable, like us!” she shouts, taking him in her arms.

“Inseparable? You’re moving 500 miles away, damn it!”

“I’m going to St-Tropez, Miller, not to the Moon! Boy you sure are touchy, sometimes…” she laughs, rolling her eyes.

We ended the evening in private, just the three of us, holed up in Sophie’s office. That is, her former office. I tell her that the HR department didn’t have to find a replacement for her: Alistair has just hired one of his old colleagues, supposedly a “production ace.” Clarence doesn’t fail to make slimy jokes about him. Then we take off down memory lane – both good and bad – before collapsing into an uncontrollable laughing fit. Around 9 p.m., all the employees have jumped ship. Our diabolical trio accounts for the only ones left in the building , apart from Vadim, holed up in his den.

Being too serious can kill you, King…

After unending outpourings of emotion and promises, Sophie, Clarence and I split up in the big lobby. A few tears flow, then smiles reappear, more sincere than ever. Our pretty blonde leaves first, then it is the young daddy’s turn to leave me standing alone. Vadim is supposed to be meeting me down here. I pace back and forth as I wait for him.

Need comforting in his arms…

“You were incredibly beautiful back there in that crowd,” he says in his gravelly voice, making me jump.

His lips find their way onto the nape of my neck and plant a long, languorous kiss there. While his hands take hold of my waist, I bite my lip, savoring the thought of the next few hours. Go home. Now.

“Adrian won’t be long. I’ll meet up with you as soon as I can,” my lover announces.

“You aren’t coming home with me? Vadim, we never see each other for more that two seconds at a time!” I sigh, feeling upset and disappointed.

“I’m doing my best, Alma. I have urgent things to settle. I can’t cut myself in two! Go home, order a nice dinner and I’ll be there in a few hours,” he says, his face suddenly gloomier.

“I’m not four years old, you know! You can’t give me orders and expect me to obey without some kind of understanding!”

We face each other, at a standstill, our eyes glaring relentlessly at each other. He is never as handsome and as manly as when he is angry, and this realization only irritates me more. Then his hostile glare vanishes, his grayness takes on lighter shades and his features soften up. I realize that he understands and that I have finally made myself heard.

“I count on asking for forgiveness,” he mumbles, coming closer and grinning again.

“You think so?” I say, backing up. “You’re dreaming, King. You missed your chance, it’s too late.”

“I can be very convincing, when I want to be,” he says, moving forward a little faster.

“And I am very stubborn, when I want to be,” I reply. Suddenly his arms grab me and press me against him. “Hands off!”

My giggles and attempts at resistance echo in the huge entryway, then silence becomes mandatory when his lips take hold of mine and kiss me eagerly. My damn CEO has just shut my trap up, but the punishment is worth it…


The sound of footsteps reaches us, several feet away. Adrian Forester clears his throat, in the distance, and I come down off my cloud… on fire.

“Consider that as just a taster,” Vadim says, interrupting our kiss. “Now, go home, dear fiancée, and wait for me like a good girl.”

I’m dying to slap him, but I control myself. I stare at his damn smile and his playful look a few more seconds, then do an about-face and head towards the exit, without looking back.

“I’m going to miss you, Lancaster,” Vadim shouts out.

“So, follow me!” I reply, without stopping.

“I love you, Lancaster!” he adds, laughing.

“If you say so!” I shout back, for lack of anything better.

Is it asking for too much to come first?

To come before his business, his secrets, his need to know everything and control everything?

At this time of night, the traffic isn’t clogging the big Parisian avenues, thank goodness! I reach our building, park quickly in one of our parking spaces and walk back to the street, heading for the Italian caterer on the corner. Bad surprise: my father appears in my field of vision. I see him next to his car, watching my building, with his head raised towards the top floor. Sitting in the passenger seat of his Audi, I notice a young woman. Probably Cécile.

Bad taste in my mouth…

“What are you doing here?” I say, taking him by surprise.

“Alma, I was waiting for you.”

“I figured as much – you’re in front of my building.”

My coldness catches Edward off guard, who no longer knows how to handle the situation. He stammers the beginning of a few sentences before managing to get a full one out:

“Listen, I didn’t react well to this news of you getting married. Your mother could have given you the message more tactfully, but…”

“More tactfully? Are you joking? You are nothing but a coward, dad! You didn’t even have the guts to tell me what you thought face to face! You make mom to do your dirty work, after everything you’ve already put her through!”

“Calm down, Alma and please change your tone,” he interrupts, raising his voice.

“You don’t deserve for me to talk to you any other way. You don’t deserve anything. And how dare you stick her under my nose?” I shout, pointing at his chick, sitting quietly in her seat like a good girl.

“Cécile will be your stepmother soon. And that child will be your half-brother. You’re going to have to accept that…”

“The child, yes, because it wasn’t his choice. And certainly not to have a father like you. But you should know right away: that woman will never be part of my family!”

“You’ll change your mind over time. Basile and Lily will too,” he claims, very sure of himself.

“As a matter of fact, I’ve already changed my mind – but about something else: my wedding. Whether you want to come or not, you are no longer invited! Enjoy your new family and let me enjoy mine. You have done enough damage as it is…”

I don’t give him the time to protest. I turn around, and one last time I study the woman who made the mistake of falling in love with Lord Edward Lancaster. She finally dares look me in the eye, I don’t read anything in particular there, unless it is a flagrant lack of nerve. A poor little thing, that's all she is. My father resumes a perfectly prepared speech, but I’m not even listening to him. I quickly leave and go inside my building, letting go of my first tears. Again. boldness

How long am I going to let him have that damn grip over me?

Showing up with his mistress in front of my house… how galling!

I made the right decision. I have to keep him at a distance.

I’m running myself a hot bath when my lover resurfaces, with that hungry look and naughty smile. For a second, I think about telling him about my father’s new betrayal and the argument that stabbed the knife a little deeper into me, but I wind up deciding not to bring it up. Feel like something else. Like nothing. Like him. Like forgetting. Like letting the minutes and hours go by without feeling anything, except a deep and calming inner peace.

And for that, what’s better than luring Poseidon into my net… And stoking his spear.

Your bath is ready, Mr. King…

"We can do without the bathrobe, don’t you think?" Vadim purrs, running his lips over the nape of my neck.

Pulling my hair up in a low bun was a smart move, providing easy access to the skin on my neck. His mouth is soft and warm, its benefits countless. In the big mirror facing us, I see my lover’s huge silhouette pressed against my back, his face lost in my neck. I sigh with happiness, this simple gesture letting me forget about everything. Then his skillful hands start undoing the silk belt around my waist and his gray eyes penetrate mine. With a killer smile on his lips, he watches me as he slides the fabric off and it drops to the ground.

"No answer… he whispers, staring at me intensely. "I take it that means I’ve got your approval…"

I keep quiet. Not to tease him, for once, but because there is no need for words. Not right then. I just want to smell him, touch him, let myself go, let myself be carried away, forget myself. I let out a slight moan when the rest of my robe slips and lands at my feet. Here I am, totally nude, offered up to his slightest fancy, ready to delight in mine. Slowly, languorously, so that this body-to-body contact will last an eternity.

The best way to forget about my day…

The imposing water jets that are filling the tub stop all of a sudden. I assume the master of the house turned them off. No time to protest: his sharp teeth nibble on my shoulder. I groan from pain and excitement. His smile grows wider. His gaze darkens.

"I just wanted to make sure you were still here, with me," he murmurs hoarsely. "Since you aren’t talking, we’re going to have to find a different way to communicate."

Vadim’s slender fingers lie on my erect breasts and pinch my nipples delicately. I bite my lip, tilt my head back and let out a little unidentified sound. His hands go down towards my bellybutton, slowly, insidiously and suddenly, his teeth close over my earlobe. This time, impossible to keep quiet:

"Ouch!" I scream, in a noticeably excited voice.

"I just wanted to make sure you hadn’t completely lost your voice," he teases me, continuing his descent.

His adventurous hands reach the most sensitive zone of my anatomy and I keep myself from moaning. Don’t give him that pleasure. Not yet. I arch slightly, which gives me the chance to feel his manliness – already at attention behind me but locked up in his suit pants. His right hand slips into the hollow of my private parts. I inhale, then exhale slowly, so I don’t give myself away. When his thumb circles my clitoris, I literally boil. And bite the inside of my cheek, to keep myself from screaming with pleasure.

My lover, proud as a peacock, is no fool. He has been on to my little game from the start and it isn't long before he lets me know it:

"I just wanted to make sure your feelings were intact," he says, teasing me again. "But I must say, I love seeing you fight against your most primal instincts. You’re working hard, but I’ll have the last word. Your last word. Scream, Alma. Moan. Groan. Sigh. You're holding back, but that won’t last for long."

His victorious smile and defiant gaze just increase my desire for him. Does he want to make me talk at all costs? Has he just challenged me?

So much the better, that’s exactly what I’m good at…

I turn around suddenly, without letting out a sound and press my mouth – sewn tight, except for kisses – against his. I kiss him passionately and greedily, because my body is clamoring for him right now. After two attempts, I finally manage to unbutton his pants, which fall to his ankles. I tackle his gray boxer shorts and free his hard-on. My horniness reaches a new height when my Russian gets rid of his shirt, popping off most of the buttons as he goes.

This man is virility in the flesh.

And he’s mine…

Just watch if another woman dares come close…

Our tongues wind around each other, collide, get lost and meet again in a wild, heady dance. Our lips are alternately rubbed, set on fire, caressed, bitten and sucked. His erection caresses my belly here and there. I’m weak, there’s no doubt about it, but my desire for him has invaded every cell of my body and I’m just seconds away from giving in. From talking, just to get satisfaction. I resist, swearing to myself. Our hands join in this intoxicating ballet. I hold his face to taste it better. He lifts me, pressing his hands under my butt to raise me up to his height and take me away with him.


Who cares… The kiss…drives me… wild…

To the walk-in shower, located behind one of the walls of the incredible bathroom. The 100-sq. foot rectangle – completely tiled in refined, stone mosaics – looks like it's going to be our new playground.

"Welcome to my cage, Alma Lancaster," he says authoritatively. "Here is where I’m going to make you submit to my every wish. And make you forget all your attempts at rebellion…"

"Talk to me!" he orders, setting me down on the cold floor.

Utter silence.

"You’re going to regret it…"

More silence...

"Very well, you asked for it!" he smiles naughtily, turning on the water… the cold water.

I scream with astonishment and rage as the icy liquid hits my body. Without thinking, I grab my torturer’s wrists and pull him forcefully towards me. His body tenses up when hit by the water, but he doesn’t say a thing. Not a single swear word. He’s much too proud for that.

The epitome of the untouchable guy…

His mouth throws itself onto mine again and we devour each other for several seconds, in the shower that slowly gets warmer and then hot. His wet lips slide over my mouth, I’m dying to bite them and I treat myself to that pleasure several times. He groans noisily, and I struggle to catch my breath in the torrent of water and sensations.

Our bodies must be at about 100°. My cheeks are on fire, my mouth is in pain, my eyes can’t stay open long enough to admire my living god. He takes hold of me by the waist and pushes me towards the other side of the shower. He shoves me up against the cold, dry wall. I moan with relief, feeling the surface cool off my burning hot skin.

BOOK: Boxed Set: Dominated by a Billionaire - Part 10-12: Irresistible Billionaire
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