Boy Out Falling

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Authors: E. C. Johnson

BOOK: Boy Out Falling
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Boy Out Falling

              When your friend is drop dead gorgeous and every guy looks her way. A girl would be happy if a guy only looks at her, but not me. It’s very different when a guy looks at me twice. It means most of the guys have had multiple dreams of me. Once they meet me they can't help but come up to me. I really don't understand it.

It started around the time I was eighteen going on nineteen. I met a guy and thought this is great until we were in a store and he changed by looking a girl in the same aisle. I had a feeling it was over. The other eight after him ended the same way, but in different ways and places. I learned around the fourth guy that he had a dream about me. I went back to the first three and asked them if they had dreams about me. They had all said that they had dreams about me. Once number five came around I didn't see this all the same way. To me it became a business. Nine different guys, and six years later and still nothing permanent. My friend Meridith, the drop dead gorgeous one, she has a hard time getting with guys that won't cheat on her.

Now I'm twenty-five and trying not to let any guy that has had a dream about me get into my life. It's been to exhausting to try and find the right guy.

It's the hottest day of summer, Meridith told me that we had to go to the beach. She wanted to go to the canal in Long Beach. The beach wasn't that much fun for me. I don't go out in the sun as much as her. I'm a lot whiter than her and everyone else; I'm as white as a red head even though I can get dark.

Meridith and I were walking back from a little store that sells ice cream. We were almost knocked over by some paparazzi. It was only six of them but they were aggressive. We looked over to see who it was. It was a singer from a band that we both listened to, Boy Out Falling, Steven Patrick. I was excited to see him close. I loved when his cheeks were pudgy but he lost weight and still looked hot. Meridith wasn't as excited to see him. She liked the guitar player, Westley Pete, more. A lot of girls did, I was more into the guys that didn't have a many girls liking them.

I saw him look at Meridith the way most guys looked at her. He then glanced over at me as we walked by.

“Miss.” We heard him yell.

I whispered to Meridith, “Turn around.” She turned her head over her shoulder. She than tapped me on the shoulder to turn around. When I did he stared at me than started walking over to us. All I could hear was the clicking from all the cameras while he was walking over.

“I know you from someplace,” He said once he was in front of me.

“In your dreams?” Meridith said. I elbowed her in the side.

“You know I think you're right. That means your name is Jen Erikson.

I nodded my head. My mind was spinning. How could happen with someone who is famous.

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